Chapter 587
The team members did not need to go through the mountainside in the supergravity area, but directly reached the top of the mountain through the Gemini teleportation array, which can be described as happy.There is even a captain with super strength and they sit in the town, so I feel at ease in my heart!

In the past few days, the team members have started to move around the gorilla camp, trying to avoid the tigers, rhinos and porcupines who are not weak, and more to adapt to the top of the mountain.Although the top of the mountain has much smaller restrictions on the power of immortality than the foot of the mountain, but there are still some, and more strength can give more confidence.

Kong Wuming is the Earth Immortal for the time being, so he didn't go out to practice with his senior brothers and sisters, so as not to delay him.For Kong Wuming, this gorilla camp is a very good training place.

One or two times, Kong Wuming became acquainted with Xiaoliuzi.

Kong Wuming taught Little Six the human language, and Little Six taught Kong Wuming how to operate the boomerang accurately.

It can be said that things of a kind gather together and people are divided into groups. The little six sons don't look very clever, but they are actually extremely intelligent. Within a few days, they have mastered the basic human language, and can communicate with Kong Wuming simply.

As for Dali, who was an auditor, his tongue was still tied, his speech was very awkward, and he was constantly confused.

Dali signed a Taoist law similar to a master-servant contract with Zhou Fang, and he easily mastered human language at the halfway up the mountain.

Kong Wuming also easily controlled the use of the boomerang, but for the immortal, the boomerang is too simple and useless. In terms of performance, a flying sword can easily crush the boomerang.

Although the gorilla camp was not small, there were only so many possessions in total, and Kong Wuming soon felt a little bored.

The Sirius Kong Wuming, who could seriously injure the power of the Golden Immortal, did not dare to provoke him, so he turned his attention to the three giant tricolor birds.

Kong Wuming worshiped under Kong Ling's sect. It can be said that he practiced from scratch. He has always been immersed in the study of Taoism. He seldom has contact with refining tools, alchemy, and mounts. Brothers and sisters are all apprentices with immortal cultivation. Relatively wide.

Kong Wuming had been interested in mounts for a long time, but because he didn't have many opportunities, it was really itchy to look at these three giant tricolor birds.

Whatever he wanted to do, Kong Wuming enthusiastically built a flying ride suitable for one person with twigs. He just compared it with the size of the giant tri-color bird. Could it be a piece of wood stuck to the back of the giant tri-color bird? Feathers?
But who is Kong Wuming, he soon has an idea, since he is too small, isn't the little six just right!

Although the giant tricolor bird is huge, it probably cannot bear the weight of an adult gorilla, but it is still no problem to carry the little six.

The two hit it off.

According to Kong Wuming's instruction, Little Six successfully built a flying ride suitable for his size, and then placed it on the back of the giant tricolor bird.

Little Six tried it, and found it to be quite comfortable.

And Kong Wuming sat directly on the shoulders of the little six, sitting high and looking far away, very frightened.

The next test drive was quite a setback. Both of them were rookies who had never ridden a flying mount before. They fell into the mud before flying into the sky for the first time.

The two little ones didn't take it seriously, readjusted the position of the flying ride, and tried again, this time successfully ascending to the sky.

But the wind was so strong that Xiao Liuzi couldn't open his eyes at all.Kong Wuming was also terrified, and immediately placed a wind barrier on the back of the three-color giant bird, which disturbed the balance of the three-color giant bird, and it wobbled and almost fell.

The two little ones made persistent efforts, kept exploring, and finally became more and more proficient.

The strength of the tricolor giant bird is quite good, and it is also a very powerful tribe. The surrounding area has always been wandering casually.Usually, the remote giant tricolor birds like the gorilla station are too lazy to come here for a stroll.

Flying and flying, Kong Wuming even met the eldest grandson An Cheng who was walking cautiously on the ground, and waved to the senior brothers and sisters in embarrassment, I'll go first.

The eldest grandson Ancheng, Zhuge Tianyou and the others looked at each other without saying a word, so the junior brother is all right by himself, right?The eldest grandson Ancheng taught Kong Wuming a few words, safety first.

I know, I won't pass through the dangerous area. Kong Wuming didn't let the giant three-color bird fly too far, and turned back when he felt happy. When he arrived at the station, Mo Xuan spotted him.

Mo Xuan smiled and didn't say anything. Back then, he was even more mischievous than Kong Wuming, so it's good to know the seriousness.

Instead, Kong Wuming took the initiative to find Mo Xuan, thinking about what to say, but stopped talking.

"Say whatever you want." Mo Xuan didn't like to chatter.

Kong Wuming scratched his head and said: "Master, I see that the little six is ​​so clever, and I like him so much, why don't I teach the little six how to practice?"

Mo Xuan gave Kong Wuming a blank look, and said, "The gorilla's system is different from our human monks, so don't mess around."

"Well, if I adjust it properly, it should be fine." Kong Wuming was quite confident.

Mo Xuan smiled and said: "The time has not come yet, and you will naturally be busy when the time comes."

Um?Kong Wuming blinked in surprise, Master, what does this mean?Could it be that Master has also taken a fancy to Little Six?That's right, the master has always had a bright eye, so how can he fail to see the extraordinaryness of the little six, but he is just worrying about it blindly.Kong Wuming smiled foolishly, bowed to Mo Xuan, and ran away.

In fact, Mo Xuan really meant that!
After finishing the grafting and improvement of the golden fruit, Mo Xuan began to ponder over the gorilla's system and formulate a way suitable for the gorilla's cultivation.

Powerful power has always been a double-edged sword, the key still depends on the person who uses it.

The gorillas are simple and kind, so Mo Xuan specially made boomerangs for them to help them defend their camp.

Later, the gorillas were persecuted like that by Sirius, almost exterminated, and they all resolutely refused to hand over their benefactors, and Yibo Yuntian was no different.

Mo Xuan saw all this in his eyes. Helping to graft and improve golden fruit trees can only help the gorillas solve their food and clothing at best. Only the truly powerful is the foundation for the gorillas to gain a foothold on this mountain.

Therefore, Mo Xuan once again had a good old man attack, not only for the little six, but also to help the whole gorillas to improve their strength, and the gorillas did have such a solid foundation.

When the fire was almost over, Mo Xuan gathered the whole gorilla family together.

Soon the whole family of gorillas arrived, and benefactor asked us if there was anything we wanted, that is, going up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​fire, we were absolutely unambiguous.

Mo Xuan smiled and waved his hands to signal everyone not to be so nervous.

The gorillas immediately relaxed, and it seemed that there was nothing serious.

After all, Mo Xuan had stayed in the gorilla camp for a while, and he had mastered the language of the gorilla almost, so he said directly in the language of the gorilla: "I called everyone here to announce something."

The gorillas were all staring at Mo Xuan, just say so, benefactor!
Mo Xuan turned his head to look at Little Six, and said, "I see that Little Six is ​​a good material for cultivation, so I plan to take him as an apprentice."

ha?Isn't this a super big pie that fell from the sky!Although Dali has followed benefactor Zhou Fang, he is only equivalent to Zhou Fang's servant, while Xiaoliuzi is a disciple, this is a world and a world!
Is it true that the gorillas are getting dizzy from this super pie smash?Is it really true?Wife, why don't you give me a try?clap clap clap...

Mo Xuan waved his hands again and again, "Okay, okay, isn't it just accepting apprentices, you all take care of each other."

Although Little Six had heard a little rumor from Kong Wuming in advance, but when the good news really hit, he still couldn't help staying there, his two noses drooping and drooping, all drooping into his open mouth However, it is still unresolved.

Kong Wuming, who was watching from the sidelines, hastily sent sound transmissions to wake up Little Six, why are you just staring blankly.

Little Six came back to his senses, secretly swallowed his saliva, huh?The smell seemed a bit wrong, no matter what, Little Six immediately fell to his knees and kowtowed to Mo Xuan like garlic.

Mo Xuan smiled slightly, accepted Little Six's apprentice ceremony, saw Little Six kowtow endlessly, raised his hand lightly, and lifted Little Six up from the ground.

Mo Xuan continued: "After all, I am of a different race from yours, and my body structure is also different. I can't teach you indiscriminately. You need to do some preparation work, which requires your cooperation."

Cooperate and cooperate, we must cooperate.The gorillas were grinning from ear to ear. Engong is a super strong man who defeated Sirius. If the little six can worship En Gong as their teacher, then our clan will definitely produce a super strong man. That is really a blessing from our ancestors. ah!Our family has developed!
Mo Xuan looked at Little Six, pondered for a moment, and said, "Since you worship me as your teacher, Little Six, I can't keep calling you Little Six."

Isn’t Little Six very nice, how kind, the gorillas turned their minds, of course they listened to your benefactor, so you should give Little Six a good name.

Mo Xuan said solemnly: "From today on, little six, you will be called King Kong. True gold is not afraid of fire, it is upright."

"Thank you, Master, for the name." Little six, no, King Kong knelt down on the ground again, and respectfully kowtowed three times.

Mo Xuan encouraged: "The name King Kong is not simple, I hope you don't insult this good name."

King Kong nodded resolutely, but didn't say anything.

Although the distance was a bit far, the Sirius who was locked in the iron cage still had a panoramic view of all this with his excellent eyesight and hearing.Sirius' IQ is also superior, and the language of the gorilla is no difficulty for him.

Sirius wondered, that thin and thin little orangutan should be eliminated by the ethnic group, so who is so powerful, he can still look at it, it is possible that the hairless monkey is thin and thin, so he prefers the thinner one guy?
Although Sirius' temper is a bit impatient, he can still calm down. After careful observation these days, Sirius found that this group of hairless monkeys is indeed not simple, different from those powerful enemies he has encountered. They have terrible creativity, they seem to understand everything, and they can solve any problems in front of them.And their cultivation is not about constantly strengthening themselves, but about cultivating their mind, but Sirius really doesn't understand what that is about cultivating their mind.

By the way, how long are you going to imprison me?Is it possible to keep me locked up like this?

Sirius has always been a meat eater, and in this gorilla camp he is a vegetarian every now and then. If he didn't know how to make a fuss, it would be useless, and Sirius would have already made a fuss in hysteria.Right now, he could only wait patiently. Sirius knew in his heart that it was impossible for them to just let him go. It was just that the time had not come.

In the next half month, Mo Xuan thoroughly researched the gorilla's system, and formulated a set of exercises for Qi training and body training, named "Sura", and passed it on to King Kong.

"King Kong, you practice the exercises first. If you have any discomfort in your body, tell me immediately. When the exercises are perfect enough, you can pass on the first three levels of exercises to your clansmen. The last three levels of exercises should not be taken lightly. To teach, you can only carefully select the best ones to teach. And for exercises after the sixth level, you can teach up to three people in your life."

"I will keep it in my heart." King Kong kowtowed again to thank him.

"Okay, you have kowtowed all the heads that should be kowtowed, and you are not allowed to kowtow again." Mo Xuan reminded.

"Yes, Master." King Kong gave a deep bow.

"Go, practice hard. If you don't understand, you can ask your brother Kong Wuming for advice. If he doesn't understand, come and ask me."


Mo Xuan and his party have been delayed long enough at the gorilla station, and it's time for the next step.

(End of this chapter)

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