Interstellar Miner

Chapter 588 New Mount

Chapter 588 New Mount

In the hall of the small palace, Mo Xuan, Kong Ling, Mo Que'er, Xiaoyun, Huali, Yun Yuanjia, Shui Wu, Zhou Fang, these big men gathered together and sat on the grand master's chair.Shrunk down vigorously, and stood behind Zhou Fang respectfully.

And in the center of the hall is the iron cage where the Sirius is imprisoned.

The old god Sirius is sitting on the ground with his hands folded on his chest, as if a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, just say hello to you, if you call out, you are not a member of the Sirius clan.

Mo Xuan flicked his fingers, and the sides of the square iron cage were suddenly separated, folded and shrunk into a small piece the size of a flower card, and flew into Mo Xuan's palm.

Sirius glanced at Mo Xuan indifferently, and if he had the guts to remove the iron collar around my neck that restricted my strength!

Mo Xuan gave Dali a look.

Dali immediately stepped forward, ready to translate.

Mo Xuan said: "Sirius, you wantonly destroyed the garrison and injured so many innocent gorillas. Locking you up for a few days is a small punishment for you. Now it's time to settle it."

Sirius sneered and said: "Don't talk to me about those useless things. On this holy mountain, it is an eternal truth that the strong are respected. Our Sirius clan is one of the five masters of this holy mountain. According to the rules Well, this station and those gorillas are all affiliated to our Sirius Clan, and they have to pay tribute to our Sirius Clan on a regular basis. It’s just that the location here is too remote, and it’s a small tribe of Sesame Points, so they don’t even have the qualifications to meet our Sirius Clan. No. I passed by here to educate my people, but I still need to ask you outsiders for instructions?"

Mo Xuan smiled faintly and said, "Maybe what you said is true, but now we have the final say."

Sirius stared at Mo Xuan viciously, and said coldly, "Are you going to declare war on our Sirius clan?"

Mo Que'er sneered, and curled his lips: "It's okay for you little Sirius clan to frighten the country leopards. We humans are not something you Sirius clan can provoke."

"To tell you the truth, I have just come of age, and I am considered to be at the tail end of the clan. The strong of our Sirius clan possesses a power beyond your imagination." Sirius sneered and showed his fangs.

Mo Que'er sighed and shook his head, and said speechlessly, "It's just the blind self-confidence of a frog in a well. Can the strongest of your clan drive this entire holy mountain into the ground with one blow?"

Sirius' complexion changed, and he snorted coldly: "If you don't have the strange power of the holy mountain, of course you can do it. You are new here, how much do you know about this holy mountain, this is the edge of the mountain top, when you really reach the top, After seeing that, let me see if you can still boast."

what?Mo Que'er frowned, let go of your fart!
Sirius just snorted coldly and turned his head away in disdain.

Mo Que'er was too lazy to babble, and said directly: "Now you have two ways to go, one is to be handed over to the Jinxian Hui Jinggen you injured earlier; you."

Sirius rolled his eyes in disdain, stood up from the ground, and cast a condescending glance at Mo Que'er, just you?
Mo Que'er smiled coldly and said, "Okay, let's have a competition, I win, you will be my mount; if you win, we will let you go."

Sirius shook his head and said: "I won, you will be my slave, follow me back to the Sirius Clan!"

Mo Xuan glanced at Sirius coldly, you guys don't know your current situation?To die!

Sirius' hairs all over his body exploded, he still tilted his neck and stared at Mo Que'er without fear of being scalded by the boiling water, dare you?
"Yes." Mo Que'er stood up, and with a wave of his right hand, a sword energy instantly struck the iron collar around Sirius' neck.

With a crisp ding, the iron collar neatly split into two and fell to the ground with a clang.

Sirius squinted his eyes, twisted his stiff neck, feeling the surging power constantly emerging from his body, very good!I thought about all kinds of possibilities, but I didn't expect it to be the best situation, God help me!
"Where is the competition? Over here?" Sirius looked at Mo Que'er.

"Let's go halfway up the mountain. Xuan, wait for me a moment." After saying that, Mo Que'er walked directly to the outside of the small palace.

ha!Actually choose halfway up the mountain?You are digging your own grave!

Sirius swept over Mo Xuan and his party who were sitting on the grand teacher's chair as immobile as a mountain, didn't they even go with them?So confident in that guy?Sirius secretly sneered, turned and walked out of the small palace.

The hall is obviously so huge, and it looks so empty even when I am standing, but when I go out of the gate, the palace behind me is only as high as my knees. How did this happen?Sirius turned his head back in surprise for a few glances, and then stared at Mo Que'er who was flying in the air and looked down at him.

Mo Que'er shot towards the halfway up the mountain.

Sirius slightly bent his knees and shot, and shot up into the sky like a cannonball, and quickly followed.

Without bouncing a few times, Sirius entered the halfway up the mountain and entered the thick cloud area.

Sirius shook his head secretly amused, this halfway up the mountain was the playground where he played since he was a child, he was very familiar with it, and his combat power could be displayed to the fullest, and you, a hairless monkey, have to bear the super gravity, I have to be affected by the thick clouds again, I should have regretted it now!Unfortunately, I will not give you a chance to regret it!

Almost there, Mo Que'er stopped suddenly.

With a bang, Sirius landed behind Mo Que'er, resting his hands behind his back leisurely, looking at Mo Que'er playfully.

"Can we start?" Mo Que'er asked in the common language of the mountaintop with a cold face.

"Anytime." Sirius unhurriedly flicked out Wolverine's claws!

Mo Que'er deliberately chose to face off on this mountainside covered by thick clouds. Of course, she was not stupid, but she hadn't made a serious move for a long time. When Xuan was around, Mo Que'er was always a well-behaved little girl. Girl, ahem, try to be a good little girl.

On this cloudy mountainside, Mo Que'er has no scruples, he can exercise his muscles and bones, and his opponent is this weak Sirius.Mo Que'er smiled happily, then I will not be polite.

Mo Que'er waved his sleeves, and the monstrous flames burst out suddenly, burning the thick clouds into a huge hollow area in a blink of an eye!

Sirius was a little dazed, gritted his teeth, went all out, and rushed towards Mo Que'er brazenly!

Small palace hall.

Sirius has been gone for a while now.Mo Xuan, Kong Ling and Xiao Yun remained motionless as a mountain, sitting on the grand master's chair.

Yun Yuanjia, the only golden immortal present, couldn't sit still. Sirius had seriously injured Hui Jinggen Jinxian before, so even if he already knew some of his supernatural powers, there might still be some supernatural powers that he hadn't used yet. Daoist Huo Qingling is indeed powerful, but let her face Sirius alone, I'm afraid...

Zhou Fang glanced at Mo Xuan, closed his eyes and rested his mind.

Shui Wu counted the time calmly.

Dali couldn't stand it anymore, he ran back and forth outside the small palace, panicking in his heart, alas, if the Sirius escapes and brings a group of Sirius here to seek revenge, then our residence will be miserable!How about we quickly move the station to the foot of the mountain?

Mo Xuan, Kong Ling, Xiaoyun, and Huali are not very worried about Mo Que'er. It is true that Sirius is the overlord of this giant mountain, but Mo Que'er is a phoenix that gallops across the universe. The two are not of the same order of magnitude at all. of!

Just a while after two sticks of incense.

Mo Que'er walked into the hall heroically.

it's over?Or did Sirius escape?
Yun Yuanjia looked at Mo Que'er in surprise.

Mo Que'er turned around and scolded: "What are you dawdling in, come in quickly."

Sirius, who was covered in scorched black and bald hair and had no good flesh on his body, staggered into the hall, with a new silver collar around his neck, which was the biggest bright spot.

Dali followed behind Sirius very dullly, with an expression as if he had seen a ghost during the day.

won?This is too fast!
Yun Yuanjia's heart skipped a beat, and he looked at Mo Que'er in a daze, how did she win?Why did Sirius become like this?Looking at the appearance of Sirius, he should be convinced!How on earth is this possible?Yun Yuanjia couldn't imagine it.

Shui Wu and Zhou Fang also frowned slightly involuntarily, scrutinizing Sirius carefully, what kind of fierce fighting could make Sirius into such a miserable appearance.

Obviously, Sirius was almost roasted alive. Huo Qingling is of fire attribute, so her fire must be no small matter.

Mo Xuan grinned at Mo Que'er. In fact, he was a little bit worried. Seeing Mo Que'er come back victorious, he felt at ease.

Mo Que'er Shi Shiran sat back on the teacher's chair, the stool hadn't completely cooled down yet!
Sirius walked to the center of the hall with some difficulty, swayed, and simply sat down on the ground, not wanting to touch the injury, and bared his teeth involuntarily.

The old god Mo Que'er was ordering: "Dalang, tell us about the situation on the top of the mountain."

Mo Xuan blinked, Dalang's name is a bit like that!
Sirius gave Mo Que'er a very grumpy look, and only now did he know what it means to be someone beyond others, and beyond the sky!The Sirius space and Sirius claws that he was proud of were as vulnerable as paper in Mo Quer's flame field.

No matter how stubborn Sirius was, he could only take the silver collar that Mo Que'er threw over and put it around his neck.That's all, but he was forcibly given the name Da Lang.

Sirius really wants to howl and cry. It's not a crime to cry, this time it's a complete failure!The majestic Sirius is mixed up as a mount, alas, I knew it would be like this, and a deadline was added before the competition. Now it is good, and the recovery of freedom is far away!
Sirius sighed faintly, and briefly described the situation on the top of the mountain.

The top of the holy mountain becomes more and more prosperous as it goes up, and only the most powerful race can occupy the topmost treasure land!After countless years of competition, the survival of the fittest, the top of the mountain is now jointly occupied by the five dominant races!

The Sirius tribe is one of them. The number of individuals is the least among the five dominant races, but the individual strength is also the strongest.

The other four dominant races each have great powers!
(End of this chapter)

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