Interstellar Miner

Chapter 589 Mausoleum

Chapter 589 Mausoleum
The largest number is the fire ant family. Each fire ant is extremely powerful, with extremely powerful defense and jumping abilities. Fire ants in groups are absolutely terrifying existences. Sirians have to detour when they encounter them. And go.

The second largest group is a group of wood elves, who live in a large forest of giant trees in the sky. They have a peaceful temperament and never actively provoke other races, but this does not mean that they are easy to bully.Anyway, Sirius would rather provoke swarms of fire ants than wood elves, it would be bad luck.

Then there is a group of gray pterosaurs, living in a mountain range, the scales on their bodies are extremely strong, it is difficult for the claws of Sirius to break through their defenses.

The relatively rare ones are the Ice Toad clan living in the cold pool on the top of the mountain. They can freeze thousands of miles in one breath, so don't provoke them if you have nothing to do.

Mo Xuan and his party were a little stunned when they heard this. It must be a volcano. There is actually a cold pool on the top of the mountain. Moreover, these five races obviously happen to have the attributes of metal, wood, water, fire, earth, and five elements. This mountain top is really not simple!

Mo Que'er twitched her lips and asked, "Da Lang, what did you say about seeing the top of the mountain earlier, let's hear it."

Sirius pursed his lips, and still said: "There is a magnificent building hidden at the bottom of the huge crater on the top of the mountain. Only when the volcano is most active will it be pushed up by the rolling magma. Our five dominant races have explored together several times, and it is only Explored less than one percent of the area."

Um?Mo Xuan and his party exchanged glances in surprise, is this true?Could it be that the strange restraining power of this giant mountain originated from the building in the crater?
Xiaoyun raised her brows, could it be that... Good guy, this change is too big, I almost can't recognize it!
Xiaoyun couldn't help but frown, that's not a place for jokes, there might be countless casualties!

Mo Xuan keenly noticed Xiaoyun's strangeness, and asked Xiaoyun with his eyes, what's the matter?
Xiaoyun replied with his eyes, it's inconvenient now, let's talk about it later.

Sirius briefly narrated the wonder of that magnificent building, but it was a pity that the translator's eloquence was so-so, and it was amazing, wonderful, and incredible.

Mo Xuan and his party can still appreciate it. After all, they have truly seen the prosperity of the mountain top, and even Sirius is amazed. That magnificent building must be no small matter.

Of course, Mo Xuan and his party will not be dazzled by the beauty described by Sirius. The greater the benefit, the greater the risk.Since that magnificent building is so good, it is impossible for the five dominant races on the top of the mountain to only explore one percent. There must be something blocking their exploration.

Sirius observed Mo Xuan and the others' expressions, and clicked his tongue secretly, they really are extraordinary!Every time my clansmen mentioned that magnificent building, their eyes would involuntarily light up, full of anticipation, but Mo Xuan and the others didn't respond. Hey, it couldn't be that Dali's translation was too bad, right?
Mo Que'er was still quite interested and asked carefully.

That magnificent building is always surrounded by smoke, making it hard to see clearly. After so many years of exploration, it has been proven that there are ten gates that can be entered.

Under normal circumstances, each of the ten gates can enter one, and nine can come out alive, and this is only the outermost.Further inside, there are still ten gates, but out of ten, only eight can come out alive; further inside, there are still ten gates, but out of ten, only seven can come out alive.

That is to say, the deeper you go, the less likely you are to come out alive!And even if you come out safely from the inner gate, it doesn't mean you can go out from the outer gate safely. Every circle you enter inside the gate is a test of life and death.

Before the five dominant races on the top of the mountain, there were actually other five ancient dominant races, which were also unimaginably powerful. Unfortunately, the essence of their races was all planted in this magnificent building.

After the rise of today's five major races, they have always been cautious and dare not go deep into the interior of the building. Most of them search for treasures within the outer two circles. Of course, some who are not afraid of death broke into the inner circle. Although most of them failed to come out, they are still alive. Those who came out, without exception, had a great harvest, and then achieved extraordinary achievements.

The current patriarch of the Sirius Clan once successfully broke through the fifth gate.

Obediently, such an exaggeration!Mo Xuan and his party couldn't help but stared at each other a few times, what is that building, why is it so strange!
Now that the holy mountain has entered an active period, if there is no accident, that magnificent building will reappear in a few days, so Da Lang will end his training and return to the holy mountain, preparing to enter it to seek opportunities.

Da Lang didn't deliberately hide anything, sadly reduced to Mo Que'er's mount, it is a disgrace to the entire Sirius clan, Da Lang has nothing to think about now, almost nothing to love in life.

Sirius decided that if he could enter that magnificent building to practice this time, he would just go forward bravely, and it would be a relief to die inside.Of course, if Mo Que'er died inside ahead of time, then he would no longer need to be a mount, and Sirius' small calculations were crackling.

With a wave of his hand, Mo Que'er took Da Lang into Sanmao's animal harness bag to recuperate.

This is where?Dalang was shocked again, looked around, took a bath in the pool, and then went to the beach, curled up into a ball, and fell into a deep sleep.Visible to the naked eye, the scars on Da Lang's body are slowly healing...

Mo Xuan and his entourage analyzed everything that Da Lang had narrated. Even if Da Lang concealed something, it would not be a series of lies, and it should be almost inseparable.

If there is a chance, I still want to see it. As for whether to enter it, it is hard to say for the time being.

Many immortal cultivators and immortals have mediocre aptitudes, and it is really difficult to make a breakthrough. They have to fight desperately for a better future. Mo Xuan and his party are not one-in-a-million aptitude.

At present, everyone does not know enough about the top of the mountain, and the magnificent building has not yet appeared, so don't worry, just take it step by step, that's all.

The meeting adjourned.

Yun Yuanjia, Shui Wu and Zhou Fang left one after another.

Mo Xuan and his party also returned to the house, looking at Xiaoyun in unison, now we can talk.

Xiao Yun shrugged and said bluntly: "That so-called magnificent building should be a mausoleum."

Um?tomb?Mo Xuan and his party couldn't help being surprised, whose mausoleum could affect the entire mountain!

Xiaoyun sighed slightly, and said: "This mausoleum has existed for a long time, and a super emperor from ancient times was buried. At that time, the universe was still in its infancy and was very unstable. Although many powerful people were born , but there is no way to survive for as long as the current immortals. The super emperor, the heavenly wizard, lived to be equivalent to the age of ordinary earth immortals, but after all, he was still no match for the years. Before he died, he arranged this mausoleum .”

Xiaoyun sighed and said: "There are countless legends about this tomb, but I didn't expect it to be here. There should be a lot of Taoist institutions from ancient times, and many items are extremely deadly to today's immortals. In short, the risk is extremely high. , I advise you not to go in. Besides, even if the great emperor left a legacy in the tomb, it is an outdated antique, and nine out of ten are not applicable to the present. It’s okay, let’s leave this mountain as soon as possible. "

Mo Xuan and the others looked at each other a few times, Xiao Yun never targeted indiscriminately, it seemed that the tomb was really dangerous, so don't go in, at most, look at it from a distance.

Safety first!
After all, this area is the territory of Sirius. With Da Lang, who knows everything, the team members are exploring the top of the mountain faster and faster, and they are gradually heading towards the top of the mountain.

But the higher you go, the stronger the creatures on the top of the mountain, and the team members have to be cautious and grope step by step.

(End of this chapter)

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