Interstellar Miner

Chapter 590 Farewell

Chapter 590 Farewell
Time flies.

In a flash, another ten years have passed.

The top 32 teams of Tianxia Chess Game, as the exploration team, will continue to explore the new world on the top of the endless tower.

Although there were many dangers, and many troops suffered casualties, most of them had a good harvest.

As time goes by, the 32 teams are mainly concentrated in three areas, which are the more prominent one mountain, one pool and one forest on the map.

The mountain is the holy mountain where Moxuan and his party are located, so I won’t say much about the wonders; the pool is a dark pool like the sea, with countless aquatic creatures, and there are countless rare treasures; the forest is a big forest. , birds singing and flowers fragrant, full of vitality.

The one with the highest risk factor is the Nether Black Pool, which places great restrictions on the power of immortality. In some special areas, the power of immortality in the body of the immortal will be completely blocked, and they will be reduced to ordinary immortals. It is difficult to escape even when encountering powerful creatures.

In addition, there are also some powerful and powerful creatures in this world. The most representative example is the Jinxian Huijinggen who seriously injured the fifth level of time and space by Dalang.

As the news of a wonderful and huge building in the crater of the Holy Mountain spread like wildfire, more and more teams gathered on the Holy Mountain.

The friction between the exploration team and the creatures on the top of the mountain has gradually turned into a large-scale war.

Zhizun, Yizun, Lianzun, and Renzun showed off their fortress strength at the right time, expressed their position, and reached a peace agreement with the five dominant races on the top of the mountain. Well water does not interfere with river water, and when that magnificent building reappears, humans can also enter the experience at will.

Mo Xuan's team didn't participate in these matters, and they didn't even bother to make soy sauce.Feng Jiana's Golden Immortal team and Wei Zilan's Golden Immortal team followed Mo Xuan's lead and did not join forces.

The fifth level of time and space is still very interesting, and it was not excluded because the three teams of the fourth level of time and space did not participate. From time to time, they would visit the gorilla resident to conduct transactions.

Now the gorilla resident is really bustling. A large number of young orangutans have been born, and they can crawl around as soon as they land. It is becoming more and more prosperous; the grafted and improved fruits are very powerful, although they are not tall, but when the harvest season comes, the branches are covered with golden fruits, and the harvest of one tree can surpass the original three or four trees; The immortal team and Wei Zilan golden immortal team also stationed there, becoming the neighbors of Mo Xuan's team, occupying only a small area of ​​the gorilla camp, and a special commodity trading street was set up.

Recently, a distinguished guest came to the gorilla station, and Mo Xuan personally received him.

In a five-cornered pavilion, Mo Xuan and Zhizun are sitting face to face, playing a game of 23-way Go.

The Go rules of the fourth-level time-space and the fifth-level time-space are slightly different, and the rules are combined with each other, and Mo Xuan will hold the sunspots first.

Under normal circumstances, it takes a year to play a full game of 23-way Go, but Mo Xuan and Zhizun are both busy people, so the crisp and melodious sounds of the opening of the fast chess game can be heard endlessly.

In the middle and late game, the two sides gradually slowed down.

Mo Xuan pondered for a moment, then calmly said a word.

Zhizun frowned slightly, and couldn't help raising his eyes to look at Mo Xuan. The young people nowadays are really amazing. Once this son falls, he has lived a large part of his life, and he can attack and defend. Heizi has almost stood in the invincible position.Zhizun secretly marveled at Zhengfeng facing each other and falling behind.

Mo Xuan couldn't help but raised his head and glanced at Zhizun, this move was really clever.

Unknowingly, the game entered the back end.

A true match for chess!Usually when it comes to the end of the game, the situation of the chess game will become more and more clear, but the current game is unpredictable and indistinguishable.

Zhizun and Mo Xuan both slowed down involuntarily, and it took more and more time to settle.

After seven days and seven nights, Zhizun dropped the last white piece, stared at the chessboard for a while, then raised his head and smiled at Mo Xuan who was facing him.

The result of this round was a once-in-a-lifetime draw.

"Little friend Hua'an, have you given in?" Zhizun asked jokingly.

Mo Xuan smiled slightly, and said: "Zhizun was joking, the chess game has become so chaotic, I can't find a way to do it even if I want to." Mo Xuan was at most seeking stability.

Zhizun smiled slightly, replayed the game with Mo Xuan, discussed the chess game intensely, and then put the chess pieces into the chess jar.

After chatting a few words, Zhizun changed the subject and talked about the magnificent building that is about to appear in the crater on the top of the mountain. This time he came here to inquire about the meaning of the four-layer space-time immortals.

The five dominant races of the Holy Mountain have been entrenched for many years, commanding hundreds of millions of living beings on the Holy Mountain. Although a peace agreement has been signed with humans, the true effectiveness of the peace agreement is still a question mark. The dominant race took advantage of the loophole.

Mo Xuan said bluntly: "My team is not interested in that magnificent building. The Fengjiana Golden Immortal team and the Wei Zilan Golden Immortal team should also be less interested. At most, they will go to the outer area to experience. And I have already experienced in the Endless Tower It’s been a while, and I’m ready to leave.”

Um?Zhizun was taken aback, are you leaving so soon?Little friend Hua'an, don't you have any interest in that magnificent building?Yizun and I are very curious.

So far, the only ones who voluntarily leave this new world are those seriously injured and unsustainable. The rest of the trialists are reluctant to part with this new world full of geniuses and treasures. After all, few can guarantee to leave this time. You can enter the experience again next time.You must know that each major level of the Infinity Tower can only enter the experience once. Earth Immortals and Celestial Immortals are slightly better, but Xuanxian has gone out, so you have to be Golden Immortals to enter again.

Of course, everyone wants to take advantage of the opportunity to make a lot of money, so that there will be no shortage of merits for future cultivation.The more you cultivate to the back, the more terrifying the accumulation of accumulation will be. How many Xuanxians have to work hard to accumulate accumulation!

Of course Zhizun would not doubt whether Mo Xuan could become a Golden Immortal, but after all, it took quite a long time!It can only be said that little friend Hua'an is really free and easy, he doesn't pay attention to those roads outside the body at all, and he really cultivated my heart.

Mo Xuan said earnestly: "A gentleman does not stand under the dangerous wall. Since you already know that the magnificent building is full of weirdness and dangers, why go in. If you are interested, Zhizun, don't go deep. It's not worth it. .”

Zhizun took a deep look at Mo Xuan, and nodded thoughtfully. Originally, he planned to have a break with Yizun and the others. Since the little friend persuaded him so much, let's forget it. Our four venerables are sitting on the outskirts of the town.If the little ones want to venture out, let them go.

Mo Xuan deliberately stayed with Zhizun to have a meal together, and his wife Kong Ling was in charge of the cooking.

Originally, Zhizun hadn't eaten food for many years, this time it was purely for Mo Xuan's face, he picked up the chopsticks and tasted a few mouthfuls, but he couldn't stop after tasting the chopsticks.

It's really good cooking skills, Hua'an friends are lucky!Zhizun was full of praise.

Mo Xuan smiled quite complacently, that is.

Zhizun even nodded in admiration secretly in his heart. Little friend Hua'an was always praised in a calm manner. He praised her Taoist couple's cooking skills, but he was overjoyed. He is really sincere and trustworthy!Such an outstanding person, the future achievements are bound to be limitless!

Zhizun and Mo Xuan kept toasting each other and eating food, wishing they could hang shoulders and shoulders with each other.

The smell of delicious food attracted a group of greedy cats and little orangutans, squatting on one side and staring helplessly, drooling.And the aroma of the wine also attracted the alcoholic gorillas, it was really eloquent.

Kong Ling gave those greedy cats and drunkards a few big eyes. It wasn't because she was stingy, but because the orangutans were too big, and they were powerless. The food for 100 people couldn't fill the stomach of a little guy.

Kong Ling could only hand over a dozen cylinders of Starry Sky Drunk to satisfy the gorillas.

The gorillas had already drank up the next level of fine wine, leaving only the valuable Starry Sky Drunk and a small amount in stock.

One must know that it takes hundreds of fairy stones to buy a cylinder of Starry Sky Drunk. In the past, Kong Ling would never be willing to be so extravagant and wasteful, but who made this new world full of natural materials and earthly treasures? A lot of tank stars are drunk, so they don't care anymore!

When Zhizun saw it, he couldn't help but secretly nodded in admiration. He was worthy of being the Taoist companion of little friend Hua'an, so approachable, and loving all living beings.

In other words, after drinking less than two pots of Starry Sky Drunk, I was a little bit drunk. The gorillas just scooped it up with a scoop and drank it, and they still couldn’t get enough of it. Even if they are huge, it’s not enough.

Zhizun deliberately stayed in the gorilla camp for a few more days to discuss and talk with Mo Xuan, and then reluctantly bid farewell.

Watching Zhizun go away, Mo Xuan returned to the gorilla camp with his hands behind his back.Mo Xuan sighed slightly, and was about to leave. The one who hated this world and even the entire Tower of Infinity was actually the gorilla camp.

Mo Xuan walked to the training ground.

King Kong is competing with Brother Dali.

Mo Xuan's tailor-made exercises for King Kong have been well-adjusted long ago. The first three levels have been taught to the gorillas, and the entire resident immediately began to practice martial arts. The strength is like sesame blossoms.

And King Kong is even more amazing, he is far from an adult, and his stature is nearly half smaller than that of Brother Dali, but he can already make Brother Dali lose his temper at all.

Lost again!Brother Dali sighed, shook his head, and went back to practice hard.

"Master." King Kong ran up to Mo Xuan.

Mo Xuan nodded with a smile, and said: "I'm leaving soon, I can take a break in my cultivation for a while, and spend more time with my family when I have time. I don't know when I will come back next time." Mo Xuan still has nothing to say Exit, maybe when I come back next time, my relatives are no longer alive, I really feel deeply touched!

King Kong nodded, the disciple knew.

There was a sudden flutter of chaos in the resident, but it was the little orangutans who were making noise again.

A little orangutan is jumping rapidly among the fruit trees. He is small and bold, but unfortunately his skills are not high enough. As a result, he stepped on the air and slipped from a high branch. There is no branch below to buffer him. The little guy panicked when he hit the hard ground.If it hits hard, even if you don't fall, you will have to grin your teeth for a long time.

At the critical moment, Mo Xuan flicked his fingers, and the little guy's rapidly falling figure gradually slowed down, and he landed softly on the ground.

The little guy blinked in surprise, saw Mo Xuan, couldn't help smiling, and rushed to Mo Xuan happily.

Mo Xuan laughed cheerfully, and preached a few words, don't be too naughty.

The little guy nodded obediently, bounced away and left.

Mo Xuan rubbed his chin. There were more and more little ones, but there were only so many gorillas. They couldn't handle it at all. The safety hazard was not small.

Now that we're leaving, let's help again.Do whatever you want, Mo Xuan quickly created a huge playground, the facilities are all tailor-made for the little orangutans, all the underage orangutans can play in it, and at the same time, they can train and strengthen the little orangutans Various physical qualities.

The gorillas are naturally grateful, we are really lucky to meet our benefactor.

If you say go, then go, Mo Xuan never hesitates, and after finishing it at the end, he is ready to leave.

The disciples of Kong Wuming were also ordered by Mo Xuan to leave together. This new world is too counterproductive, but they can continue to practice in the Endless Tower.The disciples are all in a good state of mind, and what the master said is true, we must practice steadily and steadily, not in a hurry.

The rest of the team members are basically reluctant to leave, and are ready to seize this rare opportunity for experience, take the opportunity to accumulate a lot of resources, and lay a solid foundation for the future.

Shui Wu was the only one willing to leave with Mo Xuan and his party. She had experienced hundreds of years in the Tower of Infinity, and it would be meaningless to stay any longer.

But Kong Ling and the others felt that Shui Wu probably had other intentions, hmph, anyway, our backyard is already full, even if you are indeed super outstanding, we will never give up the spot, you just die of that!
Xiaoyun has been urged many times, although she will leave together this time, but she is not going to leave the Tower of Infinity immediately, but simply leave this new world.

Mo Xuan always felt that Xiaoyun had been plotting something secretly, but Xiaoyun didn't say anything, so he couldn't deduce it, and hoped that Xiaoyun would not act recklessly.

Da Lang was puzzled, isn't it, we are leaving now?Let me go in and experience it!In desperation, Da Lang could only return to his family to say hello to his family. He didn't dare to say that he was now reduced to a mount, but only said that he would continue to go down the mountain to practice.

With the Gemini teleportation array, it is very convenient to go up and down the mountain.

It's ready to use, Mo Xuan and his party stand on the teleportation array, Mo Xuan points a finger, teleport!
This twin star teleportation array has been operated many times, and it has always worked well, but this time there is an abnormality!
(End of this chapter)

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