Chapter 591
Holy Mountain summit, crater.

Thick smoke billowed into the sky, and the originally silent volcano became more and more active!

Zhizun, Yizun, Lianzun, and Ninzun are flying in mid-air, looking at the inside of the crater with their immortal eyes. Through the thick smoke, you can see the hot magma below is constantly rolling and surging , keep raising the height!
If it is ordinary magma, ordinary immortals can go deep into it to explore, but the magma of this holy mountain is not trivial, the heat is equivalent to a super giant star, it can almost be said that a giant star is buried at the bottom of the mountain!
And right now is the hottest period of volcanic magma, and there is that strange building below, so even the four venerables of Xiaodaojun's cultivation base do not dare to enter the magma to find out, and can only wait patiently for the building. The building floats up by itself.

Now a total of [-] trial teams have gathered at the top of the mountain, waiting to enter the magnificent building for training.

Even if it is dangerous, the cultivation of immortals involves hundreds of millions of people going forward together. Once you fall behind, you will fall behind step by step. Others keep advancing and breaking through, and the tide is rising, but you can only stand still and watch the backs of others get farther and farther, until Unattainable, that feeling is worse than death!
Not everyone can be as talented as Zhizun and Hua'an Da Neng. We are all ordinary practitioners. If we don't work hard, we won't have a better future!

At the moment when Mo Xuan launched the twin star teleportation array, the magma in the crater erupted suddenly, and the whole holy mountain trembled!

The Gemini teleportation array pays attention to precision and coordination. When the trembling is disturbed, the normal operation of the Gemini teleportation array suddenly becomes abnormal!The teleportation that was originally fairly smooth suddenly turned into a dizzying spin!

Incomparably chaotic and violent power swept from all directions!

not good!

At the critical juncture, Mo Xuan immediately released Xiao Ba at the bottom of the box!

Xiao Ba has not lost weight for many years, and now a tentacle is [-] meters away.

Xiao Ba's countless tentacles instantly wrapped himself and Mo Xuan's party layer by layer, relying on his flesh and blood to resist the chaotic and violent power that suddenly swept over from all directions!

Xiao Ba's body is extremely tough and can be exempted from many kinds of damage, but the chaotic and violent power is really terrifying, and Xiao Ba's outermost tentacles are rapidly consumed.

But after such a easing, Mo Xuan and his party also recovered in time, and each used their magical powers to help Xiao Ba resist those chaotic and violent forces.

What the hell is going on?Kong Wuming was so frightened that his face paled. Seeing the senior brothers and sisters stubbornly helping Master and the others, Kong Wuming gritted his teeth, forced himself to calm down, and hurried to help. Although it was a drop in the bucket, it was better than nothing!Kong Wuming sighed secretly, he cared about studying Taoism, but he was so panic-stricken at such a critical moment, he was far inferior to his senior brothers and sisters, it seemed necessary to practice it alone.The flowers growing in the greenhouse cannot withstand the wind and rain after all!
After a while, the surrounding area calmed down.

With a bang, Xiao Ba seemed to have hit something solid.

Is it safe?Xiao Ba carefully sensed his surroundings, those chaotic and violent forces had disappeared, it should be safe.

Xiao Ba slowly moved the scarred tentacles out of a gap where Mo Xuan and his party could watch.

Um?where is this
In the ancient and dark space, there are dilapidated and barren scenes in sight, such a dead silence.

Xiao Ba put away all the tentacles.

Mo Xuan and his party finally got a glimpse of the whole picture. It landed on a high platform, which seemed to be an extremely ancient teleportation array, its functions had been negligible, and it was hit hard by the heavyweight Xiao Ba. It is already a miracle that it did not collapse.

I really don't know how my party was sent here?Where is this again?
Kong Wuming and the others saw Xiao Ba for the first time. What kind of void monster is this?Never seen it before!It's really thanks to him, otherwise we would be caught off guard, and the injuries might be scattered, it would be miserable!
Xiao Ba looked around curiously, the numerous scars began to heal rapidly, and the broken tentacles began to regenerate. For Xiao Ba, this injury was not even a weight loss. After a while, the injuries were all healed.Xiao Ba shrunk his figure, and guarded beside Mo Xuan as usual.

Wow, what a powerful self-healing ability, Kong Wuming and the others secretly marveled.

Shui Wu also looked at Xiao Ba in amazement, is this the bottom of the pressure box of Hua'an Fellow Daoist?It really is a big deal!

Mo Xuan was not in a hurry to put Xiao Ba away, he frowned and looked at this inexplicable place, how could the Gemini star teleportation array be teleported here all of a sudden!eccentric!
Kong Wuming and the others calmed down and looked around together, it was so weird.

Oh, Kong Wuming suddenly exclaimed.

What's wrong?Mo Xuan and the others questioned Kong Wuming with puzzled eyes.

Kong Wuming's face turned a little pale, he secretly swallowed his saliva, and said: "Master, master, uncle, the immortal power in my body was suddenly frozen, and I can clearly feel that I am getting old."


Mo Xuan and his party couldn't help being taken aback, and felt it carefully. Sure enough, this weird place has a terrible suppression of the immortal energy. The immortal energy in the body is running quite blocked, showing signs of getting slower and slower. If the celestial power is completely frozen, that would be terrible!

Kong Wuming is the Earth Immortal, unable to resist the strange restraining force, he has already become a mortal. The disciples of the Celestial Immortal are a little better, but it is only a matter of time before becoming a mortal; hard to resist.

Even the powerful Mo Xuan and the others are also struggling. This weird restraint is really terrifying!
Xiao Yun frowned, could it be...

Without hesitation, Mo Xuan took out a dozen talisman papers, sealed them urgently, distributed them to everyone, told them how to use them, and then sealed himself for emergencies.

Mo Xuan warned: "Everyone must be careful, don't disperse when you get together, and if something goes wrong, enter my animal control bag to avoid it."

Everyone nodded cautiously.

Mo Xuan exchanged glances with Xiao Yun.

Xiaoyun smiled bitterly, no surprises, this is the inside of the mausoleum!As I said earlier, the whole mountain is very unknown, let me leave early, but you guys have dragged on until now, this is going to be a big trouble!
Kong Wuming and the others also had guesses, didn't they, why did they recite it like this?We obviously wanted to avoid this place, but why did we come in by accident!Could it be that God is really jealous of talents, and God wants to take the opportunity to take us all together?What should we do now?

Mo Xuan gave Xiao Ba a look.

Xiao Ba and Mo Xuan have already connected with each other, and they immediately sensed it with all their strength, huh?What a weird place, the sense that has always been omnipotent doesn't work very well, it seems that there are thick fogs in all directions, and it is impossible to find out clearly!

This place is so weird, Mo Xuan curled his lips and thought teasingly, it seems that he really doesn't fit in with this mountain!

Xiao Ba looked at Mo Xuan for help, Master, what should I do?We shouldn't be able to get out!
Mo Xuan smiled lightly, there is always a way, there is always a way, let's take the time to investigate, since this is a teleportation array, there are always some notable buildings around, and we should be able to find some clues .

At this time, the complexions of Zhizun, Yizun, Lianzun, and Ninzun changed slightly. The magnificent and mysterious building in the crater finally floated up, and the activity of the volcano remained at a relatively stable level. within the peak value.

The four venerables looked at the mysterious building carefully. Although it was shrouded in fog, the general outline could still be seen.

With a wave of Zhizun's hand, some of the fog dissipated, but most of them were still condensed around the building by some mysterious force.Zhizun looked at it carefully for a moment, and then exclaimed, why does this building look a bit like a mausoleum?

The four venerables exchanged glances in surprise. If it is really a tomb, whose tomb is it?There is a serious shortage of information right now, so we can only take one step at a time.

The long-awaited call came out, and it didn't take long for the fourteen human teams to gather at the crater.The ten legendary gates of life and death have not yet appeared, so we can only wait patiently.

Mo Xuan and his entourage had already left. Yunyuan Jia Jinxian, Feng Jiana Jinxian and Wei Zilan Jinxian were the backbone of the fourth-level space-time immortals. The three big bosses got together to discuss.

Before leaving, Fellow Daoist Hua'an reminded us that we must not be blinded by interests, and at most we can only practice in the outer areas, and no matter how good the inside is, we must not go deep.However, the three bosses also knew very well that there were many immortals in the team who wanted to stand out and were not afraid of death, and they couldn't be stopped.

Yan Yingwu and Wei Jingshuo stood cautiously at the crater, looking at the mysterious mausoleum, wow, this should be a super antique building, it has been soaked in such hot magma, and it is still intact. What material is it made of?We two are of mediocre strength, so don't go in and die, this mountaintop is good enough, let's practice slowly and slowly accumulate resources.

Shang Mengyu and Zhang Hailu did not choose to leave. Although they were not short of cultivation resources, they always lacked a powerful immortal cultivator. It's a fellow daoist, but fellow daoist Water Dance may succeed.Although Fellow Daoist Hua'an is recognized as a good man in the world, there are other good men in this world.There just happened to be a ready-made one right now, and Zhou Fang, who was second in the Xuanbang, became a sweet bun in the eyes of the two women.He obviously has a sky-high cultivation, but has always been so low-key, and very shy, and never took the initiative to mess with women. He is really a good candidate for a Taoist companion.Yun Yuanjia, one is a little old, the other already has a Taoist companion, and the two women are directly filtered out.

Moxuan's team is generally relatively calm, and most of the players in the other teams are eager to gear up and prepare for a good experience. Life and death are fate, wealth and honor are in the sky, fight hard!
The five dominant races on the top of the mountain gathered together and looked coldly at those outsiders who were enthusiastic. It was originally a treasure land that only belonged to us, and they wanted to be taken a piece of the pie by these outsiders. It is hateful and hateful!
But what can be done, they are really powerful, especially those four venerables, they are really terrifyingly strong!The five dominant races are a bit sad. It turns out that we have always been frogs in a well. We are supercilious when we dominate this holy mountain, but we are beaten in the face. This world is really big, far beyond our imagination!
In the past, the mausoleum was occupied by the five dominant races. Even if the members of the subordinate races were allowed to enter, they were strictly restricted. As long as we slowly explore this tomb, the treasure will be ours sooner or later!The idea is beautiful, but the reality is so cruel!

Facing the wolf-like human team of professional treasure hunters, hum, if we can't get it, those outsiders can't even think of it!This time, the five dominant races have completely let go of the restrictions, and any kind of guy can enter the experience.If you want to be extraordinary, you have to go forward bravely and work hard!And we sit on the outskirts and collect commissions, once and for all!
Not long after, the legendary ten gates of life and death emerged!It is more than [-] meters high, with two styles, black on the left and white on the right, which looks a little creepy.Accompanied by a loud bang, the ten gates of life and death opened!
These ten gates of life and death look exactly the same, and there is no number or anything, only the orientation is different.

The five dominant races waved their hands, little ones, wolves eat meat and dogs eat shit, everyone understands the truth, so I won’t be verbose, everyone, work hard!We are optimistic about you!
Hundreds of thousands of mountaintop elites, Haohao Tangtang, randomly selected the gate of life and death to enter the mausoleum, and Dali's brother secretly became one of them without telling the clan.

The four venerables waved their hands, and the human team also set off in a mighty force.

The big waves wash away the sand, let's see who can control the situation.

Yan Yingwu and Wei Jingshuo glanced at each other, patted their buttocks and left, you go as hard as you can, let's mess with each other.

(End of this chapter)

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