Interstellar Miner

Chapter 592 Rat

Chapter 592 Rat
barren!In addition to being barren, it is still barren!
Mo Xuan and his entourage groped for a while, but they saw nothing but desolation, and found almost nothing.This is quite in line with the atmosphere of the mausoleum, but... time waits for no one!
After such a period of time, if Kong Wuming's total lifespan is 1000 years old, it has already taken a year and a half!If it continues like this, sooner or later it will die of old age!

Kong Wuming secretly smiled wryly,
For a while, Mo Xuan had no other solution, time was running out, so he could only ask Kong Wuming: "Wuming, tell me the direction."

I?Kong Wuming scratched his head speechlessly, this... I don't know!

Mo Xuan comforted: "Don't be scruples, trust your own judgment."

Kong Wuming thought for a while and said, "When I was young, I heard old people say that life is left and death is right. When you get lost, you should keep turning left and you will always find a way out."

Is that so?If you keep turning left outside, you should return to the original place, but this may be the way out instead.Mo Xuan nodded, and immediately led the crowd towards the left, and then kept turning left.

Sure enough, a small village appeared in the endless barrenness.

It is said that it is a village, but it is actually dilapidated. There are low earthen graves standing at the head of the village, and many of them are almost flat.And the village is full of dilapidated walls and lifeless buildings, making one wonder if there are any living things in the village.

Xiao Ba scanned it, and pointed his tentacles at a low hemispherical dilapidated earthen house.

Mo Xuan walked to the earthen house and called out.

After a while, an extremely old and hunchbacked figure two meters away slowly came out with a deeply arched back, the head wrapped in pale hair almost hanging down to the ground.

Um?This is?mouse?

This mouse was originally supposed to be standing upright, with short forelimbs, obviously not reaching the hind limbs, but it was too old, so it had to use the forelimbs to prop up the ground to move forward.

The mouse managed to raise its head, and looked at Mo Xuan and his party with its two chaotic eyes through the white hair. It was so young, so full of vigor!Jealousy envy hate ah!
The mouse shook its white beard, which had become indistinguishable from the white hair, and slowly asked in a hoarse, common language on the top of the mountain: "Is this place open again? You are the newcomers, right?"

Could it be that this mouse was the one who practiced last time?Mo Xuan and his party exchanged glances in surprise.

The mouse coughed and sighed quietly: "It's true that there is a way in heaven, you don't go, but you have to come in to die."

"How do you say that?" Mo Xuan asked in bewilderment.

The mouse didn't answer, and glanced quietly at the earthen graves at the head of the village, then looked at Mo Xuan carefully, and said strangely: "What race are you, I've never seen it before."

Mo Xuan casually named Bailan Monkey, and asked where the mouse was.How can I get out?

The mouse smiled bitterly and said, "To be honest, I'm not very clear. This may be the sixth circle from the outside to the inside, or it may be the seventh circle, or it may be the eighth circle."

What?It turned out to be so inside?Mo Xuan and his party couldn't help but change their expressions. You must know that the further you go in, the less chance you will get out.If it was the eighth circle, only two of the ten gates should be life gates.In terms of probability, the chance of successfully getting out in the end is less than [-]/[-]!Sure enough, there is a lot of trouble!
Mo Xuan frowned and asked: "Old man, is there nothing you can do?"

The mouse snorted without a smile, and said, "Of course there is a way. The ten gates of life and death appear regularly, and you can go and break through them."

"Old man, have you broken through?"

The mouse sneered, and snorted coldly: "Why didn't I break through, I broke through with my clan, some reached the outer circle, some were passed into the inner circle, and most of them returned here in the end, dying of old age here. Then batch after batch of newcomers came, and batch after batch left or died of old age, and now I am the only one left here!"

Mo Xuan asked in surprise: "Old man, when did you enter this place to practice?"

The mouse recalled it for a while, shook his head, and sighed: "It's too long ago, I can't remember clearly, but at that time, our family was one of the five masters of this holy mountain. I heard from the later little guys that the holy mountain The master seems to have been changed for three rounds. Which five races are in charge now?"

Uh...then this mouse is really experienced!Mo Xuan also just heard Dalang say that there were five masters of the older generation before the current five masters, but he didn't expect that they had already changed three rounds!

Mo Xuan described the current five dominant races.

The mouse groaned and said, "This is the first time I've heard of this. It seems that four wheels have been changed. It will take a while for the ten gates to appear. You should recharge your batteries here. It's time to break through the gate of life and death together, the old man will go back to sleep first."

After speaking, the mouse slowly returned to the tile house without paying attention.It's not that the mouse doesn't want to tell Mo Xuan and his party more information, but it's just that it's been said too many times, and it's useless. In the end, it's not just waiting for death!
Uh... Mo Xuan and his party were speechless. They had no choice but to wait patiently.

This space suppresses the celestial power so much that most of the magic weapons cannot be used, even the life magic weapons are greatly restricted, so the small palace cannot be used.

That is, the medicinal herbs and ingredients stored in the storage magic weapon have been greatly affected, and their quality has continued to change.The best medicinal herbs are better, they can resist one or two, most of the fresh ingredients have been rotted, and only a small amount of dried meat can be barely eaten.But it's only a matter of time before it goes bad.

People depend on food, so eat it now while you can still eat it.

Kong Ling set up a cauldron, boiled water briefly, and threw the jerky into the cauldron to cook.

Mo Xuan and the others threw out the futon and sat in a circle.

Smelling the scent, the mouse kept sniffing its nose and came out of the earthen house again, staring at the meat in the cauldron. It has been many years, and it has not eaten fresh meat!
Those guys who died of old age before me were dry and shriveled, and their teeth were severely cracked. If it wasn't for survival, no one would want to gnaw on it.

But once this kind of thing starts, there is no going back.

The mouse got used to it after gnawing on it. Every time he finished gnawing on the meat, he would dig a hole and bury the remaining bones. Over time, there was a large earthen grave outside.

No, the mouse has been here for such a long time, and has seen everything, except such fresh meat.Could it be that they killed on the way here?

Eating dead meat is completely different from killing and eating meat!The white hair on the mouse danced without wind, and the whole person's aura changed drastically. He asked coldly, "How do you have such fresh meat?"

Sure enough, to be able to survive in this place so far, how could this mouse take it easy? The powerful power emanating from the mouse made Mo Xuan and his party secretly startled.

Mo Xuan smiled slightly and explained that this is the meat of pigs and cattle raised in captivity. It was brought in from the outside, and it was about to be spoiled by the strange force inside. He didn't want to waste it, so he was going to eat it quickly.

It turns out that, although the captive animals are pitiful, they can sleep peacefully for the rest of their lives, that is, they will be hit by the knife at the end.The mouse unhurriedly withdrew its momentum, and smiled, if you don't mind, the old man can help eat some, it can't be wasted.

Mo Xuan smiled faintly, and threw a futon on the ground, please sit down, I just happen to have something to ask you for advice.

The mouse was gnawing on the piece of meat happily, its tail was wagging happily, the meat was luscious, tsk tsk, it was so happy like a fairy!The mouse knew everything about the questions Mo Xuan asked.

It turned out that after the mausoleum entered the third circle, the gates of life and death no longer distinguished the difference between entering and exiting. The ten gates of life and death were either exiting or entering, and they were arranged randomly every time without any trace.After the fourth lap, you can jump into the door of life and death for several laps. Once you go deep, it is really difficult to get out.

In fact, the inner circle was barren, not as strong as the outer circle at all, but there were still many testers who broke into the inner circle.

In fact, the inner circle is not too dangerous, but it has the most terrifying power in the world, that is the power of aging!No matter how powerful and invincible you are, you can't resist this ruthless aging!
The further you go inward, the more terrifying the power of aging will be!Rats call that strange aging force Huangli!

The mouse clan was too arrogant and reckless back then, the whole clan entered, and continued to deepen, but almost all of them were planted in the mausoleum, regretting their mistakes.

The mouse has been fighting against Huangli almost all his life. Although he is very old, he has never been defeated by Huangli and has survived till now.

The mouse glanced at Kong Wuming, smacked his lips and said, "Little guy, you can't do this, you're too weak, you won't be able to last long if you go on like this."

Kong Wuming pursed his lips, I didn't think about it, maybe I have been too smooth all the time, and I didn't experience any setbacks after I became a teacher, but I fell behind.

Mo Xuan and the others looked at each other a few times. We really took good care of this little guy named Kong Wuming, and we really wanted to lay a solid foundation for him.

The mouse stroked its gray beard, and said old-fashionedly: "The easiest way to resist the power of waste is to breathe, inhale through the nostrils, take a full breath, then hold the breath, and circulate it in the body until it can't be held anymore. , and then use your mouth to gently exhale the air, and the cycle repeats.”

Is that so?Mo Xuan blinked, isn't this the way of internal strength, can it resist Huangli?Could it be that internal force is in charge in this mausoleum?

Kong Wuming hurriedly started to try it, and it seemed to really work, the speed of aging was obviously slowed down a lot.

When Mo Xuan was the supervisor of the Tianjianmen Mine, he collected a lot of inner strength methods from kung fu masters Ye Chen, Zhang Junyan, and Huo Ba out of curiosity. , this time can just be verified.

Mo Xuan passed on the inner strength method suitable for everyone, and tried to meditate together.

The mouse took the opportunity to eat and eat, and its shriveled stomach was like a bottomless pit, swallowing countless pieces of meat.The mouse looked at Mo Xuan and his party. Their breathing methods were different, but they all had rules to follow, which was obviously very important.

Tsk tsk, this little guy is obviously different from the previous ones!But still can only be trapped here to die, what a pity!

Gradually, the heads of Mo Xuan and his party began to smoke.Although there is only desolation here and almost no aura of heaven and earth, but Mo Xuan and his party are immortals, their blood and vitality are so strong, and the circulation of energy alone is enough to generate incomparably vigorous internal force.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Mo Xuan and his entourage have all advanced to become first-class martial arts masters with profound internal skills. After careful induction, it really works!Sure enough, there are too many treasures to overwhelm you!
The mouse looked dumbfounded. It's not that he has never seen a genius, but he has never seen such a genius, and it is such a big ticket. Do you want to be so exaggerated?How vigorous the vitality of these little guys is!

For Mo Xuan and his party, who are used to the powerful strength of immortals, this meager internal strength is really not worth exposing, and it is just to be able to add a little self-protection ability here.

Idle is also idle, continue to practice internal strength.

(End of this chapter)

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