Chapter 593

Zhizun, Yizun, Lianzun, and Renzun sit on the top of the mountain.

The entire mausoleum is shrouded in strange power, and the news inside cannot be conveyed at all.

However, the testers who entered the mausoleum to practice all left their soul lamps. Once they fell, people outside could sense them immediately.

It has been less than half a month since the opening of the mausoleum, and not a single tester has fallen yet.

The four venerables secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that the outer area of ​​the mausoleum is indeed relatively safe. I hope that there will be no unscrupulous guys keep going deep. It will be a matter of life and death!
Only a minority of the five dominant races entered the mausoleum this time to practice, and most of them guarded the top of the mountain, which also meant to guard against humans.

The five patriarchs exchanged glances tacitly. We have indeed signed a peace agreement with humans. But, there are many dangers in this mausoleum. There are too many people who can enter and cannot get out. Fights and casualties are inevitable. You guys Human beings can wish for their own blessings, anyway, we have already restrained them in advance, as for the little brothers, we don't know if they are obedient or not.The sky is high and the emperor is far away, no matter how powerful we are, we can't control the affairs inside the mausoleum!
Even if you human beings are powerful individually, but are rarer than a few, what can you do if we use crowd tactics!How dare you run wild on our territory, let's bear with it for now, and when your vitality is seriously injured, you will look good at that time!

Five layers of time and space.

As the severely injured testers of the top 32 teams had to leave the new world and the Infinity Tower, the news of that wonderful new world was already raging.

The top-quality natural materials and earth treasures produced by that side of the New World have already dominated the major auction houses, causing all kinds of crazy looting.

Naturally, those practitioners also made a lot of money. After all, rare things are more expensive. If there are too many incredible treasures, their prices will also drop!This wave of experience is really worth it, of course, it would be even more wonderful if you can not get hurt!Hurry up to recover from your injuries, seek a breakthrough, and strive to re-enter the new world that you have been dreaming of.

Tower of Infinity and Tian Chess are hot again!Countless immortals eagerly hope that the next World Chess Game will be held quickly, dreaming that they can also become a member of the top 32 teams, and then enter the new world where the top floor of the Endless Tower is full of natural materials and earth treasures to experience, and the storm is overwhelming overnight. rich!
It was still the huge and bustling Great Immortal World quietly suspended in the endless void.

That huge sky-high tree covered with purple-gold dazzling patterns is still as majestic and resplendent as ever; and the oval-shaped bird's nest steel city built on the canopy is still so hideous and terrifying!
The extremely luxurious huge palace dotted with countless diamonds, gold, and emeralds is located in the center of the steel city!

Tens of thousands of pure gold cages, large and small, floated faintly in the hall of the palace.Each golden cage was wrapped in hazy mist, making it impossible to see the specific situation inside.

At this moment, that handsome and bewitching man was leisurely sitting on the huge purple-gold throne inlaid with countless top-quality black stones at the top of the hall, snapping his fingers casually, a two-meter-high The golden cage slowly flew in front of the man.

The hazy fog dissipated, and there was a naked and beautiful woman in the cage. She sat with her knees hugged in the empty cage, her snow-white body was lightly covered by her long shawl hair, and there was no trace of blood on her pretty face. He stared blankly at the bewitching handsome man with big eyes, like a wooden man, without any reaction.

The evil and charming man felt a little bored, and with a flick of his fingers, he lifted the beautiful woman upside down.

The beautiful woman finally reacted, subconsciously covered her private parts with her hands, and looked at the evil man with hatred.

The man gave an evil smile, and forcibly moved the woman's hands away. They were fixed like a wooden man, and then slowly shaved the body hair of the beautiful woman's private parts with a small blade.

The beautiful woman bit her lips tightly, tears rolled out of her eyes like pearls, across her forehead, and slid down her long black hair to the ground, gradually converging into a small pool.

The man slowly shaved the beautiful woman's body hair clean, then stopped, turned the beautiful woman over, put her back, and casually threw a fist-sized black stone into it.

The beautiful woman just stared at the man viciously, her hatred was so unforgettable.

The man smiled nonchalantly. Didn't you treat your pets like this back then? There's nothing to resent!
The man glanced at the woman coldly, snapped his fingers, and the cage was immediately wrapped in mist and flew back.

Another golden cage ten meters away slowly flew in front of the man, the fog cleared, and inside the cage was the golden monkey that was six meters away.

When the golden monkey saw the man, it immediately grimaced, jumped up and down, screamed strangely, turned somersaults from time to time, walked on his head, and so on, showing off in all kinds of ways.

The man watched with interest.

A colorful emerald green peacock with incomparable feathers flapped its wings and flew into the hall, swooped gracefully, and landed lightly in front of the purple-gold throne, bowed gracefully to the man, and said crisply: "My lord, the wild mountain you want I have already auctioned off the ginseng."

The peacock turned into a peerless beauty in neon clothes, holding a jade box in both hands, stepped forward respectfully, bent over and handed the jade box to the man.

The man took the jade box casually, opened it and glanced at it, and there was a white and fat wild ginseng that looked like a sleeping baby lying quietly inside.

The peacock returned to its original shape, looked at the wild ginseng with its probe, and smacked its lips.

The man raised his sword eyebrows slightly, pointed at the wild ginseng, and lifted the wild ginseng's seal.

Little Wild Ginseng twisted her body slightly, swaying her slender tentacles, rubbed her eyes, and woke up.

Seeing the charming man suddenly, Xiaowa trembled in fright and froze there.

The evil man smiled lightly, and gently poked Xiaowa's stomach with his fingers.

The little baby giggled immediately, and the tentacles danced.

At this moment of joy, the evil man opened his mouth wide and sucked the baby into his mouth.

Xiaowa didn't even have time to let out an exclamation before she was swallowed by the evil man in one gulp.

The charming man delicately took out a handkerchief and wiped his mouth, commenting: "It tastes good."

The peacock nods flatteringly, that is, it is a great blessing for this wild ginseng tree to be enjoyed by you, my lord!
The peacock said crisply: "My lord, the new world at the bottom of the Infinity Tower is making a lot of noise outside, what do you think?"

The man gave a sinister smile and snorted coldly: "It's definitely not a good place. It's nothing more than letting the group of immortals who are not afraid of death taste a little bit of sweetness first. The highlight is always in the back. Let's just wait and see the good show!"

The peacock nodded suddenly, no matter how many dead immortals there are, it has nothing to do with us, we just go to the theater.

Four layers of time and space.

Similar to the fifth floor of time and space, the treasures of heaven and earth produced by the new world on the top floor of the endless tower caused a super earthquake, and those incredible treasures of heaven and earth have been hyped upside down.

What's more, the enthusiasm of the fourth-level time-space is more high than that of the fifth-level time-space. After all, only three teams entered the new world for experience in the fourth-level time-space, which is much less than the 29 teams of the fifth-level time-space!

What's more, what's more, when the fourth layer of time and space has ever seen such a level of natural materials and earthly treasures, I can't even think about it!As long as you can get a quota in the New World, just dig up some rotten herbs on the street, it will be difficult to not develop!

The Four Immortals have been very popular for countless times, and now they are really full, and they can't get in even if they want to!

Immortals who want to join the Four Immortals Sect can only put their ideas on the allies of the Four Immortals Sect, and the Thunder Sect will benefit the most.

Lei Batian now knows what it means to hug his thighs, and brother Moxuan's thighs are absolutely super thick, and he feels like he has done nothing. The Thunder Sect has grown several times, and this is it!
Chess Academy.

Zi Cheliang is the second generation of immortals, and he has never known what it is like to be poor.

But Yu Wenyu and He Jiaguang were born in poverty, they both eagerly wanted to honor their ancestors and strengthen their families, but this time they missed this great opportunity, what a pity!

Yu Wenyu and He Jiaguang could only calm down and bury their heads in hard work, otherwise they would be left far behind by their senior brothers and sisters!Let's strive for the opportunity to enter that new world to practice next time!

The three Golden Immortals in Hanli Fang couldn't stop laughing wryly, feeling that Hua'an hadn't officially made a move yet, and there were already a gathering of heroes around him. It is said that even the forces of Shui Wu and Zhou Fang have begun to have an affair with the Four Immortals!

In the past, Shui Wu and Zhou Fang were not won over by those big forces, and they have been sticking to their own power. Although their personal strength is outstanding, they can't succeed in the end after all. Now they have joined forces with the Four Immortals. I really have to step aside!

Hey, times make heroes, there is nothing we can do!

Let's keep a low profile in Hanlifang in the future, and don't take the initiative to provoke the Four Immortals, we can't afford to offend them.

In addition, the power of Yunyuan Jia Jinxian, Feng Jiana Jinxian and Wei Zilan Jinxian has also increased a lot, so I won't say more.

The screen shifted to Mo Xuan's side.

The ten gates of life and death finally appeared, the mouse patted its butt, let's go.

The closer to the inner circle, the shorter the time for the gate of life and death to appear, so you must hurry up.

In such a long time, the mouse has groped countless times, but it still can't find a way to the outside of the mausoleum. The best time is to break through to the second circle, but it still turns back.The mouse has given up much hope, but it can't wait to die in vain. There is hope if you go through it, and you will never have hope if you don't go through it. Of course, you can only continue to go on!
Mo Xuan and his entourage followed the mouse to the ten gates of life and death, and looked carefully, but they were of the type of face-to-face teleportation. They could only enter from the front, and they could only pass through normally from the quilt.

Mo Xuan said to Kong Wuming: "Wuming, you can choose one."

Kong Wuming scratched his head and pointed to the door on the left, that's it.

Mo Xuan and his party filed in.

The mouse blinked in surprise, and it went in, so simply?Forget it, the mouse also entered the gate with Mo Xuan and his party. He couldn't do anything by himself, but following Mo Xuan and the group of little fellows, there might be a chance.

Hey, this should be the outer ring!The mouse blinked in surprise, the little guy was lucky!If it was my own choice, nine out of ten I would enter the inner circle and circle around sadly.

Kong Wuming went through the barriers one after another like this, and kept going out, the scene also remained unchanged. As expected, the more he went out, the more prosperous it was. Before he knew it, he could already see this group of testers, and he confirmed that this was the third circle.

The trainees of the fifth level of time and space still knew Mo Xuan and his party, and blinked in surprise. Has Hua'an Da Neng also entered the experience?I didn't hear any news before, did you enter later?
Mo Xuan seriously warned those testers not to go any further.As for whether they believe it or not, Mo Xuan can't control it, it can only depend on their own good luck.

The mouse couldn't help smiling, Leha patted Kong Wuming's shoulder, little guy, you are very good, if you can really take the old man out, then the old man will hang out with you in the future!
Kong Wuming continued his efforts and bravely broke through the second lap.

Mo Xuan and his party met Brother Dali unexpectedly.

Didn't you, benefactor, leave? Brother Dali never thought that he would be caught.

Mo Xuan scolded, why are you so disobedient, you don't want to come here, but you don't listen, if you die here, your parents and brother will die of grief!

Brother Dali said well, Mr. Benedict, didn't you come in too!

Mo Xuan gave Brother Dali a big roll of his eyes, did we want to come in on our own, we were sucked in, okay?Be honest with me and follow us.

Brother Dali is obedient, I know.

Kong Wuming's luck was really good, and he successfully broke through from the second lap to the first lap.The mouse was grinning from ear to ear. There is a [-] out of [-] chance that it can go out. As long as it doesn't memorize it, it can definitely go out!Even if you go back to the second lap, it shouldn't be a big problem, as long as you try a few more times, you will definitely be able to get out!Very good!
However, is it really that simple?Mo Xuan always felt uncertain.

As expected, Kong Wuming failed in this seemingly easiest level!And after passing through the teleportation array, instead of going back to the second lap, it was five laps away in one go!
This... cheating!The mouse was so angry that it blew its beard and stared at its eyes, pointing at the sky and swearing hysterically, it obviously didn't want us to go out!There is no reason to transmit directly from the first circle to the inner circle!What the hell!

Extreme joy begets sorrow!The mouse howled.

Mo Xuan touched his chin, it seems that this mausoleum is really not simple!

Brother Dali was dumbfounded, where is this place, why is it completely different from the legendary scene?Why do I seem to be a little out of strength?
(End of this chapter)

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