Chapter 594
Time flies, and another year has passed in a flash.

Gradually, human testers have emerged from the mausoleum inside the volcano.

"Do you know who I met in it, Hua'an Da Neng from the fourth layer of time and space! He, his Taoist companions, and such a large number of disciples are going back and forth in various circles. It's really amazing!"

"What kind of horse? Has Hua'an Da Neng ever entered? Impossible, I've seen it!"

"I saw it too, it's really Hua'an's mighty deity!"

Not only the trialists of the fifth layer of time and space, but also the trialists of the fourth layer of time and space, and they have also seen Mo Xuan and his party.

Let's not encounter ghosts!

Zhizun, Yizun, Lianzun, and Renzun are puzzled. Since the mausoleum appeared until now, the four of us have been guarding here. After all, Hua An is the Xuanxian, and it is impossible to enter the mausoleum from under our noses. And we are undecided!What exactly is going on?

Zhizun didn't think that Hua An would be the kind of thing that would turn his back on what he said. He was obviously going to leave, so why did he enter the mausoleum again?
After getting the news, Yunyuan Jia Jinxian rushed to the top of the mountain in a hurry, and together with the four venerables, it is almost inseparable!
As soon as the mausoleum appeared, the Gemini teleportation array arranged by Mo Xuan had been malfunctioning and could no longer be used, and Mo Xuan and his party were indeed inside the mausoleum, so it could only be that the teleportation array went wrong when they went down the mountain through the teleportation array, causing them Was teleported into the mausoleum by accident!
The four venerables couldn't help but smile wryly at each other, little friend Hua'an is really jealous of heaven!
Fortunately, Mo Xuan and his party can come and go freely in the mausoleum, so there shouldn't be any major problems.

Yun Yuanjia heaved a sigh of relief, and didn't bother wandering around the top of the mountain anymore, so he guarded the crater, waiting patiently for the safe return of Mo Xuan and his party.

In fact, Mo Xuan and his party encountered serious problems!To put it simply, it is a problem that you can't get out!
Although Mo Xuan and his party had made it to the second circle or even the first circle several times, they were always teleported back to the inner circle at the last moment, which is simply evil!

The mouse has now looked down on life and death, or is really ready to wait for death. Anyway, there is no hope of going out in this life, so let's go through the last journey safely. This life is spent in the mausoleum. Think about it. It is sad.

The mouse stayed in the third circle, enjoying the blooming flowers of the third circle. At the same time, he also asked Mo Xuan and his party that if he died, he would be buried at the head of that dilapidated small village, and he could just build an earthen grave. up.To be accompanied by the ashes of the clansmen is a worthy death.

Mo Xuan followed the old man's wishes, but he is not happy to wait to die in this mausoleum. It is man-made. If he can't get out now, it must be the wrong way. It seems that he can only find the right way first!
Could it be that he and his party entered through the teleportation array instead of the outermost gate, so they couldn't go out through the gate?

Mo Xuan dismantled and analyzed the teleportation array they came over, and found that it was a one-way teleportation array, which could only enter but not exit, what a disaster!
In a fit of anger, Mo Xuan dismantled all the evil teleportation arrays found in other areas!

This mausoleum obviously restricted the power of teleportation, and the way to take the teleportation array is obviously unreasonable, so we can only find another way!

After all, they were quite familiar with the tomb, and there was not much danger. Kong Wuming and the others also dispersed to find a way out of the tomb.

As the saying goes, the three cobblers have surpassed Zhuge Liang, Kong Wuming and the others are all first-class geniuses, and the combined strength is absolutely extraordinary.

However, this mausoleum is really weird, it’s fine if the group can’t get out, but a single person can’t get out no matter how much they try through different life and death gates, and they are always sent back to the inner circle, it’s really evil!

After being teleported back to the inner circle from the first circle again, Kong Wuming suddenly panicked, we won't really never go out again!I'm not going to die in this mausoleum!

Although supported by internal strength, Kong Wuming's aging speed is still getting faster and faster. Wrinkles have gradually appeared on his tender and tender face at the beginning, and the youngest him looks like the oldest one in the group!Woah!
Kong Wuming thought back on his life. The little beggar back then was hungry and full. He dreamed of being able to eat and wear clothes every day. Life is worth it!If you die, you will die, there is nothing to be afraid of!

Kong Wuming was no longer afraid, and wandered around Senior Sister Mi Yashuang when he had nothing to do. The result of clinging was gratifying, and he was able to hold Senior Sister's hand for a walk or something!

Mi Yashuang doesn't have much love for Kong Wuming. In the eyes of the disciples of the Four Immortals, Kong Wuming is everyone's pistachio, the most mischievous and lovable younger brother. It's also our fault that we have always spoiled him too much. This time it hurt him instead.

Kong Wuming acted rashly, but gradually strengthened my heart, and the speed of aging gradually stabilized.

troublesome place!
Mo Xuan gradually became impatient. Is it interesting to teleport back and forth?There must be a limit to everything, this mausoleum is too much!
Mo Que'er had long suggested that the mausoleum should be smashed to pieces. If the power of immortality was gradually frozen, it would be impossible to smash the mausoleum up in the future!
Mo Xuan stopped Mo Que'er, there's no need to be so thankless, everything in the world has traces to follow, and everything changes without departing from its origin, nothing but yin and yang!

This mausoleum is located in the hot volcanic magma, so the yang attribute must be at its peak, and the yang is divided into the sun and the shaoyang, and then combined with the taiyin and shaoyin to derive the gossip.

Mo Xuan still doesn't believe it. Such a huge mausoleum can transcend the five elements. In the final analysis, isn't it just the transformation of yin and yang!

Mo Xuan went in the opposite direction, fumbled and entered the inner circle, and then reached the ninth circle!

No matter how the ninth circle is teleported, it will return to the eighth circle, which is the circle where Mo Xuan and his party were teleported, and the circle where the mouse village is located. If you think about it, there will be no way in!
However, this method of deceiving the sky and crossing the sea cannot hide from Mo Xuan. Mo Xuan lifted his own seal, and once he pointed to the broken void, the hidden secret door appeared in front of Mo Xuan.

Mo Xuan led the girls into this secret door, and teleported to the tenth circle that no one had ever reached before!

Completely different from the barrenness of the inner circle, the tenth circle is filled with the fragrance of birds and flowers, full of vitality, like a small fairyland.However, as the innermost circle of the mausoleum, it is too incompetent, and there is no coffin at all.

Although the innermost circle has little restraint on the immortal power and is suitable for long-term living, Mo Xuan is not that interested.

Mo Xuan snorted coldly, I'm a busy person, and I don't have time to waste time on your side.

"Ling'er, Que'er, Li'er, Xiaoyun, Xiao Ba will protect the law for me." Mo Xuan threw down a futon and gave a command.

Kong Ling, Mo Que'er, Huali, and Xiaoyun immediately guarded around Mo Xuan to protect him.Xiao Ba returned to his original form, and protected Mo Xuan and his party under his body.

Mo Xuan raised his thick eyebrows, the purple gold crown on top of his head burst open suddenly, and his long black hair danced without wind.With a wave of Mo Xuan's sleeves, red tears shot out, and with a slight slash, half of Mo Xuan's long hair broke instantly!
Then Honglei slashed ten times instantly, and Mo Xuan's broken long hair immediately turned into thousands of small pieces, flying through the secret door.

Mo Xuan sat cross-legged on the futon and cast spells with all his strength.

Those thousands of small pieces of hair are the avatars of Mo Xuan, instead of Mo Xuan, they are constantly exploring the mysteries of the teleportation array in the mausoleum!
Good guy!There are so many tricks!

Mo Xuan did his best, and three hours passed before he knew it.

Where are the ten gates of life and death? At least thirty gates of life and death are set up in each circle, but ten randomly appear every time!This so-called mausoleum exists simply to keep people in!

The three outer circles are a little sweetness, and the inner circle is the real killer!Once you accidentally enter the fourth lap and want to go out, you really can only hope for shit luck!

Any arrangement of Taoism cannot be without traces. Mo Xuan wanted to break through the casserole and find out to the end, but to see what kind of plane was built in this mausoleum.

Counting thoughts in Mo Xuan's sea of ​​consciousness at an unimaginable speed, as if streamers were woven into a dense, layered optical network, and continuously deduced with a computing power that completely surpassed the superposition of tens of millions of supercomputers connected together.

It's been a long time since Mo Xuan has performed such an extreme deduction. The arrangement of Taoism is actually quite simple, but it is really tiring to perform retrograde deduction!On the contrary, violent destruction is easier!
Another three days and three nights passed in a flash.

How did it take so long?The girls exchanged glances in surprise, such a long time of deduction with all their strength is also a great burden on Mo Xuan!Or just forget it, it's not worth it!

ah!Mo Xuan's long hair has gradually turned white!

The four girls were secretly anxious, why didn't Xuan stop, it would do too much damage to his spiritual consciousness!Xuan, what are you thinking?stop!

However, Mo Xuan remained as still as a mountain, and continued to deduce with all his strength, his long hair became more and more white!
The four girls felt distressed to death.

Mo Que'er wanted to forcefully push Mo Xuan to wake him up several times, but was afraid that he would hurt Mo Xuan, so he gritted his teeth and held back.

Before he knew it, Mo Xuan's long hair was already half black and half white!

Just when the four girls were preparing to forcefully wake Mo Xuan up, Mo Xuan suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were so clear, almost sparkling!
Um?Are you ready?The four girls looked at Mo Xuan with great concern, their eyes were so full of energy, it didn't look like their consciousness was injured!

"I'm fine." Mo Xuan comforted the four girls, then closed his eyes and began to rest.

The four daughters tried their best to guard the side, although it seemed so redundant.

It turned out that this is the case, the emperor who built this mausoleum is really amazing!Mo Xuan's long hair that was as white as black fluttered gently, as if following some strange trajectory and law.

The four girls watched in surprise, could it be that Cheng Xuan realized something by accident?
Before I knew it, another two days and two nights passed.

Mo Xuan exhaled lightly, opened his eyes, and smiled gently at the four girls, that's it!

The four girls smashed Mo Xuan wildly with their big white eyes, what's the deal, look at your hair, it's half white, are you trying to scare us!

Mo Xuan stood up and put his arms around the three Taoist couples to comfort him.My hair is graying just for the convenience of enlightenment, not just to bother my mind like that, don't you guys know me, I know it well!

The three daughters flirtatiously smashed Mo Xuan with a fist, and made you worry us so much, you were the one who smashed it!
Xiaoyun turned away speechlessly, this guy Xuan, now he's being affectionate like I don't exist!I'll settle accounts with you later!
When the three women calmed down, Mo Xuan explained that this mausoleum seemed nonsensical and was purely for the purpose of harming all beings, but it actually had hidden secrets, and the layout of the portals was extraordinary!
Mo Xuan's continuous reverse deduction is equivalent to playing against the great emperor, and accepting the inheritance of the great emperor in a disguised form. Although the inheritance of the great emperor is not applicable to the present, there are many wonderful things worth learning from.Overall, Mo Xuan has benefited a lot.

That being the case, the accidental teleportation into this mausoleum can be regarded as a profit, and the three girls nodded in relief.

(End of this chapter)

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