Chapter 595 The Return
Mo Xuan smiled faintly: "Okay, it's time for us to leave here."

I can finally go out!The fourth daughter nodded reassuringly, since Xuan said so, she must be able to go out!By the way, Xuan, is your hair okay?
Mo Xuan took out the Mohist mirror to take a picture, black and white match, very handsome, so let's keep this hairstyle for a few more days, it's more convenient to have hair to help deduce when going out.

Mo Xuan led the four girls in and out of the teleportation array for several times, and gathered all the original team, even the mouse.

The mouse is dubious, can it really go out?In the end, don't be happy again, but seeing Kong Wuming and the others happily, the mouse couldn't help but choose to believe it again.

"There are a little too many steps to go out, everyone calm down." Mo Xuan got a vaccination in advance.

Everyone nodded, as much as possible, as long as you can go out!

Mo Xuan waved his hand, let's go!

Soon everyone realized what it means to go in and out, back and forth!This... there are really too many steps!
The four girls were also secretly startled, why are there so many steps?It's such a hassle to get out!
Mo Xuan smiled faintly and said, "The prelude is finally finished."

ha?This is the prelude!No!Everyone was dumbfounded.

"This is necessary. If the prelude is not well done, there is no way to skip it later. The next step is to speed up, everyone keep up." Mo Xuan still waved his hand.

The mouse smacked its lips, I am old with old arms and legs, but I can't stand your tossing like this!

Kong Wuming stopped the mouse and urged: "Old man, hurry up. Since the master said so, it must be fine."

Well, I hope I can really go out this time, the mouse cheered up and followed the footsteps of Mo Xuan and his party.

Right here, with a little touch of Mo Xuan's hand, a hidden secret door appeared in front of everyone.Not far away, there are ten gates of life and death that have already appeared.

ha?What?Why is there a door here?

Everyone was secretly startled, Mu Mu followed Mo Xuan into the secret door.

After hundreds of steps and more than a dozen secret doors, Mo Xuan stood in front of a door of life and death, and heaved a sigh of relief. It's really troublesome!This is still going through the back door and skipping thousands of steps. If it is done in a serious way, it will take at least a month!
Not to mention that the intermediate steps are completed, there will be another round, and everyone is secretly worried.

"This is the last door, we can go out now." Mo Xuan sighed.

ha?Isn't this the fifth circle?And this is not a secret door, can you go out?
"Those who are reluctant to stay here, take this opportunity to take a few more glances." Mo Xuan gave the mouse a meaningful look.

The mouse was stunned, although he wanted to leave this place all the time, but there was such a reluctance in Lin Lin's heart, after all, his life was confessed in the mausoleum, and all his relatives were buried in the mausoleum.

The mouse burst into tears again, goodbye, I'm leaving!really have to go!The mouse, choking, was the first to pass through the gate.

ah!Really get outside!It's really outside!
The mouse sat down on the ground and neighed silently. I really came out alive!

Why?What's this?Too old to look bad?What race is it?
The five dominant races and immortals guarding the gate all looked at the mouse in amazement, where did this thing come from?
Afterwards, Mo Xuan and his party walked out of the gate together.

Is that Hua'an Da Neng?Why is half of the hair white?What happened?

"Fellow Daoist Hua'an, you finally came out. What's the matter with your hair?" Yunyuan Jiajinxian, who had been guarding the crater, rushed over immediately and looked at Mo Xuan with concern.

Zhizun, Yizun, Lianzun, and Renzun also hurried over.

Mo Xuan smiled lightly and said, "No problem. I was teleported in for no reason, and it's really not easy to get out."

As long as it's okay, Yun Yuanjia secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

The four venerables also nodded with a smile. Sure enough, this mausoleum can't be hard for little friend Hua'an.

Mo Xuan looked back at the mausoleum, and hissed: "Everyone, please help to convey that the three outer circles of this tomb are good places to practice, while the inner circle is not only barren everywhere, but also has barren land that can restrain the power of immortality to accelerate aging." Immortals will grow old and die if they stay for a long time. Don’t try to enter the inner circle to practice, it’s easy to enter, but it’s almost impossible to come out!”

Zhizun, Yizun, Lianzun, and Renzun all nodded cautiously, looked at Mo Xuan's half-black and half-white hair, and then looked at Kong Wuming, who already had many wrinkles on his face. Is it the effect of barren force?It really is a big deal!
"I've found the simple ways to get out of the tomb in the outer three circles." Mo Xuan didn't keep it private, and announced several sets of simple ways to get out of the tomb.

The way of entering and exiting the inner circle is too complicated, and it cannot be explained clearly in a few words.

Mo Xuan neatly cut off a small section of his long hair again with red tears, and manipulated the half black and half white hair into a circular wooden board, forming an extremely complicated black and white pattern.

Mo Xuan explained: "This is the layout of the portal of the mausoleum. This is just one of the changes. Please copy it down for emergencies."

Zhizun, Yizun, Lianzun, and Renzun stared at the extremely complicated black and white pattern on the wooden board, and couldn't help but gasped, darling, it turned out to be such an amazing layout!The owner of this mausoleum is so scheming, he won't pay for his life if he kills someone!
There were only four venerables and a few golden immortals who could barely see it, and the rest of the immortals were all staring. This... what is this?Aren't there ten portals in a circle? This pattern is actually the layout of the portal?

Mo Xuan didn't say anything more. With a wave of his sleeves, he didn't take away a single cloud, leaving only countless legends.

The twin star teleportation array could no longer be used, so Mo Xuan and his party did not go to the gorilla camp again. On the way down the mountain, they only took a look from a distance, and they could still see the boomerangs that the gorillas practiced so hard in the air.

Brother Dali left the team and ran to the station.

Then Mo Xuan and his entourage arrived at the mountain where the Tata Envoy was located without stopping.

"You all want to leave?" You Lan looked at Mo Xuan and his party in amazement, none of you were injured, and less than one-fifth of the [-]-year training time has passed!It's a big loss to leave now!

Mo Xuan nodded slightly, yes, please trouble the Tower Envoy to launch the teleportation array to send us away.

Well then, Youlan activated the teleportation array.

There was a violent twirling, and everyone felt a little dizzy, and then they paused, and the teleportation ended.Mo Xuan and his party successfully left the new world at the top of the tower and returned to the lower level of the Endless Tower.

The opportunity is rare, and the disciples all plan to continue to practice in the Tower of Infinity.

Kong Wuming planned to practice alone, so determined.

Mo Xuan, Kong Ling, Mo Que'er, Huali and Shui Wu will leave the Endless Tower directly.

When parting, Mo Xuan asked Xiaoyun: "Xiaoyun, when do you think you can leave the tower? Then I can pick you up."

Xiao Yun giggled, and said, "50 years if it is fast, or 800 years if it is slow. As for picking me up, thank you for your kindness, but I don't need you to pick me up at that time."

Um?Xiaoyun, what do you mean?Mo Xuan looked at Xiao Yun with some puzzlement.

Xiaoyun didn't reveal the answer to the mystery, but just waved his hand and saw you later.

Mo Xuan shook his head helplessly, and prepared to leave the Endless Tower together with the four girls.

On the way back, Mo Xuan and the others concluded that this experience in the Tower of Infinity was indeed a great harvest!

Not much to say about the rewards obtained during the training process and the treasures of heaven and earth collected; Mo Que'er has a new mount Dalang; Mo Xuan accepts King Kong as his apprentice and accepts the inheritance of the ancient emperor; Turned into a greedy mouse as a follower; Kong Ling comprehended brand new Taoism and dishes.

I can finally go home!
To get out of the tower, you still have to go through the teleportation array. After a jolt, Mo Xuan and his party appeared on the teleportation array on the endless tower square.

Hey, why are there so many people in the square?It should be a long time before the once-in-a-century battle for the Infinity Tower arena!

Wow!It's Hua'an Da Neng!It's Huo Qingling's power!Wu Nianxuan is powerful!The power of water dancing!
It's really them!They are back!

Oh, why is Hua An Da Neng's hair so gray, it must be because he spent too much consciousness on the world chess game, in order to win glory for us in the fourth layer of time and space, it is really hard for Hua An Da Neng!

The people gathered in the square burst into hysterical cheers!
Firecrackers and salutes are booming to the sky!

Countless huge banners were opened!
Warmly welcome the triumphant champion!

Warmly welcome the return of Huaan Daneng!

The hero is triumphant, show off my might!
Long live Hua'an Da Neng!

Mo Xuan blinked in surprise, the crowd gathered in the square must be waiting for us, right?This is too exaggerated!After all, not many people knew that their party would leave the Tower of Infinity so soon. It would be normal for them to experience a thousand and eight hundred years. They wouldn't plan to wait like this forever!
The four girls all smiled faintly, Xuan, you deserve this, what are you doing in a daze, I should just say a few words to everyone.

Mo Xuan really wasn't used to such a scene, he coughed and waved his hand to signal everyone to calm down.

"Everyone has worked hard, I have really felt your enthusiasm, thank you for your kindness. I am a little tired here, and I am going back to the Four Immortals to have a good rest, so that's it, see you later." Mo Xuan said a few words, and immediately So he took the four girls out of the way.

Why!Hua'an Da Neng, you let us take a good look at it, oops, no one is there, dizzy!
By the way, Master Shuiyue didn't come out of the tower?Shui Wu Da Neng is with Hua An Da Neng and the others. Could it be that Shui Wu Da Neng and Hua An Da Neng have eyes met?That is really a golden boy and a jade girl, a match made in heaven!

The return of Mo Xuan's five people shocked the entire fourth-level time and space, and countless people rushed towards the Four Immortals like a pilgrimage!
These things will not affect Mo Xuan and his party for the time being, but Mo Xuan and his party who have just returned to the Four Immortals Sect are facing the biggest crisis!
Gong Shichang stood in front of Mo Xuan and his party aggressively with his hands on his hips, humming, I've caught you guys, if you guys don't give me a satisfactory answer this time, don't blame me for being rude!

(End of this chapter)

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