Chapter 598
The Rubik's Cube incarnate by Xiaoyun kept flashing light. After some ultra-precise manipulations, the third gate deformed with a bang and transformed into a vertical portal.

The Rubik's Cube quietly floated in front of the portal, overflowing with light, as if looking at the portal.

The inspector, You Lan, stared blankly at this scene, and could even open the unbelievable third door. Could it be that she was...

"Youlan, if you follow me in, great things will happen." Xiaoyun's voice reached Youlan's ears.

Then Mo conveniently entered the portal directly.

Do you want to follow in?The other three inspectors did not arrive in time as Xiaoyun said. If they went in together, what would be waiting in front?Can you believe what Xiaoyun said?

You Lan was hesitant to decide what to do, after all, she was the only one who gritted her silver teeth and entered the portal.

Suddenly, there is no other world!
Blue sky and white clouds, endless grassland.

It seems to be full of vitality, but there is no trace of prestige, and no living things can be seen, not even an ant.

You Lan was startled, is this the world behind the third gate?It is far from the ultimate secret room with many traps that I expected.Hey, where is the Xiaoyun Rubik's Cube you just entered?
"It's strange, but it's just an appearance. You can only see through this world if you find your true heart." Xiaoyun's voice came to Youlan's mind.

Heart?You Lan frowned, isn't the original heart the so-called ultimate goal pursued by immortal cultivators, but what exactly is it?You Lan really can't understand, as the inspector of the Infinity Tower, You Lan's mission is to protect the Infinity Tower and maintain the daily operation of the Infinity Tower, and the rest is none of her business.

You Lan looked around in a daze, but couldn't find anything. What was her original intention?
Xiaoyun said lightly: "You Lan, time is limited, I am actually right next to you, if you don't see me within a quarter of an hour, then you can only miss this great opportunity for nothing."

You Lan's brows were tightly furrowed, she couldn't figure it out, what is the so-called original heart?Do I have a heart?
Youlan didn't have a clue for a while, and could only refer to the original intentions pursued by the testers in the Tower of Infinity. 99 out of [-] of them pursued greater power and greater power, so they were always taken by the Tower. They are tossing to death, if this is the original intention, then I really don't have it.However, there are also very few testers who almost have no desires and desires, and face everything in the Infinity Tower in a flat way. No matter how hard they are, they are always the same.

I don't know how to describe Youlan specifically, but I can understand their state of mind a little bit, but Youlan still doesn't know their original intentions.

Time passed by every minute and every second, Youlan was secretly anxious, what should I do?
Xiaoyun sighed secretly, and dialed: "Do you know why I chose you? From the first time I saw you on the square outside the Infinity Tower, I noticed your difference, so I have been observing you. In addition Although the three inspectors are at the same level as you, they are clearly inferior to you. Why is this? Think about it yourself."

Is that so?You Lan thinks about it carefully, other tower envoys are all buried in the Tower of Infinity, doing their best to complete their tasks, taking pleasure in torturing the testers, but is that really happy?

Youlan sees clearly that the Tower of Infinity is after all the training place for those who practice. The Tower Envoy is the emissary of the Tower of Infinity, but to put it bluntly, he is the attendant of those who practice. The testers are the real masters.No matter how beautiful the tower envoys are, they can only be beautiful for a while. When the testers grow up in the future, it is not uncommon for them to take a look at them.

Although the Infinity Tower is real, it is a self-styled world after all, so Youlan has longed for the world outside the Infinity Tower, so she took the initiative to please the other three inspectors who are not interested Reception work, take advantage of the moment when the gate of the endless tower is wide open, and take a look at the outside world.

It's a pity, after all, I can only take a few quick glances, and I can't really leave the Tower of Infinity. I still have to return to the Tower of Infinity to work, and I have been tied to death in the Tower of Infinity for the rest of my life!
With a quick glance, Youlan has already seen the fifth-level space-time and the fourth-level time-space. Although it seems that the world is far less prosperous than the first-level towers of the Endless Tower, the vast world still left a deep impression on Youlan. impression!That is the real world!
You Lan has gradually touched the edge of her heart, but she is still a little bit short.

The time limit of a quarter of an hour is running out!
Xiaoyun dialed and said: "Stupid, isn't the so-called original heart just me!"

I?You Lan blinked in surprise, me?who I am?I am Youlan, the Inspector of the Endless Tower!No, I'm Youlan!I am who I am!
You Lan was shocked, like being enlightened, so that's it!I am Youlan!
You Lan looks at this world again, that day is still that day, that place is still that place, but she is no longer the original Inspector You Lan!
With this level of epiphany, You Lan's heart is like a mirror, and she has already seen the flaws in this world. The world seems to be vast, but it is actually just an illusion, an illusion!The body is a cube space with four squares!It's just that the six walls are engraved with densely packed high and deep Dao patterns, which seems to be a vast world!

"Children can be taught." Xiaoyun smiled lightly.

You Lan turned her head and saw Xiao Yun's Rubik's Cube, which was always by her side.

"Where is this place?" You Lan couldn't help asking.

Xiaoyun laughed and said, "Where do you think this is?"

"The core hub of the Endless Tower?" After seeing this space, You Lan was really not sure.

"Yes, it's not right. It's too troublesome to explain. You can figure it out later. Just follow me and don't make any mistakes."

Youlan blinked in amazement, but still followed Xiaoyun's Rubik's Cube closely and walked back and forth, only feeling that the scene in all directions was constantly changing, Youlan didn't dare to be distracted, and followed Xiaoyun's Rubik's Cube closely.

You Lan followed Xiaoyun Rubik's Cube all the way, and finally stopped in front of a crystal flower-shaped building.

As if sensing the arrival of Xiaoyun and Youlan, the flower buds slowly bloomed, and the surrounding scenes changed rapidly, turning into a sea of ​​flowers.

A gentle voice sounded: "Tianyun, long time no see."

Xiaoyun replied indifferently: "It's been a long time since I saw you, Timei."

Tears, tears?They belong to the same group!Youlan was secretly surprised, as expected, Xiaoyun was able to open the three gates of the organ tower one after another, and it must have something to do with the owner of the endless tower.

"Youlan, this is not the place for you, go back and do your work. I'll catch up with old friends." Momei said to Youlan gently.

Youlan subconsciously wanted to agree.

"You Lan was called by me, I have something to trouble her for later." Xiao Yun hurriedly said.

You Lan is in a dilemma, who should I listen to?

(End of this chapter)

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