Interstellar Miner

Chapter 599 Arbitration

Chapter 599 Arbitration
You Lan was thinking about the great things that Xiaoyun said, and in the end she chose to stay where she was, neither retreating nor advancing.

Xiaoyun smiled lightly, this was exactly the result she wanted, everything was under control!
Seeing that Youlan didn't leave, Timei didn't say anything, and asked Xiaoyun gently: "Tianyun, what's the matter with you coming to my place?"

Xiaoyun didn't go around in circles, and said straight to the point: "I have only one reason for coming. My current form is really inconvenient, so I plan to change my body."

Tang Mei was silent.

Xiaoyun said lightly: "I know that you have such a body here, and I also know that that body is prepared for yourself, but my side is more urgent, so I will requisition it first."

Timei played Taiji and said: "Tianyun, if you come here as the main body, I will have nothing to say."

Xiaoyun smiled lightly and said, "My main body cannot be separated from my body. Even if I am a clone, my level is the same as yours. Then it is a matter of priority."

Lime was silent.

Youlan was secretly surprised that Xiaoyun was only a clone, and she was already on the same level as Timei, so her original background must be too big!
Xiaoyun gave Youlan a meaningful look, and said to Timei: "Youlan will be the referee, what do you think, Timei?"

Timei pondered for a long time, and said to Youlan: "Youlan, can you make a fair and just decision without any selfishness?"

You Lan knows that she is now at a crossroads in her life, facing the most difficult choice.

Time is ticking!You Lan nodded resolutely and said, "I can."

"Alright then!" Momei stared at Youlan for a long time, but agreed.

Xiaoyun smiled lightly, and talked eloquently: "It's the Tower of Infinity, and it belongs to the Immortal Palace. We have so many of them, isn't it just to maintain the overall balance and solve the urgent need of the second layer of time and space. I'm just as concerned about the danger of the demon devouring beast." But I’m repeating too much. At the beginning, my main body proposed to attack, but it was rejected. You all want to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, let the demon devouring beast fight to the death with the phoenix in the second layer of time and space, who would have thought that the phoenix is ​​pregnant , Weakness after giving birth, but was swallowed by that demon devouring beast instead! In the end, we shot ourselves in the foot, and the entire second-level time and space was swallowed up. All the super battleships under it were put in! Although the Devil Devourer was trapped by the time ban, it is not a long-term solution after all. It may escape at any time, and the threat exists all the time. My duty is to continue to serve the super The battleship collects and provides energy, but unfortunately, I only have a limited amount of celestial combat power, which is enough for the third level of time and space, let alone the fourth and fifth levels of time and space! Therefore, I really need that body."

Wow!What a secret!You Lan felt a little frightened when she heard that, don't think that when the arbitration is over, she will be harmonized!

Timei also talked eloquently: "I am in charge of the Tower of Infinity, maintain the stability of the Tower of Infinity, subtly improve the overall quality of good seedlings in the fourth and fifth layers of time and space, and focus on selecting and cultivating talents. The highest allowable golden immortal level in the fourth layer of time and space The strong enter the Infinity Tower to practice, and the fifth floor of time and space can only allow Xiaodaojun level powerhouses to enter the Infinity Tower to practice, so a killer is needed to restrict them, and I need that body even more."

You Lan couldn't help but be amazed, could it be possible that with that body, she could be able to fight against a strong person at the level of Xiao Daojun?
Xiaoyun curled her lips and said: "Tianmei, you have the blessing of the entire Infinity Tower. As long as more than five little Taoist monarchs don't rebel collectively, you can handle it. But I am different. If I am restricted, the super battleship will not get enough." Energy replenishment, hmph, no one can afford the consequences! Do you know why I only have so little power now? It’s because the main body is too short of energy, so it’s a little bit less!”

Timei confronted each other and said: "The top floor of the Infinity Tower has just been opened, and it is the time when chaos is most likely to occur. You also know the details of the top floor, and if there is any major accident, both the fourth and fifth floors of time and space will be destroyed." Suffering. So I must have the bottom of the box that can hold the field. You need a body, Tiyun, and I have a body of the level of a little Daoist, which is enough for the fourth floor of time and space."

Xiaoyun smiled faintly, glanced at Youlan inadvertently, and said: "But if the fifth layer of time and space is not enough, I am racing against time now, and I don't have so much free time. It is clear at a glance what is more important."

Youlan is so excited, could it be that the great thing that Xiaoyun said is the body of that Xiaodaojun?You Langui is a supervisor, and only possesses a limited amount of Golden Immortal-level power. With the blessing of the Endless Tower, she can compete with the power of the Golden Immortal. Without the Endless Tower, every point of power used is one point less. until exhausted.

Xiaoyun and Timei fought with each other and refused to give in to each other.

Youlan was already dizzy when she heard the back, and the two of them shook out countless secrets, and Youlan felt that her little head was no longer enough.But You Lan still has one biggest doubt, what is the origin of the body that the two are fighting for?
Xiao Yun revealed the mystery at the right time: "That body is at the level of the Great Sage King. Although it was seriously injured and broken, it was infused with the Qi after the fall of Lei Jingyun, and there was also the endless tower and the fourth and fifth layers of time and space. It should be pretty much fixed by now."

Timei responded: "Although there are still some flaws, it can indeed be possessed."

Xiaoyun said bluntly: "Tianmei, your level is not enough to control it. I'm afraid you can't even display one ten-thousandth of your strength. Although my strength is weak, the body has given me the greatest possible support, which is enough for me to control that. With a body, he can exert enough combat power."

Timei snorted coldly, and said, "Even if you can only display one ten-thousandth of your strength, it is enough to deal with it! Time waits for no one, the fruit of the primordial tree of the universe is about to ripen, and it may fall off at any time. At that time, there must be turmoil. The Devil Devourer is forcibly suppressed by the super battleship. Even if it is to escape, it will take at least tens of thousands of years, and it will be weak for a long time after escape. Our immediate priority is to select a leader who will lead us to share a cup of the fruit of the original universe tree Soup. So I weighed it again and again, allowing the fifth floor of time and space to have a strong person of the level of Xiaodao Lord to enter the trial of the Infinity Tower."

Xiaoyun smiled lightly: "The leader? I already have a confirmed candidate on my side, so you don't need to worry too much."

Timei snorted coldly: "The leader is so easy to choose, Tiyun, the leader you call is Hua An from the fourth layer of time and space, right? He can lead that ordinary team to win the championship of the World Chess Game. I admit that he is indeed It's very powerful, but it's also a coincidence, what we value most is strong enough strength and ability. To become the leader of our universe, the Xuanxian is not qualified at all!"

Xiaoyun smiled complacently, and said: "Don't talk too soon. That's just the strength he is willing to show. Hmph, that guy has always been hiding it, and even I don't know how much money he has under the box." And his room for growth is even more limitless, moreover, he is not alone, surrounded by a large group of Destined Children with unlimited potential, and his pet beast is the clone of the Devil Devourer, and his Dao The lover is the daughter conceived by the phoenix, and his younger brother is Lei Jingyun's direct disciple! He must be the one who can control the situation in the future! There is no evidence for it, I will share my memory with you, you can experience it yourself."

What?Is this true?Both Timei and Youlan couldn't help being stunned!
Xiaoyun smiled lightly and shared her memories without reservation.

Timei and Youlan came back to their senses, and quickly began to read Xiaoyun's memory. From the moment she leaned over Heiming No. [-] battleship, Jian Ling, Mo Xuan defeated Feng Chang, won the No. [-] battleship, and returned triumphantly. ... Mo Xuan comprehended the Nine-Aperture Linglong Stone, crossed the three layers of time and space, and became a god... Mo Xuan received disciples in the first layer of time and space... Mo Xuan ruled the third layer of time and space... Mo Xuan shined in the fourth layer of time and space, and took Lei Batian as his younger brother , and then recruit apprentices... Lead the team to win the Infinity Tower championship... Obtain the inheritance of the ancient emperor! this f*cking human?

Timei and Youlan were speechless, as Tiyun said, this Mo Xuan is the future leader of our universe!

Xiaoyun smiled complacently, and said: "Now you know how powerful Mo Xuan is! He's the only leader, there's no need to waste energy and resources looking for training or something! And the next chess game in the world will most likely belong to Mo Xuan The disciple dominates the audience."

It's not entirely true, Timei thought and thought, but was silent.

Xiao Yun curled his lips and said: "There are so many weird things on the top floor, I think it's better to take it easy, don't mess with that guy's coffin, now our universe can't stand it!"

Tang Mei responded in a low voice.

Xiaoyun turned to Youlan and asked, "Youlan, you already have your arbitration result!"

Youlan weighed it again and again, and said seriously: "The other two are considered to be a tie, but in order to better protect the future leader, it is true that Tiyun has a higher priority."

Xiaoyun slanted his mouth playfully and smiled, protecting him?What a big joke about the starry sky, my aunt went to such great lengths to get that body, she didn't want to protect him!But Xiaoyun still clearly remembered that that guy Mo Xuan pressed her on his knee and spanked her!

Back then, that fellow Mo Xuan was the Earth Immortal, and he could kick as much as he wanted, but now he is powerless, even with that little Daoist body, there is probably nothing he can do about it, so Xiaoyun just Staring at the body of the great sage!My aunt wants the best!Mo Xuan, when I come back, see if I don't beat you to the ground!

At the same moment, Mo Xuan involuntarily shuddered, as if something was wrong?Mo Xuan pinched his fingers and calculated, but he couldn't figure out any specific clues. He only knew that there seemed to be a catastrophe waiting for him ahead.

That's all, it's a blessing, not a curse, and it's a disaster that can't be avoided. Soldiers come to cover up the water and soil!

Timei was silent, she worked so hard to perfect her body, but in the end she was cut off. It is impossible not to be depressed!

You Lan asked, "Tianmei, do you have any objections?"

Timei was silent for a long time, then sighed, "No."

You Lan nodded, and said seriously: "Then I will announce the result of the arbitration right now: the body of the Great Sage Monarch will be used first by Ti Yun!"

It's done!Xiaoyun smiled lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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