Interstellar Miner

Chapter 600 paragraph

Chapter 600 Ten Paragraphs
The petals of the crystal flower buds are gently swaying, overflowing with light and beautiful!

The surrounding scenes switched rapidly, and finally turned into an ice field.

Frozen thousands of miles, cold and windy.

In the center of the ice sheet stands a huge blue iceberg.

Xiaoyun Rubik's Cube led Youlan to the iceberg.

Without Xiaoyun uttering a sound, the iceberg suddenly cracked a deep hole, leading to the inside of the iceberg.

You Lan frowned slightly, looking at the darkness in the depths of the crack, gritted her teeth secretly, feeling very uncertain.

Xiaoyun smiled lightly, no matter how unwilling Timei was, she would not dare to act recklessly in the face of a catastrophe, but small actions are inevitable, so she has to guard against them!
"Enter!" Xiaoyun led Youlan into the crack, all the way to the core of the iceberg.

There is an ice room, the temperature is as low as minus [-] degrees, and boiling water can instantly form ice beads when poured out.

You Lan looked in amazement at the eight freezers erected in the ice room, five of which were empty, and each of the other three freezers contained a body sealed in ice, two men and one woman, both naked, with obvious marks on their bodies. The healed scars seemed to be asleep, but upon careful observation, there was no heartbeat.

Is this a real body?You Lan was secretly startled, what is going on?

Xiao Yun was not interested in the three freezers, but looked at the icicle in the center of the ice room with great interest.

You Lan followed Xiaoyun to look over. At first glance, it looked like an ordinary icicle, but in fact it connected the world, outlined countless dao patterns, and there was an incomparably graceful figure faintly inside the icicle.You Lan couldn't help but secretly swallowed her saliva.

Xiaoyun ordered: "Youlan, it may take many years for me to control this body, you will protect me by the side, and your benefits will not be lost at that time."

You Lan respectfully agreed.

Xiaoyun's Rubik's Cube emitted a bright light, slowly melted into the icicle, and then touched the brows of that graceful body, melting into the brows little by little.

That graceful body gradually began to glow, overflowing with light, as if it had suddenly come to life, but after a while, the light dimmed again and became silent.

You Lan watched this scene in amazement, and tried her best to protect it.


Four levels of time and space, four immortal sects.

The pilgrims made the Four Immortals Sect full and congested for three or four years before the tide gradually subsided.

Mo Xuan took a breath, and finally had time to practice in seclusion for a few years. Even if the inheritance of the ancient emperor is not very applicable to cash, it is definitely worth comprehending.

In fact, Mo Xuan has indeed benefited a lot. The three years of retreat have allowed him to understand the Dao more thoroughly. Among other things, he should already be sure to become a Golden Immortal in the future!
The first thing Mo Xuan did when he left the customs was to ask Xiao Yun if he had returned, but Xiao Yun was still in the Tower of Infinity. Mo Xuan secretly sighed, I really don't know what kind of plane Xiao Yun is doing, I hope she doesn't mess around.

The speed at which the Four Immortals Sect has developed and grown has surpassed everyone's imagination. Mo Xuan himself was quite surprised, but he still followed the usual strategy of throwing his hands away as the shopkeeper.With a complete performance appraisal system, we will continue to dig out and cultivate talents and eliminate black sheep.

The Four Immortals have always maintained a virtuous circle of development, like a snowball is getting bigger and bigger, so there is no need to talk about it!
Yun Yuanjia had left the Tower of Infinity and returned to Chess Academy.Not only him, many members of the team saw that Mo Xuan and his party really left that new world, and they were not happy to stay any longer. They left that new world on their own initiative. Continue to practice in the tower, and everything is in line with Mo Xuan.

The mausoleum in the crater of the Holy Mountain appeared for a very short time this time. It only lasted for less than five years before sinking into the rolling magma. There were many practitioners who did not have time to leave the mausoleum. I am afraid it will be difficult to last until the next time. The mausoleum surfaced again.Mo Xuan could only mourn in silence for them.

And the black and white pattern left by Mo Xuan before he left is really amazing!

Zhizun, the seven little dao lords, and those golden immortals in the new world are all studying hard without sleep, which is really unpredictable.

The rest of the immortals can comprehend more or less, but after all the level is not enough, they can't comprehend too much, so they can only engrave it in their hearts, and continue to comprehend when they have enough cultivation.

Now in the fifth layer of time and space, a rubbing copy of a dark pattern has already been sold at a sky-high price, which is hard to come by!

Mo Xuan didn't think too much about it, it was just that the good guy had a fit and wanted to resolve the death calamity in the mausoleum as much as possible.The black and white pattern is already complicated enough, but it is actually a much simplified pattern. It is one of the changes in the layout of the mausoleum portal. The real essence is in Mo Xuan's mind, it is the bottom of the box!

After all, Mo Xuan couldn't relax for a few days, and soon received an urgent message from Yun Yuanjia, it was extremely urgent!
Mo Xuan rushed to the Chess Academy in a hurry.

Chess Academy held a grand welcome ceremony from top to bottom. All the four deans of the [-]th tier were present, as well as everyone who could come from the Chess Academy, as well as the avatars of the three Xiaodao Lords. There were countless people watching the ceremony.

Mo Xuan looked at Yun Yuanjia suspiciously, Dean, what is your urgent need?

Yun Yuanjia smiled, if you don't come, the people will be stuck in the Chess Academy, I just ask you to come here, okay, no kidding, there is really a very urgent matter!However, fellow Daoist Hua'an, you should help deal with the extremely enthusiastic people first.

Mo Xuan smiled wryly. Fortunately, he had already been disturbed by the pilgrims before, and he was able to handle it freely. In fact, he just acted as an idol to satisfy the curiosity of the people, and let's talk about the scene, it's done!

As the representative of the four principals, Yun Yuanjia solemnly said to Mo Xuan: "Hua'an [-]th Dan, you have been busy all these years and have never had time to participate in the [-]th Dan assessment. But your chess prowess has long been seen by all, and there is no need What are you looking for. So the four of us discussed it and decided to award you the ten-stage Medal of Honor directly without taking the exam."

This...not so good.Mo Xuan declined. The main reason why he joined Chess Academy at the beginning was to integrate into the fourth layer of time and space more conveniently and gain a firm foothold, not for the tenth stage!

The tenth stage is really dispensable to Mo Xuan.

But obviously Yun Yuanjia and the four deans don't think so. The tenth dan is the supreme glory of the four-level time and space. Who dares to guarantee that the layer of time and space can win?Even the three Xiaodao Lords themselves dare not boast about this Haikou!

You know, what Hua'an Jiuduan defeated was the team formed by the fifth-level Time and Space Little Daoist. What kind of concept is that, and you can only understand it if you really face everything in person!
The avatars of the three little Daoist monarchs are also a bit of consolation, Fellow Daoist Hua'an, the tenth stage should be yours, so don't refuse any more!
The hospitality was hard to turn down, so Mo Xuan had no choice but to agree.

Ever since, the tenth stage of Hua'an, which has never been seen before or since, was born!

The ceremony of conferring the Medal of Honor of the [-]th Duan was held in a grand manner, and the Chess Academy celebrated for one month from top to bottom!

(End of this chapter)

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