Interstellar Miner

Chapter 701 Flag of Commander

Chapter 701 Flag of Commander
After all the hardships, we finally held on!

The human defenders who successfully defended the city cheered heartily.

The sweat and hard work were not wasted in vain, and the rewards for successfully defending the city were quite generous.

Last time the monster attacked the city, only the leader could get a banner of command, and the others got nothing.But this time there are so many rewards, it is not in vain for everyone to defend the city so desperately.

One of the best rewards is the Commander's Banner.

This time the monsters attacked the city, the Banner of Command can be said to have exerted unimaginable power. A total of 1 people have continued to increase their super attributes for a quarter of an hour. The appearance of each Banner of Command can greatly boost morale and be strong. Withstood the fierce attack of the monster army.

It's a pity that the effectiveness is only for a quarter of an hour. The Banner of Command can only be used at the most difficult and critical moment, and the number is extremely limited. After the defense of the city is over, there will be no Banner of Command left in each city.

If Xiaodie and Cheng Huansi's Banner of Command hadn't been used up early in City No. [-], they would have been able to sweep away the monster army at least an hour earlier.

And this time the super reward Commander's Banner is really amazing.

It can provide 2 people with a super bonus of blood volume + 40% attack + 40% total defense + 40% at the same time, and it lasts for half an hour.

On the surface, it doubles the attributes of the Banner of Command, but in fact, the Banner of Command can play far more than twice the effect of the Banner of Command, and can almost play a powerful role in finalizing the final word!

If the second city fails to defend the city, naturally there is no reward.

The commander-in-chief flags of City No. [-], City No. [-], City No. [-], and City No. [-] were all rewarded to the commander-in-chief who played a vital role in the defense of the city, namely: Qi Zhengde, Sun Qin, Hao Kaicheng and Fluttershy.

In addition to the flag of the commander, there are also generous rewards such as equipment and super medicines, so I won’t introduce them one by one.

In addition, the explosion rate of monsters during the siege is extremely high, the equipment released by the demon king and hunter is also quite sharp, and the coins released by ordinary monsters are also very powerful.

The Terran defenders in City [-], City [-], and City [-] have received a lot of money in addition to the heavy loss in level. With better equipment and sufficient coins, it is naturally easier to level up .

As long as they reached level [-], they could be teleported to the main city, but everyone was exhausted, and only a handful of students who had reached level [-] rushed to the main city to start a new round of exploration.

The lost No. [-] city is even more tragic. You must first reach a relatively distant neighboring city, rush to level [-], and then teleport.

There are not many days left for the big exam, and if there is such a delay, it is almost destined to be the tail of the crane.

After the defense of the city is over, it can be said that most of the human defenders in City No. 49 have reached level [-], and only a few people are still around level [-].

Everyone has tasted a lot of the sweetness of group killing monsters. Even in the main city, you must continue to group monster farming.

Sharpening knives and cutting firewood by mistake, Cheng Huansi and the others had a good night's sleep, and then went to Xiaodie's dormitory to meet up as usual.

"Oh, I've been running around all night, but I'm exhausted." Yuan Meng stretched her waist and hammered her small waist.

Fifth sister Kuang Qing lazily lay on the sofa, turned over, swayed her feet twice, and complained, "I just feel that my two legs don't belong to me anymore. Ninth sister, we can easily guard them, why? It's so thankless to fight against the monster army."

The eldest sister Cheng Huansi gave Kuang Qing a slight push, and said as a matter of course, "Ninth Sister, of course this is for military training. Only by practicing hard and sweating can I get good grades in the big exam."

Kuang Qing oh-oh-oh, said, "I know that too, I'm just dizzy from exhaustion, so I complain a few words."

Although Cheng Huansi and the others are fascinated by the main city and want to go there sooner, there are more important things to consider.

"Dong dong." There was a knock on the door.

Xiaodie quickly ran to open the door, but there was no one there, and there was an exquisite four-layer food box on the ground at the door.

Xiaodie walked into the dormitory carrying the food box.

"Wow, that's great."

"Let's have dinner."


Yuan Meng, Kuang Qing and the others cheered and jumped for joy. Now they didn't have backaches, backaches or leg cramps at all, and only the exquisite four-layer food box was left in their eyes.

Xiaodie smiled, put the food box on the table, opened it layer by layer, and immediately the incomparably graceful fragrance wafted out, making mouth water.

Can't wait, can't wait to use their hands and feet to eat the ultimate delicacy in the food box, Yuan Meng and the others just feel extremely happy, no matter how much hard work in the monster siege, it is worth it!

Once you've eaten and drank enough, it's time to get down to business.

The Tian-level Zhen Squad and the Tian-level Kun Squad were sent to the main city as the vanguard to inquire about the main city and the monster's first pass information.

The rest continued to level up as a group, and then teleported to the main city together when everyone reached level [-].

The majestic main city is far from being comparable to small towns and cities. Xiaodie and his party stood on the wide streets of the main city, staring blankly at the towering buildings around them, and could only stare with their mouths wide open.

God, this is too exaggerated!

If there were no previous towns and cities, Xiaodie and his party would definitely suspect that what they saw was an illusion.

In Xiaodie's and the others' minds, a tall building with ten floors would be the sky-high, but in this main city, the one hundred-story buildings are all short winter melons.

All kinds of creative advertisements are played in a loop on various super-large screens on the building, which obviously don't match the Daoist light curtain.

Everyone knows that no matter how wide the road is, it is still on the ground, but the road of the main city road is really heavenly!The intertwined three-dimensional traffic bridges completely overturned the cognition of Xiaodie and his party.


Xiaodie and the others were amazed, they really learned a lot today!If you don't see it with your own eyes, how can you know that there are such high-rise buildings and such incredible super cities in the world.

Afterwards, Xiaodie's and his party's ID badges received a message: Welcome to the main city, please go to the main city lobby to get a new ID badge.

New badge?Xiaodie and his party looked at each other in amazement, the location of the main city hall had been marked on the ID card, and it was less than 200 meters ahead.

It should be the tallest, largest and most magnificent building in the center of the main city. According to a rough count, it has at least 250 floors.

Xiaodie and her party entered the main city hall. The thousand-square-meter hall was magnificent. Although it was sparsely populated, it didn't look empty at all.

The puppet is still responsible for the reception.

Xiaodie and his party quickly replaced the brand-new ID card. Compared with the old ID card, the new ID card has many functions and strong performance, and supports convenient functions such as video chat and precise positioning.

Moreover, the new identity card completely inherits the data of the old identity card, and will not lose friends or anything just because the identity card is replaced.

Next, the Tian-level Zhen Squad and the Tian-level Kun Squad were divided into eight teams to conduct separate operations to inquire about intelligence.

Xiaodie habitually formed a team with Cheng Huansi and the others.

The students in the Tian-level Zhen class secretly shook their heads and sighed, Xiaodie and Cheng Huansi were too close, those who didn't know thought Xiaodie was a member of the Tian-level Kun class.

Xiaodie and his party simply strolled around the main city, but it was too big, even if they spent three days and three nights, they would not be able to get there.

Although the main city is huge, the transportation is very convenient. Just tell the new ID card where you want to go, and the new ID card will immediately plan the most convenient and time-saving route.

Those with high cultivation levels can fly there directly according to the planned route, and those with low cultivation bases can swipe their ID cards to pay some coins to board those strange vehicles, which is very convenient.

Then Xiaodie and his party took a bus to the east city gate, got off the bus, and walked out of the super giant light curtain guarding the main city together.

The new ID card immediately prompts: You have left the safe zone, please pay attention to safety.


"This is?"

As soon as the light curtain came out, Cheng Huansi and the others all raised their voices in surprise.

Xiaodie also blinked in surprise. When she was in small towns and cities, once she left the light curtain, the lively true energy in her body would suddenly become dead silent, and her body would suddenly feel uncomfortable for a while.

But leaving the light curtain at this moment, although the true energy in the body has become lifeless, it is obviously not completely sealed, and a small part of the true energy is loose.

Xiaodie wondered to herself, is the light curtain in the main city different from the previous light curtain, or is it because of the new identity card?In any case, this is extremely beneficial to us.

Xiaodie and his party tried it immediately, choosing different positions to enter and exit the light curtain several times, but the situation was the same, and a small part of the true energy in the body would always loosen.

Although the loosened true energy is only a small part, it is almost impossible to release a complete Dao method, but it is enough to greatly improve the body's various skills, such as running faster, jumping higher, and more durable.

These improvements are certainly not big, but this is not just the improvement of a single person, but the improvement that everyone can obtain.

However, Xiaodie and his party did not become paralyzed by this, and immediately began to test the monsters outside the main city.

The first type of monster approaching the main city was no longer a big white rabbit, but a beetle as big as an iron pot. It ran extremely fast and possessed steel-like defense power.

It doesn't hurt much to hit the Beetle's back with a level [-] big move. Xiaodie and his team worked together to brush a Beetle, but it took a lot of effort, and the experience gained was not as good as the previous night's group killing monsters. It's a little embarrassing.

Cheng Huansi frowned and said: "It shouldn't happen, there should be some tricks to beat this beetle."

Xiaodie and his party tried hard immediately, everything is difficult at the beginning, let's take it step by step.

(End of this chapter)

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