Chapter 702
"Oh, why is this beetle so hard? It can't be touched at all." Yuan Meng couldn't help complaining.

Cheng Huansi and the others also frowned secretly. They tried all kinds of methods, but none of them worked well for the beetles. Could it be that the monsters in the main city are so tough?The defense is too high!
Xiaodie pondered and said: "Let's let the beetles go first, let's go test other monsters. If they are so difficult to fight, then let everyone in the fifth city not rush to the main city, just go to the fifth city." Continue to level up."

Cheng Huansi and the others nodded in agreement.

A group of people deftly passed through the beetle area, and saw kangaroos jumping around all over the mountains and plains.

Kuang Qing curiously walked in front of a kangaroo, and saw the kangaroo suddenly stand up and stare at her vigilantly.Kuang Qing clicked her tongue, "It's so tall, the standing kangaroo is a head taller than herself."

Kuang Qing threw a small fireball at random, the small fireball was extremely fast, and hit the kangaroo precisely who was trying to dodge.

The kangaroo grinned, then bent over and rushed towards Kuang Qing.

Kuang Qing blinked in surprise, is the kangaroo a melee skill?
In a blink of an eye, the kangaroo had rushed to Kuang Qing, stood up, bent his arms, and punched Kuang Qing's face with both fists at the same time.

"Fifth Sister, be careful!" Xiaodie exclaimed.

Kuang Qing was taken aback, but luckily she was pretty good at it, and she leaned back in time to avoid the kangaroo's punch.Kuang Qing was a little confused, what's going on?Is this kangaroo a fighting type of skill?Straight punch?

When the kangaroo saw that the boxing had returned in vain, he withdrew his fists, supported the ground with its long tail that had been dragged to the ground, and lifted both feet off the ground at the same time, kicking towards Kuang Qing like a cannonball.

ha?Kuang Qing never imagined that the kangaroo would make such a move. She was caught off guard and hit the kangaroo twice in the stomach.

Kuang Qing grunted, covered her stomach in pain and bent down.

The kangaroo took advantage of the situation, leaped forward, and punched Kuang Qing fiercely with both fists.

Bending over, Kuang Qing was hit hard several times, the pain made her pretty face contort.

"Five sisters!"

"Five sisters!"

Cheng Huansi and the others rushed to the rescue and drove the kangaroo away together.

"Fifth sister, are you okay?"

"Fifth Sister, how are you?"

Kuang Qing tried her best to straighten up, her right eye was a little swollen, but she still insisted, "I'm fine."

Cheng Huansi and the others secretly gritted their teeth, it's unreasonable, this kangaroo did it as soon as it said it would, Wumei suffered a big loss when she was caught off guard.

Xiaodie let out a cold snort, and rushed directly to the kangaroo that beat Kuang Qing, and put on a posture, aren't you good at fighting, come on.

Without showing any weakness, the kangaroo stood up, opened its posture, and launched a fierce attack on Xiaodie, punching and kicking.

"Ninth Sister, be careful."


"One person can't beat it!"

Cheng Huansi and the others were secretly anxious and wanted to rush over to help Xiaodie, but soon found that it was completely unnecessary.

The kangaroo's punches, kicks and fierce attacks can't hit Xiaodie at all, and Xiaodie always avoids it lightly.Only then did Cheng Huansi and the others realize that Xiaodie's kung fu is so slippery. Could it be that Xiaodie has specially trained her body?

Xiaodie has never practiced body training before, but the first lesson that Tie Dan taught her was very special.

That day was sunny and sunny, Tie Dan took Xiao Die to a small town and found an alley after turning the corner.

The alley was a little dark, and there was no one there, only two big black dogs lying on the ground with their tongues out to enjoy the cool air, as if they were kings of the alley.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, the two big black dogs turned over and stared fiercely at the two outsiders, Tie Dan and Xiao Die, whimpering.

Tie Dan glanced at the two black dogs lightly, so-so, let's make do with it.

Tie Dan glanced at Xiao Die again, at such a young age, she didn't have any fear or reaction at all, and just stood beside her so pretty.

Tie Dan then asked: "Xiaodie, are you not afraid of dogs?"

Xiaodie blinked and replied, "I'm afraid."

Tie Dan said strangely: "You don't look like you are afraid of dogs."

Xiaodie asked strangely: "Aren't you here without the Elder?"

Uh... so that's what happened, Tie Dan curled his lips and said, "I brought you here to teach you a cooking skill."

Xiaodie looked at Tie Dan in astonishment, are you going to accept me as an apprentice?I am not dreaming!

Tie Dan explained: "Back then I was young and didn't practice immortality, but with the two skills at hand, I was able to move across the world, and I was always invincible."

Isn't it cultivator?Xiao Die was a little disappointed, but since the skill taught by the immortal elder must be very remarkable, what kind of cooking skill is it?

Tie Dan ordered: "Look carefully, I will only demonstrate once, how much you can learn depends on your understanding."

After finishing speaking, Tie Dan walked towards the two big black dogs.

Xiaodie opened her eyes wide curiously, not daring to blink.

At this moment, Tie Dan looked like an ordinary mortal, two big black dogs grinned and showed their fangs, and stared at Tie Dan in a demonstrative way, this is our territory, come and try again.

"Go." Tie Dan waved away.

The two big black dogs were immediately enraged, roaring and rushing towards Tie Dan.

Tie Dan looked back at Xiaodie, the little girl didn't change her expression, she was concentrating on this scene, Tie Dan couldn't help but nodded secretly, she really had a lot of courage, but courage alone is not enough.

Tie Dan was not in a hurry, and waited until the two big black dogs rushed up to him, and slapped two palms lightly.

Clap twice!

Tie Dan rewarded each of the two big black dogs with a big ear slap, and they were all very precise on the base of the big black dog's ears, making them dizzy and retreating back and forth with howls.

Tie Dan glanced at the two big black dogs, and the two big black dogs swayed in fright and fled away.

Wow!cool!Xiaodie was amazed again and again.

"See clearly?" Tie Dan turned around and asked.

Xiaodie nodded, seeing clearly.

Um?Tie Dan was a little surprised. Although he was not moving fast, ordinary people can see clearly, but don't underestimate the two palms that are understated. The strength and angle of the palms are extremely particular, and they have to hit the big black dog extremely The root of the ear is fine, otherwise it is just tickling the big black dog.

At the beginning, only myself and Erwazi had mastered it after reading it once, and the other children were all bitten by dogs and cried.

Tie Dan led Xiaodie directly to another alley, where there was only a native dog.

Tie Dan pointed at the dirt dog and ordered: "Xiaodie, go and try."

Xiaodie took a deep breath, and immediately walked forward. To be honest, she was still a little scared, but the fairy leader was behind her, so there was no danger.

Xiaodie cheered herself up, gradually calmed down, and took the initiative to provoke the earth dog.

The earth dog dared to underestimate him when he saw such a small guy, and immediately barked at Xiaodie a few times, seeing that Xiaodie was not retreating but advancing, he immediately rushed towards Xiaodie unceremoniously.

Xiaodie found the right time and drew out her palm with a slap.

Even though Xiaodie was young and weak, the earth dog got tinnitus and dizziness after receiving this precise slap, groaned and wobbled, completely blinded.

How about it?Xiaodie turned to look at Tie Dan.

To be honest, Tie Dan was really surprised. Could it be that the little girl he rescued was a super genius?Will there be such a good thing in the world?
Thinking back to when the leader of the gang of thieves abducted the child, didn't he abduct himself, Erwazi and the monkey together?

Tie Dan remained calm, the battle was not over yet.

The earth dog shook his head, and glanced at the short Xiaodie. This little guy must have hit him by mistake, but he didn't believe it, and the earth dog rushed towards Xiaodie again.

Xiaodie didn't panic, she drew out her palm again, and the slap was crisp and sweet.

This time the earth dog has to believe even if he doesn't believe in evil. After encouraging him to stand firm, he whimpered and ran away with his tail between his legs.

Xiaodie pursed her lips and smiled, it was fun.

Tiedan nodded slightly, and said: "It's still so-so. Xiaodie, remember, the main point of this move is that the palm is like the wind and the wind is like lightning. In addition to being precise, it is also precise."

Xiaodie nodded repeatedly, keeping it in mind.

Tiedan took Xiaodie to a few more alleys, and asked Xiaodie to deal with two dogs, three dogs, and four dogs at the same time.

Xiaodie took her time, if she came for two, she would draw a pair, if she came for three, she would draw three, if she came for four, she would have to move a little bit, and draw in two.

Unknowingly, when Xiaodie looked at those vicious dogs again, she didn't feel scary at all, but rather cute.

Tiedan has also officially confirmed that Xiaodie is really a super genius, and her luck is really good!

Tie Dan cheerfully took Xiao Die back to the Governor's Mansion.

Xiaodie is still a little curious, the fairy has two cooking skills, and she has already learned a dog-beating skill, what is the other one?But Xiaodie also knew that being a human being requires contentment, so she didn't ask.

After Xiaodie officially became a disciple of Tie Dan, she couldn't help asking.

Tie Dan smiled and said, "The other skill is a skill that is empty-handed, and a good boy should not learn it."

Empty hands?theft?Xiaodie was shocked, didn't she, did Master ever work as a pickpocket?
Tie Dan stroked Xiaodie's head, and said: "Actually, it's pretty much the same. With enough eyesight and hand speed, you can easily do it with your hands. Xiaodie, just practice hard, don't think about those useless things."

Xiao Die oh oh nodded.

After that, Xiaodie has been burying her head in hard training, and has never specially practiced the skill of beating dogs, but she still performed quite well in this big test, and she can pick up coins so quickly.

Now this kangaroo is much stronger than a dirt dog, but Xiaodie is no longer the little girl she was back then, she figured out the kangaroo's attack pattern in three or two strokes, just two moves over and over again.

When kangaroos attack with fists, their feet must touch the ground; when they kick, their tails must touch the ground, and their arms cannot exert force and can only be restrained.

Moreover, the kangaroo's feet can only jump and move forward, and cannot walk in tandem, and the sideways movement is also very embarrassing.

It's really not good, Xiaodie curled her mouth, dodged the kangaroo's kick, and before it landed, she took a step forward and slapped it.

The palm is like a swift wind, and the momentum is like lightning!

with a snap.

The kangaroo received a solid slap on the ear, tinnitus and dizziness, and staggered back.

How could Xiaodie let the kangaroo go so easily, snorted coldly and followed up, bowing left and right, so that the kangaroo couldn't find the north at all, and could only defend passively.

Cheng Huansi and the others looked on in a daze.

Kuang Qing secretly swallowed her saliva, the gentle and pleasant Jiumei was so fierce, she was beaten by the kangaroo and couldn't find her way, but when she came to Jiumei, it was the opposite, amazing!

Xiaodie slapped the kangaroo hard, and when she had given Fifth Sister enough anger, she distanced herself from the kangaroo, started to release her skills, and spent an incense stick of effort to easily take down the kangaroo.

Xiaodie rubbed her chin, how should I put it, the kangaroo is obviously a level stronger than the monsters in city five, but it is not as difficult to fight as the beetle, and it can still be swiped.

Cheng Huansi and the others gave Xiaodie a thumbs up in admiration, "Jiu Mei, you really don't show your face."

Xiaodie smiled modestly, it's nothing, the skill of eating, I can't lose it no matter what.

(End of this chapter)

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