Interstellar Miner

Chapter 703 Quarrel

Chapter 703 Quarrel
Cheng Huansi and the others also began to try to swipe kangaroos. Swiping alone is really annoying. Although kangaroos can only punch and kick, they are really ferocious. Once a kangaroo gets close, they basically have to run away.

Helpless, Cheng Huansi and the others could only brush kangaroos together in pairs, and the effect was not bad. Flying a kite can easily kill kangaroos.

It's almost there, and the group of people moved forward again to find out more information about the monsters in the main city.


Cheng Huansi pondered and said: "I feel that although the monsters in the main city are quite strong, they can still be used as a group."

Kuang Qing smiled and said: "The monsters in the main city must have weaknesses. We have limited manpower now, so we can't figure it out. When the army arrives, we will definitely be able to figure it out soon."

Yuan Meng suggested: "Then let everyone teleport to the main city earlier."

Xiaodie and the others nodded in agreement, that's true.

Cheng Huansi then contacted the rank-up army of city No. [-], and got a reply that all members could reach the standard within an hour at most.

Tsk tsk, so fast, Cheng Huansi and his party couldn't help but click their tongues secretly.

To be honest, it is quite difficult to reach the first level after the level is high, but the fifth city is too harmonious and friendly now.

There are students who have reached level [-] without any experience, and spare no effort to beat the monster until there is only a trace of blood left, and then lead the students who have not reached level [-] to assist them in the rapid impact.

And this is not an isolated phenomenon, most of the [-]th-level students are selfless, which is why they have such super speed.

In less than an hour, all members of City No. [-] arrived at the main city through the teleportation array in an orderly manner.

The main city, which seemed unusually empty, suddenly became full of people, very lively.

The students yelled and were shocked beyond measure by this unimaginable super main city.

After all, it is still in the initial exploration stage, and there should be many undiscovered secrets in this huge main city. Xiaodie will first share the information they have found out with everyone, and then arrange for everyone to split up for the next half a day. Convergence when applying.

Everyone swiftly replaced the new identity cards, and then dispersed to inquire about useful information.

Xiaodie and the others were not idle either, and continued to inquire about information.

With the passage of time, except for City No. [-], which failed to defend the city, there was still no news. The students from City No. [-], City [-], and City [-] successively rushed to level [-] and sent to the main city, and the main city changed accordingly. It's getting more and more lively.

The prefecture-level Guiban of No. [-] City has been at the forefront of the monster siege, and has dropped three levels on average. After successfully defending the city, they worked day and night to level up, and finally all members rushed to level [-].

Class leader Bai Heze breathed heavily, and said: "Everyone has worked hard these few days. Although we are a little behind, we should not have fallen behind by much. Most of the classes that rushed to the main city in advance are still in the groping stage. We must be very fast can catch up."


The students of the Gui class at the prefecture level shouted passionately, and returned to the No. [-] city in high spirits. They didn't care about rest and came to the main city through the teleportation array.

After a while of shock, the students of the Gui class at the prefecture level couldn't help but click their tongues. This is the legendary main city?It is really unseen and unheard of before, and only when you see it with your own eyes can you truly understand it.

Whoops, do you need a new ID card?
The prefecture-level Gui class and a group groped their way to the main city hall, and saw that there were already many students in the hall.

Although everyone's names are strange and weird, some familiar figures can still be recognized at a glance.

Afterwards, they will work together in the main city, and the students of the prefecture-level Gui class take the initiative to say hello to the students they have made friends with, and to improve their relationship.

At this time, a quarrel suddenly broke out not far away, and the voices became louder and louder.

A group of prefecture-level Gui classes came over to have a look. The reason for the quarrel was simple. The class from No. [-] city thought that Commander Sun Qin was super powerful and should be the commander-in-chief of the main city; Pushing Commander Hao Kaicheng, the two sides refused to give in to each other, so they quarreled like this.

"Under the leadership of Commander-in-Chief Sun Qin, each person in our No. [-] City only lost two and a half levels on average."

"What is that? Under the command of Commander Hao Kaicheng, each of us in the fourth city has only lost two and a half levels on average."

"One-third of the people in our No. [-] city have been teleported to the main city."

"Our fourth city is already more than one-third."

"Blow it and you will."


The prefecture-level Guiban group looked at each other a few times, and if they want to talk about the commander-in-chief, of course Qi Zhengde from our No.Although our class lost three levels on average, the average level in City One was just over two levels. In the later stage of defending the city, everyone was amazed and recovered a lot of losses.

However, Bai Heze and the others also knew that this kind of argument could not be resolved on the spot, at most it would be a quarrel with each other's arguments, and it might even end up in trouble.

Back then, when he was still in the small town, the prefecture-level Guiban was also a well-known leader. The monster siege was commanded by the squad leader Bai Heze, and he successfully defended it.

There are a total of [-] small towns, and seven of them are lost. The difficulty is definitely not small.The Gui class at the prefecture level is also quite contented, but in No. [-] city, there are quite a few classes with higher levels and abilities than them, and there are many capable people.

But everyone has a mentality of disobedience, no matter how good you are, we are not bad!

After all, you can only know whether it is a mule or a horse by pulling it out!

Unknowingly, the monster siege came, and the prefecture-level Guiban and his party sat in the west with full confidence, but soon their confidence was shattered by the powerful monster army. Still can't resist the attack of the monster army.

At a critical moment, it was Qi Zhengde, the squad leader of the class who left the class, who stepped forward. A series of effective instructions stabilized the overall situation, and thus sat firmly on the throne of commander-in-chief. No one had any objections, and all chose to obey the order. Choose to believe in Qi Zhengde.

The No. [-] city was able to successfully defend the city, and the commander-in-chief Qi Zhengde definitely deserved the most credit.

The prefecture-level Guiban and his party are still very self-aware. Although our contributions are not small, we can't compare with Tianlevel Liban and Qi Zhengde at all.

At this time, seeing the two classes in City No. [-] and City No. [-] fighting red-faced and eager to fight, everyone in the audience shook their heads and sighed secretly. It was really unnecessary.However, the main city still needs to have a commander-in-chief to carry out unified orders, otherwise the chaos will not be able to effectively resist the monsters attacking the city.

Just when Bai Heze and his party were about to step forward to act as peacemakers to persuade the fight, someone took the first step.

"Everyone, please listen to me. The two colleges, Sun Qin and Hao Kaicheng, are undoubtedly the best in our college. As for whether the two are superior or inferior, it is not for us to make a conclusion. Now the end of this big exam The time limit is running out, and monster siege is a huge threat that we all have to face."

"So right now we should put aside our prejudices, avoid unnecessary disputes, improve our level as soon as possible, and jointly fight against monsters attacking the city. This is what we should do most."

Hou Jin, the monitor of Class D at the prefecture level, spoke sincerely and made sense, and the onlookers all nodded in agreement.

Bai Heze raised his voice and echoed: "Squad leader Hou said it is true, this time the monster siege has taught us a good lesson, one class or a few people can never defend, only if everyone is united as one It is possible to successfully defend the city."

Thinking about it, those two classes are the same. A little quarrel almost caused a fight. It really shouldn't be. As for who is stronger, Sun Qin or Hao Kaicheng, it will be clear when the monsters in the main city attack the city. Now there is another quarrel. Ass.

After the two classes apologized to each other, they must hurry up and go to the next level.

"Everyone, please wait a moment." Hou Jin called to stop everyone.

What advice do you have?Everyone looked at Hou Jin suspiciously.

Hou Jin smiled slightly and said, "I'm actually on shift in the lobby of the main city. It doesn't mean anything else. I just want to share some information with you for free. It should be helpful to everyone."

real or fake?

Everyone is skeptical. You must know that every time you go to a new place in the big exam, you have to explore blindly.

Unless it is a time of crisis, such as monster siege, which requires everyone to contribute, I have never encountered such a good thing.

Hou Jin didn't write anything, and directly shared the information that the army of City No. [-] had acquired so far with the squad leaders present, and added friends by the way.

Don't add friends is the purpose, the so-called information sharing is just a pretense, everyone secretly doubts.

Bai Heze also looked through the information with some doubts, hey, there are a lot!This... this... this is... God!
The monitors present looked at me and I looked at you, all in a daze.

What's the matter?what happened?

The class leaders could not express their inner shock and excitement in words, and directly shared the information with the students in the class.

Uh... that's not true, is it?
This is even more exaggerated than pie in the sky!impossible!
Some people can't help but wonder, is this true intelligence?It can't be false information deliberately deceiving people.But no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like false information. The news is too detailed and accurate!
The mission guide for the main city is not only a detailed route, but also a detailed introduction on how to trigger it faster and complete it faster.

The monsters outside the city are also described in great detail.

Beetle: Lie on the ground like an iron pot, run fast, have extremely strong defense, and can hardly be touched by various skills.The weak point is in the abdomen, using skills such as earth thorns to overturn it, and attacking its fragile abdomen can get twice the result with half the effort.

Kangaroos: Although they can only punch and kick, they are extremely aggressive. Don't let them get close to you, otherwise you will have a bruised nose and a swollen face. Don't blame no one to remind you.Using long-range skills to set fire and bombing is the best brushing method.


Bai Heze was stunned and swallowed secretly. As long as the information is true, its value is unquestionable. This is too big a hand, it is simply unimaginable!
Bai Heze looked at Hou Jin in a daze: "Squad Leader Hou, who is this?"

Hou Jin smiled lightly and said, "This is the meaning of our commander-in-chief. In fact, I just help run errands and pass on the message."

Bai Heze couldn't help asking the doubts in the hearts of everyone present: "Who is your commander-in-chief?"

Hou Jin smiled complacently, and said, "We are from City No. [-], and the commander-in-chief is Yang Die from the Heavenly Earthquake Squad."

Everyone was startled again, Yang Die?That Yang Die who made a lot of noise and entered the Tian-level earthquake class through the back door?Is it really her?
By the way, isn't Liang Qiuyou the squad leader of the Heavenly Earthquake Squad? How could Yang Die be the commander-in-chief? Could there be some ulterior secret in it?

For a while, everyone thought a lot.

Hou Jin was so commonplace that he didn't bother to explain anything. Well, the hour he was in charge of was almost over. When the shift was changed, he hurried back to rest, and at night he had to organize a group to clear the level.

Bai Heze and his party left the hall of the main city in a daze, looking at the information shared by Hou Jin. The tasks in the main city are all troublesome, and they all involve killing monsters. Let's take a break for now, let's go out of the city to farm monsters.

Whoops, that's the Beetle. Bai Heze and his party tried to brush a few of them. As the information said, it's hard to beat the Beetle no matter what skills you use, but as long as you overturn the Beetle On the ground, with the belly facing the sky, you can chop vegetables at will.

However, it is not so easy to overturn the fast-running Beetle, and the skills must be controlled very precisely.

Bai Heze led the students of the prefecture-level Gui class to adjust for a long time, and finally he was able to brush the Beetles relatively easily.

(End of this chapter)

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