Chapter 704

After brushing the beetles, the prefecture-level Guiban and his party came to the kangaroo area.

Isn't it just an ordinary kangaroo, and it can only attack melee, so it should be much easier to brush than the Beetle.

Although he knew the brushing method in advance, the prefecture-level Guiban still underestimated the strength of the kangaroo, and was rushed to the front by the kangaroo without paying attention.


"Come and help."



After a while, several students became bruised and swollen, only then did they realize how sharp the kangaroo's punches and kicks were.Hey, there are instructions and warnings in the information, but we are still careless, it really shouldn't be.

The prefecture-level Guiban revived and made persistent efforts to continue brushing kangaroos, becoming more and more proficient.Tsk tsk, as expected of a monster in the main city, there are a lot of experience and coins, and the equipment has also exploded, which is awesome.

Before I knew it, the sky was getting darker.

Bai Heze clapped his hands and said, "Everyone gather and prepare to go back. It will be embarrassing if you accidentally bump into the hunters from the main city."

The students quickly gathered together and lined up to return to the main city.

A group of people were walking to the middle ground between the kangaroo and the beetle, and suddenly they all felt the ground shake slightly, eh?Could it be an earthquake?
"Then... what is that?" A student pointed in the direction of the main city in astonishment.

The other students raised their eyes and saw a faint black tsunami thousands of meters wide roaring towards them. What is this?Is it a tide of monsters?It doesn't look like it!

The students of the prefecture-level Gui class looked at each other in surprise, did not move forward, and stayed in place to wait and see what happened.

The black tsunami was getting closer and closer, and the prefecture-level Guiban could see clearly that it was not a tsunami, but a human army with thousands of horses and horses.

The students of the Gui class at the prefecture level were even more confused. Now that there are no monsters attacking the city, how did thousands of people get together?Moreover, if they are put together in such a mess, the monster experience is probably not enough, and it is easy to be counterattacked by monsters!

Wow!How fast they are moving!

Did the Beatles just let them come across?Impossible, the Beatles are not easy to bully.

When the human army got closer, the mouths of the prefecture-level Gui class students opened their mouths wide open one after another, and they couldn't close them anymore.

The human army was not in a mess at all. On the contrary, it was calm, disciplined, and with a clear division of labor.

The ten pointed troops quickly gathered the beetles together, and the sub-pointed part released the [-]th-level earth-type big move, "Flame Break", blasting the gathered beetles into flowers, and most of them fell to the ground belly up.

The large army that followed immediately covered them with firepower. Even if some of the Beetles didn't have their stomachs upturned, they couldn't withstand the firepower coverage of this scale.

Like a hurricane crossing the border, almost without a pause, the human army roared past, leaving only the flip-skinned water beetles with golden halos all over their heads.

This... this... is this spawning monsters?In front of this human army, the fierce beetle is no different from the soft-legged shrimp.

The prefecture-level Guiban and his party were dumbfounded. What kind of efficiency is this in spawning monsters? It's too scary!At this moment, the entire group was shocked beyond shock. The scene in front of them had completely overturned their perception of this big exam.

Quietly, a bright red full moon emerged from behind the thick clouds, appearing in the rose-red night sky, dyeing the earth bright red.

Everyone knows that the monsters at night in the big test are more powerful, and the Beetle is no exception. However, it is useless. It is still understated and overturned by the human army. It can't even stop the human army's footsteps.

The human army crossed the Beetle area in such an unstoppable manner, and only slightly slowed down when they reached the middle area between the kangaroo and the Beetle, and began to change their formation.

Hou Jin, who led the team, saw the prefecture-level Guiban and his party standing stupidly by the side, and shouted, "Squad leader Bai, let's fight monsters together?"

This... The prefecture-level Guiban and his party looked at each other a few times, and they all nodded fiercely.

"Okay." Bai Heze responded on behalf of the prefecture-level Guiban.

Hou Jin greeted with a smile, briefly asked about the situation of the prefecture-level Gui class, and pondered: "The level of your class is still a bit low for the time being, and you can't stand up to monsters. How about this, your class will be included in the output force, and all members will help output Just do it."

Since they are exporting troops, gaining experience must be guaranteed. Bai Heze expressed no objection and obeyed the command.

Hou Jin assembled the team well, without hesitation, waved his hand vigorously, and officially opened the game!
Immediately, the eight sharp-headed commandos rushed out like tigers descending the mountain, and began to pull monsters in a wide range.

Hey, the pointed commando is so fast!The prefecture-level Guiban and his party secretly exclaimed, dare to say that they hadn't shown their true strength when they beat the Beetles before!

Indeed, the real energy in his body is a little loose now, which can help him speed up a lot.

The large output force was dispatched afterwards, Bai Heze calmed down and led the prefecture-level Guiban to follow behind.

After a while, the sharp-headed commando quickly completed pulling and gathering monsters, and the four groups of kangaroos were besieged in the middle by the human army in a square shape.

"Fire coverage." Hou Jin gave an order.

There is nothing to say, Bai Heze led the ground-level Guiban to slam the level [-] big move towards the kangaroos, and watched the kangaroos fall to the ground in pieces, with a golden halo above their heads. Just hit the place where it didn't fall!

After a while, there was not even a standing kangaroo left.

This...this is too fast!
The prefecture-level Guiban and his party were very dumbfounded. They were fighting kangaroos before, and it took almost a stick of incense for two of them to deal with a kangaroo together. Large groups of kangaroos were all wiped out.Looking at the experience gained, on average, each person got two kangaroo experience, darling, this is really fast!
Without hesitation, the human army marched forward again.

The prefecture-level Guiban just followed closely behind the large output troops. Basically, they didn’t have to do anything except help output, but the experience was pouring in like running water, although the equipment that the monsters exploded had to be given priority to the front row , but the coins released by the monster are divided equally.

This... This is simply pie in the sky!
The prefecture-level Guiban group looks at me and I look at you, are we just gaining experience?It can't be regarded as completely rubbing experience, after all, we still helped output and made considerable contributions.

Although strictly speaking, one more class of us is not too many, and one class less of us is not too many, but only so many classes and so many people gather together to achieve such a magical effect of spawning monsters!
The human army marched forward and swept all the way.

Less than an hour later, there was a ding, and Bai Heze blinked blankly. Has this reached level 51?Previously, our class only gained less than a quarter of the experience after brushing for half a day. The higher the level, the slower the leveling up, but now it has been leveled up so quickly!
After a while, other students of the prefecture-level Gui class also rushed to level 51.

Calm down?I can't calm down at all!
We have never heard of this kind of monster spawning mode. Whoever thought of it, even if they can figure it out, it is unimaginable to let so many competing classes gather together to spawn monsters!
The students of the Gui class at the prefecture level sneaked in to inquire about it, and only then did they know that the army of level-ups came from City No. [-].

The Terran students in City No. [-], under the command of Yang Die, a sky-level earthquake squad, have been killing monsters in groups like this for quite a while.

Other cities defended against monsters attacking the city, and they died wave after wave, over and over again. After calming down, dropping two levels is considered rare. There is still no news from the second city, and it is likely that the defense failed. up.As for City No. [-], each person has been promoted to one level on average after the defense of the city. This is because the defenders took the initiative to attack and train soldiers in the middle and late stages of the defense.
When the students from other cities had not yet sent one-twentieth of the students who met the conditions to the main city, all the members of the fifth city had already been sent to the main city, and the group brushing started.Now, nearly half of the students have rushed to level 55!
Moreover, Yang Die also took the initiative to send personnel to guard the hall of the main city, and offered to provide information about the main city to subsequent classes in other cities.

The other classes spawned monsters during the day, but the classes in City No. [-] farmed monsters directly at night in order to gain more experience.

As for the extremely dangerous hunters at night?It is true that they saw quite a few of them, but when they saw the vast human army, they fled as far as they could, and they didn't even dare to fart.

As the saying goes, if you are not afraid of comparing goods, you are afraid of comparing people. In such a comparison, the prefecture-level Guiban and his party are really ashamed.

Even Qi Zhengde, the commander-in-chief of our No. [-] city, can't do this. Previously, the prefecture-level Guiban thought the commander-in-chief of the main city was hard to say, but now it seems that there is no suspense at all.

Dawn came quietly.

Only then did the Terran level-up army die down, and they returned to the main city to rest together.

Bai Heze looked at his own experience, unknowingly he was 51% of level 92, just brushed for one night, and almost rushed two levels!

Even the pie in the sky is not so good!Bai Heze really feels a little foggy, aren't we dreaming?

On the way back to the city, the human army casually cleared the monsters, and Bai Heze rushed to level 52!

Bai Heze clicked his tongue, there really is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people!I was really a frog in a well before!

As we approached the main city, Hou Jin yelled at the newly joined class: "Everyone, take a good rest after you go back and recharge your spirits. If you still intend to fight monsters together, gather at the gate of the city here before nightfall."

After a night of brushing with the big team, fools don't stay together!The newly joined classes all have the same idea.

Hou Jin waved his hand, it's all gone.

The Gui class at the prefecture level went back to the dormitory and ate some dry food for the march. Some students didn't even care about washing, and fell asleep as soon as they lay down on the bed.

As time went by, more and more classes were teleported from the city to the main city, shocked, shocked, still shocked!The main city did bring a lot of shock, but the shock brought by the fifth city was more!

There are only some newcomers from the Nentouqing class who are leveling up during the day, and I still feel strange, we should be considered late in the main city, why don't we see many people spawning monsters?Have all other cities failed to defend the city?

It was only at night that I saw the army of super brushers that had grown several times stronger, and then I realized what was going on.

What else can I do? Of course, I am following behind to gain experience.

Rub, rub, rub experience, cool, cool, cool!
(End of this chapter)

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