Interstellar Miner

Chapter 705 A New Journey

Chapter 705 A New Journey
City Expeditionary Force II.

If you had to use one word to describe the state of mind of the expeditionary army at this moment, the most appropriate one would be—regret!
After failing to defend the city, the human defenders of City No. [-] were reduced to an expeditionary army, who could only march towards other cities thousands of miles away.

Not to mention, he was chased and intercepted by countless monsters on the way, and the hunters were even more lingering. They launched a surprise attack when they seized the opportunity, as if they regarded the expeditionary army as a big piece of fat.

Only a few level [-] skills can revive teammates, and the number of students in No. [-] City who add up to level [-] can be counted on two hands, and those with resurrection skills are even rarer, which is not enough at all.

Without any supplies, and unable to get enough rest, the entire expeditionary force became extremely haggard, and more and more classes fell behind.

Downgrading has become a common occurrence in the expeditionary army. Many students have already fallen below level [-]. If this continues, it is not surprising that they will drop to level zero.

And the neighboring cities on the map are still far away.

If God gave the expeditionary army another chance, they would absolutely stick to City No. [-] to the end, even if they paid a heavy price, they would definitely hold on to the city.

But there is no medicine for regret in this world. Right now, the expeditionary army has no choice at all. If they don't want to sit still, they can only move on.

where is the road?

The road is under your feet!

The emperor paid off, the expeditionary force was finally about to arrive at a nearby city, but... it stands to reason that they had already entered the surrounding area of ​​the city at this time, at least they should be able to see a few students who were leveling up, but they could look over at a glance Not a single figure could be seen.

Could it be... This city, like our No. [-] city, has already fallen, so wouldn't it be a waste of time for us to travel all the way here!If this is the case, we can say goodbye to this exam for good.

The gloomy atmosphere permeates everywhere, overwhelming the expeditionary army, but they are all here, so they can only go to the city to see the situation first.

Um?So... is that the light curtain on the outskirts of the city?Let's not be dazzled!Since there is a light curtain, it means that the city has not fallen!That's great, after working so hard for so many days, we finally have a place to rest our feet.

With tears in their eyes, the expeditionary army rushed towards the city as if they had been beaten together.

Hey, it's strange, we are already quite close to the city, but why can't we see a single person?Could it be that all the students in this city have been teleported to the main city?How far behind are we?

Helpless, it is useless to think too much right now, and there is not so much energy left, no matter how late or late, it is true to rush to the city to rest first.

At the gate of the city, a solitary figure set up an awning with his hands and watched the expeditionary army rushing towards him with a heavy breath. The students from City No. [-] could be regarded as coming.In other words, the people in City No. [-] looked too miserable, and those who didn't know thought it was the army of the beggar gang.

The expeditionary army also saw the only student, and finally met their partner, which was not easy.

The one took the initiative to bow to say hello: "Everyone in City No. [-], I am Chi Mu, and I welcome you."

Hey, how does he know that we are from City No. [-]?Could it be that... only our No. [-] city failed to defend the city?No!That would be so sad!
The expeditionary army stopped in a daze, looking at Chi Mu for a while, not knowing what to say.

Chi Mu greeted: "Everyone is exhausted, hurry up and go to the city to rest, and gather in ten hours to level up."

Do you still want to level up?Is it necessary?The expeditionary army entered the city in silence. Many students didn't even bother to go to the dormitory. They just found an alley and lay down on the ground, and then fell asleep. They were really exhausted these days.

Ling Junyu, the interim commander-in-chief of City No. [-], approached Chi Mu and asked in a low voice, "Are you the only one left in Chi Mu's entire city?"

Chi Mu nodded, and replied: "Yes, I am responsible for staying to pick up City No. [-]."

Ling Junyu pursed his lips, but still asked: "Is it only our No. [-] city that failed to defend the city?"

Chi Mu hummed and said, "That's true. Although City No. [-], City No. [-], and City No. [-] were very difficult and the light curtains were all broken, they still held on to the end and finally won the victory."

Uh... Ling Junyu's mouth was full of bitterness. It turns out that only our No. [-] city failed. Look at other people who still stick to it when the light curtain is broken, but our No. [-] city has already chosen to give up before the light curtain is broken. Hey, It is entirely their own fault to be reduced to the current miserable state. Who is to blame?I can only blame myself!
Ling Junyu calmed down and asked, "What's the situation now?"

Chi Mu didn't make any detours, and said bluntly: "Except for your No. [-] city, there is only one person left behind in other cities, and the rest are all sent to the main city to fight and prepare for the final test of the big exam."

Ling Junyu's face is gloomy, the big exam is not many days away, the average level of our No. 36 city has dropped to around level [-], and it is very likely that we are not qualified to participate in the final test of the big exam.

Chi Mu asked, "What's the current situation in your No. [-] city?"

Ling Junyu still said it honestly, not only did his grade drop seriously, but he also fell behind a lot of classes.

Chi Mu rubbed his chin, it was miserable enough, it was not easy to get to our No. [-] city like this.Chi Mu nodded, and said directly: "It doesn't matter, just get up from where you fell, isn't our big exam starting from scratch. As long as you don't give up lightly, you will definitely be able to rush to level [-] before the final test .”

This... this... is unlikely!Ling Junyu shook his head with a wry smile, we know our situation well, we can basically bid farewell to this big exam.

Chi Mu smiled confidently and said, "You are lucky to have come to our city No. [-]."

Um?Is this city five?Previously, I only heard that it was difficult to defend cities No. [-], No. [-], and No. [-]. I don't know what happened to No. [-] city?

Chi Mu said proudly: "I'm not bragging, our No. [-] city is completely suppressing the monster army that is attacking the city. The average level of other cities after the end of the defense has dropped by at least two levels, while the average level of our No. [-] city is Promoted to a level and a half."

Uh... you're not bragging, are you?Ling Junyu has a deep understanding of how ferocious the monster siege army is. If you have no choice but to give up because you can't resist it no matter how hard you defend, you are exaggerating. Could it be that the monster army levels in the two cities are very different? ?

Ikeki directly showed his level, level 55 3 Ikeki%, speaking with facts.

Ling Junyu was really speechless, and looked at his level 38 with a guilty conscience, it was really far away!

Chi Mu sighed: "My level is already the lowest. Now the average level of the main city is close to level 57, and those who have reached the level quickly are already level 59."

Ling Junyu just felt that he couldn't hold his head up, he was more angry than others.

Chi Mu coughed and said, "Of course, that's not the point. Don't be discouraged, I didn't stay here for nothing."

Ling Junyu raised his head and looked at Chi Mu, who is this?

Chi Mu smiled and added Ling Junyu as friends, and then sent a whole series of dozens of pages of messages to Ling Junyu. this?
Ling Junyu hastily glanced at it for a few times, and his eyes widened. What a detailed monster information, and there are even detailed instructions on how to spawn the easiest and fastest monsters. That's not counting, group spawning?Is it possible to spawn monsters like this?Fuck, collective monster killing experience at night is more, awesome.

Ling Junyu could no longer move his eyes away from those news, and carefully read it from beginning to end.

Ling Junyu slammed his thigh hard, clever and wonderful, this is the best way to level up!We were really incomparable before!Now Ling Junyu believed what Chi Mu said. With such a group leveling up, the level and equipment of the human defenders were sufficient to resist the siege monster army.

Chi Mu explained Xiaodie's original words: "Of course, this information is not completely free. The final test of the big exam is imminent. More strength means more chances of winning. I also hope that the students of your No. Rush to the main city and contribute your strength."

Ling Junyu nodded in understanding. Needless to say, we are the lowest level, and we have escaped the retreat of the large army. When the time comes, no one in the cannon fodder army will compete with us!

Chi Mu suggested: "Your levels are a bit low now, let's start with the big white rabbits to level up, as long as you rush to level [-], then it will be easy. It should be easy to run in quickly, rushing to level [-] before the final test no problem."

Ling Junyu nodded fiercely, patted his chest hard, and said: "In the past, we were really powerless. Now that we have a ready-made and perfect system for successfully spawning monsters, let me leave the words here, most of us People must rush to the main city to assist before the final test."

Chi Mu smiled and said: "I will stay and assist you. Although my ability is limited, after all, I have personally participated in group leveling, and I can still provide some practical experience so that you can avoid detours."

Ling Junyu laughed, held Chi Mu's hand tightly, and said gratefully: "I wish for it, thank you so much."

The ten-hour rest time passed in a flash.

To be honest, the No. [-] City Expeditionary Force has gone through such hardships all the way, and the ambitions before the big exam have long been wiped out. There are not a few people who have the mentality of muddling along and messing around until the big exam is over.

Ling Junyu looked around, gritted his teeth, and shouted suddenly: "Look at your current appearance, you don't even have a standing image, what's the difference between you and a lost dog!"

"To tell you the truth, out of five cities, only our No. [-] city failed to defend the city! There is nothing to quibble about, we are too cowards, and the other cities still defend the cities with their light curtains broken, preventing monsters from invading their homes, while we Well, I chose to give up a long time ago, and it is entirely my own fault to become what I am now, and it has dragged the entire human race back!"

"But even so, the students in other cities still haven't abandoned us. Every city has arranged left-behind personnel to give us the greatest help. This is not to pity us, but to hope that we can contribute in the imminent final test of the big exam." Our power!"

"As a member of the Four Immortals Cultivation Academy, if you don't even have such a little bit of awareness, then just pack up and get out!"

"I know that everyone's level is very low now, and it's inevitable to be discouraged, but it doesn't matter, we are still in the battlefield of the big exam, and we have not been kicked out. We still have a chance! Wherever we fall, we must get up!"

"I won't talk nonsense, let's start group leveling. Specifically, the fifth city shared their successful experience with us without reservation. It's not up to me to decide whether to give it or not. Later. Everyone can experience it for themselves.”

"Let's start right now. On the way, we will study the main points of group monster spawning, and start practicing with the simplest white rabbit."

The No. [-] City Expeditionary Force has started a new journey...

(End of this chapter)

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