Interstellar Miner

Chapter 706 The Ultimate Test

Chapter 706 The Ultimate Test
"We've reached level 59 in a flash, so fast." Yuan Meng sighed.

Cheng Huansi nodded and said: "Yeah, look at the time, the last monster siege should be triggered by someone rushing to level [-], we have to take care of it, don't let any guy get mad or make mistakes in experience calculations." Straight to level [-]."

Xiaodie pondered and said: "Not necessarily, the time limit for the big exam is running out, and it is very likely that monsters will attack the city when the time comes."

That's true, Cheng Huansi and the others nodded, no matter what, we must race against time, accumulate more strength, and be more sure when monsters attack the city.

Kuang Qing said: "The final test of the big exam is definitely not trivial. We have to prepare for the worst. After the light curtain is broken, we will arrange a defensive circle around the main city as soon as possible. To defend the main city."

Yuan Meng nodded, and said: "Our numbers are still a little short, but fortunately, the team in the second city is on the right track, and priority is given to students who can have the skills of increasing blood and resurrection to rush to level [-]. As long as the second city If the team can meet the final test, our confidence in defending the city will increase a lot."

Cheng Huansi said: "Let's stop here for today's party. Let's take a good rest. Maybe the ultimate test will last for several days, and there will be no time to take a nap."

The sisters dispersed and went back to their rooms to rest.

Unknowingly, this exam has lasted for a whole month.

Just as the army of human race leveled up and sprinted hard, the identity card received a message at the same time: twelve hours later, there will be an army of monsters attacking the main city, and the survival of the human race is at stake. Please prepare in advance.

For a moment, the human army paused, and then heavy breathing sounds one after another.

coming!finally come!
Before it came, the monster siege was like a sharp knife hanging above our heads, and no one knew when it would fall. Now that we know the exact time, come and come, let's do it next!

Xiao Die smiled calmly, it can be regarded as coming.

Cheng Huansi, Yuan Meng and the others looked at each other and smiled. Now nearly half of our students have crossed the [-]th level with half a foot, and they can easily reach the [-]th level. Hey, come on!
Xiaodie immediately issued an order: "All sharp knife brigades rush to level [-] immediately, return to the main city to learn the skills of level [-], and then continue to level up to familiarize themselves with new skills. The rest of the brigades of each department sprint with all their strength, trying to catch up before the monsters attack the city Rush to level sixty."

The leaders of the various ministries responded suddenly, and immediately split up and took action.

Xiaodie contacted Chi Mu again. After twelve hours, monsters will attack the city. How is it going with you?

Chi Mu quickly replied: "More than half of the staff have rushed to the [-]th level, but those classes that fell behind are too close to each other, and the general level is remote, so I'm afraid they won't be able to catch up."

Xiaodie replied: "If there is one more, it is one more, and the students who can reach level [-] are given priority to level up."

Chi Mu: "Understood."

Chi Mu immediately explained the situation to Hao Kaicheng.

Hao Kaicheng immediately mobilized the whole army: "Brothers and sisters, the latest news, after twelve hours, monsters will attack the main city! This is our last chance to avenge our humiliation in this big exam, and it's time to work hard!" gone."

Chi Mu and Hao Kaicheng had a brief discussion, and asked a unit that had already rushed to level [-] to go to the main city first to cooperate with the guarding army in training.The rest of the people didn't have to think about it so much, they just acted as cannon fodder, rushed to that side when it was in danger, and just used their bodies to block the monster's progress.

After a series of intense and passionate battle preparations, the monster siege is finally about to officially begin!

As expected of the final test of the big exam, a monster army of [-] people gathered around the main city, and at a glance, it was dark and full of monsters.

The hunters no longer waited for an opportunity, but showed up directly, and formed several phalanxes in an orderly manner, forming horns with the monster army.

The human defenders only felt the pressure like a mountain, secretly swallowing their saliva.

Xiaodie just said: "People are in the city!"

The Terran defenders immediately felt as if they had been beaten with chicken blood, yes, there is nothing to be afraid of, one of our goals is to defend the main city, even if we collectively drop to level zero, it is worth it!

People are in the city!

The monsters want to invade our main city, step over our corpses first!

Although the morale was boosted, Xiaodie couldn't help but frowned. The monster siege this time was obviously different from the previous two times. The monster king hadn't appeared yet, and the monsters had already formed a camp, and the long-range and melee battles were well matched. It's very ingenious, and it keeps a sufficient distance from the main city.

Xiaodie originally planned to take advantage of the unsteady monster army as last time to attack first, but seeing such an orderly monster army, the human defenders attacked rashly, and it was easy to be dumped by the monster army. Stand still.

Xiaodie clenched her fists, this time it will definitely be a tough battle, she must be mentally prepared in advance, so as not to be passive and unable to react in time.

Rumble rumble!
Under the dumbfounded gaze of the human defenders, forty bolts of lightning the thickness of a water tank descended from the sky, encircling and trapping the main city in the middle.

A total of forty demon kings!This battle is really no joke.

That’s not to mention, right after that, a super golden lightning fell from the sky and landed directly behind the monster army. It was too far away, and only the smoke and dust could be seen. I know that the one with the golden lightning is definitely not waiting for nothing, he must be much more difficult to deal with than the demon king, maybe he is the commander in chief of this monster attack.

Xiaodie smacked her lips, the place where the golden lightning landed was too far behind, otherwise she would definitely take it down first at all costs.It can also be seen from this that the opponent this time is very difficult to deal with.

Xiaodie rubbed her hands, it seemed that she had to go all out.

The golden lightning strikes, and a nine-tailed white fox lazily stretches its charming figure.

All the surrounding monsters stared straight at it, drooling without knowing it, beautiful, really beautiful.What is a goddess?Just look at this one and you'll know!
Oops, I fell into God before I knew it. This is a blasphemy to the goddess, stop now!
The monsters are actually an army of monster clans who rushed all the way from the Little Immortal Realm on No. 67 of the Four Immortals Sect.

And this nine-tailed white fox is naturally Bai Meier, the governor of No. 67 Little Immortal Realm!

In order for the Yaozu to grow and develop, Bai Meier really took great pains. This time, a large number of people came all the way here. To put it bluntly, it was just to get the generous subsidies from the Four Immortals.

After all, resources are limited, so this generous subsidy is not so easy to get.

You must know that these subsidies were originally used by the Four Immortals to reward students who performed well in the final exam.

Mo Xuan didn't want to overwhelm the seedlings and encourage them, and Bai Meier made a fuss about him, so he decided to adopt a suppressive policy in this year's big exam, to fight a real war for the students who have always been smooth sailing. The advantage is not, so he was pulled over to act as the opponent of the students.

Hitting a stick and then giving a date is vulgar, but it really works!

The Yaozu want to get as many rewards as possible that originally belonged to the students of the human race. The main premise is to perform well in this big test, and then win the main city of the human race, then they can get the rewards logically.

Bai Mei'er originally didn't want to go out in person, because she was too bullying the small.

It's just that the commander-in-chief of the Terran defenders is Xiaodie, and Bai Meier has no choice but to go out in person with the cheek to bully the small with the big, so it's important to seek more benefits for the monster race!

Bai Meier is also secretly vigilant, Xiaodie is a disciple of Big Brother Tiedan, she must not be underestimated!In any case, the main city must be taken.

Xiaodie is also secretly cheering herself up, her college experience journey has come to an end, she can't be anticlimactic, this time the monster siege must be blocked!


The ultimate test of the big test is the head-to-head confrontation between the human race and the monster race, and it is also a game between Bai Meier and Xiaodie!

Who will win the deer, let's see the breakdown in the next chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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