Interstellar Miner

Chapter 707 Fierce confrontation

Chapter 707 Fierce confrontation

Bai Meier integrated her own troops, one hundred thousand demon clans, forty demon kings and two thousand hunters, plus herself, this was all the combat power of the monster siege army.

Compared with the human race, it occupies an absolute advantage in numbers and combat power, but if one is lost, one point of combat power will be lost, while the human defenders can be revived relatively quickly. Previously, the first city, the third city and the fourth city The monsters attacking the city of No. [-] were consumed by the human defenders.

The corner of Bai Mei'er's mouth twitched slightly, so every ounce of combat power of the siege army was precious and had to be used wisely.

Previously, the monster siege was based on the strength of the primary and intermediate versions. The monster troops did not go all out, and it was more for large-scale training, but this time it was the real advanced version.

For this big exam, [-] monsters practiced hard for three years, and their tacit understanding is definitely far superior to that of human students who only practiced for a month.

Bai Meier is full of confidence in capturing the main city. If Xiaodie was not the commander in chief of the human defenders, Bai Meier would not have planned to go out in person.

As for the Terran garrison, nearly 2 students were divided into eight army groups based on the gossip directions, commanded by eight team leaders.

As the commander-in-chief, Xiaodie is also leading the army to defend the city on the front line. The other seven leaders are: Qi Zhengde, Sun Qin, Hao Kaicheng, Liang Qiuyou, Cheng Huansi, Gonghujin and Yuan Meng.

There are dozens of outstanding students in each army as squadron leaders and small leaders. They have a complete command system, and orders from the commander-in-chief can be carried out to individuals within half a stick of incense.

Of course, the Terran defenders are made up of patchwork, and the running-in period is still too short and too hasty. There will inevitably be flaws in coordination, which cannot be avoided, and can only be overcome while defending the city.

Xiaodie secretly frowned, it stands to reason that the monster siege should have officially started, but the monster army still did not move, which is a bit weird.Did you hang us like this on purpose, or did you have to wait until night to succeed?
Cheng Huansi sent a message: "Jiumei, what's going on? Why didn't the monster start attacking the city?"

Xiaodie immediately passed on the order: "Every department stay calm, recharge your energy, and wait patiently until the monsters attack the city."

Headquarters of the General Examination.

Mo Xuan, Kong Ling, Mo Que'er, Huali, Xiaoyun, You Lan, and Liu Xing sit at the headquarters as the highest command tower, closely watching the progress of the monster siege.

Bai Meier personally commanded and dispatched the monster army, while Tiedan's disciple Xiaodie served as the commander-in-chief for the human defense army. It can be predicted that this will be a splendid battle between dragons and tigers.

It stands to reason that a little bit has passed at this moment, and the time is passing by every minute and every second, but the monster army has no intention of attacking the city, and has been standing still.

Liu Xing was puzzled, why?

Xiaoyun clapped his hands and yelled: "Watching the show is not enough, let's place your bets. Just bet on how long it takes for the monster army to take the main city. If you pay three within 24 hours; pay two if you pay within 36 hours, [-] One point five for one hour."

Mo Xuan gave Xiaoyun an angry look, you are really afraid that the world will not be chaotic.

Mo Que'er giggled, and said, "I pressed for 36 hours."

You Lan thought for a while and said, "I'll press for 24 hours."

Huali blinked and said, "Bai Meier said very fiercely, I'll press for 24 hours."

Kong Ling smiled slightly and said, "I pressed for 36 hours."

Liu Xing scratched his head and said strangely: "Uncle Xiaoyun, why is there no option to successfully defend the city?"

Xiao Yun gave Liu Xing a sideways look, and said, "Do you think you can successfully defend the city?"

Liu Xing said truthfully: "Although the monster army is very strong, the human defenders are not weak, and they are under the command of Xiaodie, so I am quite fond of the human defenders."

Xiaoyun said: "Well, if the human race succeeds in defending the city, they will pay ten, can you suppress it?"

The odds are so high, and Master and the others failed to defend the city, it seems that the main city is really likely to fall, but Liu Xing is still very optimistic about Xiaodie, gritted his teeth, and said resolutely: "I bet .”

"How much pressure?"

Liu Xing coughed in embarrassment, and said, "I pressed ten first-grade immortal stones."

Xiaoyun rolled his eyes, you are not the poor country boy you were back then, so you only suppressed it a little, sorry.

A total of ten first-grade immortal stones, a lot, Liu Xing still feels very heartbroken after pressing so many.

Kong Ling and the others made bets one after another, even though they only bet a little pocket money, they still made Liu Xing stare and click their tongues.

Liu Xing sighed secretly, after all, he was only a petty bourgeoisie, not rich.In the final analysis, I am just a cook after all. Compared with ordinary occupations, it is considered a high income, but compared with suzerains, governors, etc., well, there is really no comparison.

"Xuan, aren't you pressing?" Xiao Yun asked Mo Xuan.

Mo Xuan shook his head slightly, and said, "I'll forget it, it's my principle not to gamble."

Xiao Yun curled her lips and said, "Small bets are fun, but big bets are harmful."

Mo Xuan said seriously: "Gambling is gambling. Don't big bets start with small bets? It's the last word not to touch."

"It's up to you." Xiaoyun snorted, counted Kong Ling and the others' bets, and said, "I've decided to leave, and I can't change it."

Kong Ling and the others were secretly amused, it's just a little pocket money, we can still go back on our word.

Liu Xing waited and waited, the monster army remained on hold, and couldn't help but said, "Why didn't they start attacking the city?"

Kong Ling glanced at Liu Xing, and said, "Bai Meier probably wants to wait until night falls and the monsters get promoted before attacking."

Is that so?Liu Xing blinked. Indeed, in this way, the army of monsters can be fully improved, and if they add up, they will become quite terrifying combat power.

Smart!Liu Xing clicked his tongue, and if he was in command, he must have started the general attack hastily, and he might have bumped into the iron wall with his head, and his head was bleeding.

main city.

The monster army in the distance has remained silent, and the human defenders have gradually lost their composure, and the atmosphere is too depressing.The army of monsters launched an attack directly, and we tried our best to resist, but we were hanging on like this in a daze, not to relax, not to be worried, to be entangled.

Xiaodie immediately issued an order: "Most monsters will wait until night to attack, let's stop waiting, the whole army rests where it is, and prepares to fight at night."

Is that so?Let's rest then.

In other words, at night, the monsters will become much stronger. Wouldn't it be too much of a disadvantage for us to fight again at that time? Why don't we rush to kill a few waves before the night comes, and consume part of the monster army's combat power.

Why not just do it!Let's focus on the customers, killing the army of monsters by surprise!
"What do you know? The monster army is so far away. If we attack rashly, the city defense will become very weak. If the monster army takes the opportunity to make a group charge just to attack the light curtain, then we will be too passive."

"So that's the case, then let's rest quickly, recharge our batteries, and actively prepare for the battle."

When the monster army saw the human race waiting in full battle, it became loose and loose, with many loopholes. It should be a good time to attack at this time.

Bai Meier just snorted softly, it's not worthwhile to attack now, we have a lot of time, we can afford it.

Minutes passed by.

Quietly, a bright red full moon emerged from behind the thick clouds, appearing in the rose-red night sky, dyeing the earth bright red.

The full moon tonight looks so huge, and the army of monsters bathes in the bright red and quiet moonlight intoxicatedly, stretching their bodies beautifully.

Bai Meier also stretched lazily, the audience must have been impatient with the wait, the show should officially begin!

If you don't move, you will be dead, and if you move, you will be shocked!
Bai Meier immediately ordered: The whole army is dispatched!

Xiaodie also issued the latest order: The monsters are coming, and all departments are ready to fight.

The army of monsters rushed towards the main city in a mighty way, with the melee meat shield in front, the long-range in the middle, and the crispy skin in the back, and the match was just right.

Xiaodie pondered for a moment, and judged that it would be difficult to resist the first wave of fierce offensive of the monster army if the whole line of defense was in place, so Xiaodie resolutely gave up the whole line of defense and turned to the defense of key areas, breaking up the whole line into parts, and scattered the troops into one by one A mighty fist.Punch after punch was blasted out, giving priority to eliminating the superior combat power of the Yaozu.

This is the final test of the big exam. We have struggled for more than a whole month, isn't it just for today!The human defenders roared again and again, their momentum was like a rainbow.

Monsters, let's fight, if you frown, you will lose!
Hmph, if you lose one, you will be one, so what if you have a large number, our side has infinite combat power that repeats itself, and in the end we will definitely consume you to death!

However, this time the monster army is really slippery. The monsters with low blood volume no longer bury their heads and rush until they die in battle. Recovering the blood volume, wait until the blood volume is full before entering the battle.

A large group of monsters stood in front of them, and even if the human defenders wanted to chase them down, they couldn't do it.It is indeed the ultimate test of the big exam, it is indeed difficult.But no matter how difficult it is, we still have to do it!What the hell, fight monsters!If one life is exchanged for one monster, then there is no loss, and if two are exchanged, it is profit!

Just at the moment when the human defenders were fighting fiercely with the monster army, the blood volume of the light curtain in the main city decreased little by little.

This is also unavoidable. There are too many monsters, and the number of human defenders is limited. It is inevitable that one loses sight of the other, and there will be monsters that slip through the net and rush to the light curtain to attack.

However, the Terran Defenders have special troops to clean up these monsters that slipped through the net. Although there will inevitably be some delays, they can still clear those monsters as quickly as possible.

Xiaodie carefully organized several ambush battles, trying to swallow the hunting troops with not very abnormal blood in one go, but was always slipped away by the hunters, and the attacking elite team suffered heavy losses. It can be said that if you steal chickens, you won't lose money.

Fortunately, the losses are still under control. After such a series of preliminary confrontations, Xiaodie can already confirm that the commander of the monster army this time is definitely a formidable character, and he is extremely sophisticated, and it is almost impossible to take advantage of him.

Xiaodie took a deep breath, this is called fighting, Xiaodie already felt the blood in her body surging.Xiaodie clenched her fists, let the storm be more violent!
Bai Meier smiled slightly. Although the scattered defense of the human defenders is very mobile and sharp, it also has a fatal flaw.

(End of this chapter)

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