Interstellar Miner

Chapter 708 Protracted Bloody Battle

Chapter 708 Protracted Bloody Battle

Gradually, the Terran defenders realized something was wrong.

The previous attack by the monster army was fierce, but we are not just soft persimmons that we pinch casually. We strike hard again and again, and the monsters will always pay a considerable price.

But at this moment, the monster army's offensive is a bit weird, sometimes fierce and sometimes soft, or retreat after attacking for a while, or the whole team will be wiped out after a deadly battle.

It's uncomfortable, it's really uncomfortable.

Xiaodie frowned secretly, thinking that the monster army attacking the city like this would make us uncomfortable, but we can still resist, I'm afraid that the commander-in-chief of the monster army has other plans, but right now I really can't see it, so as not to mess up the situation, temporarily It can only respond to changes with the same.

Bai Meier smiled coquettishly, the dispatch and deployment that was quietly carried out has been completed, and it's time for us monster race to dominate the battlefield!
Bai Meier immediately gave the order: The whole army will strike hard.

The offensive of the monster army was like a tsunami, continuously hitting the defense line of the human defenders.

Hey hey, why can't you stop it all of a sudden?
The Eight Diagrams Army of the Terran Defender suffered heavy losses on five sides at once, and had no choice but to retreat steadily, so they had to send out an emergency signal for help.

Xiaodie's heart skipped a beat, the opponent in front of her had already shown her sharp fangs, the new deployment of the monster army was so quick, it was so sophisticated and vicious!

The current deployment of the monster army is actually very simple. It is to simplify the combat power of the group army. The melee ones are piled together, the long-range ones are piled up one by one, the fast ones are piled up, and the slow ones are piled up together.

This deployment seems very brainless and foolish, but in fact it is choking the throat of the human defenders.

The human defenders were divided into eight large group armies, which were further subdivided into fists. Each fist was well equipped, and small groups had very strong combat capabilities, and group operations were even more powerful.

But the deployment of the monster army broke this balance. To deal with the melee or long-range monsters, a considerable amount of front row and bursts were needed.However, the combat power of the Terran defenders was evened out, which led to an imbalance in the balance.

Facing the onslaught of the monster army, the human defenders could barely resist with their fists for a while, and then lost their advantage, and were brainlessly crushed and beaten by the monster army.

Xiaodie's reaction was not unpleasant. She immediately dispatched troops according to the deployment of the monster army, and bit by bit she forced the unbalanced balance back.

But Bai Meier's response was even more sophisticated. The army of monsters no longer focused on attacking blindly, but kept moving and changing formations, strangling the human defenders like a whirlpool.

The casualties of the human defenders still increased sharply, and gradually they were somewhat unable to withstand the onslaught of monsters.

Xiaodie was sweating profusely before she knew it, but no matter how she dispatched troops, facing the monster army with absolute numbers and superior combat power, the human defenders seemed so weak that they were almost being led by the nose.

It won't work like this, it's too passive and weak.

Xiaodie was secretly anxious. Although she had made considerable psychological preparations before the battle, she never expected to be so passive.

Qi Zhengde, Sun Qin, Hao Kaicheng, Liang Qiuyou, Cheng Huansi, Gonghu Jin, and Yuan Meng, the seven army commanders, were also physically and mentally exhausted. They just felt that no matter how fast they reacted on the spot, they could not keep up with the changes in the monster army.This is so useless. Obviously, the monster army at this moment is far from comparable to the previous two successful monster armies, and the grades are too different!
It would be too bad to be passive like this!The decline must be stopped in time, otherwise...

But Qi Zhengde and the others really couldn't think of any good way. After all, the enemy is strong and we are weak. If we meet head-on, we can only be beaten.

Xiaodie gritted her teeth hard, since there is no good way, she can only use the impossible way!

Since the monster army is going to attack the city, let them attack. The blood volume of the light curtain in the main city is still quite thick, enough to last for a long time. The monster army has been reduced by more than half. Even if the light curtain of the main city is broken, we can still rely on the favorable terrain of the main city to fight back and hold on until the end.

Xiaodie immediately sent an order: each department should avoid confrontation with the monster army, let them attack the light curtain, wait until their formation is disordered, and take the opportunity to find their weak points and annihilate their vital forces.

Qi Zhengde, Sun Qin and the others secretly frowned, are they going to carry out such a battle?Although it will be a disadvantage, it is better than being led by the nose by the monster army all the time.

Let's fight!Isn't our greatest advantage that we can constantly resurrect to replenish our combat power!Being rescued by the resurrection skill will immediately make you sweat again. Even if you are not resurrected, you only need to wait for a quarter of an hour to be automatically resurrected.

If we exchange one life for one monster, we will not lose money, if we exchange two, we will earn, and if we exchange multiple monsters, we will earn a lot.There's nothing to be ashamed of, let's fight the monsters!
The human defenders acted immediately, deliberately opened their mouths, and let a group of monsters rush to the light curtain. In this way, the original thick formation of the monster army was scattered a lot.

The Terran defenders took the opportunity to wipe out the monsters. After all, they are already very proficient in group warfare, and it is commonplace to spawn monsters at night. What monsters are easy to kill, and how to wipe them out in the fastest time has become a habit.

Putting aside the city defense for the time being, the human defenders will just treat it as a normal monster spawning, and that's it!

For a while, there was a lot of chaos.

Bai Meier also frowned involuntarily. Although it seemed from the scene that the monster army smashed the human defenders to pieces and continuously consumed the blood of the light curtain in the main city, it was already fully dominant, but the speed at which the monster army reduced its personnel It still far exceeded Bai Meier's prediction.

Oh, is Xiaodie responding like this?It can be regarded as another way of head-to-head confrontation, but it is very courageous.

Bai Meier looked forward to it, such a sudden reduction in staff is not worthwhile, she has already prepared for a protracted war, there is no need to fight to the death now.

Bai Meier immediately sent an order to let the light curtain of the main city go first, concentrate on annihilating the vital forces of the human race, fire a carbine, attack back and forth, and let the human defenders know how powerful we are.

The human defenders never imagined that the monster army would leave the light curtain of the main city behind and instead turn around and attack. The previous battle plan was basically to throw aside the monsters attacking the light curtain. After such a counterattack, they immediately fell into a extremely passive.

Xiaodie gritted her teeth tightly, her pretty face turned pale, she had nothing to say, as the old saying goes, changing a monster is not a loss.

After a fierce confrontation between the troops of the two sides, most of the troops of the human race and the monster army came to a dead end. Only a small number of troops in the rear were able to retreat to the back, and the resurrection skills were scattered in pieces, saving many team members. A line of defense.

But after all, the cooling time of resurrection skills is very long, and only the elite troops can be revived first. Most students cannot be resurrected, so they can only wait patiently for a quarter of an hour.

The monster army was extremely ferocious, and soon broke through this line of defense, and began to attack the light curtain of the main city frantically.

Visible to the naked eye, the blood bars of the light curtain in the main city are falling bit by bit.

Fortunately, the human defenders survived for a quarter of an hour. Under Xiaodie's command, the resurrected human students rebuilt their defenses and fought with the monster army.

The human defenders were killed again and again, just trying their best to resist the onslaught of the monster army, and the blood volume of the light curtain continued to decrease.

The monster army is also constantly reducing its staff, this is destined to be a tragic and protracted bloody battle!
(End of this chapter)

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