Interstellar Miner

Chapter 709 Race against time

Chapter 709 Race against time
Minutes passed by.

The extremely stalemate bloody battle continued. Every second, the defenders of the human race were killed, and some monsters would withdraw from the battle with a golden halo above their heads.

Under Bai Meier's extremely clever control, the monster army took the light curtain of the main city as the strategic center for a while, severly consuming the blood of the light curtain, for a while it focused on annihilating the vital forces of the human defenders, and for a while it focused on guerrilla warfare. , the end is unpredictable, tricky and ruthless.

No matter how sensitive Xiaodie's reaction is, it will take a certain amount of time for the orders to be conveyed to all ministries and branches. In such a short period of time, the monster army can always take advantage of it, and the blood volume of the light curtain in the main city is also constantly being consumed .

This time, the difficulty of the monster army has exceeded the imagination of all human defenders. They are not scattered monster troops at all, but a well-trained iron army.

Before she knew it, Xiaodie was already sweating profusely and physically and mentally exhausted, but she still gritted her teeth and stood firm on the front line of the battle.

The human defenders were also running around, coming and going, and they were already dizzy when they got to the back. They couldn't tell where they were, so they could only follow the orders from above.

It has to be said that the orders issued by the above are always so precise and clever that we can launch counterattacks again and again and give the monster army a head-on blow.

Cheng Huansi was also very busy, and was accidentally besieged and killed by the monster army several times. The rhythm was a bit chaotic, but fortunately, Xiaodie has been leading the overall situation.

But Cheng Huansi looked at the light curtain of the main city with nearly half of its health remaining and was still decreasing, and couldn't help but secretly sighed. Looking at the momentum, it was only a matter of time before the light curtain was broken by the monster army. It's enough until dawn.

We have made so many preparations and prepared for the worst, but we still didn't expect that the monster army would be so perverted this time, it's so unbelievably strong.Many times we were led around by the nose by the army of monsters. Fortunately, Xiaodie saw through the intention of the army of monsters and adjusted the layout in time.Otherwise, the light curtain might have been broken by now.

However, this is still extremely difficult. The main reason is that the monster army has not lost many members. Many monsters with residual blood retreated to the safe area in time. It is not that we do not want to chase but the price is too high. We can only watch those monsters with residual blood Retreat to the periphery and slowly return to blood, tangled.

At the same time, Cheng Huansi was very worried. She felt exhausted physically and mentally with her cultivation level close to the golden core stage. After all, Xiaodie's cultivation base was close to the foundation establishment stage now, so she must have been exhausted.

Cheng Huansi thought for a while, and then sent a message to Xiaodie: Jiumei, this monster siege may last for a long time, you are the commander-in-chief, you can't be too tired, the most critical moment still depends on you Give orders, now that the battle is in a stalemate, we have already adapted to several modes of the monster army, you retreat to the main city to rest for an hour.This period of time is up to us to withstand it, even if the loss is bigger, it doesn't matter.

Xiaodie pursed her lips. To be honest, she was really tired from dispatching the defenders so intensively all the time, and she needed to rest and replenish her energy. But this night was the strong period of the monster army. Discovered, took advantage of the situation to launch a fierce attack.

Xiaodie replies: Sister, I'd better wait until dawn before resting.

Cheng Huansi replied: No, it is very likely that the light curtain will be broken at dawn. At that time, it is the most critical moment to build a new city defense. You must be energetic and lead the overall situation.No matter how we adjust it now, it is also a disadvantage, but at that time we were an advantage, and we had to work hard to stabilize the overall situation and boost morale.Jiumei, you know which is more important.

Kocho still hesitated.

Cheng Huansi hastened to do the work of Qi Zhengde and Sun Qin, and got their unanimous approval, and sent messages to Xiaodie, Commander-in-Chief, please take a rest quickly, with us, the custody will not be messed up.

Well then, Xiaodie finally complied, instead of returning to the dormitory, she just retreated a little behind the light curtain, casually sitting cross-legged on the side of the street to meditate and rest.

After a while, Bai Meier couldn't help but gasp, why does it feel that the human defenders are a little different all of a sudden?

Although the cohesion of the Terran defenders was slightly weaker, the unilateral combat effectiveness has been strengthened a lot, as if the commander-in-chief has been changed.

The corner of Bai Mei'er's mouth slanted, that's right, Xiaodie's cultivation level is still very low now, and she can't stay at the forefront for a long time, so she might go to rest now.

However, this may also be Xiaodie's intentional flaw to lure us into the bait.

After weighing it over, Bai Meier decided to seize this opportunity. Even if it was a trap that Xiaodie couldn't fall into, our monster army is currently in full control, and we can adjust in time, so we definitely won't suffer much. Why not? .

Bai Meier immediately began to rearrange the layout, subdivided the monster army into 32 parts, and worked collectively.

Sure enough, the human defenders panicked all of a sudden. Although all the ministries tried their best to resist, they were still confused by the new routine of the monster army, and they were very clueless.

Qi Zhengde, Sun Qin, Hao Kaicheng, Liang Qiuyou, Cheng Huansi, Gonghu Jin, and Yuan Meng, the seven army commanders, couldn't help gnashing their teeth secretly. Could it be that the commander-in-chief of the monster army saw that Xiaodie was resting, and suddenly came up to us? Such a hodgepodge is really unpalatable.

Which one of Qi Zhengde and the others is not an arrogant master? Could it be that we can't hold on without Xiaodie?When you encounter a little setback, you have to call Xiaodie to come back to save the field?The promise made earlier is like farting?How can that work!
Qi Zhengde's seven commanders gritted their teeth and exerted their strength one after another. Isn't it because the scene is a bit chaotic, so they should deal with it according to the chaotic style of play. Anyway, trying to consume the vitality of the monster army is the main prerequisite. The best thing is to take the opportunity to get rid of a few Demon King, even if you kill a few hunters, that's fine.

The two sides fought to the death, the fight was messy and hurt each other.

Qi Zhengde and the others frowned secretly. Those monster kings and hunters were really thieves. They just hid behind the monster defense line and released their skills, like powerful mobile forts, which were really annoying.

Even if we know that letting these demon kings and hunters do nothing, it will become a super trouble in the later stage of defending the city, but we don't have enough manpower to form an elite commando team to kill those demon kings, entangled.

Finally, an hour passed.Qi Zhengde heaved a sigh of relief, but it was really not easy.

Xiaodie opened her eyes, exhaled lightly, smiled lightly, and stood up, walking towards the light curtain while checking the latest battle situation.

Xiaodie raised her eyebrows slightly, the loss of the human defenders was still a bit big, but fortunately it was within the controllable range.

Xiaodie didn't immediately take over the commander-in-chief, but carefully observed the battle situation in all directions in the main city. Although the scene looked chaotic, the battles in the micro-parts were all wonderful and clever, constantly performing coordination, counterattack, defense, joint operations, etc.

Xiaodie groaned and touched her chin, this is an excellent opportunity!

Xiaodie nodded fiercely, took over the command, and issued a series of orders.

Just when Bai Meier realized that something was wrong, a huge blood-stained banner descended from the sky and planted on the ground, standing upright and flying.

The flag of the commander-in-chief made its official debut for the first time, shaking the world!

That's right, Xiaodie chose to show her first trump card at this time!
The 2 elite students also received a super bonus of blood volume + 40% attack + 40% total defense + 40% for half an hour!
The big counterattack of the Terran defenders starts from this moment!
Bai Meier's complexion changed slightly, and she hastily ordered the entire army to retreat, temporarily avoiding the sharp edge of the human defenders.

However, at this moment, the troops of both sides are stalemate together, so it is not possible to withdraw if they say that they can withdraw, not to mention that Xiaodie's careful arrangement has already blocked the pass position for the retreat of the monster army.

The main city is so huge, and the surrounding area is even wider, the human defenders can't even spread out. The monster army should have advanced and retreated whenever it wanted, but Xiaochou made the layout first, and there was only one strategic center for the big counterattack, besieged and eliminated The fifteen demon kings took this opportunity to support the retreat of the monster army, and wiped out as many of the monster army's vital forces as possible.

The human defenders who had obtained super bonuses were like fierce tigers. A series of brazen charges successfully surrounded eighteen demon kings.

Of course, it was impossible for Bai Meier to just give up the eighteen demon kings, and immediately commanded the troops to rescue the eighteen demon kings. At the same time, taking advantage of the weak defense of the light screen when the human defenders attacked, she organized several troops to face the light screen. Launched a fierce attack, wanting to encircle Wei and save Zhao.

A series of violent conflicts occurred between the two sides very unavoidably!

Xiaodie, Qi Zhengde, Sun Qin, Hao Kaicheng, Liang Qiuyou, Cheng Huansi, Gonghujin, and Yuan Meng are the eight commanders who lead the way and rush to the forefront. As long as ten or more demon kings are eliminated in the shortest time, then Even if this counterattack is a great success, if you retreat in time, you can restore part of the light curtain's blood.

The eighteen demon kings who were besieged were all eliminated by the human trainees before, and they were quite sure of a quick victory. However, this time is not the same as it was then.

Normally, there are only the same kind of monsters around the demon king, and it can be said that killing the demon king can be said to be done in one go.

But at this moment, there are all kinds of monsters around the demon king who are quite well-matched, and there are powerful hunters trying to fish in troubled waters, so it is really difficult to effectively clear the mobs for a while.

But no matter how difficult it is, the human defenders can only bite the bullet!

With the super bonus of the Commander's Banner, the human army is not afraid of death, and quickly wiped out the miscellaneous mobs, swarming up and besieging the demon king in the middle, and at the same time blocking the other mobs who came to rescue fiercely. out the perimeter.

Hurry up!We must race against time to kill the demon king!

Bai Meier frowned secretly. Xiaodie chose to use the commander's flag at this time, which was really beyond her expectations. It would be unwise to fight against the human defenders when they were strong, but the Demon King, as a strategic siege fighter, It's really hard to give up strength and not give up easily.

Bai Meier smiled suddenly, as expected of Tie Dan's disciple, she really wasn't that easy to deal with, there was a challenge, I like it.

(End of this chapter)

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