Chapter 710

Headquarters of the General Examination.

Mo Xuan, Kong Ling, Mo Que'er, Xiaoyun, Huali and the others are always paying attention to the movement of the ultimate test of the big exam, and they can have a panoramic view of the fierce battles in the eight directions of the main city.

Xiaoyun smiled lightly and said, "Bai Meier is really not soft-hearted at all."

Mo Que'er smiled and said, "It's supposed to be like this. Since it's a head-on confrontation, releasing water is disrespectful to the opponent."

Without saying a word, Mo Xuan tapped his fingers on the table from time to time, recording all the shining points in the ultimate test.

Liu Xing secretly swallowed his saliva. He never thought that the human defenders would be so passive and disadvantaged. Less than six hours had passed, and the blood volume of the light curtain in the main city was not much left.

Xiaodie's performance in the big test before is obvious to all, especially the second time defending the city, it was really a joke when the monster army was wiped out, and the human defenders in the main city stage were all trained and well prepared, that's why Liu Xing Bet on the success of the defense.

It's just that the commander-in-chief who finally tested the monster army became Senior Sister Bai Meier, and the monster army changed drastically. From the very beginning of the siege, it overwhelmed the human defenders.

Liu Xing sighed secretly, the brothers and sisters who suddenly appeared with a large number of votes were really amazing.

Tie Dan and Erwazi won't say much, as long as they want to, they can rush to the Xuanbang at any time. The other senior brothers and sisters are all outstanding, and this senior sister Bai Meier is the celestial being. The powerful Xiaodie was helpless.As a member of the younger brother, Liu Xing is really under a lot of pressure.

Now it seems that Shi Niang and the others bet on Xiaodie for 24 hours.

Liu Xing could only secretly encourage Xiaodie.


As one of the chief examiners before, Bai Meier knew very well that the human defenders had a total of four commander-in-chief flags in their hands. As she prepared, an elite force has been hidden in the snow as her escort, so there is no need to wait any longer!
Bai Meier pursed her lips and smiled, gently swaying her nine fluffy snow-white tails, little ones, come on!

As the monster army, an elite force, brazenly entered the battlefield, the delicate balance between the two sides was quickly broken!
Xiaodie sighed secretly. It seems that the strategic goal of eliminating ten demon kings cannot be achieved. If there is too much damage, the light curtain in the main city may be smashed by the monster army.

Xiaodie issued the latest order, and retreated immediately after being restrained for a while, concentrating the superior force to eliminate the five demon kings first.

With the help of the super bonus of the Commander's Flag, the human defenders fought bloody battles, and finally succeeded in destroying the five demon kings, and then retreated in an orderly manner, retreating to the light curtain of the main city.

At this time, the duration of the commander's flag is less than a stick of incense.

Bai Meier smiled faintly, and ordered the monster army to retreat temporarily, waiting patiently for the commander's flag to expire.

Without a little attack, the blood volume of the light curtain in the main city began to recover slowly, but compared to the lost half of the blood volume, it was really a drop in the bucket, better than nothing.

The human defenders held on for most of the night, and finally had some free time to take a breather, but looking at the monster army outside the city, which was still covered in darkness and could not be seen at a glance, felt really stressed.

Before a stick of incense burns, the army of monsters, under the command of Bai Meier, slowly presses forward, constantly putting pressure on the human defenders.

The flag of the commander-in-chief standing upright and waving with flags suddenly turned into light spots and drifted away with the wind.

The next moment, the monster army roared and launched a fierce attack!
Under the command of Xiaodie and the others, the human defenders stood firm and resisted the continuous impact of the monster army. However, the disadvantage was always the disadvantage, and the blood volume of the light curtain in the main city continued to decrease.

Before he knew it, there was only half an hour left before dawn, and not even a tenth of the blood volume of the light curtain in the main city was left.

Xiaodie was a little hesitant, this half hour can be said to be crucial, if it survives this half hour, the strength of the monster army will be compromised, and it will be much easier to defend.

It's just that there is a serious question right now, should we use the second flag of commander?

If it is used, the human defenders can fight back brazenly. Maybe the light curtain of the main city can last until dawn, but if it is not used, the light curtain of the main city will be breached by the monster army before dawn in all likelihood.

From a formal point of view, the second flag of the commander should be used.

But after all, there are only four sides of the commander-in-chief's flag, and if one is used, one will be lost.

Xiaodie was also undecided, so she urgently held a meeting of eight team leaders to brainstorm.

Cheng Huansi pondered: "Personally, I don't think it's better to use it. The power of using it at night is limited, and it's best to use it during the day."

Liang Qiuyou expressed his opinion: "To be honest, spreading out the defensive main city light curtain is too much burden for us. Obviously, with our combat power, we must not be able to defend the light curtain, so there is no need to compromise too much for the light curtain. "

Qi Zhengde said worriedly: "I'm afraid that the light curtain in the main city will be damaged, which will have a very bad impact on the final test of the big exam. Everything is still unknown. It is best to stick to the last moment. When it is necessary, retreat to the main city."

Sun Qin said: "Now the monster siege has just begun, we have too few cards in the hole, so let's save as much as possible for later use."

Hao Kaicheng, Gonghujin, and Yuan Meng also expressed their opinions.

After summing up her opinions, Xiaodie resolutely said: "If that's the case, then let's hold on for half an hour."

Cheng Huansi and the others suddenly agreed.

Even though it has been decided not to use the Commander's Flag, but the reality is false, and the falsehood is real, Xiaodie instead dispatched troops to condemn the generals, and put on a covert look that she was going to find an opportunity to use the Commander's Flag for another wave Stance.

Bai Meier can't be sure of Xiaodie's real intentions, if our side is too aggressive, the other side will definitely seize the opportunity to be ruthless.

Therefore, Bai Meier chose to seek stability, and played steadily, constantly consuming the HP of the light curtain.

Unknowingly, the sky gradually dawned, and the earth was hazy, like a rose-red veil.After a while, the eastern sky became white, and the earth gradually brightened.

Without the bonus of night, the combat power of the monsters suddenly dropped by a notch, but the strength of the human defenders did not drop at all.

It's just that the blood volume of the light curtain in the main city has bottomed out, and it may become zero at any time. The human defenders were not at all happy, but withdrew from the main city under Xiaodie's dispatch, and quickly built the main city according to the established plan. The city defense system of the three rings outside the city, the middle and the inside.

Without the interference of the human defenders, the monster army attacked the light curtain of the main city at will.

The blood volume of the light curtain is already empty.

Accompanied by a deafening roar, the light curtain of the empty blood shattered and turned into countless light spots, drifting with the wind, and gradually annihilated.

Bai Meier exhaled, the first part of the battle plan was finally completed, and it was time for the second part of the battle, the real tough battle had just begun.

The combat power of the monster army during the day is much lower than that at night. Bai Meier doesn't intend to fight the human defenders during the day, but she can't let the exhausted human defenders get enough rest, so Bai Meier just A harassing flow tactic was worked out.

The army of monsters is advancing and retreating, launching a fierce attack for a while, retreating rapidly for a while, turning round for a while, and fierce for a while...

The human defenders are not defending, nor are they not defending, nor are they relaxed, nor are they tense, they feel uncomfortable all over.

Although Xiaodie could see that the monster army was planning to delay the onslaught until night, but she couldn't take it lightly during the day. It would be too bad if the monster army caught a loophole and broke through one or two rings of defense in one go.

However, the defenders cannot be exhausted forever, otherwise they will be dragged down to death by the monster army sooner or later.

Xiaodie made a targeted battle plan. To put it simply, it is a three-ring defense line rotation system. The outer ring and the middle ring are harder, and the inner ring rests on the spot. As long as the monster does not break through the outer ring defense line, just rest. .

In this way, at least one-third of the students can get adequate rest, and after the rotation system, more students can get rest.

Xiaodie also took the time to meditate for two hours to recover her energy.

More than six hours during the day were spent in this way under the constant harassment of the monster army.

Night came quietly.

A round of bright red full moon drilled out from behind the thick clouds, appearing in the rose red night sky, dyeing the earth bright red.

The human defenders sighed and looked up at the beautiful full moon. Watching the moon is always intoxicating, but why does it suddenly raise the strength of monsters to a higher level? It's so unfair.

No matter how reluctant, the human defenders can only grit their teeth. What should come will always come. At this moment, we can only believe in ourselves, in the commander-in-chief, and believe that our human defenders can hold the position.

Bai Meier lazily stretched her body. The human defenders must be getting impatient. Now that it's time, let's start the general attack!
The monster army revived and launched a fierce attack.

Completely different from the previous street fighting and street fighting, the monster army is no longer rushing forward and attacking, but has a perfect combination of melee and long-distance combat, and it advances and retreats well, constantly consuming the vital strength of the human defenders.

The Terran Defenders have also done extensive training in street warfare and street warfare. City [-], City [-], and City [-] have personally experienced arduous and excellent street warfare and street warfare. Although the monster army has become smarter now , but the human defenders are occupying a favorable terrain, sticking to their positions, and fighting the monster army to the end!

Unknowingly, the monster army has been besieging the city for more than an hour, but almost nothing has been gained.

Bai Meier couldn't help but clicked her tongue, the main city without the light curtain is really just a solid tortoise shell, fortunately our side has already made preparations.The outer ring defense circle of the Terran defenders has also been thoroughly explored, and it is time to deploy new tactics.

Most of the monsters that stormed the main city before were cannon fodder with low levels and weak combat power. None of the monster kings and hunters were dispatched, so they could not shake the outer ring defense line of the human defenders.

In view of the fact that the human race's defenders have an even layout, Bai Meier formed six special service teams headed by the demon king and supplemented by hunters, and launched a fierce attack from the shock position of the main city at the same time.

These six special agent teams with superior combat power have already broken the balance. They defeated the outer ring defense line of those streets as soon as they attacked, and continued to pounce towards the middle ring defense line without stopping.

Xiaodie also knows the shortcomings of the layout of the human defenders, and has prepared a countermeasure in advance.

However, contrary to the monster army forming an elite special agent team, Xiaochou formed a cannon fodder death squad, and the tactics were also very simple, that is, simply risking his life to block the monster special agent team and gain precious time for the support troops to arrive in time.

Human race cannon fodder death squads are all low-level, and there is not much difference between dying once and dying ten times. In order to block the progress of the monster spy team, they are stalking and doing everything they can.

Facing the almost rogue tactics of the Terran defenders, the Monster Agents had to fall into a hard fight. Even if they managed to break through the middle ring defense line, they could only face the inner ring defense line that had been reinforced and strengthened. It won't take long for the human defenders on the ring and middle ring defense lines to be resurrected and join the battle.

Bai Meier pursed her lips, seeing that the secret service team was unable to break through the inner ring defense line in a short time, and gave the order for the secret service team to retreat immediately. We are still in a hurry, so there is no need to fight to the death right now.

Xiaodie secretly breathed a sigh of relief, the opponent is really tough, if not for all the preparations in advance, the blow just now is enough for us human defenders to drink a pot.

(End of this chapter)

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