Chapter 711

Xiaodie is amazing, Bai Meier smiled slightly, and did not give up the use of the six monster special teams just because of the existence of the Human Race Defender Cannon Fodder Death Squad.

The army of monsters kept putting pressure from the front, and the secret service team saw the timing. Once there was a mistake or loophole in the defense line of the human race, the army of monsters could break through the defense line in one go, drive straight in, and let the human defenders drink a pot.

Bai Meier's main purpose is to force out the remaining three flags of the commander in the hands of the human defenders as soon as possible. As long as the human race still holds the flag of the commander, it is a super bomb, and the monster army must keep it.

As for the human defenders, there is no good way to face the tactics of the monster army. After all, the cannon fodder death squads are not omnipotent. The army fought to the end.

Unknowingly, fifteen hours have passed since the monster siege began.

The two monster agent teams cleverly captured the weak point of the Terran defenders' defense line, and together they broke through the two defensive lines of the outer ring and the middle ring in one go. The inner ring also became precarious.

In desperation, the human defenders had no choice but to use the second flag of the commander, and finally drove the two monster agent teams out of the defensive circle.

The human defenders also took advantage of this half-hour period of strength to organize several large counterattacks. However, the monster army was really treacherous. They just refused to fight the human defenders, and dragged the half-hour past before continuing their onslaught.

Xiaodie rubbed her temples with a bit of head, there were only two sides of the commander's flag left, the human defenders had dropped one level and a half on average, and the cannon fodder death squad had died dozens of times.I don't know how long the monster siege will last, Xiaodie really has no idea in her heart.

Xiaodie secretly sighed. The number of main human defenders is relatively limited, and it is still too difficult to deploy defenses in the outer area of ​​the main city.

If they could retreat to the central area of ​​the main city, then the defense line built by the human defenders would be strong enough to fight positional warfare and wars of attrition with the monster army.

But no one knows how serious the consequences of doing this are, how to judge the success or failure of defending the city, and if the outer area falls, it will be regarded as a failure in defending the city, which is too helpless.

So Xiaodie had no choice, and would not choose to retreat to the central area of ​​the main city unless it was absolutely necessary.

Unknowingly, there was less than an hour left before dawn.

The offensive of the monster army has always been extremely fierce, not giving the human defenders a chance to breathe.

In the past, when the human defenders were killed or exhausted, they could retreat behind the light curtain of the main city to rest for a while, but now the light curtain has been broken, and the outer defensive circle of the main city is full of fighting, and it is difficult to take a breath.

Moreover, without the protection of the light curtain, the true energy in the human defender's body was blocked, and it only loosened a little bit. As time went by, they became more and more tired.

Xiaodie has been commanding and dispatching intensively, and she is completely soaked, almost collapsed.

Xiaodie gritted her teeth, wanting to rest until the pressure of Tianming's human defenders weakened, but after all, she had never fought so tired before, her energy was exhausted, and her reaction became slow. If she didn't pay attention, she was drilled by the monster army again. A big loophole.

Xiaodie's face was slightly pale, and after careful consideration, she still used the third commander's flag, finally withstood the onslaught of the monster army, and gave the monster army a head-on blow to a certain extent.

In this way, there is only the last side of the commander-in-chief's flag, and it must not be used unless it is absolutely necessary.

Finally, the Terran defenders survived until dawn.

The monster army temporarily retreated to rest.

Xiaodie wiped the sweat off her face, and held a command meeting again to discuss matters related to retreating to the central area of ​​the main city.

Qi Zhengde hesitated and said: "Retreat? This is not good. Although our loss is not small, it is still within the acceptable range. If we are judged to have failed as soon as we retreat, then no one can afford this responsibility. If you live, you have to keep it, if you can’t keep it, you have to keep it.”

Sun Qin said with a cold face: "The three flags of the commander-in-chief have been used so quickly. There is no way to use the first and second flags, but the third flag is used too hastily. As long as we calm down, we will definitely be able to use it." Stop the monster army back."

Cheng Huansi said: "Onlookers are obsessed with the authorities, I believe in Xiaodie's judgment. The three flags of commander-in-chief have already been used, and they have played enough effects, that's enough. Don't use the last one unless it is absolutely necessary. Its meaning of existence is far away. far greater than the actual meaning.”

Liang Qiuyou pondered and said: "It is of course beneficial for us to retreat to the central area of ​​the main city, but once the monster army completely occupies the outer area of ​​the main city, then we really have no way out."

Gonghu Jin said: "I agree with Squad Leader Qi's opinion. If you can keep it, you have to keep it. If you can't keep it, we have to keep it."

Yuan Meng curled her lips and said: "Because of the commander-in-chief's flag, we forcefully pushed back the monster army. Next time we may not have such good luck. If we lose, those monster kings and hunters will sneak into the monster army." Inside the main city, can we really free up our hands to destroy them? I agree with Xiaodie, the best strategy is to retreat."

This... Qi Zhengde and the others couldn't help but hesitate, in a dilemma.

It is true that our defense line will be much stronger after retreating, and it will be difficult for the monster army to take advantage of loopholes, so should we retreat or not?

The last eight commanders decided to vote. It was not the eight of them who voted, but the votes of all the ethnic defenders.

In this way, even if retreating is regarded as a failure to defend the city, it is the choice of most people, and there will not be too many complaints.

Only more than half of the voting was done, and there was no suspense in the result. After all, we have held on for a full [-] hours. Everyone is really exhausted. Even with such a high-intensity defensive outer circle, the body can't hold it anymore. It's really exhausted. At that time, the city defense had almost no defensive power.

After the votes were collected, Xiaodie said with a final word: "Let's retreat!"

Although it has been decided to retreat, of course it is impossible to give up the outer area of ​​the main city in vain.

Xiaodie rested for a while, and immediately dispatched troops. On the surface, the city defense was consolidated, but in fact, the troops had begun to move to the central area of ​​the main city to form a new line of defense.

At the same time, Bai Meier assembled the team and thought to herself, she didn't know about the defenders of the human race, but she knew that the time limit for the monsters to attack the city was 36 hours, and the main city must be captured within the time limit The hall and defend until the last moment can be considered a victory.

Twenty hours have passed now, and there are only sixteen hours left. Right now, even the outer area of ​​the main city has not been captured. Fortunately, the human race has already forced out three sides of the commander-in-chief's flag, leaving only the last one. .However, the monster army also lost a lot, only 27 of the forty monster kings remained, and one-third of the hunter army was also lost.

Fortunately, the Terran defenders are gradually showing signs of fatigue, and I believe they won't last long, and it's only a matter of time before they break through the periphery of the main city.

Hmph, we can't give the human defenders time to rest, Bai Meier immediately ordered the monster army to start attacking the city, mainly to harass and suppress.

Hey, something seems wrong!Bai Meier frowned slightly, and noticed a slight strangeness. The defense of the human defenders seemed to be much tighter, but those who are too rigid are easy to break, and it shouldn't be like this.

Xiaodie made this arrangement to let some of the defenders get a rest?

and many more!

Could it be...Xiaodie is going to retreat?
Bai Meier was secretly taken aback, if this was the case, it would be more troublesome.

(End of this chapter)

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