Chapter 712
Time is running out, Bai Meier thought for a moment, the corners of her mouth slanted, in that case, she might as well use her plan...

For more than six hours during the day, although the monster army and the human defenders were fighting in full swing, there was not much conflict, and it was a continuous series of small fights.

Unknowingly, 26 hours have passed since the monster attacked the city.

Quietly, a bright red full moon emerged from behind the thick clouds and appeared in the rose-red night sky, dyeing the earth bright red.

The human defenders couldn't help taking a deep breath, knowing very well that a harsh battle was coming.

According to Xiaodie's deployment, the Terran defenders have built a new third-ring defense line in the middle circle of the main city, and the defenders left in the outer circle are all death squads, deliberately creating a posture of the defense line being defeated, in fact, for one purpose - to burn jade and stone together !
Trade your life for your life, and focus on killing the demon king and hunter first.

Soon, the monster army roared and launched a fierce attack, but it was beyond the expectations of the human defenders. The monster army did not launch a fierce attack from all directions, but from the north and south.

The monster armies on the east and west sides quickly merged into the troops in the north and south in an orderly manner, with a huge momentum.

Xiaodie frowned secretly, and urgently transferred the defenders from the east and west to the north and south lines of defense, leaving only a few defenders as a front, just in case.

When the north and the south were fighting fiercely, Bai Meier, who had been sitting in the rear and strategizing, stretched her graceful figure, shrunk her body to the size of an ordinary mob, and led a mixed army of beetles and kangaroos to launch an attack from the west of the main city. attack.

Beetles and kangaroos are the lowest-level monsters in the main city. When the group spawns monsters, they sweep all the way and hardly stop.

The left-behind garrison in the west saw only beetles and kangaroos attacking, and they didn't take it seriously at all.

Although the shell of the Beetle is extremely strong, it can beat the Beetle no matter what skill you use. However, the level [-] earth-type ultimate move, Flame Break, can completely defeat the Beetle. If the flame breaks, a large group of beetles can be overturned, and then it will be easy.

As for the kangaroo, although the attack power is powerful, as long as the kangaroo does not get close, use the long-range big move to gather fire, and chop vegetables casually.

While the Western Terran defenders resisted easily, they also sighed secretly. Compared with the north and south sides fighting to death, our side is too easy.

Bai Meier hid behind the brigade, calmly commanding the beetle and kangaroo brigade to attack and then retreat. It was just a harassing posture, constantly eroding the vigilance of the Western Terran defenders.

In the north and south of the main city, the army of monsters, led by 27 monster kings and hunter troops, kept attacking the defense line of the human defenders.

After resisting for a while, the human defenders put on a posture of retreating steadily, but actually retreated in an orderly manner, leading the monster troops into the streets and alleyways, waiting patiently for a blow.

Xiaodie intends to eat up the combat power of an army of monsters in one go, but the battle is chaotic right now, so it's better to accept it as soon as it's good, and it's safer.

With a wave of Xiaodie's hand, the Death Squad strikes!
The human defenders immediately counterattacked brazenly, colliding violently with the monster troops.

According to the previous combat experience, the counterattacks of the human defenders are always wave after wave, and the monster troops can forcibly block them. However, this time it is completely different. The counterattack of the human defenders does not leave any behind Road, for the sake of burning jade and stone together.

However, Bai Meier has already seen through Xiaodie's strategic transfer plan, the Tao is one foot tall and the devil is ten feet high. The vital force of the death squad of the Terran defenders.

The defenders of the human race worked hard in one go, then declined again, exhausted three times, and the effect of burning jade and stone together is really mediocre.

Xiaodie didn't expect the monster army to be so sophisticated, and gave the order to retreat, don't sacrifice needlessly, and quickly retreat to the inner circle of the main city.

However, at this moment, the monster army launched another onslaught, and the speedy monsters were still used as commandos. Now the human defenders could not withdraw if they wanted to, so they could only choose to die.

At the moment of this mess, 27 monster kings and hunter troops quietly formed two super elite monster agent teams, which tore open the gaps in the north and south outer defense circles of the main city, and did not move towards the center. Instead of swooping in circles, circle back to help other monster troops.

You must know that the streets and alleyways of the main city are almost all connected together. After being surrounded by these two super elite monster agent teams, the consequences are quite serious.

Gradually, more and more holes were torn into the outer defensive circle, so it would be very difficult for the human defenders to die together, and they would even be encircled and suppressed, which is too bad.

Xiaodie also had to quickly mobilize elite troops to stop the two super elite monster agent teams, but the effect was not very good.

The demon king and hunters are already difficult to deal with, they still get together, and it is night, the number of elite troops of the human race is limited, it is really not enough to watch.

Fortunately, Xiaodie's order to retreat has been issued for a while, and the three-ring defense line in the middle of the main city has been built in sevens and eighties. Even if the outer circle of the main city is completely lost, it can completely withstand the further onslaught of the monster army.

Bai Meier smiled faintly, it was time to attack.

Following Bai Meier's order, the beetle and kangaroo brigade fiercely launched a general attack.

The western Terran defenders didn't take it seriously, and still used the old method to deal with it.If it was just the beetle and kangaroo brigade, it would not be a big problem for the Western Terran defenders to hold the line of defense. However, there was an extra Bai Meier in the monster brigade participating in the attack this time.

As the commander-in-chief of monsters, his ability is very powerful, but after all, he can't have both. Bai Meier did not choose the powerful and unparalleled combat power, but chose the auxiliary ability.

On the one hand, Fluttershy is the support, on the other hand, if the support is used well, its function is far beyond a single powerful combat power.

Bai Meier flicked a tail lightly, and the charging Beetle troops were dyed a layer of gold, greatly increasing their defense.

Whoops, what is that?Why is it still dyed?The Western Terran defenders blinked in a daze, as if something was wrong.

But now that the Beetles had already charged over, they didn't have time to think about it, so they quickly threw the flames into the Beetle swarm.

However, Di Yanpo, who tried Bailing before, was deflated this time. Although the attack on the underground abdomen caused a lot of damage to the beetle, it failed to knock the beetle to the ground.

Just when the Western Terran defenders were startled and dazed, the Beetle charged forward.

"Hold it! Hold it with your body!"

"Come and support!"


The impact of the Beatles troops was limited, but they also successfully disrupted the defensive formation of the Terran defenders.

The kangaroo troops followed closely behind and successfully rushed to the front of the human defenders, punching and kicking without explanation.

Bai Meier flicked one of her tails lightly, dyeing the kangaroo army a layer of black, and their attack power became stronger.

"Oh, I can't stand it."


"What about support?"


The war between the north and the south is so tight, even if there are support troops, they are just scattered small troops.

It didn't take long for the defense line of the Western Terran defenders to be smashed to pieces by the Beatles and Kangaroo troops.

Xiaodie frowned, what's the matter?So quickly, the four defense lines were completely defeated!Could it be the elite unit that the monster army has been hiding for a long time?

What?Just beetles and kangaroos?Xiaodie was puzzled, what the hell is going on?

Qi Zhengde, Sun Qin, Hao Kaicheng, Liang Qiuyou, Cheng Huansi, Gonghujin, and Yuan Meng were also a little dumbfounded.

Hey, the Beetle is dyed a layer of gold?Kangaroo with a layer of black?
Are there any monsters that can assist?We seem to have never encountered it before, but it cannot be ruled out that there are monsters, demon kings, and hunters who can assist.

Fortunately, the outer defense line was just a cover, Xiaodie immediately ordered the western defenders to abandon the outer defense line, retreat to the middle circle defense line, and urgently strengthen the defense line to resist the beetle and kangaroo troops.

Seeing that the beetles and kangaroos had taken down the western outer perimeter of the main city, Bai Meier smiled lightly. She was not in a hurry to attack the inner circle of the main city, but let the beetles and kangaroos rest on the spot to recharge their batteries.

The human defenders of the other three sides of the main city have retreated to the middle circle one after another, building a stronger three-ring defense line, and are waiting for it.

At this time, 27 hours had passed since the start of the monster siege, and there were only the last nine hours left.

Previously, the monster army attacked back and forth, back and forth, in addition to harassing and preventing the human defenders from resting, it was also for training, familiarizing themselves with street warfare and street fighting, and finding out more suitable tactics and coordination.

The military training has been almost done, and the fight will end sooner rather than later. Bai Meier gave the command of the general attack.

The monster army immediately launched a fierce attack from the north and the south.

The Terran defenders were secretly shocked. The defense line we built in the middle circle is obviously much thicker than that in the outer circle, but it is still so difficult to resist. If the commander-in-chief hadn't chosen to retreat with great foresight, otherwise we would definitely not be able to resist. The main city has fallen.

Qi Zhengde, Sun Qin, Hao Kaicheng and the others can only be convinced, Xiaodie has indeed made the most correct choice.The battle situation is urgent, let's focus on defense.

Xiaodie frowned secretly, although retreating is not considered a failure in defending the city, but I didn't expect that even if we retreated to the middle circle, it would still be difficult to parry, the monster army attacking the city this time is really powerful.So... do you want to go back?
If you retreat further, you can only retreat to the inner circle, which can almost cover the entire inner circle with defense, but the consequences are unpredictable, and Xiaodie is not sure whether retreating to the inner circle will cause the main city's defense to fail.

Xiaodie dared to gamble if she retreated to the middle circle, but she really didn't dare to gamble if she retreated to the inner circle.

There is no other good way right now, but to stick to it, if it can't be stopped, it will be filled with human life!
Xiaodie is still the same old saying: "People are in the city!"

With no way out, the human defenders had no choice but to grit their teeth and fight to the death with the monster army.

(End of this chapter)

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