Interstellar Miner

Chapter 714 Haidilao

Chapter 714 Haidilao

"A large team is already in place and starting to deploy their defenses."

"Second brigade is fully deployed."

"The third team and the fourth team have finished learning skills and are on their way."


Under the emergency dispatch of Ling Junyu and Chi Mu, the initial construction of the defense line on the east side of the inner circle of the main city was completed.

"I found traces of monsters and are heading along the No. [-] main road."

"The Second Battalion stands still for the time being, and the Third and Fourth Battalions rush to the First Battalion's defense area to support."


Not long after the monster raid troops advanced, they encountered a large group of defensive lines.

Hey, is that the line of defense arranged by the human race?So fast?Bai Meier frowned. At this time, the defense line in the main city's middle circle is in a complete emergency. It is impossible for the human defenders to take action, unless they give up the defense line in the middle circle. According to the real-time information, it is obvious that there is no such thing.

These human defenders in front of me should be just idle troops in the inner circle. Bai Meier calmly commanded the troops to violently attack the defense line of the human defenders.

Soon Bai Meier discovered that this group of defenders were low in level, they didn't even have level [-] skills, they were probably cannon fodder troops.

Bai Meier dyed the beetle troops gold, and then dyed the kangaroo troops black, go forward bravely!
Previously, the Beetles and kangaroos broke through the outer and middle defense lines with such force, but now they are advancing even more aggressively.

However, the tenacity of the human defense line this time was beyond Bai Meier's expectations. They obviously dealt with it extremely hard, the team was constantly damaged, and they were beaten black and blue by the kangaroos, but they kept going every step of the way. retreat.

The Beatles and kangaroo troops were struggling, and they stormed for a while without making much progress.

The main reason is that the width of this main road is limited. Even though the beetles and kangaroos have an absolute advantage in numbers, the advantage is so-so when the front row is short-handed.

There was still more than an hour before dawn, and a quick battle was necessary. Bai Meier shook her tail, and dyed an extra layer of red on the beetle and kangaroo troops.

After a while, the third and fourth brigades arrived in a hurry, and their level [-] skills rushed to the top, and finally contained the fierce offensive of the beetle and kangaroo troops.

Bai Meier couldn't help but feel a little strange, where did this human army come from?What a hindrance!

At this time, as the dead human defenders were resurrected one after another, the precarious defense line in the center of the main city gradually withstood the onslaught of the monster army.

Bai Meier yelled secretly, if she was dragged until dawn by the human defenders, it would be really bad!
Bai Meier took a deep breath, it's time to go all out!Bai Meier immediately ordered to go down: the whole army assaults, breaks through the human defense line, and enters the inner circle!
In the past, the monster army always had reservations in order to avoid too much loss, and quickly retreated to recover when they had residual blood, but this time they went forward without reservation!
One after another, regardless of damage, the monster army crazily charged the defense line in the middle of the main city.

Bai Meier led a squadron of beetles and kangaroos off the main road, and retreated to find other advance routes.

The army of monsters suddenly exploded, and the defense line in the middle circle that had just stabilized was immediately blown away.

"Hold on!"

"I can't stand it anymore, come and support me!"

"The defense line was breached by monsters, what should I do?"


Xiaodie gritted her teeth secretly, knowing that this was the last counterattack of the monster army, but she couldn't resist it!At this time, it would be great if there was another flag of commander in chief!

Xiaodie regretted for a while, the second and third commander's flags were indeed used too hastily and casually!

There is no other way right now, but to fight to the death and not retreat, and take human lives to fill it!

hang on!Be sure to hold on!

It doesn't matter if a few monsters break into the inner circle, but the defense line in a certain area must not be completely defeated!
Fortunately, the last flag of the commander abruptly replaced almost all the demon kings and hunters. They were just ordinary mobs, and the human defenders were very handy in dealing with them.

After a long period of killing monsters, the human race students have almost formed a conditioned reflex in the face of ordinary mobs, releasing their skills coherently and precisely, and avoiding the snakeskin movement when attacking... Forcibly relying on excellent operations to continuously strengthen the inner circle of the main city line of defense!

Before you know it, the sky has begun to turn white, and dawn is approaching.

The army of monsters charged desperately at the defense line in the center of the main city, and the defenders of the human race also held their breath. It was the last moment, and we must hold on!
The squadron led by Bai Meier made a big circle, and encountered the second brigade which had been fortified for a long time. It was inevitable. They had to attack and attack again, but the progress was not satisfactory.

Fortunately, the number of these defenders is small, and Bai Meier has already seen that the number of human defenders is limited and can only be guarded at the pass. Once they break through, the sea and the sky will be brighter.

Therefore, Bai Meier did not look for other routes, but urgently summoned the idle monsters who had broken through the defense line in the middle of the main city to the center of the main city.

However, those idle monsters are far away, and they don't know the way, so they don't know when they can catch them.

Unknowingly, the sky gradually dawned, and the earth was hazy, like a rose-red veil.After a while, the eastern sky became white, and the earth gradually brightened.

Without the bonus of night, the combat power of the monsters suddenly dropped by a notch, but the strength of the human defenders did not drop at all.

"Great! It's finally dawn!"

"We finally made it through!"

"The monsters have nothing to do, and defending is victory!"


The morale of the human defenders was greatly boosted, and their momentum was like a rainbow.

Xiaodie secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and analyzed the situation. The defense line in the middle of the main city is no longer a problem. What is more troublesome is the idle monsters breaking into the defense line, and the most troublesome is the beetle and kangaroo troops that broke through the eastern defense line.

Until this time, Ling Junyu and the others still had a hard time resisting. The key is that they are newcomers and are not familiar with beetles and kangaroos.

There are only the last four hours left, Bai Meier secretly sighed, she didn't expect that there would be such a stalemate, where did the defenders in the inner circle come from, and they disrupted her steps all at once.

Originally, Bai Mei'er didn't plan to participate in the battle in person, but only served as the commander-in-chief, but now it seems that it is impossible not to participate in the battle.After all, I am the super boss of the monster army, even if it is an auxiliary boss, the combat power is far superior to that of ordinary monster kings.

Bai Meier moved forward quietly, wagging her tail, aimed at the weak area of ​​the second brigade's defense line, and released a white light ball.

"Huh? What is that?"

You must know that the beetle and the kangaroo are both in melee attack mode. A white light ball suddenly appeared, and the second team was a little dazed.

It was too late to say it, and the white light ball had already flown to the front.

A member of the front row of the second brigade hurried forward, releasing defensive skills to block the ball of light.

The white ball of light exploded, and a bright light flickered.

"You are dead." "You are dead."...

A total of six half-blood students had a golden halo above their heads.

"Wow! What's going on?" "Why is this ball of light so fierce?" "Is there a demon king?"...

The Second Brigade panicked and stared at the Beetles and the Kangaroo Squadron vigilantly. There was a little red in the green bushes, and finally found a beautiful white fox hiding behind the kangaroos!
"It's that white fox!"

"She must be playing tricks!"

"The golden light, black light, and red light may have been made by the white fox."

"First focus on killing her."


Seeing that her whereabouts were exposed, Bai Meier stopped hiding, she waved her tail, and continuously released white light balls one after another to hit the second team.

"No way! So many white balls? Don't they all have a cooldown time?"

"Ouch! I can't stop it, retreat quickly!"

"Wow, it's too fierce, withdraw! Quickly withdraw!"

"Request support."

The Second Brigade's scalp was numb from the blast of the light ball, and they were immediately hit by seconds below half health. Even if they were full of blood, they couldn't stop two blows. Hey, why is this white fox so fierce?
After a while of flying around, the Second Brigade suffered heavy casualties, and the defense line built collapsed, but was still broken through by the Beetle and Kangaroo Squadron.

Fortunately, the defense line in the middle of the main city had been relieved at this time, and the reinforcements were already on their way, intercepting the beetle and kangaroo squadron that broke through the defense line in time.

As soon as the reinforcements breathed a sigh of relief, they were reminded by the second brigade to be careful of that white fox pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

"White fox? Didn't you see it? What white fox?"

"The demon king? No way! You can't let it go, find it out!"

"Where did the white fox go? I'm so anxious."

Main city hall.

It's here, there is not even a guard at the door, Xiaodie is too negligent!
None of the little ones arrived, but several of them got closer.

Bai Meier smiled faintly, and the hazy water vapor around her body dissipated quickly, revealing her beautiful figure. It turned out that she used the beetle and kangaroo squadron to lure away the reinforcements, and she quietly came to the main city hall incognito.

Bai Meier walked into the hall of the main city unhurriedly. Hey, there was no one outside the hall, but there were still a dozen or so students inside.

Seeing Bai Meier who suddenly appeared, the dozen or so students staying in the hall of the main city were all dumbfounded, this white fox has never been seen before!

By the way, is there a white fox monster in the main city... But this white fox doesn't look like a friendly army, right?It's a monster!

There are monsters rushing into the lobby of our main city, this is not bad!What are so many lines of defense for!
How many monsters have come here?Hey, is this the only white fox?
Wait, is this the missing white fox?Isn't it said that it belongs to the demon king? It's so small?Is it the same white fox?

A dozen or so of us might not be her opponents, so let's call for backup first!

Bai Meier waved her tail casually, and a long string of white light balls smashed past.

A dozen or so students hadn't fully regained their composure, so they dodged subconsciously. As a result, a golden halo appeared above their heads, and they all died in battle.

Uh... this... what's going on?No!This white fox is so fierce?In a blink of an eye, we will be wiped out!

Oops, I have to report to the higher authorities quickly, but I have already died in battle, even if I want to report, I can only wait patiently for a quarter of an hour to be resurrected, too bad!
After being killed in battle, all actions should have been stopped, but right now, I don't care about so many things. If you violate discipline, you should violate discipline.

"Has anyone called for backup?"

"It's too late."

"The message failed to get out."

"I called, but I didn't have time to say in detail that it was the missing white fox. I only said that the main city hall called for support."

"Better than nothing. Let's wait patiently for support."

Afterwards, the students who died in battle received a warning vote, but remained silent, looking at the white fox eagerly, tsk tsk, what a beautiful white fox!It looks more and more beautiful!

Bai Meier casually looked at the main city hall, the place is quite empty, suitable for defense.Little ones, hurry up and build a defense line before the arrival of the human reinforcements.As long as you guard the main city hall, you will win!

(End of this chapter)

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