Chapter 715
Headquarters of the General Examination.

Liu Xing was very happy to see that the human defenders had finally endured so much hardship until dawn. There were only four hours left for the monsters to attack the city, and the human race should be able to successfully defend the main city.

Who would have thought that Bai Meier would capture the hall of the main city without making a sound, this... this is a bit of a shame!
Liu Xing pursed his lips. Strictly speaking, Bai Meier did not violate any rules or regulations. Instead, she used regular soldiers to draw the attention of the human defenders and successfully occupied the main city hall.

Liu Xing was secretly anxious, Xiaodie, you have to return to the defense as soon as possible and take back the main city hall, otherwise the defense of the city will be regarded as a failure.

But obviously Xiaodie still doesn't understand the importance of the main city hall, and almost no defense line is set up, which is a bit bad.

Kong Ling and Mo Que'er looked at each other and smiled. Bai Meier really spared no effort to help the Yaozu. After all, the help we can give is limited. Most of them are led by Bai Meier and the Yaozu. This year is really hard for her.

Mo Xuan smiled lightly, thinking a lot for a while.

The little ones have already tasted the sweetness of the scientific system, and they all want to use it in the fourth layer of time and space as soon as possible to gain an advantage, and they often whisper to themselves.

But the fourth layer of time and space is not the lower three layers of time and space. To be on the safe side, I forcibly suppressed the impulse of the little guys.

Although the scientific system is very suitable for rapid development, there are also many disadvantages. The biggest problem is environmental pollution, which in turn affects the ecosystem of the planet and the fairy world. After all, science is always over-consuming ecology and cannot make ends meet; in addition, it has a severe impact on the civilization of cultivating immortals. , this is not a joke, if one is not careful, it will be a disaster.

Moreover, the most troublesome by-products of the scientific system are those powerful weapon systems, such as firearms, chemical weapons, etc., which make people worry.

Mo Xuan worried a lot, but he also knew that if he wanted to achieve good results in the four-layer time and space surrounded by dragons, he had to find another way and innovate.

This big exam is Mo Xuan's whim idea. The big exam is held in the fully enclosed small fairyland, so that the students of the academy can gradually get in touch with the science system, and observe the students' reaction to the science system while invigilating the exam.

The response is still very good. The students accept new things relatively quickly. Most of the students have accepted the scientific system with a surprised and friendly attitude.However, there are also a small number of students who are very resistant. If it weren't for the fact that they were in the middle of the big exam, they wouldn't even want to stay for a moment.

Even so, Mo Xuan is still not very optimistic about the development prospects of the scientific system in the fourth layer of time and space. No matter which world it is, the old feudalism is always indispensable.

If new things and new ideas want to be recognized and developed, they will be severely impacted by the old feudalism.

From ancient times to modern times, no reform has gone smoothly. Only through countless trials and tribulations can certain results be achieved.

After all, big fists are the last word. Only when the Four Immortals dominate the fourth layer of time and space can they make a promise, can they carry out reforms and innovations. Right now, the Four Immortals are still far behind.

What's more, this year's big exam, Mo Xuan secretly conducted it without telling the old man Qingyu, so as not to be aborted before it even started.

Mo Xuan smiled, no matter how reluctant the old feudalists are, the world will always move forward bravely, and the future will always belong to young people.As long as young people can generally accept it, it will become the mainstream in the future.

Now it's just a start, the future is long, let's take our time, don't worry.

main city.

Xiaodie glanced at the latest information, what, the main city hall called for support, and then there was no news suddenly, what happened?

Xiaodie frowned secretly, could it be that a monster slipped through the net and rushed into the main city hall?In the inner circle of the main city, only Ling Junyu and Chi Mu are deployed in the east. The rest of the area has almost no defense. It is not surprising that a few monsters ran into the main city hall.

Xiaodie thought to herself, right now the army of monsters is desperately attacking the defense line in the middle of the main city. Although it has caused great damage to us, the damage from the monsters is also very large.

If the army of monsters keeps fighting in roundabouts, we really have nothing to do with them, but our human race can be resurrected continuously, and the monsters die one less!
Hmph, since you are going to work hard, how can we persuade you!If we continue to fight so hard regardless of consumption, we human defenders will definitely make a profit without losing money!
Xiaodie resolutely issued an order, regardless of those fish that slipped through the net, no matter how much trouble they can make, let's concentrate our efforts and eliminate as many monsters as possible!

Seeing this, Liu Xing couldn't help but hammered his thigh hard, oops, it was wrong!The main city hall is the most important thing!

Liu Xing sighed secretly, and Xiaodie couldn't be blamed for this.For one thing, Xiaodie didn't know that there was a time limit of 36 hours for monsters to attack the city; secondly, Xiaodie didn't know that the condition for the monster army to capture the main city was to capture the main city hall.If it weren't for these two restrictions, Xiaodie's choice would undoubtedly be extremely correct.

It's just that in this way, the main city is really hanging if it wants to hold on.

Time passed by one minute and one second, one hour passed, two hours passed, and three hours passed.There is only one hour left.

At this time, the human defenders have gone through arduous fighting and have wiped out the besieging monster army in sevens and eighties.

"Haha, it's done!"

"There are not many monsters left, we can definitely defend the main city."

"It's really not easy!"

"Fortunately, our commander-in-chief is wise and powerful, otherwise we would really lose to the monster army."

"Don't let your guard down, the final result won't be revealed until the last moment, we can't be negligent and wipe out the remaining monsters as soon as possible."


Qi Zhengde, Sun Qin, Hao Kaicheng, Liang Qiuyou, Cheng Huansi, Gonghu Jin, and Yuan Meng, the seven army commanders took a deep breath and exchanged news with some joy.

The defense lines of each department are very solid, and it is impossible for any fish that slipped through the net to break through the defense lines.As long as there are no accidents, we will definitely defend this monster attack!

Xiao Die couldn't help but smile, the large army of monsters attacking the city has almost been wiped out, and the focus of the next battle is to eliminate those fish that slipped through the net before, and we can't let them go.

Xiaodie immediately organized the idle defenders to enter the inner circle of the main city, and took the initiative to encircle and suppress those fish that slipped through the net.

What?Xiaodie stared blankly at the latest news from the encirclement and suppression forces. The fish that slipped through the net did not hide around, but gathered together to build defense lines at several main road pass points, and assumed a stance of defending to the end.

This... seems to be a bit wrong!Xiaodie's heart skipped a beat, and she thought to herself, what's wrong?

Xiaodie didn't have a clue for a while, so she urgently held a command recall, and everyone discussed it together.

Sun Qin murmured, "The reactions of those who slipped through the net are indeed unusual. Could it be that they want to defend the inner circle of the main city?"

Gonghujin frowned and said, "We don't know the specific criteria for judging the success or failure of a monster's siege. Since the fish that slipped through the net are so abnormal, there must be tricks. We can't take it lightly."

Cheng Huansi agreed: "That's right, don't we try our best to eliminate most of the monsters, it will be regarded as our failure to defend the city."

Hao Kaicheng urged: "Time waits for no one, let's quickly assemble our troops and wipe out all those who slip through the net."

"Okay, hurry up."


Soon, Xiaodie and the others discovered that attacking the city by monsters and defending the city by monsters are completely different things.

When monsters attack the city, our human defenders occupy a favorable location and form a defensive formation that can withstand an army of monsters that is several times larger than ours; but at this moment, the offense and defense are reversed, and it has become a defense line built by us to attack monsters.

Not to mention, those mixed monsters really have two brushes in defense, and the monsters are thicker and more fleshy than the human race, and the long-range skills are more powerful, so it is really difficult to attack.

Xiaodie personally led the team, gritted her teeth and gave the death order: "No matter how high the price is, we must attack!"

Qi Zhengde and the others also cheered for the troops one after another, we are already in sight of victory, how can we lose the chain at the last moment and fight against the monsters!
One monster dies, one less, we just use human life to fill it up, and if we continue to resurrect, we still don't believe it, we will not be able to break through the defense line built by monsters!
The human race is not afraid of death, marching forward bravely, constantly breaking through the defense line built by monsters, and heading straight for the main city hall.

At this time, the main city hall.

Bai Meier smiled lightly and glanced at the orderly and solemn monster defense line in the hall, and then at the countdown to the monster siege, Xiaodie, after all, you are still a little behind.I'm sorry, although the victory is not a force, it will be our victory after all.

Led by Xiaodie, her commando death squad broke through the monster's five lines of defense one after another, and rushed to the outside of the main city hall.

It should be in time, Xiaodie secretly heaved a sigh of relief, with a wave of her little hand, the whole team charged and quickly wiped out the monsters in the hall of the main city.

The commandos rushed into the hall of the main city roaring, and in the next moment, they were overwhelmed by the overwhelming and disheveled skills.

This... what kind of firepower this is, oh, I can't stand it!However, the command given by the commander-in-chief was to charge forward, so no one retreated!rush!
It was just a face-to-face meeting, and half of the death squads that rushed into the main city hall were wiped out, and the rest of the team couldn't charge far, and a golden halo appeared above their heads. monsters.

It turns out that there are so many fish that slipped through the net, we were careless.

Isn't it right, the team is completely wiped out?Xiaodie was taken aback, there are so many monsters in the hall of the main city?The firepower is so fierce, it is unusual!

Xiaodie resolutely released the group resurrection skills, and at the same time issued an emergency evacuation order, and there were very few people who could safely evacuate outside the main city hall in time.

Xiaodie frowned, and felt more and more uneasy. Looking at the formation of the monsters, she knew that the main city hall was definitely an extremely important place, but she didn't know it before and didn't have special defenses, so the monsters easily captured it !

Fortunately, soon Qi Zhengde and Sun Qin led their teams to arrive one after another.

There is nothing to say, the human troops kept charging wave after wave, trying to recapture the main city hall in the shortest possible time.

However, the monster defense line in the main city hall is really strong, and the firepower is even stronger. The human troops died wave after wave, but there are still many monsters in the main city hall.

While staring at the countdown, Bai Meier released auxiliary skills to the monsters in the hall to resist the almost suicidal fierce charge of the human army.

The last stick of incense!
"Compatriots, victory is in sight, hold on!" Bai Meier shouted to boost morale.

The Yaozu in the hall responded loudly, the victory belongs to our Yaozu!
"Everyone charge! We must take back the main city hall! Fight the monsters!" Xiaodie shouted, ignoring Cheng Huansi and the others' obstruction, they rushed into the main city hall first, and then died.

Cheng Huansi and the others looked at each other, then rushed in, and died together with Xiaodie.

Then Xiaodie and the others were revived by intensive care, but charged again, died again, and resurrected again!

More and more human race students roared into the main city hall, and they wanted to take back the main city hall even if they died, so as to draw a perfect end to this exam.

The last point!

The human students and the monsters are all crazy, they can't wait to bite together!
Bai Meier clicked her tongue secretly, she went crazy, everyone went crazy!Four of the five solid lines of defense were broken by the human race, leaving only the last one.

Bai Meier also had to participate in the battle, and released all the skills that could be released, so she must guard it.


All human trainees will receive an identity card reminder: the monster siege is over, the monster successfully occupied the main city hall, and the human race failed to defend the city.Three times in a row.

What?no?We failed?

The students who were waiting to celebrate the victory in the central circle of the main city were all dumbfounded. What's going on?Main city hall?Monsters occupy the main city hall?This means that our defense of the city has failed!Why didn't I mention it before, so who knows!

How unreasonable!The army of monsters has almost been wiped out by us, but it still failed!What are you doing, don't bring such a playful person!
The eight conductors, Xiaodie, Qi Zhengde, Sun Qin, Hao Kaicheng, Liang Qiuyou, Cheng Huansi, Gonghujin, and Yuan Meng smiled wryly at each other, never expecting such a failure.

In the end, there is nothing to do but fail.

(End of this chapter)

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