Interstellar Miner

Chapter 716 Glory even if defeated

Chapter 716 Glory even if defeated
Headquarters of the General Examination.

Seeing the human defenders constantly attacking the main city hall with all their might, but they couldn't attack, Liu Xing was so anxious that he jumped up and down, hurry up, time is running out, we must catch up!Just a little bit!

However, the time of 36 hours has arrived!After all, the Terran defenders failed to recapture the main city hall.

Liu Xing shook his head with a wry smile, what a pity.

Oops, my ten first-grade immortal stones are just in vain, dizzy, if I knew it earlier, I wouldn't mix it up, Liu Xing secretly blamed himself, he must never gamble again in the future.

Mo Que'er and Kong Ling looked at each other and smiled, then raised their eyebrows at Xiaoyun, the odds are [-].

Xiaoyun gave the two girls an annoyed look. My aunt has always said that one is the same, I will give it to you now, and you two will be worth a cent.

Huali admired: "Sister Ling'er, sister Que'er, you guys are really accurate."

Mo Que'er smiled slightly and said, "Bai Meier's home court advantage is too great. Although Xiaodie is extremely good, she is still a little tender after all. There is a high probability that Bai Meier will win the final victory."

Kong Ling said: "The performance of the little guys is really impressive. It was extremely difficult for Bai Meier to win. If there is no time limit, then the little guys won the final victory."

You Lan commented: "Objectively speaking, the monsters have been almost wiped out by the human defenders. Even if they take down the main city, they can't hold it at all. The human race can easily regain the main city. The rules of this big exam are also It's too harsh."

Mo Xuan concluded: "There are no rules, no rules. Since the rules are so, they must be strictly enforced. Although this exam is just a simulation, what should we do if we encounter such a situation?"

This... Youlan couldn't help but fell silent.

Liu Xing blinked in a daze, and really didn't know how to answer. Facing a completely unknown but extremely powerful enemy, how should he face it?It turns out that this is the true meaning of this exam!


After going through untold hardships and desperately, but in the end they still failed to defend the city.

For a while, the defenders of the human race were a little discouraged. Many students who were exhausted sat down on the ground, and their tears couldn't stop streaming down.

This year's big exam is over, and the students who died in battle don't need to wait any longer, the golden halo above their heads disappears immediately.The same goes for monsters.

Xiaodie hadn't closed her eyes for two whole days and two nights, and as soon as she relaxed, her figure became crooked, and she almost fell to the ground.

Fortunately, Cheng Huansi and Yuan Meng who were beside him had sharp eyesight and quick hands, and hurriedly supported Xiaodie.

Xiaodie took a breath and motioned to her two elder sisters to help her sit by the flower bed.

After resting for a while, Xiaodie pursed her lips and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, it's all because I didn't pay attention to the main city hall, which made our defense of the city fail."

Yuan Meng pouted, "Jiu Mei, where are you? If it weren't for you, the main city would have been overrun by the monster army long ago. It's because of you as the commander that we can hold on until the end."

Cheng Huansi echoed: "Before the results were announced, none of us knew how important the main city hall was. Although we failed, I didn't feel that we lost at all."


"Obviously the army of monsters has been wiped out by us!"

"Why should it be considered that we lost?"


Xiaodie shook her head and sighed: "If you lose, you lose. There is nothing to justify. Instead of obsessing over the result of the defeat, it is better to think about why we lost and what aspects we did not do well in the process of defending the city. is the most important."

The students who were making a fuss immediately quieted down and began to meditate.

Xiaodie also made a self-summary. First of all, the flag of the commander at the bottom of the box was not used cautiously enough. If there is a flag of the commander at the last critical moment, it will be completely different.

Then there was a serious shortage of intelligence collection. The Beetle and Kangaroo troops detoured from the west to the east.I also blamed myself for being too conservative. I didn't want to easily damage any student, so I didn't send scouts to inquire about the enemy's intelligence, and I suffered a big loss in the end.

The monster siege had been carried out many times before, but we didn't even know the important information that the monster captured the hall as a success, but at the last moment, the monster slammed it hard, leading to failure.

There are many other aspects that I have not handled well enough.

Xiaodie secretly sighed, she was still too immature, she took it for granted, and didn't know the cruelty of war at all.Fortunately, this big test is just a simulated battle. Even if you die in battle, you can be resurrected. If it is really a foreign enemy invasion, I am afraid that you don't even know how you died, so there will be no second chance!


The puppets who had been missing for three days in the main city suddenly appeared and directed the students to return to the dormitory to rest, and all gathered to return to the academy after twelve hours.

The long-distance teleportation array is no joke, and the students' extremely weak bodies can't bear it now.

The students went back to the dormitory and fell asleep almost as soon as they lay down. They were really exhausted.

snort snort~~
Without the restrictions of the big exam rules, those experience pack students from the second city were also teleported to the main city, and they walked around the main city in amazement, which is really amazing.


Twelve hours passed in a flash.

Most of the students spent their time in sleep, and were finally woken up by the alarm clock of the ID card.

Xiaodie slept very deeply, the alarm didn't work, it was Cheng Huansi, Yuan Meng and the others who knocked on the dormitory door for a long time before waking her up.

Xiaodie rubbed her eyes and yawned and opened the door of the dormitory. Twelve hours have passed?Have you slept all day? I really don't feel it. I'm still a little sleepy.

"Jiumei, are you in good health? Can you hold on?" Cheng Huansi asked with concern.

"Don't catch up on sleep." Yuan Meng suggested.

Xiaodie stretched her waist, moved her body briefly, and said, "It's all right, it's almost recovered."

"Jiumei, your body is important, you must not force yourself." Kuang Qing caressed Xiaodie's forehead worriedly, but fortunately, there was no fever.

Xiaodie smiled slightly and said, "Ann, I'm not that weak."

The sisters took the elevator down to the dormitory together.

Kuang Qing tutted: "Although this elevator is not as convenient as the teleportation array, it is really good. It is much better than climbing the stairs. It would be great if we could press this elevator in our academy."

The sisters nodded in agreement.

Xiaodie gently caressed the cool inner wall of the elevator. The elevator should be considered an ordinary material, and it is not very complicated, but the cost of the teleportation array is too high, and it requires extremely high precision. There cannot be any difference or negligence. !
The number of teleportation arrays in the academy is relatively limited, but this elevator can be easily and comprehensively popularized.Why don't you go back and make a suggestion to Shigong and his old man?
In other words, with the foresight of the master, it is impossible to leave such a convenient elevator unused. Is there any potential safety hazard?We use it quite a lot, and we haven't found anything wrong.

It's time to go back. The students reluctantly looked at the world they had lived in for more than a month. Farewell.I sincerely hope that I will have the opportunity to come here again to experience, next time we must win!
(End of this chapter)

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