Interstellar Miner

Chapter 717 Two things

Chapter 717 Three Things

The one-month exam has finally come to an end.

The students returned to the base camp of the Four Immortals Sect through the teleportation array. Looking at the unfamiliar yet familiar academy in front of them, they had mixed feelings for a while.

The past month or so has been like a dream, so novel and unbelievable.

Before the big exam, the students had imagined all kinds of possibilities, but after entering the big exam, they really felt how lacking their imagination was. It was unbelievable and shocking!

This exam is really extraordinary!It is completely a new world, a new life, a new model, a new concept...

The students couldn't help thinking, if we are really in that world where we can't practice, and everyone is an ordinary person, how should we live, how should we struggle, how should we behave?
The students thought a lot about it.

I have to say, in such a world, it's really great!

Anyway, we are now back to the original world!
I can only run on two legs, and I can finally bid farewell to the exhausting exam every day.

The students whispered to each other, we failed to defend the main city, how should we calculate the results of this big test?Does everyone have to deduct points?Still all of them are counted as failing, so it shouldn’t be the case.

The teachers who also took the big exam couldn't react for a while, and waited foolishly for the puppet's arrangement.As a result, the puppets left directly after sending the students back.

Why?What should we do next?
Only then did the teachers come back to their senses, and looked at the principal questioningly.

The headmaster hurriedly asked his superiors for instructions, and after getting a reply, he clapped his hands and raised his voice: "Everyone has worked hard during the exam for more than a month. You can arrange freely for the next three days and rest well. The cafeteria has already prepared for you. Well, the delicious food is served all day, and everyone can enjoy it at any time. Disband below."

"Oh my god, the bird has really faded out of my mouth this month."

"I feel like I could eat a whole cow."

"Come on, I'm coming to the cafeteria."

"I didn't realize it before, the cafeteria is really far away."

"Stupid, it's not in the big exam now, just use a light-hearted way, and you will arrive in a blink of an eye."

"Khan, I've been in the big exam for so long that I forgot it's still possible."


The students rushed to the cafeteria with a roar, and saw the delicious food piled up on the long tables, the tempting aroma wafting in the wind, and the students' saliva immediately rushed like a waterfall.

What happened next is really indescribable, it can only be understood but cannot be described in words.

To sum it up in a sentence from Yang Yanghui, the teacher in charge of Tianjizhen class, it is - a bunch of gluttons!

Xiaodie didn't go to the cafeteria, said hello to the sisters, and rushed to the Palace of the Four Immortals.

Liu Xing specially prepared a large table of good dishes to reward Xiao Die.

Xiaodie was a little embarrassed, thinking that she still failed to hold the main city in the end, and she would embarrass her master and master.

Xiaodie entered the dining room with her head down, and looked up, except herself, her master and grandma were all there.

"Xiaodie, you are here." Bai Meier smiled slightly and walked over to hold Xiaodie's hand, leading her to sit at the dining table.

Mo Xuan laughed and said, "What's the matter, Xiaodie, is she downcast?"

Xiaodie pouted and said, "It's all my fault for being careless and failing to defend the main city."

Mo Xuan laughed and said, "What am I supposed to do? Victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs. There are only generals who are always victorious. How can there be an undefeated general. If you lose, you should sum it up and win it back next time."

Xiaodie nodded fiercely, next time I must win back.

By the way, can I still participate in the next big exam?No matter, I have been hungry for a long time for the final exam of the big exam, so let's eat quickly.Uncle Liu Xing's craftsmanship is so good, I can't get enough of it.

After eating, Xiaodie and Bai Meier came to the courtyard hand in hand.

Xiaodie nestled beside Bai Meier intoxicatedly, wishing to be with Bai Meier forever.

Bai Meier stroked Xiaodie's beautiful hair lightly, and said: "Xiaodie, I have dealt with my affairs here, and I will leave later." In fact, as soon as the final exam was over, the monster army immediately Returning happily to the Little Immortal Realm with a generous reward, Bai Meier mainly stayed to say hello to Xiaodie, it would be too meaningless if she left without saying goodbye.

"Huh? No way!" Xiaodie hugged Bai Meier very reluctantly, I won't let you go, don't go.

Bai Meier hugged Xiaodie tenderly, and said softly: "Xiaodie, there is no permanent banquet in the world. There are still many trivial matters waiting for me to deal with in my little fairy world. The days will be long, and the days we will be together in the future For a long time."

Xiaodie nodded sensiblely, and reluctantly let go of Bai Meier.

Bai Meier gently told Xiaodie for a while, then paused, and said: "Xiaodie, there is something I don't know if you know."

"Know what?" Xiaodie blinked suspiciously.

"The ultimate assessment of the big test, the commander-in-chief of the monster army is actually me."

ha?Xiaodie looked at Bai Meier in surprise, what, is it you, uncle?While Xiaodie was shocked, she was also a little stunned, no wonder she was always led by the nose, it turned out that you are the commander-in-chief!The news he received obviously mentioned a strange white fox, but he didn't associate it with Master Bai Meier.

Bai Meier only saw admiration and admiration in Xiaodie's eyes, and she didn't complain at all, so she couldn't help but pursed her lips and gave Xiaodie a kiss on the forehead, praising: "Xiaodie, you are really good, if I didn't know a lot in advance Intelligence is really not your opponent."

Xiaodie stuck out her little tongue, and said naively: "No, I'm still far behind, you are the real master, uncle."

Xiaodie blinked, remembering what Bai Meier said before the big exam, and suddenly said: "Master, you came here just for this big exam!" At first, I thought that my uncle was here to be the judge of the big exam, but I didn't expect it to be an army of monsters commander in chief.

"Yes, and no." Bai Meier briefly explained, mainly because of the generous rewards for the big exam.

It turned out to be like this, Master Uncle, it's really not easy for you, Xiaodie nodded obediently, and told Bai Meier not to be too tired.

Bai Meier said with some embarrassment: "Those rewards were originally prepared by Master for the students of the academy, but since we successfully captured the main city, all those rewards belong to us."

Xiaodie hummed indifferently, in the end it was the monster army that won, as it should be.

Xiaodie reluctantly sent Bai Meier to the battleship mooring tower.

"Xiaodie, go to my little fairyland to play when you have time." Bai Meier waved her hand and boarded the battleship.

Xiaodie nodded, waved her hand and watched the battleship get smaller and smaller until she couldn't see it.

Xiaodie groaned and rubbed her chin. She didn't care about the rewards of the big exam at all, but the other students must have been looking forward to it, but in the end they didn't get any rewards.

Xiaodie contacted Cheng Huansi and the others, and habitually invited the sisters to her dormitory for a reunion.

"Xiaodie, we can't go to your residence." Cheng Huansi replied with some embarrassment.

"Why?" Xiaodie didn't know why.

Cheng Huansi replied with some embarrassment: "At that time, we were still hostile. We followed you and a super beautiful woman over there, but we received a serious alarm from Yupan, and we were forbidden to go forward."

That's right, Xiaodie replied: "Then I'll pick you up."

"Okay." Cheng Huansi, Yuan Meng and the others rushed to the residential area where Xiaodie was located. As soon as they arrived nearby, they received a serious warning from Yupan.The eight girls hurriedly stopped their progress and looked at each other with lingering fear.

Xiaodie quickly ran over and greeted: "Eight sisters, this way."

Cheng Huansi and the others still didn't dare to act rashly, Cheng Huansi hesitated and said: "Xiaodie, outsiders should not be able to enter here, and we have been warned again. If we break in randomly, there may be big trouble."

Xiaodie scratched her head and said strangely: "There's nothing special here, so it shouldn't be. If there is anything, I invited you to come here."

Cheng Huansi and the others are not timid and fearful, so they followed Xiaodie into the residential area and saw that the jade plate didn't move at all, so it should be all right.Although the location of this residential area is good, it is a bit small.

Xiaodie led the sisters to her small courtyard, and introduced: "This is the small courtyard where I live."

Cheng Huansi and the others took a closer look at the small courtyard, it seemed that something was wrong.After Xiaodie entered the small courtyard, Cheng Huansi and the others realized that they made a mistake, and it was a big mistake.

This small courtyard is simply a paradise!The four seasons are like spring, the scenery is picturesque, the beauty is overwhelming, and the aura is incomparably lush. If you practice in this small courtyard, you will get twice the result with half the effort!
Cheng Huansi and the others secretly clicked their tongues and exchanged glances. Jiumei lived alone in this small courtyard, so she must have such a deep background, at least she must be a high-ranking member of the Four Immortals.

Xiaodie led the sisters to visit the small courtyard briefly, and then entered her room.

Fluttershy called the sisters over mainly for three things.

Since they were all from her own family, Xiaodie didn't beat around the bush, and said straight to the point: "In this big exam, the main city was captured by an army of monsters, and we failed to defend the city, so there is no reward."

Um?Cheng Huansi, Yuan Meng and the others looked at each other in surprise. From which channel did Jiu Mei receive the news?
Yuan Meng frowned and said, "Jiumei, is the news reliable?"

Xiaodie nodded, all the rewards have gone to Master Bai Meier's Yaozu, of course it is reliable.

Kuang Qing blinked and said, "Jiumei, what do you mean we should act quickly and organize students to protest together?"

Khan, Xiaodie shook her head again and again, and hurriedly said: "No, no, I invite my sisters to come, I want to ask my sisters to help spread the gossip earlier, so as not to get too much backlash when I get it, and minimize the negative impact as much as possible."

That's what Jiumei meant. Cheng Huansi and the others nodded. They are not masters who lack resources. They don't really need the rewards of the big exam, they are more for honor.

"No problem." Cheng Huansi agreed.

Xiaodie smiled sweetly, and continued: "The big exam is over, and I need to ask the eight sisters to continue to help investigate the matter of Director Luo."

Yuan Meng pursed her lips and smiled, and said, "Oh, if you don't tell me Jiumei, I'll forget about it, and we'll do it together later."

Xiaodie hummed, paused, and said, "The last thing, I'm about to leave soon."

What?leave?Where are you going?Jiumei, what do you mean by that?
Cheng Huansi, Yuan Meng and the others looked at Xiaodie in a daze, this joke can't be played casually.

(End of this chapter)

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