Interstellar Miner

Chapter 718 Going through the back door

Chapter 718 Going through the back door

"All good things come to an end."

Uncle Bai Meier comforted herself in this way before, but she didn't expect it to be her turn to say this sentence in a blink of an eye, Xiaodie pursed her lips in embarrassment, feeling more.

"Ninth sister, what's going on?"

"Okay, why are you leaving?"

Cheng Huansi, Yuan Meng and the others looked at Xiaodie in great bewilderment, we just established a deep friendship, and we plan to form a team to dominate the academy, so we will lose one member after all.

Xiao Die didn't hide it from her sisters, and explained: "I have formally apprenticed to a teacher, and it is usually the master who teaches me how to cultivate immortals. I came to the academy because the master arranged for me to practice. The deadline is one month, and I have been The big exam has been delayed for several days, and the backlog of homework will be too much."

Kuang Qing insisted: "The teachers in our academy are all outstanding, and they are all professional. They are by no means inferior to your teacher. Xiaodie, you can continue to study in the academy."

Cheng Huansi gently tugged on Kuang Qing's sleeve, and said, "Since it's Master Jiumei's intention, there's nothing I can do about it."

Yuan Meng sighed sadly, and said quietly, "Jiumei, now that you're gone, I don't know when we'll meet again."

Xiaodie smiled slightly, and said: "It's not that exaggerated, as long as I have free time, I will definitely come to visit my sisters."

Yuan Meng pouted and snorted: "It's not so convenient. It's just like the saying goes that the time of cultivating immortals doesn't know how to pass, and the world has been silent for thousands of years."

Xiaodie smiled foolishly, and said: "That's not the case, my master is right here, and when the master comes to visit the master, I just come with him."

Kuang Qing asked: "Then how often does your master visit? For an immortal, a hundred years is just a snap of the fingers. Don't forget, we will have to reorder in 60 years."

This...Xiaodie blinked, but she was really not sure. After all, she was only a mortal, and couldn't correctly understand the fairy's concept of time.Speaking of which, I have been following Master for ten years, and this is the first time I have come to visit Master. How many years will it be before the next time?
Cheng Huansi pondered and said: "Jiumei, if it's convenient, you can tell us your address, and we can take the initiative to visit you."

Xiaodie nodded and said, "My home is in Xiaoxianjie, No. 58 of the Four Immortals. My master is the governor. You can just come to the governor's mansion to find me."

Wow, the governor of a small fairyland!Xiaodie's background is really not simple!

Cheng Huansi and the others nodded, and quickly wrote it down, No. 58 Little Immortal World, hey, I seem to have heard of it somewhere.

Yuan Meng suddenly remembered, and exclaimed, "Ah! Ninth Sister, who is your master?"

Wow!Iron egg?It's that iron egg!

The latest rise of the Four Immortals, the hottest iron egg!
Fengshen Junyi, Yushu Linfeng, unfathomable, crazy and cool that iron egg!

Cheng Huansi and the others looked at Xiaodie in shock, darling, that iron egg is actually your master!
Xiaodie pursed her lips and smiled quite complacently. To have such a good master as Tie Dan is definitely a blessing she has cultivated in hundreds of lifetimes.

Cheng Huansi and the others came back to their senses, and immediately surrounded Xiaodie, chattering and asking questions.

Xiaodie's head got a little big from the noise, and she waved her hands again and again, "Okay, okay, I'm not superhuman, can you come one by one.

Cheng Huansi and the others asked questions one by one according to their age.

Cheng Huansi asked: "Jiumei, there is a gossip saying that your master is a disciple of the four powerful disciples of the Four Immortals. Is it true?"

ha?Xiaodie blinked in a daze, there was a gossip that the master was the four powerful disciples of the Four Immortals Sect?It seems that Master has never heard of it.

Well, the teacher's wife and the others all called Shi Gongxuan, and Xiaodie knew that the top leader of the Four Immortals Sect was Hua'an's powerful Xiaodie, and the teacher's wife and the others did not get along with the other three experts of the Four Immortals' Sect.

Xiaodie replied: "It's just gossip, don't take it seriously."

Cheng Huansi and the others looked at each other, and the gossip was really unreliable.If it's true, wouldn't Jiumei be the second-generation direct disciple of the Four Immortals? Wow, that identity is too scary, and we can't afford it.

Yuan Meng hurriedly asked: "Jiumei, do you have a portrait of your master? Quickly show me if you are as handsome as the rumors say."

Xiaodie shook her head again and again, no, but Master is really handsome.

"Jiumei, how did your master participate in the martial arts competition? It's too fast."

Xiaodie shrugged: "I don't know, I haven't participated in it before."

"Then Jiumei, how does your master usually teach you?"

"Teach me when you have time, but the master is very busy, most of the time he arranges homework for me, I just finish it on time."


Xiaodie begged for mercy: "Okay, okay, why do you have so many questions, I'm not a know-it-all. Besides, that's my master, how can I gossip casually."

Yuan Meng rubbed her hands and said eagerly, "When we visit you in Little Immortal Realm No. 58, we should be able to see your master."

"My master is very busy, okay?"

"Isn't there Jiumei you? Let's make contact in advance when the time comes."

Xiaodie could only roll her eyes.

"Jiumei, when are you going to leave?"

Xiaodie thought for a while and said, "I guess it's only a day or two, I have to ask Master for instructions."

"Then we will do it for you."

"Well. Eight sisters, I will leave those two matters to you."

"Leave it on us, we'll do it right away."


Under Cheng Huansi and the others' deliberate publicity, gossip about the results of the exam quickly spread throughout the academy.

What?The final assessment of the big test, because the defense of the main city failed, everyone failed, so there was no reward?
Although I am surprised, it is also reasonable. As for the reward, although it is a bit painful, the most precious thing in this exam is the experience and experience of more than a month of hard work, the cohesion and courage of the same enemy, the determination and determination to see death as home. Courage!
The bottleneck that shackles me for a long time before the big exam does not exist once the big exam is passed!After returning, he broke through within minutes, and couldn't help wondering how he was imprisoned for so long before!

So rewards are less important.

Even if there are still some students who are very persistent about rewards, but the overall situation is like this, it will gradually fade away.

And Director Luo made it easy for Cheng Huansi and the others to find them, and the hard work paid off, and they were finally dug out.

It has to be said that Director Luo hid it deeply enough, but no matter how well he hid it, he couldn't stop the sharp eyes of the majority of students.

It is true that Director Luo is very concerned about the daily life of the female students, especially the beautiful students. He often visits the female students' dormitory and stays in the female students' dormitory for more than half an hour.

After all, there are too many things to do according to hearsay, and it is enough to get the specific name of Director Luo at the moment. Xiaodie passed Director Luo's name to Liu Xing.

Since Master entrusted this matter to him, Liu Xing certainly couldn't just sit idle, he had already done a lot of investigation work during the exam.

There are quite a few Director Luo with problems, but they are all minor problems, so Liu Xing has not dealt with them for the time being.

After finally getting the specific name of Director Luo, Liu Xing immediately spread out the investigation network in a targeted manner, and the progress was rapid, and he quickly mastered a lot of materials.

Director Luo holds the power to promote and promote students, and uses it as a threat to treat female students, eat tofu, and is said to have even threatened to sleep on the beds of several female students.

And those female students refused to admit it for the sake of reputation, and Liu Xing couldn't force it.

As a result of the physical examination, the ghougong sand of those female students was still there.

Liu Xing felt that most of the rumors were rumors, and the problem should not be serious, so he integrated the information and reported to Mo Xuan.

Mo Xuan flipped through the documents casually, his expression sank, the testimony of those female students didn't match up, obviously there was something hidden.

Liu Xing blinked and asked, "Master, what should I do with Director Luo?"

Mo Xuan closed the file and ordered: "Those female students, you should go and communicate with them carefully. Remember to keep confidential and give them enough guarantees to see if they have anything else to say."

"Disciple takes orders." Liu Xing hurried to make arrangements.

Under Liu Xing's hard work and repeated assurances, those female students finally breathed a sigh of relief and told the truth.

It turned out that this director Luo had a quirk, or he didn't want to leave a clue, so he always went through the back door, so he couldn't find anything by just checking Shou Gongsha!

Liu Xing was so angry that he gritted his teeth, you hateful guy!
I also blamed myself for being too careless and not thinking deeply. Fortunately, the master has sharp eyes and saw the tricks, otherwise it would be too cheap for Director Luo!

Mo Xuan said with a cold face: "He likes to go through the back door, so send him to the mine to be reformed through labor. There are a large number of like-minded comrades there."

Liu Xing nodded fiercely, and went to do it immediately.

Of course, in order to protect the privacy of those female students, the academy announced to the public that it was a transfer rather than dismissal for investigation.

Director Luo who had other problems was also warned and dealt with by the way.

"Have you heard that Director Luo, who has no hands and feet, has been assigned!"

"Isn't it a transfer? How is it an assignment?"

"That's just an official statement. That guy was shameless, and he was accused of harassing the female students. The director surnamed Luo was checked by the higher authorities, and he couldn't get away. On the contrary, other directors Luo were also purged. "

"So that's what happened! That guy deserves it! He should have been assigned long ago!"

Many female students who had been eaten tofu by Director Na Luo felt very happy after hearing the news. They finally let go of the big heart disease in their hearts, and they can study with peace of mind in the future.

Of course, it was Cheng Huansi and the others who spread these gossips, and they could be regarded as shocking.After all, apart from Director Luo, there are also Director Zhang and Director Zhao in the academy...

Director Luo's incident is not just an example, but he must be made an example!

Xiaodie was planning to leave today, but when she learned that Liu Xing specially prepared a large table of delicacies to thank her eight sisters, Xiaodie immediately changed her itinerary, hehe, it’s not a short day, let’s eat and drink Let's go tomorrow.

Liu Xing was still quite busy. He delivered a table of prepared meals to Xiaodie's small courtyard, and then left in a hurry.

Xiaodie led the eight sisters to the small courtyard, and warmly greeted them with good food and drinks, which was also regarded as a farewell meal.

Cheng Huansi and the others have long stopped being polite to Xiaodie. We should eat and drink. After Xiaodie leaves, we may never be able to enjoy such extreme delicacies again. We must eat enough this time Book.

"Hey, mine, mine."

"Drumsticks are mine."

"Jiumei, you've eaten so much, you're still robbing us."

"I won't be able to eat it this time around."

"Well, whoever grabs it will own it."

"Jiumei, your hands and feet are too fast, I don't want to take you like this!"


(End of this chapter)

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