Interstellar Miner

Chapter 719 Documentary

Chapter 719 Documentary

After eating and drinking enough, Xiaodie and her eight older sisters happily soaked in the hot spring, chatted for a while, and felt a little drowsy.

It's so comfortable, it's really a supreme enjoyment.

Yupan received a message, Cheng Huansi glanced lazily, couldn't help but let out a sigh, and said: "The college has compiled the essence of this big exam into a documentary, which will be broadcast on the college square soon, let's go too Let's have fun."


"I should be on camera."

"Hurry up."


After the sisters changed their clothes, they came to the crowded college square together.

"The commander-in-chief is here."

"Finally met the commander-in-chief himself."

"Good morning Commander."


Unlike when Xiaodie walked around the campus and was pointed at behind her back, now Xiaodie has her own bright aura, and she is surrounded and worshiped by strong crowds wherever she goes.

Although the final assessment of the big test ended in failure, none of the students felt that Xiaodie's command was not good enough, and no one dared to pat their chests and say that he could do everything if he took the command.

The facts are in front of us, if it wasn't for Xiaodie's foresight, making so many preparations in advance, and organizing a large-scale military training for all personnel, it is impossible for the human defenders to last for 36 hours. In the end, it was only because of the lack of information that they missed so much .

Are we really lost?Not necessarily!
The monster army has been wiped out in sevens and eighties, and there are not many left, and the human defenders still have enough combat power. As long as it takes another half an hour, the monster army will definitely be wiped out and a complete victory will be won.

It's just that the rules of the big exam are like that, so the defense of the city failed.

After the big exam, the students are not discouraged at all. It is true to reflect deeply and self-reflect, and then make persistent efforts.

The overcrowded Academy Square spontaneously gave way to an avenue, allowing Xiaodie and his party to come to the front side of the high platform of the square unimpeded, the best place to watch movies.

Cheng Huansi, Yuan Meng and the others walked side by side with Xiaodie with their heads held high, feeling very honored.

Everyone was too polite, Xiaodie was a little embarrassed, but her kindness was hard to bear, she kept smiling and nodding. She came to the front of the high platform, took out the futon, put it on the ground, and sat down cross-legged.

The other students also sat cross-legged and waited quietly.

There is a long table on the high platform, and on the long table is a magic weapon in the shape of a crystal ball.

Accompanied by a melodious bell, the crystal ball began to flicker slightly, projecting a three-dimensional image onto the square.

In the beginning, the students were sent to the Little Immortal Realm in batches through the teleportation array, and were assigned to a total of fifty small towns.

Then there's the bird's-eye view of Little Fairyland.

Fifty small towns surround a large circle, with five cities in the middle ring, and the magnificent main city in the center.

Wow, sure enough, it's one thing to participate in it yourself, and another thing to watch it.

Then the screen changed to show the students punching and kicking the rabbit.

Looking back at this time, I am really ashamed.

The following groping and leveling were like a quick transition, and soon came the monster siege.

Fifty small towns show their faces one by one.

The students clicked their tongues secretly. Sure enough, there is no harm if there is no comparison. The powerful towns are defended in an orderly manner, and the lesser ones can come and go with the monster army, while individual towns are scattered. This scene is really eye-catching , and at this time the hunters have not yet appeared, it would be strange if they could hold on.

It was another small town, with less than one-third of the light curtain's HP left, and they were still holding meetings to discuss the specific distribution of the remaining five demon kings, making a lot of noise and wishing they could start fighting.

Hey, isn't this the principal, the teacher and the others?
It turns out that they were all assigned to the same small town, tsk tsk, this is the legendary leadership meeting!Really long experience.

The students couldn't figure it out, what's there to make a fuss about, the horoscope hasn't even been written yet, so let's get rid of the five demon kings first.

Before the quarrel could produce a result, the hunter troops made their debut.

The city defense brigade of faculty and staff went into chaos at once. It was true that there were wolves in front and tigers in back.

How can this be fixed?The town must be defended!But how to keep it?
The situation is urgent, and it will take a great sacrifice to keep the town, so who should make the great sacrifice?Then there is another negotiation.

Fortunately, there are still quite a lot of sensible teachers. They ignore the meetings of the leaders above and bravely resist the monster's attack.

However, under the double impact of the demon king and the hunter, the casualties of the faculty and staff gradually increased, and the defense line built became weaker and weaker, and finally it could not stop it.

Seeing that the blood bars of the light curtain in the town were running low, the leaders who were arguing endlessly panicked and joined the defensive camp, but it was a drop in the bucket.

The super blood bar of the light curtain quickly bottomed out.

The faculty defenders desperately resisted, but they only lasted for a while. There was a loud bang, and the light curtain exploded. The monsters rushed into the town roaring, and soon occupied the streets and alleys.

The students secretly shook their heads and sighed, and at the same time they were deeply reminded that we must not become like that in the future.

In other words, this scene is not very glamorous, the principal and the vice principal have all shown their faces, and they have lost face in front of the whole school, so why are they allowed to broadcast it?
That's right, the headmaster and teachers are also one of the test objects in this big exam. The Four Immortals are the special examiners. The documentary they put together is going to be broadcast. Would the headmaster not allow it?
Seeing the shattered light curtain, the faces of all the faculty and staff were ashen, and most of them still had a golden halo above their heads, so they could only watch this scene helplessly.

Even if there are no faculty and staff killed in battle, they can only feel helpless in the face of the huge army of monsters.

At this time, a teacher gritted his teeth fiercely and shouted: "Everyone, don't be discouraged. We haven't been reminded that our defense has failed yet. If we drive all the monsters in the town out of the town, we may be able to defend it."

"Yeah, maybe it can be remedied."


Many teachers have renewed hope.

Oh, isn't this Yang Yanghui, the teacher in charge of the Heavenly Earthquake class?As expected of the head teacher of our commander-in-chief, he is really far-sighted, but...

"The light curtain is shattered, what a waste of time, how could we get rid of so many monsters. Let's retreat quickly and seek shelter in a nearby town."

"We have already suffered heavy casualties. If we continue to fight against monsters, the level will drop too much. How can we continue to go down?"

Yang Yanghui became anxious, and shouted: "Leaving the town, there are so many monsters outside this night, we are afraid that we will only suffer more losses. As long as we regain the town, we still have a chance."

However, there are not many respondents, and more people are still looking forward to the principal and vice principal.

The principal and the others resolutely chose to give up.

Fifty small towns, a total of seven small towns were lost.

The human troops from seven small towns trekked mountains and rivers, went through untold hardships, took more than a day, and finally arrived at the neighboring town, only to find that the town was empty, and most of them had been teleported to the advanced city .

The condition for teleportation is to reach level [-], and they who failed to defend the city are still a long way from level [-].

What is backwardness?This is.

There is no medicine for regret, and there is no other way to go except to catch up desperately.

Next, the stage shifted to five major cities.

As soon as the screen changed, it turned into a fight between Tianji Zhenban and Tianji Kunban in order to snatch the Rabbit King, even using two flags of command.

Xiaodie, Cheng Huansi and the others looked at each other with a dry smile, and it was all played out, ashamed.

Fortunately, the Tian-level Zhen class and the Tian-level Kun class settled their suspicions and became the leaders, leading each class to continue to explore the group to kill monsters, and gradually got on the right track.

The monster siege comes as soon as it is said.

The rest of the cities worked desperately, dying round after round, but Xiaodie and the others' No. [-] city treated the monster army as a super luxurious experience package.

The students on the square clicked their tongues secretly, darling, I just heard how awesome City No. [-] is before, but now I really saw it, it really is super awesome.

The students who were assigned to City No. [-] all held their heads high and proud of it.

In the end, City No. [-] failed to defend the city, while City No. [-], City No. [-], and City No. [-] successfully defended the city with great difficulty.

The next big stage turned to the main city.

The group mob spawning has been fully launched, and the gossip army is full of enthusiasm, actively preparing for the final assessment.

During the big exam, as a member of the group army, I didn't think much of it. Now, through the bird's-eye view of the screen, the scene of the Bagua army group spawning monsters in the Bagua direction of the main city is really shocking!
Wow, this is really the scene when our group spawns monsters. It's like an iron army passing through the border. There are no blame left, so sour!

Then came the main event, the ultimate assessment of the big exam, the final monster siege.

From the confrontation at the beginning, to the onslaught of the monster army at night, to the defense line.

Good guy, the main city is surrounded by skill-released and exploding stars, look at it now, what a beautiful picture!

Even though the students are all immersive and really survived, but watching through the super-large stereoscopic projection at the moment, they are still full of passion and enthusiasm, as if they have returned to the violent battlefield where the war is raging. Come on, come on, let's have a good fight!

The projection screen kept jumping, and all the students were charging towards the monster army without fear of death.

Many students in the square also roared with enthusiasm and anger, aren't they just monsters, don't we brush less on weekdays, just one word - do it!

As time went by, the blood volume of the light curtain in the main city was worn away bit by bit.

As the light curtain of the main city shattered, the human defenders immediately retreated to the outer circle of the main city and continued to fight against the monster army.

The monster army always launched a fierce attack at night when it was strong, and the human defenders stuck to the line of defense, and countless sparks were created when they collided with the monster army.

At the critical moment, the commander-in-chief Xiaodie carried out a strategic defense transfer, retreating from the outer circle of the main city to the middle circle, which greatly strengthened the defense line.

However, the Tao is one foot tall, and the demon is one foot tall.

The commander-in-chief of the monster army unexpectedly broke through the defense line in the center of the main city by using the tactics of attacking from the east and attacking the west, and took a drastic step to capture the hall of the main city.

And this also became the turning point of the final assessment of the big exam.

Unknowingly, 36 hours expired, and the final exam ended. The human defenders failed to recapture the main city hall, and it was judged as a defensive failure.

Seeing this, the students feel that the final result is not important anymore, what is important is the experience of the entire exam, being able to participate in this exam is a blessing that we have cultivated in several lifetimes, and we have gained so much.

(End of this chapter)

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