Interstellar Miner

Chapter 720 Trivia

Chapter 720 Trivia
After the feature film of the documentary is played, there will be extras behind it.

The defense of the city failed, and the human defenders of the second city were reduced to an expeditionary force, marching towards other cities thousands of miles away.

Not to mention, he was chased and intercepted by countless monsters on the way, and the hunters were even more lingering. They launched a surprise attack when they seized the opportunity, as if they regarded the expeditionary army as a big piece of fat.

Without any supplies, and unable to get enough rest, the entire expeditionary force became extremely haggard, and more and more classes fell behind.

And the neighboring cities on the map are still far away.

After going through ups and downs, the expeditionary army managed to escape to the fifth city, but it was defeated and miserable.

Fortunately, there was Chi Mu who stayed behind to point out the direction for the human troops in No. [-] City and ignite hope.

The expeditionary army regained their strength and began to level up as a group, but everyone's level was too low, and the average level had already dropped to around level 36.

After bumps and bumps, the expeditionary army finally got acquainted with the group attack routine, and then got on the right track, racing against the clock to keep sprinting.

Race against time, the Expeditionary Army finally made more than half of the students reach level [-] before the final assessment of the big exam, and rushed to the main city for support in time.The rest of the staff continued to sprint against the clock.

The defense of the main city was extremely difficult, and the expeditionary force did not stop, sending one hundred and eighty students to the main city for support one after another.Although it is a drop in the bucket, but the accumulation of a little makes a lot, and it is a new force, which has played a lot of roles.

However, as time went by, the defense of the main city became more and more critical.

And the level of the remaining members of the expeditionary force is still far behind level [-], and it is almost impossible to reach level [-] by spawning monsters.

Can we just give up and sit and wait for the final result of the defense of the main city?
At this time, a person stood up on his own initiative, none other than Yang Yanghui, the head teacher of the Tianji Zhen class.

Yang Yanghui coughed, and suggested: "I have a way to let most of the remaining staff rush to level [-] in the shortest possible time?"

impossible?What is the solution?
Yang Yanghui raised his voice and said: "The way to gain experience is not just by spawning monsters. In the battle between people, if one party is killed, the winning party can also gain a lot of experience."

ha?Can it still be like this?

Is it possible to let the rest of us kill each other?

Yang Yanghui took the initiative to say his method: "My method is that a small number of people serve as experience packs to help most people reach level [-]."

This... this... who wants to be the experience pack?

The students look at me, I look at you, they all want to be teleported to the main city to participate in the final assessment of the big exam. If they become experience packs, it will definitely be useless.

But if no one is willing to sacrifice, then none of the rest of us can reach level [-].

Do you want to sacrifice it?

Let's see what other people say first. If few people are willing to sacrifice, it will be useless to push people to level [-].

At the moment when the students were fighting between heaven and man, Yang Yanghui raised his voice: "Since I proposed the method, then I will be the first experience pack. Who else? If you are willing to be the experience pack, please take the initiative to stand up."

"Count me in." The one standing silently in the corner raised his hand to signal.

He didn't speak, and almost no students noticed him. After all, everyone was a pseudonym, and the clothes were very uniform. When he made a sound, the surrounding students couldn't help being surprised, and looked at him blankly, hey!Isn't this the headmaster?
It's the principal!The headmaster unexpectedly stayed with us too!

The headmaster put down his hands and walked towards Yang Yanghui silently.

The principal sighed secretly in his heart, this exam is really embarrassing, the town fell, and the second city also fell, and it became the tail of a crane in one fell swoop, which is completely a negative teaching material.

I have to say that this big exam is the stage for the students. We are really a little behind the times. We used to be the examiners, and the bystanders were clear. When it was my turn to participate, I realized that I was not as good as the students. The bureaucracy in ordinary times is here. Exams are super cumbersome.

After being reduced to an expeditionary force, the headmaster didn't dare to put on airs any more. He was cautious in his words and deeds, followed the team to City No. [-] in a low-key manner, and then silently helped the students to level up.

At the beginning of the principal, the faculty and staff who had also been silent for a long time also raised their hands to sign up.

"Count me in!"

"Add one!"



Only then did the students realize in astonishment, wow, there are so many bosses standing beside us silently, so they can hide themselves.

The faculty and staff signed up collectively, accounting for one-third of the number, and then a lot of passionate students signed up, and the experience pack was enough.

Yang Yanghui looked at the principal, is it time to start?

The principal shrugged, I'm just an ordinary experience package, you can command.

Yang Yanghui pursed his lips and acted as a temporary commander, arranging for experience packages to be delivered in an orderly manner.

Although there is no assistance from level [-] resurrection skills, the resurrection time only takes a quarter of an hour during the monster siege.

The experience package project went even smoother than Yang Yanghui expected, and in the end, seven students from 810 rushed to level [-], and quickly formed a group to rush to the main city for support.

Seeing this, the unknowing students suddenly realized that this is how the timely rain at the critical moment came.

Just to put it bluntly, the faculty and staff obviously took part in the big exam, but why did they disappear after that, they have been silently helping us all the time.

Sure enough, there is no shortcut to success, behind it is countless sweat and hard work.

Xiaodie and the others couldn't help but look at each other in astonishment, it turned out to be like this.

"Jiumei, your homeroom teacher is really good." Cheng Huansi praised.

Xiaodie smiled and nodded, it was really great.Xiaodie thought about leaving, so she couldn't leave without saying goodbye, it's better to say hello to the head teacher and the students.

The following tidbits are all given to the glorious cannon fodder in the defense of the main city. They are passionate, soul-stirring, and full of songs and tears.

The documentary was completely played, and the students sighed and sighed and left.

The previous big exams were all based on classes, competition, competition and competition, interspersed with intrigue and intrigue, and the taste will always change unknowingly in the middle and late stages.

And this year's big exam, of course there is no shortage of competition between classes, but every time it comes to the critical moment of defending the city, the class will weaken a lot. Everyone will be the defender of the human race first, and then the class.

If you want to resist a powerful enemy, you have to stick together and work together, and then intrigue and intrigue, that is an act of death.

After the previous exams, there was always a lot of grievances between the classes, and there were constant vicious fights, and the relationship could not be eased for a year or so.At the end of this year's big exam, we have established a deep friendship with shoulders shoulders and backs, laughing and laughing, and we will never forget this precious classmate friendship after many years.

(End of this chapter)

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