Chapter 723
Xiaoxianjie, No. 58 of the Four Immortals, Governor's Mansion.

Xiaodie is earnestly doing the homework assigned by Master Tiedan. Although she has practiced in the Four Immortals Cultivation Academy for a month and a half, the progress has been delayed a lot, but Xiaodie quickly completed the homework, and now she is even ahead of her time. .

At the beginning, I was exhausted every day, mentally exhausted, and dizzy when I studied, but the results were always unsatisfactory.Thanks to Master Tiedan's encouragement and guidance, Xiaodie gained confidence and learned a lot faster.

But after practicing in Xiuxian Academy for a month and a half, Xiaodie found that she only felt that she had a very clear mind when studying, and she was not only relaxed and happy, but also able to draw inferences.

Xiaodie couldn't help sighing secretly, this is the correct way to learn and open.

It's not even noon yet, Xiaodie has already finished her day's homework.

Xiaodie got up and stretched, then went for a walk in the garden, ready to rest for a while, eat lunch, take a nap for a while and continue to work hard in the afternoon, and when the master came back, he would give him a big surprise.

Xiaodie was thinking about it, when she saw her grandpa rushing over, yelling something.

"Grandpa, slow down, what if you fall." Xiaodie floated forward and supported her grandfather.

Grandpa didn't care to catch his breath, and yelled at Xiaodie: "Xiaodie, it's terrible!"

What's the matter?Xiaodie asked calmly: "Grandpa, please speak slowly, what happened?"

Grandpa said out of breath: "Your master respects him...he...he is amazing!"

Xiaodie was taken aback, what happened to Master?There will be no accidents, Master!Master is so powerful, there should be no surprises!But everything is not afraid of ten thousand, just in case, Xiaodie's heart was wrenched, and she asked anxiously: "What's the matter with my master? Grandpa, you should tell me quickly."

Grandpa took a breath and said, "Be good, your master has made it to the Xuanbang!"

ha?It turned out to be such a big deal, Xiaodie exhaled, patted her chest in a relaxed way, and said, Master, he is so powerful, how could there be any accidents.

Grandpa was surprised instead: "Xiaodie, aren't you surprised?"

Xiaodie said strangely: "Master is originally the strength of the Xuanbang, why is it so strange to enter the Xuanbang."

Grandpa said in a daze: "That's the Xuanbang. Ordinary Xuanxians dare not think about it in their dreams."

Xiaodie smiled indifferently, and proudly said: "That's someone else, what's so unusual about my master?"

Grandpa thought about it carefully, and it really is true that Master Xiaodie kept a low profile when he appeared on the stage, and he never kept a low profile after that.It seems a bit weak to describe Master Xiaodie as a dragon among celestial beings.

Zuo Yongnan and Mu Lian couldn't help but laugh from ear to ear. It was really wise and powerful to resolutely choose to join Governor Tiedan, and I had to admire my vision.

At this very moment, the shocking news of Tie Dan's entry into the Xuanbang spread rapidly in No. 58 Little Immortal Realm.

The well-informed families of the common people have all received the news.

The patriarchs of common people's families only felt that their faces were hot. Back then, no one looked down on them and regarded them as the new governor who knew nothing about life or death. Who would have thought that such a day would come.

The Xuanbang, that is the supreme glory, how many forces have tried their best to cultivate a Xuanbang power, but it is so difficult to cultivate a Tianbang, let alone a Xuanbang!

There are as many big and small forces in the four layers of time and space as stars, and there are only fifty places in the Xuanbang, and only those who are capable will be promoted.

As for Tie Dan, he defeated four senior Xuan Xian Da Neng one after another in the 32 Hexagram Martial Arts Tournament, and cleanly defeated Dugu Liang Da Neng, who was ranked 43 in the Xuan Bang in the semi-finals, and then even crushed the Hundred Flowers Sect in the final. Ji Qiuhan, the Golden Immortal, was able to win the final victory, so it is understandable that he entered the Xuanbang strongly.

Throughout the ages, only Huo Qingling of the Four Immortals Sect has entered the Xuanbang in the same way, and the only one who is more impressive than this is Hua'an of the Four Immortals Sect.

Now, the iron egg power of the Four Immortals has come out again, and the people of the fourth level of time and space have to sigh, Four Immortals, Four Immortals, how much shock can you bring us?

After finally regaining consciousness, the heads of the four families Wang, Feng, Gu, and Fang had to hold another meeting of hundreds of families urgently.

It is rare to hold a meeting of hundreds of schools in a hundred years. Ever since Tie Dan became the governor of this little fairy world, this meeting of hundreds of schools has been held countless times.

The situation has long been clear, but Governor Tie Dan is a real dragon among immortals, and we are just self-righteous crawlers on the ground. It is really sad to recognize the status quo, but this is the fact, and you have to accept it if you don’t accept it.

Patriarchs arrived at the meeting room one after another. Many patriarchs were disheartened and did not come to the meeting in person. There were also many families who had secretly joined Tiedan, but they had not left the common people's family in name.

The heads of the four major families looked at the meeting room which was only half full, and could only secretly smile bitterly.

It is self-evident what it means for Tie Dan to enter the Xuanbang. The Four Immortals used to have four super powers, three Xuanbang powers and Shuiyue powers, but now there is an extra Tie Dan. Undoubtedly, Tie Dan's status in the Four Immortals Sect will definitely be greatly improved.How can our little No. 58 Xiaoxianjie accommodate a super boss like Tie Dan?

The atmosphere of the meeting was very deserted. The patriarchs who participated in the meeting were silent, and the patriarchs of the four major families didn't have much to say, so they could only bite the bullet and let everyone discuss the specific matters of reconciliation with Tie Dan.

The patriarchs present still remembered the first Hundred Families meeting after Tie Dan took office. Everyone slapped the table and clamored for Tie Dan to step down within a month and kill him.

Tie Dan can almost be said to have done nothing in Little Immortal Realm No. 58, and is too lazy to take care of the people and families, but now, we have to obediently take the initiative to show kindness.

It's only been ten years, and the Patriarchs think it's incredible just thinking about it, but who made us bump into such an iron egg!

Dissatisfied?Nowadays, Tie Dan is not only the governor, but also not only the super fairy moat with the sixteen small fairy worlds, but also the great power of the Xuanbang with unlimited prospects, you have to obey if you don't accept it!
As for how to show goodwill to reach a settlement with Governor Iron Egg, this is quite particular.

After all, the relationship between the common people's family and Governor Tie Dan has always been at odds. If you succumb immediately, you will have no face to continue messing around in this little fairy world. The Governor reached a settlement.

The Patriarchs quickly negotiated and came to a conclusion. It just so happened that the Hua'an Sect Master of the Four Immortals Sect personally ordered the entire Sect to celebrate for a month.

We, Xiaoxianjie No. 58, as Tie Dan's place of work, should have a special celebration. Let's just celebrate for three months and take this opportunity to gradually reach a reconciliation with Governor Tie Dan.

Cooperation will benefit both, while fighting will hurt both.

To be honest, our common people's family didn't have much confrontation with Governor Tie Dan, at most we did a lot of tricks secretly. A settlement was reached with Governor Iron Egg.

It's just... I don't know if Governor Tie Dan is willing to give us a step down. If he doesn't give us a step down, we really won't be able to get down.Hey, the initiative is in the hands of the Iron Egg Governor, and we have no choice but to hope that the Iron Egg Governor has a lot, so don't be as knowledgeable as us.

There is nothing left to discuss, and this meeting of hundreds of schools is over.

Soon, the shocking news of Tie Dan's entry into the Xuanbang spread throughout the No. 58 Little Immortal Realm.

The people were all shocked and speechless. After all, only ten years had passed, and the people were just children turning into youths, youths turning into middle-aged, and old people remaining old.

At the beginning, no one was optimistic about this iron-eating governor, thinking that he would pack up and leave in less than a month, and maybe even lose his life. As a result, this face was slapped one after another.

In front of today's Tie Dan, the common people's family is what kind of onion on the ground.

Who in the common people's family would dare to yell at Governor Tie Dan again?To die!

It is also our blessing that we can have such a governor, so let's be content.

(End of this chapter)

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