Interstellar Miner

Chapter 724 Surname Banquet

Chapter 724

Xiaodie studied hard for a day, had dinner, took a short rest, and went back to her room to talk on the phone with her sisters as usual.

Today, Cheng Huansi, Yuan Meng and the others have been waiting for a long time.

As soon as Xiaodie went online, Yuan Meng hurriedly asked: "Jiumei, do you know the news that your master has entered the Xuanbang?"

Xiaodie casually nodded and said, "I also just found out at noon today."

"Jiumei, you're so calm, why aren't you excited?" Kuang Qing's heart was still pounding until now.

Xiaodie said calmly: "My master is already very powerful, and it will be a matter of time before he enters the Xuanbang."

Cheng Huansi and the others are a little speechless, your master is not an ordinary entry into the Xuanbang, he defeated four senior Xuanxian powers one after another, and in the semi-finals, he defeated Dugu Liangda, who was ranked 43 on the Xuanbang In the finals, Ji Qiuhan, the Golden Immortal who overwhelmed Hundred Flowers Sect, won the final victory.

Throughout the ages, there can be counted with one hand who can enter the Xuanbang so strongly.

But when it comes to Jiumei, she is so indifferent, as if the Xuanbang that countless Xuanxians dream of and fight for life and death is the cat and dog list, as if they can get on it if they want to.

In fact, when they got the news that Tie Dan had entered the Xuanbang, Cheng Huansi and the others' first reaction was that Xiao Die's worth would definitely skyrocket, and we were already somewhat unworthy of being called sisters with Xiao Die.

But Xiaodie is obviously still the original Xiaodie, she has not become domineering because her master entered the Xuanbang, she is still so gentle and amiable.

Cheng Huansi and the others have no self-pity or anything, now we are not worthy of Xiaodie, so we should work hard to make us worthy in the future.Our school motto has always been: Don’t be afraid of geniuses born to be awesome, just be afraid that geniuses will work harder than you!

After chatting for a while, the sisters went to bed early to recharge their batteries for tomorrow's struggle.

The next day, Xiaodie finally got in touch with Tie Dan: Master, when did you come back?

Tiedan's reply: It may take some time before I can go back. Master asked me to go to the base camp of the Four Immortals, and to cooperate with the Four Immortals to build momentum, I will rush back as soon as possible.

Xiaodie: Well then, Xiaodie is waiting for your master to return at the Governor's Mansion.

Tie Dan: I heard from Zuo Yongnan and Mu Lianle that Xiaodie, you have completed your homework every day very well, not bad, I will have to test you well later.

Fluttershy: OK.

Tie Dan smiled slightly, obviously feeling that Xiao Die was much more confident, and it was right to let Xiao Die go to Xiuxian Academy to practice.


"Master, you are back." Xiaodie cheered and threw herself into Tie Dan's arms, hugging Tie Dan's waist affectionately, reluctant to let go no matter what.

Tie Dan coughed, patted Xiaodie's fragrant back, and said, "Okay, okay, don't let your Uncle Liu Xing see the joke."

"Master Uncle Liu Xing is here too?" Xiaodie poked her head in surprise, and saw Liu Xing standing not far behind Tie Dan with a slight smile.

Xiaodie pursed her lips and smiled sweetly, let go of the iron egg, ran up to Liu Xing, and said softly: "Master, Xiaodie dreamed of you last night."

Liu Xing teased: "Then I'm really flattered, but Xiaodie, you dream more about the meals I cook."

Xiao Die stuck out her lilac tongue delicately, took Liu Xing's arm affectionately, and led Liu Xing into the Governor's Mansion.

"Welcome to the triumphant return of the lord." Zuo Yongnan and Mu Lianle led the procession of the governor's mansion to pay respects.

Tie Dan waved his hand casually, you have worked under my hand for many years, is it necessary?

Zuo Yongnan and Mu Lianle eagerly went forward, and after congratulating them, they briefly reported to Tie Dan some major changes in No. Hundreds of conference content.

Tie Dan just smiled lightly, without the slightest surprise, anyway, it doesn't matter, just let them go.

It's not surprising that Zuo Yongnan and Mu Lianle are common, and the protagonist really doesn't need to care about the backlash from the common people's family, the two sides are not on the same level at all.

Tie Dan and Xiao Die showed Liu Xing a brief tour of the Governor's Mansion as the landlords, with Zuo Yongnan and Mu Lianle as companions, and the rest of the crowd went about their business.

Zuo Yongnan and Mu Lianle stared at Liu Xing curiously, Xiaodie called this uncle, could it be the master's younger brother?We can't afford to be negligent.

Tie Dan patted Xiaodie's head, and said: "After the martial arts competition, I had two more rounds with Master, and I gained a lot. It happened that your uncle was free, so he rushed back. I plan to retreat for half a month , I will test you after I leave the customs."

Kocho nodded obediently.

Tie Dan murmured: "There must be a reason for holding a banquet. Let's call it a people's banquet. Not only invite people's aristocratic families, but also invite the surrounding people to participate. Let's just have a hundred tables."

Tie Dan turned to Liu Xing: "Junior Brother, the People's Banquet is scheduled for half a month later, I'll leave it to you."

Liu Xing smiled slightly. I do have limited abilities in other matters. Cooking is my housekeeping skill, and it's on me.

Tiedan smiled and whispered something to Liu Xing.

Liu Xing's complexion changed slightly, and he looked at Tie Dan suspiciously. Seeing that Tie Dan didn't seem to be joking, he nodded thoughtfully, "Okay, no problem."

Tie Dan told Zuo Yongnan and Mu Lianle that work is very important, but cultivation is also very important.

Zuo Yongnan and Mu Lianle nodded again and again, yes, we have never fallen behind in our three-hour training every day, and we will definitely become Xuanxian as soon as possible, otherwise we are not worthy to be your right-hand man, my lord.

Tie Dan smiled lightly, and went to retreat now.

Xiaodie was thinking about Liu Xing's good cooking skills, and said directly: "Uncle Master, let me take you to the kitchen of the Governor's Mansion to have a look."

Zuo Yongnan and Mu Lianle were a little dazed when they heard this, they came all the way to help prepare the banquet, they were in such a hurry to order them to cook, how could they be your uncle Xiaodie.

Liu Xing couldn't wait for it, so he nodded and walked quickly.

Liu Xing and Xiaodie went straight into the kitchen, and then they didn't come out.

With a hands-off shopkeeper like Tie Dan, Zuo Yongnan and Mu Lianle still had a lot of unfinished business, so they continued to work.

The invitations to the people's banquet were quickly delivered to the heads of the people's families.

The family owners secretly rejoiced, this is an excellent opportunity to reconcile with Governor Tie Dan, and this common people's banquet must be grasped well.

Since you are attending a banquet, you have to prepare a decent gift. With Tie Dan's current status, if the gift is too light, the family will lose face; if the gift is too heavy, we will also feel heartbroken and entangled.

"Grandpa, grandpa, it's time to eat, hurry up." Xiaodie yelled loudly, dragging away grandpa who was cooking Tianpu.

Xiaodie also didn't forget to call Zuo Yongnan and Mu Lianle together.

Zuo Yongnan and Mu Lianle were so busy that they could save three meals if they could, but it was the lord's younger brother who did the cooking himself, how could they not give them this face.

As soon as he took a bite, Grandpa Xiaodie's eyes suddenly became round, this... this is too delicious!It's incredible!
Xiaodie pursed her lips and grinned, Grandpa, now you know what the ultimate delicacy in the world is!

Zuo Yongnan and Mu Lianle took a sip in surprise, and they also became dumbfounded. It's not that they haven't eaten delicious food, but they really haven't eaten such delicious food.

The wind blew away, and it didn't take long before there was not even a mouthful of soup left on a large table of delicacies.

After eating and drinking, Zuo Yongnan and Mu Lianle quietly asked Xiaodie: "Xiaodie, what is the origin of your uncle?"

Xiao Die blinked and replied: "There is no background, it is my uncle."

Impossible, Zuo Yongnan and Mu Lianle looked at each other hesitantly, insinuating, Xiaodie, do you know the name of your uncle?

Xiaodie replied truthfully: "My uncle's name is Liu Xing."

Zuo Yongnan and Mu Lianle felt shocked, Xiaodie, you made it clear, which Liu Xing?
Xiaodie is even more strange, Liu Xing is just Liu Xing, how many Liu Xings are there?
Zuo Yongnan and Mu Lianle secretly smiled wryly, Xiaodie really only focused on her studies, and knew too little about the Four Immortals Sect.There are many Four Immortals named Liu Xing, but that Liu Xing is unique in the world!
Zuo Yongnan and Mu Lianle thought of such a delicious meal, it should be that Liu Xing!The identity of the protagonist has long been revealed, and it is not surprising that he is a brother and sister with that Liu Xing.

Since Xiaodie doesn't know about it yet, let's stop talking too much, so as not to blame the lord.

Zuo Yongnan and Mu Lianle sighed and left, and after walking a few steps, they burped at the same time. This meal is really memorable.

Haha, the days to come will be blessed!
(End of this chapter)

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