Interstellar Miner

Chapter 725 4 Great Families

Chapter 725 The Four Great Families
Half a month passed in a flash.

Tiedan leaves the level in time, the first thing is to test Xiaodie's homework, or the usual three questions.

After Xiaodie thought for a moment, she was able to answer the questions fluently and comfortably.

Tie Dan was very satisfied, and stroked Xiaodie's head approvingly, blinked, and said in surprise: "Xiaodie, your face is so round."

Xiaodie sticks out her lilac tongue in embarrassment. She eats too much recently and eats too much, but she really can't control her mouth. It's strange not to be fat.

Tie Dan chuckled, didn't say anything, and came to the people's banquet together with Xiaodie.

Surrounded by mountains and rivers, the scenery is picturesque, and one hundred large round tables are neatly arranged ten by ten.

"My lord." Zuo Yongnan and Mu Lianle, who were busy arranging the venue, hurried over to pay respects.

Tiedan nodded with a smile, made a few small comments about the venue, and then went to the temporary earth stove shed next to the venue with Xiaodie.

Liu Xing was concentrating on being so busy in the shed that he didn't even notice the arrival of Tie Dan and Xiao Die.

Tie Dan didn't bother Liu Xing, and took advantage of the time before the People's Banquet officially started, he went alone to understand the world and consolidate the gains from this retreat.

Xiao Die happily stayed in the shed and continued to tease, she must eat enough while Master Liu Xing was there, and leave the base camp of the Four Immortals Sect, the most reluctant thing is the delicious dishes cooked by Master Liu Xing.

Back at No. 58 Xiaoxianjie, Xiaodie ate the meals cooked by the cooks invited by the Governor's Mansion, and felt that something was missing, but it was not as delicious as Uncle Liu Xing's cooking.

Over the past few days, Xiaodie has already discovered that Uncle Liu Xing really loves cooking, and he puts his enthusiasm and passion into every dish he makes, while the cooks in the Governor's Mansion are dealing with a job, competing with each other. sentenced.

Uncle Liu Xing also laughed at himself from time to time and said that if he could be so active and focused on cooking, he would definitely not be a god.

Xiaodie quite agrees, and finally understands why Master Tiedan doesn't allow himself to be distracted from learning too much knowledge. Human energy is limited after all. To achieve amazing achievements in cultivation, it must be extremely focused and enthusiasm.Learn this today, learn that tomorrow, and learn other things in a few days. This kind of chaos can only make you unable to learn everything well and thoroughly.

No one is perfect, it is enough to have a skill.

The feast of the people is about to begin.

The people around the Governor's Mansion were the first to arrive. The Governor, who is already a powerful Xuanbang, took the initiative to invite guests to dinner. What an honor it is, I can't believe it is true.

However, the bronzing invitation in hand is so real, this is not a dream!

Waiting and waiting, looking forward and looking forward, finally the day has come for the common people.

The people got up early, put on their best clothes, and rushed to the Governor's Palace happily, beating gongs and drums, and arrived early.

Zuo Yongnan and Mu Lianle personally received the guests at the entrance of the venue.

Wow, what a great place, what the Governor's Mansion is organizing is just extraordinary.The public guests looked at the venue and were amazed. It is the greatest honor in our life to be able to participate in such a banquet. The honored ancestors will be honored by the younger generations.

Although the venue was empty and the one hundred big round tables were all idle, none of the masters, the guests and the guests dared to take their seats casually.

Xiaodie and her grandfather help greet the guests.

"Everyone, sit wherever you want, don't be shy."

"Just like your own home, you don't have to be so restrained."


The public and guests still couldn't let go, carefully looking for an empty seat in a corner to sit down, only daring to sit on the left half of the chair, ready to get up at any time.

Xiaodie rolled her eyeballs and whispered something to her grandfather.

Grandpa nodded, and then went to the warehouse of the Governor's Mansion to get a sack of spiced melon seeds, distributed them, and then took the lead in cracking, don't be too polite, cracking.

Gradually, the voices of crossing melon seeds increased, and the voices of chatting also increased, and the atmosphere of the venue gradually became hotter.

More and more people and guests arrived at the meeting place. Many of the guests knew each other. Even if they didn't know each other, they could tell which village or town they were respected elders just by hearing their names.

The guests secretly sighed, the Governor's invitation to dinner is really not someone who invites casually, we are really lucky to be invited.

The [-] big round tables were quickly filled up, except for the middle table, all other round tables were filled with guests.

Then, the Patriarchs of the common people's families arrived at the venue one after another.

ha?Seeing this messy venue full of melon seed husks, the Patriarchs were a little dumbfounded, did we go to the wrong place?What's the matter?

Zuo Yongnan and Mu Lianle shrugged their shoulders, that's what happened, parents, you can sit at whatever round table you see is vacant.

This... this... no!The meeting place is full of mortals right now, what kind of joke is it that the head of our dignified family wants to sit at the same table with mortals!
The Patriarchs of the Zuo Family and the Mu Family directly asked Zuo Yongnan and Mu Lianle in low voices, what is the special meaning of Tie Dan?
Zuo Yongnan and Mu Lianle shook their heads, the lord has no other intention, just invite everyone to have a meal together, that's all.

The Patriarch of the Zuo Family and the Patriarch of the Mu Family looked at each other in surprise, in that case, let's find a place to sit.

Seeing the Patriarch of the Zuo Family and the Patriarch of the Mu Family taking their seats at will, the other Patriarchs were not in a temper, and looked for empty seats to sit in one after another.

The experience of the homeowners is exactly the same.

"Come on, eat melon seeds."

A bunch of melon seeds were thrown in front of the Patriarch of the Zuo family and the Patriarch of the Mu family.

"No, no, no." The two Patriarchs waved their hands again and again, you can drink it yourself.

"You're welcome, what are you talking about, what are you being polite about?"

The two Patriarchs looked at each other and smiled wryly, well, let's make sense of it.

"Little brother, which family do you belong to, and what's your name?"


The corners of the mouths of the two patriarchs twitched, who is your little brother? Although you are indeed much older than the two of us in appearance, we are both immortals, enough to be your mortal grandpa Zuzuzu!
The Patriarch of the Zuo family gave his name with a wry smile.

"The Zuo family? It's such an uncommon surname. There aren't many people in the clan."

"Fortunately, not too little."

"Where is the family?"

The Patriarch of the Zuo family reported the name of the place angrily.

"It's so far away, it's not easy to come here. Oh, isn't the Zuo family of the common people's family right there? Little brother, are you related to the Zuo family?"

"Probably." To be precise, we are the head of the family.

"That's terrible, even if it's just a little relationship, it's not an ordinary family."

The Patriarch of the Zuo family could only laugh dryly, and buried himself in eating melon seeds.

Even if the Patriarch proudly reveals his real identity, few people believe him, they only think that he is talking nonsense.

It is absolutely impossible for the patriarch of a family who has always been domineering and tyrannical to sit with us and eat melon seeds and wait for dinner.

Patriarchs are really too lazy to chat with mortals. Sitting with you as a mortal is purely for Governor Tie Dan’s face. What kind of onion are you on the ground? .

The patriarchs of the four families Wang, Feng, Gu, and Fang arrived at the venue just before the banquet officially started.

Why?ah?what's the situation?
Seeing the mortals and the patriarchs mingling together in the venue, the patriarchs of the four major families stared straight at each other. We are not dazzled, what is it all about?

Zuo Yongnan and Mu Lianle greeted each other: "Four Patriarchs, you are the only ones who are missing, please come in quickly."

Mu Mu, the patriarch of the four families Wang, Feng, Gu and Fang, stepped into the venue.

The Patriarchs who were sitting idle got up and bowed one after another.

The public and guests were secretly surprised, those four seem to have a lot of background, but we obviously don't know each other.

(End of this chapter)

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