Interstellar Miner

Chapter 727 So Delicious

Chapter 727 So Delicious
Xiaodie holds the dishes with one chopstick without another, and her eyes always involuntarily drift to the delicacies on other tables.

Grandpa Xiaodie was eating wild vegetables and carrots, and he couldn't help but recall that when the governor arrived for the first time, he rescued Xiaodie and at the same time made the people's family suffer the most.

At that time, weeds were overgrown around the Governor's Mansion, and there was not even a decent road.

Grandpa Xiaodie spent the whole morning, ran to several small towns, but failed to buy a vegetable leaf.

The vendors all sneered, staring at Grandpa Xiaodie uncomfortable.

In the end, Grandpa Xiaodie picked up a few wild vegetables and radishes on the side of the road with sharp eyes and hurriedly finished.

Who would have thought that Governor Tiedan eats wild vegetables and radishes quite deliciously, but Xiaodie is not used to eating them. Fortunately, Xiaodie is not spoiled and can endure hardships.

Zuo Yongnan and Mu Lian ate and rolled their eyes, biting the bullet and swallowing, it was really tormented.

At that time, people were talking a lot. The new Iron Egg Governor was just such a stupid governor. He offended the people's families as soon as he took office. I really don't know how the word "death" was written.

In the territory of the common people's family, you dare to shout wildly, and don't look at who the fuck is ignoring you!It's all right now, I can't move an inch, and sooner or later I have to pack up and leave.

But now, the heads of the four families Wang, Feng, Gu, and Fang sat at the same table with him, biting the bullet and eating wild vegetables and radishes, no matter how unpalatable they were, they had to work hard to swallow them down.

Grandpa Xiaodie had to sigh, this moment and that moment!

Zuo Yongnan and Mu Lianle knew in advance that the central table didn't have any good dishes, so they sat down at other tables to eat in a low-key manner. Since Chef Liu Xing came, no matter how busy they were, they never missed three meals a day.

At this moment, the two of them looked at the heads of the four families Wang, Feng, Gu, and Fang and frowned while eating wild vegetables and radishes. Holding Master Tie Dan's thigh and lying down to win, there is nothing to be proud of.

If one is not careful, the dishes on the big round table will be much empty, Zuo Yongnan and Mu Lianle are suddenly anxious, and their hands are so fast, hurry up!
Tie Dan glanced at Xiao Die lightly, and said: "Xiao Die, eating these rough vegetables occasionally can cleanse the stomach. You eat a lot of fish and meat every day, and you have gained a lot of weight without knowing it."

Xiaodie sticks out her little tongue in embarrassment, and covers her cheeks with her hands, she really looks a little fleshy.Well, then eat more rough vegetables, Xiaodie is no longer picky about food, and keeps moving her chopsticks.

The patriarchs of the four major families looked at each other in surprise. Could it be that Governor Iron Egg just meant that?It should be more than that.

Tie Dan greeted: "Four, do you feel dull?"

"No, no, it's good, clean up the stomach." The four patriarchs shook their heads repeatedly.

Tie Dan smiled lightly, and said: "I eat too much delicacies from mountains and seas, and it's quite delicious to eat wild vegetables once in a while."

The four patriarchs echoed a few times, and quickly picked up the dishes.

The wind blew away, and it didn't take long before the other big round tables were full of good dishes, and there were only bare bowls and plates left.

too delicious!

Even though there are thousands of words, these four words are the most realistic.

No matter if they are the guests of the public or the well-informed family heads, they all feel that they have never seen such delicious dishes in their life. This meal is definitely the happiest and most exciting meal in their life, not one of them.

The patriarchs of the aristocratic families were happily picking their teeth, and their eyes couldn't help but stare at the table in the center of the venue while they had endless aftertaste.

We've all finished eating, and the table has only eaten a small half.

Pickled cucumbers, seaweed egg soup, stir-fried wild vegetables, carrot platter... No wonder, can this be called a dish, especially when compared with our table of delicious delicacies.

The Patriarchs could not help but sympathize with the four Patriarchs.

We ate and drank so well that we lost our souls, but that table was eating chaffy vegetables, the contrast was so stark.

The heads of the family thought to themselves, could it be that Governor Tie Dan's subtext is: if you hang out with him, you can eat delicious food and drink spicy food, but if you fight against him, you can only eat bran and swallow vegetables?
At first we wanted to give Governor Tie Dan a step down, but now we want Governor Tie Dan to give us a step down. If this feast for the people is the step given to us by the Governor, then no fool would accept it!
During the meeting, although the four masters were still stubborn, they were afraid that they had already given in to softness in their hearts, and they just suffered from the lack of opportunities.

Anyway, as a member of the common people's family, we should follow the example of your four major families. If you are subdued, we will be subdued even more.So, don't be stubborn, and give in decisively, so that we can follow Governor Iron Egg to eat and drink spicy food.

Although it has not been officially disclosed, who doesn't know that the Zuo family and the Mu family are just because Zuo Yongnan and Mu Lianle were lucky enough to catch up with the governor. It is only a matter of time before the four great families catch up.

How can anyone not be jealous?
But no matter how jealous you are, there is nothing you can do about it. The relationship between people is over there, but we and Governor Tiedan are in the same situation. Before, the people were still on the side of the people's family, and it didn't take long before they stood on the side of the governor. went.

I have always thought that our common people's family is how to pull and pull, and the nominal governor can do whatever he wants, and change it as he wants, but now I really know that we are just lucky not to encounter a real blockhouse!

After eating and drinking enough, the public and guests saw that there should be no follow-up activities. Under the gesture of Zuo Yongnan and Mu Lianle, they respectfully bowed to Tie Dan, and went home with a full belch. .

Many guests have more or less sneaked a few pastries in their pockets, ready to give the smartest little guy in the family a taste, so as not to let the neighbors feel that they are boasting too much, how can this really be delicious? It was blown out.

There are only a hundred tables in total, and each table seats about ten people, and we are one of the guests. What a great honor this is, enough for the family of the public guests to brag about for hundreds of lifetimes.

The family owners who were scattered at each table were still looking at Tie Dan eagerly, seeing them still eating at a leisurely pace, that made them feel anxious.

A table of dishes is almost finished, the heads of the four families of Wang, Feng, Gu, and Fang slowed down the serving of dishes, and began to test Tie Dan's tone. Is it harmony?Or with?Or...and?
If it was according to Tie Dan's previous temperament, he would not be too lazy to be a family of the common people, and just kick it far away. After a lot of experience, he will understand that the world is always inevitable. Layers of space-time can be compared.

When the third level of time and space started, the heavenly immortals were super powerful, and the mysterious immortals were even rarer. However, the fourth level of time and space mysterious immortals are already rotten on the street, and the golden immortals are not worth much. If you want to start from nothing, you have to ask other forces first. agree.

Don't look at how Tie Dan has captured all sixteen squares of the small fairy world. What a fortress, the pressure is huge. It is impossible for Tie Dan to withstand it alone. , Desperately strive to ensure that this can develop steadily.

Otherwise, how could Tie Dan give out so many bonuses? If you want the horse to run fast, you have to let the horse eat grass.

Tie Dan didn't make any detours, and said directly: "The little fairy world I just took down has a lot of forces, big and small, and it's not very easy to manage, and I'm weak at the same time."

The four patriarchs looked at each other in surprise, nodded in agreement, yes yes!Our No. 58 Xiaoxianjie is the best example, but with your means, it shouldn't be difficult for you!Now you bring it up, could it be that...the four Patriarchs had some guesses, but they didn't dare to think deeply about it. After all, the previous relationship with Tie Dan was too stiff and bad.

Tie Dan glanced at the four patriarchs, and pondered: "I don't know if the four great families are interested in managing it for them?"

ha?Are you kidding me?

How could we not be interested? We want it all in our dreams, but we can only enjoy it in our dreams. Who dares to expect it in reality.

The four Patriarchs swallowed their saliva with great difficulty, finally calmed down, stammered and faltered, and admitted.

Tie Dan smiled slightly and suggested: "Then how about we cooperate?"

Are you kidding me?Or do you have any conditions?
Tie Dan murmured and asked, "Can the four of you work together to fix that little fairy world?"

Tie Dan is talking normally, and the other patriarchs of the common people's family have very good ears, and they are all listening from the sidelines. After arriving here, it is impossible to have a second result. It is a great fortune to finally reconcile with Governor Tie Dan .That small fairy world is not an ordinary small fairy world, the four great families may not be able to handle it, most of them have to rely on our strength.The small calculations in the hearts of the owners were crackling.

Tie Dan's question is really difficult to answer, after all, Fang Xiaoxianjie is not a vegetarian, but a god-sent opportunity is right in front of him, a fool would not take it!
"It's difficult, but it's okay, we can definitely afford it." The head of the Wang family gritted his teeth and took the lead in expressing his opinion.

"Even if our four families are not as good, our common people's family is not a vegetarian." The head of the Feng family slapped his thigh hard.

Both the Patriarch of the Gu Family and the Patriarch of the Fang Family nodded fiercely, fighting!
"Okay." Tie Dan clapped his hands together and said, "Since the four of you have made up your mind, I will leave it to your four families. Brothers will settle the accounts, and the [-]% bonus of Fang Xiaoxianjie will belong to you. OK. What do you guys think?"

This is simply a pie in the sky, it is still a big, fragrant and sweet super pie!
The four Patriarchs nodded immediately, "Okay, okay, of course, whatever you say is what it is, you are the one who has the final say."

Tie Dan immediately stood up, took out a pot of starry sky drunk and five wine glasses, filled the five wine glasses with immortal wine, waved his hand lightly, and the four wine glasses floated in front of the four Patriarchs.

Tie Dan picked up the wine glass and said to the four patriarchs: "Then I wish us a happy cooperation."

The four Patriarchs were terrified and hurriedly picked up their wine glasses and stood up, bowing their bodies and sighing.

Tie Dan chuckled and greeted: "Sit, sit, and continue eating."

The four patriarchs waited until Tiedan sat down before sitting down together.

Xiaodie took the initiative to pick up the jug and poured wine for Tie Dan and the four heads of the family.

Drinking a little wine, eating wild vegetables and carrots, the four heads of the family are so happy, how can it be so delicious, this table is the most delicious food in this life.

Tie Dan also toasted Liu Xing with a glass of wine, this time the people's banquet is really troublesome to the younger brother.

Liu Xing didn't follow suit anymore, so why are my brothers and sisters being polite?

Everyone was full, and the people's feast ended.

(End of this chapter)

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