Interstellar Miner

Chapter 728 A New Journey

Chapter 728 A New Journey
The aftermath of the birth of the fourth Xuanbang power of the Four Immortals Sect is still fermenting.

Even Mo Xuan, Mo Que'er and Kong Ling felt a lot of pressure.

In recent years, the Four Immortals have focused on defense, and the Xiaoxianjie they won has a 1-year service life, so there is no need to worry too much in a short period of time, so after Kong Ling entered the Xuanbang, she did not deliberately go to the list. It's only 45 now.

The higher the Xuanbang, the less the ranking changes, so Mo Xuan's Hua'an is still No. 10 in the Xuanbang. Of course, no one doubts that Hua'an can have the strength of the top three in the Xuanbang; 21.

Now that the eldest disciple Tie Dan has entered the Xuanbang strongly, Mo Xuan and his party are very clear about the capabilities of this top incarnate demon king. It is completely different from Erwazi who has a halo of passers-by. It is almost impossible for Tie Dan to keep a low profile.Even if Tie Dan didn't go to the list on purpose, his ranking in the black list would definitely rise rapidly.

Kong Ling couldn't sit still anymore, anyway, Tie Dan is also our disciple, if someone who doesn't pay attention to the Xuanbang ranking is overtaken by the disciple, the face-saving Kong Ling will not follow.

It was No. 45 on the Profound List, which was a bit too low, so Kong Ling decided not to retreat for the time being, but to get to the top [-] on the Profound List first.

Of course, Mo Que'er can't be idle, ready to brush up the Xuanbang rankings.

The two Taoist couples wanted to swipe the list, and Mo Xuan was embarrassed to stay where he was, thinking about doing a little swipe when he had the opportunity.

Although brushing the list will inevitably cause a series of chain reactions, the Four Immortals Sect is just in the right place now, and the reserve talents in the academy are also sufficient. It is time to vigorously develop and grow.

Although Huali already has the strength of the Xuanbang, she is also very aware of her own strength. Even if she finds an opportunity to enter the Xuanbang, she will probably only be able to hover around the 40 or so. good.Occupying too many places in the Xuanbang will also bring hatred to the Four Immortals, right? Now that the Four Immortals have made countless forces jealous, it is better to keep a low profile.

In Xiaodie's reluctant farewell, Liu Xing left Xiaoxianjie No. 58 of the Four Immortals and returned to the base camp of the Four Immortals.

It was clearly agreed that it was only a voluntary help, but Liu Xing was still forced by Tie Dan to pay the labor fee.While Liu Xing was stunned, he could only lament that senior brother is really too immortal.

Kong Ling briefly asked Liu Xing a few words, it seems that the thorn in No. 58 Xiaoxianjie has been almost settled by Tie Dan, which is really fast.

Kong Ling nodded slightly, Liu Xing, go and rest.

Liu Xing bowed respectfully, and returned to the small courtyard to continue to meditate.

Mo Xuan and his party want to win the list, but the ranking of the mysterious list is not something that can be done casually. The best way is of course to take the initiative to challenge the top-ranked masters of the mysterious list, but they may not be able to take it in order to protect the ranking. The second is to look for a martial arts tournament where the top-ranked Xuanbang masters will fight, and have a formal duel. As long as you win the tournament without any tricks, your ranking will naturally rise; Improving the ranking is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and it is very thankless.

Mo Xuan and his party are not interested in using thankless methods, and they don't want to take the initiative to escape from anyone, so they can only wait patiently for the opportunity!
There is no rush, take your time.

Time flies, and 60 years have passed in a flash.

The legend about the goddess Yang Die in the Four Immortals Cultivating Immortal Academy has gradually faded over time, but there are still many male students who never forget the goddess Yang Die, hoping that one day the goddess will come to the academy again.

Cheng Huansi, Yuan Meng and the others have always kept in touch with Xiaodie. Although they have not been able to meet formally, the sisterhood is getting stronger and stronger.

In a blink of an eye, it was the agreed sorting time.

Cheng Huansi, Kuang Qing and the others teamed up to No. 58 Xiaoxianjie. As soon as they got off the battleship, Eight Girls saw Xiaodie standing in the square for a long time.

"Eight sisters, long time no see." Xiaodie saluted.

Cheng Huansi and the others smiled and flew forward, surrounded Xiaodie and looked up and down for a while, her appearance hardly changed, but Jiumei became more mature and stable.

The so-called once-in-a-century sorting is not just for the sisters to promote each other, work hard, and persevere.

It's a rare reunion after a long absence. The sisters put aside the order and recounted the past happily.

As a landlord, Xiaodie led her sisters to visit the most famous scenic spots in this little fairy world.

Knowing that the sisters are coming, Xiaodie has already completed her homework half a month ahead of schedule, so in this half month, she can indulge in the mountains and rivers and play as much as she wants.

In the past 60 years, Xiaodie has been working hard day and night, and has never slacked off even for half a day. She really needs to relax and combine work and rest.

When returning to the Governor's Mansion for dinner, Cheng Huansi, Yuan Meng and the others finally met the long-awaited Tie Dan Da Neng.

Wow, I don't know if I don't look at it, I was shocked when I saw it!Tie Dan is obviously more handsome and domineering than in the legend, Cheng Huansi and the others couldn't help but become nympho, staring at Tie Dan fiercely.

Xiaodie coughed several times in succession, Cheng Huansi and the others finally came back to their senses, but they were still a little out of control.

Tie Dan just smiled lightly, and left after dinner.

Cheng Huansi didn't have much thought about eating, the figure of the iron egg and the godly horse kept lingering in her mind, and she was in a daze.

Xiaodie shook her head speechlessly. I have to say, Shizun is getting more and more handsome, and her temperament is getting better and better. If I hadn't stayed by Shizun's side all the time, I would have been immune to it. I can't stand it.

After dinner, the sisters came to Xiaodie's room together. Although Xiaodie's wooden bed was not small, it couldn't fit nine people. The sisters simply made the floor together and slept side by side on the wooden floor.

Not much sleepiness, the sisters started chatting.

The hottest topic in these years is of course the huge changes in the Xuanbang.

In the past, it was difficult to change the Xuanbang for 800 years. Since the Four Immortals, Huaan Da Neng, Huo Qingling Da Neng, and Wu Nianxuan Da Neng started to make strong rankings, other Xuanbang Da Neng also passively began to frequently hit the rankings and defend the rankings. list.

Suddenly, the situation changed, and the four layers of time and space were all moved.

Cheng Huansi exclaimed, "Hua'an Da Neng is really good. He didn't even hit the rankings, and he is already No. 5 in the mysterious rankings."

Luo Aoqing sighed and said: "Based on this momentum, it is only a matter of time before Hua An is able to reach the first place in the Xuanbang."

Feng Yuxuan pondered and said: "It's hard to say. You must know that the top three players in Xuanbang, Zhou Fang, and Qian Yuanyao are all top players, especially good at defense. It is not difficult for Hua An to draw with them, but if you want to win It’s not easy for them to fear.”

Chong Yinghuai nodded and said: "That's true. But when I heard about Tianxia Chess Game, Hua'an Da Neng, Shui Wu Da Neng and Zhou Fang Da Neng were teammates, and they have formed a deep friendship. Hua An Da Neng may not challenge Two great men."

Xi Banping sighed and said, "I'm still looking forward to it. Hua'an Da Neng has already reached the tenth rank of the Chess Academy. If he becomes the first in the Xuanbang again, he will truly be unprecedented."

Yuan Xitong said: "I feel that Da Neng Hua'an is still too low-key and rarely shows up. Da Neng Huo Qingling is much more high-profile, and Feng Feng Huo Huo has already rushed to the thirteenth place in the black list. Only Da Neng Lei Batian and Da Neng Hua'an are at this level of speed. can be compared.”

Pu Ningshan praised: "Wu Nianxuan's great ability is also very good. He rushed from No. 45 to No. 21 in the Xuanbang. If this was before, who would have believed that the Xuanbang could be done collectively like the Four Immortals?"

Yuan Meng took a look at Xiaodie, and said: "Jiumei's master is also great, she can earn extra money everywhere, and at the same time make a lot of money, and at the same time check the rankings, if she didn't deliberately check the rankings, it must be more than just now." 37th."

Xiaodie smiled slightly, it was compulsory.

Kuang Qing tutted her tongue and said, "The current development speed of our Four Immortal Sect is really a fortress. Many seniors of the academy have not yet officially graduated, so they are sent to various small fairy worlds to practice. Maybe, our comfortable academy life is also very difficult. It won't be long."

Yuan Meng pouted: "This is a good thing, I can't wait to graduate early to practice."

"Second sister, you are impatient, haha."

The sisters chatted about the changes in the college, and then chatted about the big exams over the years, and then turned to men and women.

Cheng Huansi and Liang Qiuyou had a fierce fight, and they were only a step away from forming a Taoist relationship; Kuang Qing's relationship with Ling Wenhan was almost settled, and they were about to graduate.

Yuan Meng and Gonghujin were also a little tepid. They were close, but there was still a lot lacking between the two of them.

The most important thing is that the families of Liang Qiuyou and Ling Wenhan are well-known families, and they are well-matched with Cheng Huansi and Kuang Qing.However, Gonghujin came from a grassroots background. Yuan Meng had to pass the family hurdle first if he wanted to have a better relationship with Gonghujin.

Xiaodie scratched her head, thinking that these are stories only found in books, and they happened around her without thinking.

Gonghu Jin is still very good, and she is a good match with Yuan Meng. After all, it is their private matter, and Xiao Die is not good at expressing high-spirited remarks that stay out of the matter.

Xiaodie and his party played wantonly for another three days, and then officially started the reordering.

All-round comprehensive evaluations of cultivation, academics, Taoism, and Go, etc., are reordered by total scores, and Governor Tie Dan is specially invited to serve as a notary.

After ten full days, the new order finally came out.

The eldest sister is still Cheng Huansi, the second sister is still Yuan Meng, and Kuang Qing has risen two places to become the third sister.

As for Xiaodie, although her cultivation base is the lowest, she is the leader in other aspects. She has jumped from Yaomei five times to fourth sister.

After that they are: Xi Banping, Chong Yinghuai, Feng Yuxuan, Pu Ningshan, Luo Aoqing.

Cheng Huansi and the others secretly sighed, if it wasn't for Xiaodie's low cultivation level this time, the eldest sister must be her, next time, in all likelihood, we will all have to call Xiaodie a sister, but don't even think about Xiaodie Then you can easily become a big sister.

The happy time always flies by quickly, and it's time to part again in a flash.

The sisters bid farewell, maybe it will be a hundred years before they meet next time.

(End of this chapter)

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