Chapter 729

Before they knew it, the once-in-a-century competition agreed between Tie Dan and Er Wazi was about to expire.

Tie Dan was running around in a hurry, making the final sprint, trying to save a little more money before the deadline.

Xiaodie has not been able to see Tie Dan for more than a year, and she misses her very much.

Xiao Die felt that it was really unnecessary. You must know that Tiedan Xiaoxianjie has already ranked No. 45. This kind of speed is unmatched by the Four Immortals back then.

Moreover, Master has already reached No. 30 on the Profound List. It can be said that Master Tie Dan's prestige has already surpassed the four great masters of the Four Immortals Sect, and he is the most shining supernova in the fourth layer of time and space.

As for Master's second child junior, at best he is a little famous, and he is completely incomparable with Master. In this once-in-a-century competition, Master is sure to win.

Soon the latest news came, Shizun and Uncle Erwazi will have a formal competition in the base camp of the Four Immortals, with Shigong and the others serving as referees.

Xiao Die wondered if she hadn't seen Shi Gong Shi Nai and the others for many years, or she would take this opportunity to visit them, so that she could get together with her sisters.

Xiao Die asked Tie Dan for his opinion.

Tiedan replied: OK.

That's great, Xiaodie happily packed her luggage, said hello to Mu Lianle, and rushed to the base camp of the Four Immortals Sect on a battleship.

"Xiaodie, long time no see." Liu Xing looked at Xiaodie with a slight smile.

"Uncle Master." Xiaodie happily rushed to Liu Xing, took Liu Xing's arm affectionately, and said with emotion: "Xiaodie misses you so much."

Liu Xing laughed, tapped Xiaodie's forehead with his fingers, and said, "I know you're coming, I've already prepared pastries in advance."

"Master, you are the best." Xiaodie smiled sweetly.

Liu Xing glanced at the main palace, and told Xiaodie: "This time, it's not just your master competing with Er Wazi senior brother, most of the other senior brothers and sisters also rushed over, so we can't be both big and young at that time."

Xiaodie nodded obediently, and asked, "Is Aunt Bai Meier here?"

Liu Xing shook his head slightly, and said, "Senior Sister Bai happened to have something to do and couldn't get away, so she probably couldn't come."

Xiaodie let out a sigh of regret, but she was looking forward to meeting those uncles who only knew their names.

Liu Xing led Xiao Die to the palace of the Four Immortals.

As soon as she stepped into the hall, Xiaodie felt the extremely hot atmosphere in the hall.

Wow, handsome men and beautiful women gather together, all of them have extraordinary temperament, and there are even a few of them whose temperament and demeanor are not inferior to Master Tie Dan, who is the uncle Erwazi?

Xiaodie couldn't help clicking her tongue secretly, her eyes were a little too busy.

But Xiaodie still saw Master Tie Dan at a glance.

Hey, Xiaodie blinked in surprise, Shizun was hanging shoulder to shoulder with an unattractive, it should be said that he couldn't be more ordinary male fairy, the two of them standing together were simply two extremes.

"Xiaodie is here." The sharp-eyed Niu Dazhuang Shi Shiran walked up to Xiaodie.

"Master Uncle." Xiaodie hurriedly called out, since she was the youngest in seniority, she must be right to call her Master Uncle.

Niu Daxing responded happily, smiled and nodded to Xiaodie, it's not easy, the youngest person finally has a junior.

Liu Xing introduced: "Xiaodie, this is your uncle Niu Dashi."

Xiaodie suddenly nodded, pursed her lips and said with a smile: "So it's my little uncle."

Niu Dazhuang smiled indifferently, no matter how young he is, he is also a master.

Liu Xing gave Xiaodie a blank look, and forgot what I explained in advance so quickly.

Xiaodie sticks out her lilac tongue in embarrassment.

Niu Dazhuang smiled, and took out a fist-sized emerald green night pearl and handed it to Xiaodie: "Uncle Shi has no possessions, this bead was accidentally discovered in a fairy cave when I was practicing some time ago, and it just happened to be a gift for meeting." too expensive, Xiaodie hesitated to pick it up.

"What? You think it's bad?" Niu Dazhuang raised his eyebrows.

Xiaodie still took the Ye Mingzhu, wow, it was silky and smooth, although it was cold, Xiaodie felt that it was so hot, she pursed her lips and said, "It's too precious."

Niu Dazhuang stroked Xiaodie's beautiful hair and said, "It's just a little strange, as long as you like it."

"Of course I like it." Xiaodie carefully moved Ye Mingzhu closer to the precious orb.

"Tie Dan, this is Xiaodie, the little girl is quite clever." Erwazi walked over with Tie Dan in his arms.

Tiedan pursed his lips and smiled contentedly, and introduced to Xiaodie: "Xiaodie, this is your uncle Erwazi."

ha?Is he the uncle Erwazi?

Xiaodie couldn't help being stunned, Master Tiedan often talked about Erwazi, and regarded Erwazi as his biggest competitor.Xiaodie had fantasized about Erwazi's appearance countless times, all of which were so extraordinary and unreal, who would have thought that the real Erwazi was such an ugly guy in front of her eyes!

At this moment, Xiaodie felt a little disillusioned with her idol.

Tie Dan coughed, wondering what he was doing.

Only then did Xiaodie come back to her senses, she bowed to Zuo and called out: "Xiaodie has seen Master Uncle."

Erwazi has long been used to it, smiled slightly, and gave Xiaodie a shell-shaped fairy treasure as a meeting gift, encouraged Xiaodie a few words, and then continued to swing around with her arms around the iron egg.

Xiaodie looked at Tie Dan and Er Wazi who seemed to be a bad match but got together again, and felt a little powerless to complain.

Liu Xing looked at the backs of Tie Dan and Er Wazi enviously. If he could have half the talent of the two senior brothers, how wonderful it would be.

Liu Xing thoughtfully led Xiao Die to visit all the teachers and uncles.

"Master Uncle Hao Changsheng."

"Senior Aunt Niuniu."

"Aunt Zhang Qinxin."

"Uncle Qi Haoxuan."


Xiaodie also has a photographic memory, met all the uncles and aunts, and received a lot of greeting gifts. Before, she was alone, but now she suddenly has so many good babies, Xiaodie was a little dizzy.

At this moment, three handsome immortals walked into the hall in a hurry. They were Zi Cheliang, He Jiaguang and Yu Wenyu who had rushed back from the Chess Academy.

Compared with Hao Changsheng and the others, Liu Xing was naturally more familiar with Yu Wenyu and the others. He immediately walked over holding Xiaodie's hand, and said eagerly: "Three senior brothers, you are also back."

The three of Yu Wenyu smiled and nodded, and all their eyes were cast on Xiaodie. This should be Brother Tie Dan's disciple named Xiaodie, who is really talented.

Xiaodie was also secretly amazed, these three people are really extraordinary, especially the one on the left, Xiaodie just looked at him, and couldn't help but feel terrified.

Liu Xing introduced to Xiaodie: "Xiaodie, this is your Uncle Yu Wenyu, this is Uncle Zi Che Liang, and this is Uncle He Jiaguang."

Xiaodie was about to call Master Uncle, suddenly froze, what the hell?
Yu Wenyu?Yu Wenyu, the super genius who occupies the number one ranking all year round?Yu Wenyu, the personal disciple of Hua'an Legendary Da Neng and the chief disciple of the Four Immortals Sect?

If there is only one person, it may be the same name.

Zi Cheliang and He Jiaguang are both influential figures in the fourth level of time and space. They are nine-dan professional chess players in the Qishengyuan.

The combination of these three deafening names can never be a coincidence!

Seeing the shock on Xiaodie's face, as if he had seen a ghost, the three of Yu Wenyu couldn't help but look at each other in surprise, what's wrong?

Liu Xing was also a little strange, he gave Xiaodie a little push, don't be stunned.

Xiaodie Mumu came back to her senses, pursed her lips, and yelled three times to her uncle in a daze.

Although Yuwenyu and the others were strange, they still gave Xiaodie a treasure as a gift.

Xiaodie was dizzy, and Mu Mu looked at the backs of Yu Wenyu and the three of them, hey, they were greeting Shizun and Erwazi Shishu.

etc?Xiaodie blinked blankly, Yu Wenyu, Zi Cheliang, He Jiaguang are my uncles?They also call their master and Erwazi's uncle as brothers and sisters on the earth. Could it be that... Master, grandma and others have a relationship with Hua'an Da Neng as brothers and sisters?

"What's wrong, Xiaodie? What are you thinking?" Liu Xing asked strangely.

Xiaodie took a deep breath and exclaimed: "I just didn't expect that the three legends Yu Wenyu, Zi Cheliang, and He Jiaguang are my uncles!"

Liu Xing was taken aback, could it be that Xiaodie still didn't know?Probably because I have been busy with my studies.

Liu Xing chuckled and said, "It's so strange."

Doesn't this make it strange?Thinking about it, Xiaodie, Master Tiedan's current prestige is no less than that of Yu Wenyu and the others, so there is really no need to make a fuss.

But after all, Xiaodie grew up listening to the legendary stories of Yu Wenyu and the others, so she was shocked when she saw a real person.

While speaking, another group of handsome men and women walked into the hall.

But Zhuge Tianyou, Mi Yashuang, Ji Chengyan, Peng Chengwang, Shi Binyuan, Zhong Sunyao, and Tao Wencheng, who formed a team and experienced together, returned together.

Xiaodie called her uncle and aunt, and received a bunch of treasures. Hey, I collected a lot, and gradually it became less hot.

The hall was full of laughter and laughter, and a team of strange combinations entered the hall.

Xiaodie blinked again in a daze, rubbed her eyes even more, wow, what combination is this?
A tall and mighty gorilla, whose muscles should not be too exaggerated; a silver wolf that is so handsome that it looks familiar; there is also a hunched body covered with white hair, it is not clear what species it is What?
Xiaodie was staring at her with all her might, when an extremely inconspicuous earth-yellow round stone, Silver Wolf, flew up behind her, swayed in front of Xiaodie, and an old-fashioned voice came into Xiaodie's mind: "You girl! It must be Xiaodie, the disciple of Iron Egg Boy."

Xiaodie Mumu hummed, is this stone talking to me?Can stones speak?
That's right, the Four Immortals Sect does have such a super-magical great treasure who can beat the newly promoted Jinxian Yu Tianrui into a dead dog!Could it be that this is the one in front of you?
Could this silver wolf be the legendary Sirius?

Cool!Xiaodie couldn't calm down immediately, she looked at Dabao again and again, but no matter how she looked at it, she was so ordinary, maybe her level was too low.

"Master Bao, Master Shu, Brother Lang, Brother King Kong, you are back." Liu Xing greeted eagerly.

Dabao gave an old-fashioned hum, and rewarded Xiaodie with a magic weapon in the shape of a stone.

The mouse squinted its eyes, and with its small hands, it rummaged through the hair on its chest, and pulled out a red stone.

Wow, it's so hot, Xiaodie hurriedly put the stone into the orb, and blew into the red palm.

Dalang scratched his head, touched his whole body, and finally took out a wolf claw that had been broken in the middle and handed it to Xiaodie.

What a sharp claw blade, Xiaodie took it carefully and put it in the treasure orb.

King Kong was embarrassed. The iron rod on hand was considered a treasure, and the other bits and pieces were really out of hand.King Kong had no choice but to laugh twice, and said to Xiaodie: "Xiaodie, turn around and Master invites you to eat the precious fruit of our King Kong clan, it will increase your strength."

Strength?I don't need it for a girl, Xiaodie still nodded obediently.

One after another, several uncles rushed to the hall.

Xiaodie looked at the crowd and couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion.

(End of this chapter)

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