Interstellar Miner

Chapter 730 Reunion

Chapter 730 Reunion

The friends who gathered together this time were mainly motivated by the competition between Tie Dan and Erwazi, and they wanted to compete and learn from each other again.

The last competition was not only brilliant, but also benefited a lot from all the disciples, and it was of great help to the practice in the past hundred years.

It can't be that the senior brother and the second senior brother maintain a healthy competition and promote each other to improve each other. Naturally, we are not willing to lag behind.

Simply put, this tournament is held once in a hundred years, so you can self-examine yourself, discover your own shortcomings, learn from the strengths of your brothers and sisters, and constantly improve yourself.

Yes, how nice it is.

The friends all nodded their heads in approval, and the once-in-a-century competition has been officially confirmed.

The most important thing in this competition is naturally the competition between Tie Dan and Erwazi.

"Master, haven't they already left the customs? Why haven't we been able to see each other?"

"It should be out to relax, and I will be back soon."

"If you have nothing to do, why don't we hold a small trade meeting before the competition? We can exchange information."


The already lively hall quickly turned into a noisy vegetable market.

Xiaodie clicked her tongue secretly, the treasures that circulated in the trade fair were all the best that she had never touched.

For Xiaodie, who is still far from being a fairy, it is too early to get in touch with Xuanxian-level treasures.

Xiaodie blinked, said hello to Master and Liu Xing, then contacted the sisters, then quietly exited the hall.

It was still the small courtyard back then, the sisters reunited after a long absence, chatting and having endless topics to talk about.

Xiaodie gossiped about Cheng Huansi and Yuan Meng's relationship status.

Cheng Huansi shyly said: "I'm okay with him."

Xi Banping laughed and broke the news: "That's not so good, last time I saw the two of them hugging each other in the grove and making love to each other."

Cheng Huansi's pretty face flushed, and she gave Xi Banping a big white eye in reluctance, and said coquettishly: "How many times have I said it, it's a visual misplacement, and I have never crossed the line with him."

"Okay, okay, it's visual dislocation." Xi Banping also rolled Cheng Huansi's eyes.

Xiaodie pursed her lips and smiled, looking at Yuan Meng.

Yuan Meng said, "I'm still the same with him."

Pu Ningshan shook her head, and sighed, "It's not just the same, they are about to make a private decision for life."

"Where is it? Bamei, don't talk nonsense." Yuan Meng blushed.

Kuang Qing generously admitted that she and Ling Wenhan were making good progress, and she did not forget to taunt Xi Banping and the others: "Eight sisters and the others are still single, it's clear that we are a couple because of jealousy."

Pu Ningshan immediately gave up, and hummed: "We are just too high-sighted, and ordinary male students don't look down on them at all, okay? We really want to talk to each other, and the male students have to line up from the front of the teaching building to the gate."

Seeing the sisters laughing and laughing, Xiaodie couldn't help but smile happily.


These years, the disciples have shown their strengths, and Mo Xuan, Kong Ling, and Mo Que'er have not been idle. They often go out to explore the territory, and brush up the mysterious list by the way. It seems that only one strategic ship, the Explorer, is not enough. .

Mo Que'er asked Xiaoyun in private: "Sister Xiaoyun, is there any inventory of the strategic ship Explorer in the super battleship?"

Xiao Yun curled his lips and replied: "There are only two ships in total, and the other ship must be kept just in case."

That's it, Mo Que'er secretly sighed, and helplessly let go of the idea. In fact, we are able to use the strategic ship Explorer at will to travel between different layers of time and space.

In a flash, it has been 100 years for the disciples to come to the fourth floor of time and space. Mo Xuan and the others watched the disciples go fast and steady step by step, and they had to sigh, young people are full of drive, if we slow down Tun Tun, maybe he will be caught up by his disciples.

Therefore, Mo Xuan and his party had to cheer up and make persistent efforts.

Tie Dan and Erwazi have always been the most outstanding among the disciples, and Tie Dan is recognized as the senior brother, and Erwazi is almost the second senior brother. This time the two disciples will have a once-in-a-century competition, and Mo Xuan and his party are extremely Pay attention to.

Mo Xuan was originally practicing in seclusion, and he also left the seclusion early. Taking advantage of his free time, he went to relax around the Four Immortals Sect.

Mo Xuan secretly sighed, since he became a Xuanxian, the time has become less and less conscious, and it will take a hundred or eighty years, or even hundreds of years, to retreat once.This is because Mo Xuan deliberately shortened the retreat time, otherwise 80 years would be just a snap of the fingers.

The strategic ship Adventure followed Que'er and Ling'er to go out to fight, and is already on its way back now.

Mo Xuan did not take the battleship of the Four Immortals, but stepped on the super fairy sword Red Tears, with his hands behind his back, quietly floating in the endless void.

Looking at the endless void of starlight, Mo Xuan sighed and smiled, and couldn't help but think of the endless void of the second layer of space-time, which was pitch-black and devoid of anything.

At that time, I was poor and destitute, but thanks to Master Kong Jian's many cares, I was able to become a fairy through hard work. Later, the master even lent me his transport spirit ship to scavenge in the void.

Thinking of the current tortoise fairy Xiao Ba, Mo Xuan couldn't help but smile, and was more pleased to comfort him.After Xiao Ba followed him, he has always had no worries about food and clothing, and kept gaining weight uncontrollably. Although he experienced a few hardships, he couldn't stop Xiao Ba's general trend of getting fat.

After the jewel star Dabao appeared, the greedy Xiaoba kept staring at Dabao, bullying Dabao whenever he got a chance, and wanted to swallow Dabao as candy.

But Dabao didn't have any temper with Xiaoba, so he could only endure the humiliation and finally became a golden fairy.

No matter how powerful Xiaoba's light is, but after all, the grade is placed there, facing Dabao who is familiar with the light and is well prepared, he is really powerless, and he can't be bullish anymore.

In the end, there was nothing he could do, so Xiao Ba could only cry and ask Xiao Yun for help.

Xiaoyun has a good relationship with Xiaoba, and seeing Xiaoba with big bags on his head is really pitiful, so he specially arranged a large defensive formation for Xiaoba's small courtyard.

From then on, Xiaoba couldn't shrink back, and devoted himself to hard work, planning to advance to the next level, and to be ashamed.

Although Xiao Ba is very talented, he is too lazy. He eats and sleeps, and continues to eat when he wakes up. He is like a pig.

Mo Xuan and the others dote on Xiao Ba too much, and they are reluctant to practice hard.

As a result, after so many years, Xiaoba has not been able to advance a few times, so the sky-defying light is not very good for Shang Jinxian, and it is already somewhat unable to keep up with the needs of the times.

Now it is the fourth level of time and space. If you go to a higher level of time and space, Xiaoba's role will be even more limited.

Mo Xuan and the others are happy to hear that Xiao Ba is now able to relentlessly work hard under the stimulation of Da Bao.

Mo Xuan looked at the starry sky, secretly thinking about the next development route of the Four Immortals.

As the disciples flexed their muscles, the size of the Four Immortals grew at a speed beyond the imagination of everyone in the fourth level of time and space.However, there are advantages and disadvantages in everything. The Four Immortals are rising too fast, and the other forces in the fourth layer of time and space will naturally not sit idly by, and they will all try to suppress the Four Immortals.

Mo Xuan had always kept a low profile, but with the arrival of his disciples, the Four Immortals became more and more high profile.

If the Four Immortals have three or five golden immortals in command, then how high-profile should be, other forces are only jealous, but after all, they don't.

Of the Four Immortals, only Dabao is a real golden immortal. Although Mo Xuan, Kong Ling, and Mo Que'er all have combat powers close to those of golden immortals, Xuanxian is Xuanxian after all, and there is still an essential difference from Jinxian.

In fact, with Mo Xuan and the others' current strength, they are already able to attack the Golden Immortal, and the probability of success will not be less than [-]%. Even if they can't do it once, they should succeed in two or three times.

But Mo Xuan and the others have been looking at the wider world outside, knowing that ordinary golden immortals can only call the wind and rain in a small universe, and only when they become super golden immortals will the future be more colorful.

Although a long time has passed, Mo Xuan's desire to find the way home has always been the same. Even if there is only a one in a billion chance, Mo Xuan will never give up.

In the dark void, a quiet blue light flickered lightly, and the remodeled HMS Explorer strategic ship lightly flashed out.

Mo Xuan smiled slightly, and took the initiative to go forward.


Kong Ling and Mo Que'er happily threw themselves into Mo Xuan's arms, rubbing against Mo Xuan's chest affectionately.

Mo Xuan gently hugged the delicate bodies of the two women, his tenderness was like water.

Even though Xuanxian's lifespan is almost unlimited, but the Four Immortals have complicated trivial matters and arduous cultivation, so there are really not many days when Qingqing and I get tired of being together.

That being the case, cherish every minute and every second you can be together.

Mo Xuan hugged Kong Ling and Mo Que'er tightly, wishing they would never be separated again.

"Cough, cough, cough." Xiaoyun, who waited and waited, finally couldn't bear it anymore, and coughed three times heavily, the three of you are enough, but it's only been separated for half a year, what about it?

Only then did the three of Mo Xuan reluctantly separate.

Mo Xuan gave Xiaoyun a speechless look. It is not easy for us Taoist couples to reunite after a long absence. It is human nature to make out. You have been a big light bulb for so many years, why are you still not conscious at all? If you find it annoying Let's go back to the Four Immortals first, we are not in a hurry.

Xiaoyun still went his own way, urging: "Okay, the little guys are still waiting for us, don't let us not be here, they have already started fighting."

Uh... It's not that there is no such possibility at all, but it is not possible to fight, and it is very possible that they have already started to learn from each other. After all, it is an era where every second counts.

Mo Xuan then said: "Then let's go back quickly."

Mo Xuan entered the strategic ship Explorer with his two daughters in his arms.

"Xiaotong pays homage to the lord." Jianling Xiaotong happily bowed to Mo Xuan.

Mo Xuan nodded with a smile, my family, you're welcome.

Xiaotong smiled sweetly, and deftly steered the strategic ship Explorer to quickly sail towards the base camp of the Four Immortals.

The three of Mo Xuan were still stuck together, and Xiao Yun was still acting as a big light bulb.

"Ling'er, Que'er, is your trip going well?" Mo Xuan asked with concern.

With the speed of the strategic ship Explorer, it has been a few days since the news was delivered.

Mo Que'er pursed her lips and smiled proudly, it's a piece of cake.

Kong Ling grumbled, and complained: "Although I won the competition, my opponents are just fighting with each other and stalking me. In order to be able to come back as soon as possible, I have spent a lot of energy."

Mo Xuan nodded knowingly, and comforted him: "As we fight more and more times, our competitors will have more and more information. Even if we are superior, the opponent can still snipe as long as we use targeted attacks. Ours."

Kong Ling snorted, and said unhappily: "Those forces are obviously hostile, but they just joined forces to attack me."

Mo Xuan pondered and said: "It's no wonder that once you appear on the stage, they know that they are useless. The fourth layer of time and space is like a big pot of meat. If we eat more, others will naturally eat less. We have benefited. You have to let others vent your emotions."

It really is such a reason, Kong Ling couldn't help but chuckle, and gave Mo Xuan a charming look.I am an earth attribute, so I am not suitable for taking the initiative to attack. The main reason is that I am in a hurry to come back. If I fight steadily, I can easily win the competition.

The strategic ship Explorer sailed into the base camp of the Four Immortals without any hindrance. Mo Xuan and his party rushed directly to the main palace without waiting for the strategic ship to dock. Don't really fight, little guys.

(End of this chapter)

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