Interstellar Miner

Chapter 731 First Victory

Chapter 731 First Victory
Ouch, it's so lively.

Mo Xuan clicked his tongue and took a closer look. It turned out that the little guys were in full swing for a trading meeting.




Seeing Mo Xuan and his party, the disciples hastily put down their work and bowed in salute.

Mo Xuan nodded with a smile, waved his hand, no need to be polite.

Mo Que'er likes to join in the fun the most, and said with a smile: "What good treasures do you all have, let me see them too."

Xiaoyun also moved over with great interest. It has been a long time since Taobao.

The monkey said modestly, "We can have some good treasures, but they are just a little bit rarer gadgets."

The corner of Xiaoyun's mouth slanted, and he said: "It's hard to say, the more small the gadget, the more likely it is super-extreme."

Xiaoyun wandered around in the hall, there are indeed many good things, tsk tsk, the little guys are good at searching for treasures, but there are really no treasures that make him fancy.

Mo Que'er and Kong Ling picked and picked, and exchanged for a few rather novel treasures.

The disciples looked at each other, since the master and the others had returned, it was time to get down to business.

This is the end of the trading session.

Tie Dan and Erwazi Shi Shiran stepped forward and stood facing each other.

The rest of the disciples spread out, giving way to a sufficiently spacious place.

Liu Xing hurriedly called Xiaodie, the competition is about to start, come here quickly.

Xiao Die was laughing with her sisters, when she received a message from Uncle Liu Xing, her eyes flickered, and she replied: I won't go, you just need to tell me the result when the time comes, Uncle Liu.

Xiaodie has absolute confidence in her master, so a master who is so cool and flamboyant is naturally sure to win.No matter how hard Master Erwazi tries, he may only have a fraction of what his master has accumulated.

Liu Xing: All right then.

As a notary, Mo Xuan glanced at Tie Dan and Er Wazi each, nodded his head slightly, and said: "According to the prior agreement, this competition is only for the amount of accumulated cultivation merits, magic weapons and the like are not included. The following competition officially begins."

Isn't this just a competition in the first year of fortune? The rest of the disciples are gearing up and waiting to see.

Tie Dan unhurriedly took out the resources he had accumulated over the past hundred years and piled them in the hall.

The purest cultivation resources are of course immortal stones and mysterious stones, which can absorb energy for cultivation and circulate as currency.

The first-grade Immortal Stone, the third-grade Profound Immortal Stone, the second-grade Profound Immortal Stone, and the first-grade Profound Immortal Stone were quickly piled up into four brilliant crystal peaks, and they are still rising.

Be good, do you want to be so exaggerated?

First-grade Immortal Stones are already very valuable, not to mention Mysterious Immortal Stones, second-grade and above Mysterious Immortal Stones can no longer be measured with simple numbers.

And in front of him, not only the second-grade Xuanxian stones, but even the first-grade Xuanxian stones are piled up into mountains.

Hao Changsheng, Qi Haoxuan and the others couldn't help but look at each other. We have worked hard to accumulate resources for a hundred years, and we have gained a lot, so we are still a little bit complacent, but seeing Tie Dan's harvest now, we can only sigh secretly, not afraid to shop around Goods are afraid of being compared with others, big brother is worthy of being a big brother, the speed of accumulating resources is really beyond our reach.

Liu Xing thinks that he is already a little rich man, but the astonishing four bright mountains in front of him make Liu Xing redefine the meaning of rich man, Mamma Mia, this is too scary!
He Jiaguang is not much better than Liu Xing, he kept swallowing his saliva secretly, compared with the big brother, we are completely poor.

Zi Cheliang was very rich, but he had never seen such a massive amount of wealth.Of course, with the size of the Chimian Immortal Realm, the accumulated wealth is almost unimaginable, but after all, the Chimian Immortal Realm has been accumulated for countless years, and Tie Dan has only accumulated for 100 years!
Even Mo Xuan and his party looked at each other a little bit, darling, the little guy is really amazing now!
Although Mo Xuan's income in the past hundred years is not less than Tie Dan's, but after all, the family of the Four Immortals has a big business, spend money everywhere, and focus on cultivating the new generation, so they can only have a little surplus.

As the saying goes, money is not everything, but money is absolutely impossible.

Although King Kong didn't pay much attention to money, he still gasped when he saw the Immortal Stones and Mysterious Immortal Stones all over the hall. He really couldn't imagine how he could accumulate such a huge amount of wealth in just a hundred years.

Dabao also sighed endlessly, feeling an eye-opener.

Tie Dan smiled faintly, and continued to take out the donations. It didn't take long for the hall of tens of thousands of square meters to become a bit crowded.

Liu Xing and He Jiaguang both held their chests involuntarily, fearing that their hearts would jump out of their throats in fright, Mamma Mia, big brother is trying to scare people to death.

Finally, Tie Dan clapped his hands, that's all.Tie Dan raised an eyebrow at Erwazi, how about it?

Erwazi gave Tie Dan a thumbs up, awesome.

Mo Xuan quickly counted the first-grade Immortal Stone and the third-grade Mysterious Immortal Stone, and nodded to Tie Dan.

Tiedan waved his sleeves again and again, and collected this massive wealth into the storage bracelet.

Next it's Erwazi's turn.

The second baby was also unambiguous, and learned from others, and began to move wealth outside, third-rank fairy stones, second-rank fairy stones, and first-rank fairy stones.

Although the value of third-grade immortal stones and second-grade immortal stones is far lower than that of mysterious immortal stones, they still cannot stand up to the large numbers.

The onlookers watched helplessly as the hill built by the third-rank immortal stone and the second-rank immortal stone turned into a Zhongshan, and then turned into a big mountain, and the huge hall couldn't fit it.

With a wave of his hand, Mo Xuan enlarged the space of the hall ten times.

However, the ten-fold magnified hall was quickly filled with immortal stones.

Liu Xing, He Jiaguang and the others were dumbfounded again, there must be too many fairy stones!

Mo Xuan had no choice but to enlarge the hall several times again.

Erwazi clapped his hands and muttered, there are only so many fairy stones.

Liu Xing, He Jiaguang and the others took a deep breath, is it finally over?Who ever thought that Erwazi just carried and played with the fairy stone, and then began to carry the mysterious fairy stone.

Soon the third-grade Xuanxian stone, the second-grade Xuanxian stone, and the first-grade Xuanxian stone piled up into a hill.

Liu Xing, He Jiaguang and the others could only be speechless, nothing but shock.

Tie Dan frowned, as if something was wrong.This guy, Erwazi, has saved so much money without making a sound.

With two beeps, Xiaodie received the message from Liu Xing. After a glance, Xiaodie couldn't help but stand on the spot.

"Xiaodie, what's the matter?" Cheng Huansi asked with concern.

Xiao Die blinked in disbelief, and then looked at the message from Uncle Liu Xing, it was correct, the result of the competition between Master Tiedan and Uncle Erwazi has come out, and Uncle Erwazi won the first victory.

I don't have vertigo, Xiao Die has a face full of ghosts in broad daylight.

Fluttershy, are you okay?Cheng Huansi and the others looked at Xiaodie worriedly.

Xiaodie finally came back to her senses, frowning tightly to indicate that she was fine, and hurriedly asked Liu Xing about the specific situation of the competition.

Liu Xing directly sent the final result to Xiaodie.

Two astronomical figures, but the astronomical figure of Uncle Erwazi is obviously more than the astronomical figure of Master Tiedan, not 01:30 points, winning is real, real, and understandable.

Xiaodie had to get to know Master Erwazi again, that unattractive, ordinary Erwazi Master actually beat Master Tiedan.

No wonder Shizun Tiedan always attaches so much importance to Uncle Erwazi, and often talks about it, so it turns out that he is really Shizun's rival.

It was only then that Xiaodie truly realized what it means that a person cannot be judged by his appearance, and the sea cannot be measured.

(End of this chapter)

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