Chapter 735
In a quiet game room, two wrinkled old men, like stone men, sat facing each other, motionless.

There is a big 27-way Go pier in the middle of the two old people. Black and white pieces are densely arranged on the chessboard. It is the current millennium chess game!

That's right, these two old men are Zi Cheliang and He Jiaguang, two nine-duan masters.

Of course, they are not real old people. It is just that the two of them have devoted themselves to this thousand-year-old chess game for 1000 years, and the skin on their bodies has aged, which has turned them into what they are today.

There are three futons lined up on the right side of the Millennium Chess Game. On each futon sits a Taoist priest, wearing red Taoist robes, black Taoist robes, and purple Taoist robes.

The three Taoists have all eliminated their aura, as if they do not exist in this world, and will not disturb the two who are playing chess at all.

On the left side of the Millennium Chess Game, four futons were lined up, and the four tenth-dan masters of the Chess Academy were sitting there, holding their breath for fear of disturbing their game.

seeing is believing.

Xiao Die, who had changed her face, was walking on the streets of Qishengyuan, and she really heard people talking about it.

"I can't tell. This time, the two nine-dan masters, Zi Cheliang and He Jiaguang, have been working on this thousand-year-old chess game. They cleverly stuck in the timing, just to attract the attention of the majority of chess idiots and help the Four Immortals to survive the tens of thousands of years. The catastrophe of the year."

"That's right, who made our level of space-time chess crazy so much. Originally, I thought that this millennium chess game could end earlier and then go to watch the excitement of the Four Immortals. From this point of view, you can't have both. Well, it's a pity."

"Yeah, the Millennium Chess Game is at its most exciting and critical moment. No one knows what kind of exquisite move the two masters will make. Even the legendary one of the gods has great hope. As long as you are a real chess idiot , never miss it.

"It's tangled, the thousand-year chess game can only happen once in ten thousand years at the fastest, and the excitement of the Four Immortals is also rare in ten thousand years."

"Fortunately, the No. [-] Little Immortal Realm of the Four Immortals is not far from the Little Immortal Realm of the Chess Academy, so we should be in time to watch the excitement."

"Hua'an Da Neng has not made a move for many years since he was promoted to No.4 in the Xuanbang. I really want to know what kind of strength Hua'an Da Neng is now. Thinking about it, even if the Golden Immortal Da Neng is coming, Hua An Da Neng can last The last minute shouldn't be a problem."

"It's hard to say, the combat power of the Golden Immortal is also different. The powerful Golden Immortal is by no means a match for the Xuanxian."

"No matter what, it will definitely be a good show, we must not miss it."


The square outside the Chess Academy is crowded with people, and countless Go fans are eagerly anticipating, what will Master He Jiaguang do next?
Xiaodie walked through the densely packed crowd unhurriedly, but the immortals beside her didn't realize it.Xiaodie walked directly to the gate of the Chess Academy.

Yu Wenyu, who also changed his face, nodded slightly to Xiaodie, and led Xiaodie into the Chess Academy, directly to Moxuan's quiet courtyard.

Mai Xia, Zhu Fanrou, Qiu Tai, and Si Junxian are sitting together to deduce the thousand-year chess game with all their strength.

Xiaodie smiled and bowed to the four of them.

"Xiaodie is here." Mai Xia smiled sweetly and waved to Xiaodie.

Xiaodie sat next to Mai Xia.

Mai Xia's chess skills are superb, and she has long been a professional ninth-dan player, but she has been stuck between He Jiaguang and Zi Cheliang for many years.Zi Cheliang's identity is too special, Mai Xia finally chooses to form a Taoist couple with He Jiaguang, and thus becomes Xiaodie's sister-in-law.

The professional grandmaster is really extraordinary, and the follow-up of the joint performance is really unpredictable, even Xiaodie can't keep up with the pace.

Three days later, He Jiaguang finally dropped a white stone.

Huh, it turned out to be such a step. It seemed ordinary, but in fact it was infinitely changeable. I didn't expect that He Jiaguang would still choose to fight when the final stage was approaching.

Yu Wenyu, Mai Xia, Zhu Fanrou, Qiu Tai, and Si Junxian couldn't help but gasp in amazement.

The entire Little Immortal World of the Chess Academy was in an uproar. Master He Jiaguang is going to make trouble. How will Master Zi Cheliang respond?

Xiaodie couldn't help but think of the words that people talked about along the way. Could it be that the chess game between the two master uncles is just a cover, but in fact they want to ease the catastrophe of the Four Immortals?It seems that this possibility is not completely impossible.

Another three days later, Zi Cheliang gave a tit-for-tat fall.

Wow, the two masters are determined to fight to the end!

Judging from the current chess game, all the white and black pieces turned into three big dragons and frantically strangled together, everyone has a chance to win, it just depends on the last few crucial moves!
But the changes in the next chess game are too many and too complicated, almost endless, even the four [-]-dan masters and the three little Daoist avatars who are watching the game in the game room cannot clear their minds and see through the millennium chess game, let alone Others are gone.

Chess idiots stared at the huge chessboard floating above the Chess Academy, not daring to blink their eyes, for fear of missing the most exciting game in the next moment.

Perhaps, the long-lost God's hand is in the next hand, and the sword is out of its sheath, shining brightly!
In the last millennium chess game, the two tenth-dan masters still failed to achieve the master hand after all. On the contrary, Hua'an Da Neng used the miraculous skill of the master hand to break the millennium endgame, shaking the entire four layers of time and space, until today, Chess idiots will still be amazed when they imitate Hua'an Da Neng's hand, it's incredible, it's amazing!
Only a super fairy like Hua'an Da Neng can perfectly solve the millennium mess and achieve the great achievements of the Four Immortals.

As a result, the Chess Academy became even more popular, and the treatment of professional chess players was mentioned again and again, even if Jinxian Da Neng played a few games with professional chess players, he could gain a lot of insights.

Where will Baizi play next?

Chess idiots tried their best to deduce many plans, but they all felt that they were lacking, unable to effectively resist Hei Zi's offensive.

For the next step, He Jiaguang smiled lightly after a year of thinking, took a white piece from the chess pot, and gently landed it on the chessboard.

What?It turned out to be here?Oops, at first glance, this move seems ordinary, but... but to connect this thousand-year-old chess game and savor it carefully... wonderful!It's wonderful!Bai Zi's three big dragons were dazzled by such a Bai Zi at the same time, and they suddenly became full of vitality!On the other hand, the three big dragons of Heizi were caught by the throat of this Baizi, and they were in a dilemma.

marvelous!Wonderful!awesome!Why didn't we think of it!

It is simply the hand of God!

All of a sudden, the chess idiots felt as if they had been beaten with blood, and the Little Immortal Realm of the Chess Saint Academy also boiled!

With this clever move, Master He Jiaguang's chances of winning suddenly doubled.

Only half an hour later, Zi Cheliang also smiled faintly, took a sunspot from the chess jar, and gently dropped it on the chessboard, which was crisp and sweet to the ear.

ha?This... this move is...

Just like a heavy snowfall in March in Yangchun, the noisy Little Immortal Realm of Chess Academy suddenly became silent.

The chess idiots blinked in a daze, and then blinked again, Master Zi Cheliang's sunspot is simply not too strong!

He Jiaguang's previous move made Bai Zi draw the finishing touch and raise the dragon's head. The legendary move of the gods is nothing more than the same, but the chess idiots never imagined that Zi Che Liang had a countermeasure so quickly, and he seized the lead all at once. By chance, he restrained Bai Zi's miraculous hand, and instead strangled Bai Zi's throat first.

However, Hei Zi and Bai Zi obviously still have a turning point, until the last moment, the outcome is hard to predict!

The chess idiots beat their chests and stamped their feet in amazement, this is definitely another hand of God, it is so wonderful!It is really wise for us to come to watch the game live!

The four masters of the tenth stage and the clones of the three little Taoist monarchs couldn't help raising their hearts, waiting and watching, how should Bai Zi deal with it next?

Without making the chess fanatics wait too long, He Jiaguang dropped a white piece on the chessboard after an hour.

Eh, this... this is... is there any deep meaning behind He Jiaguang's step?

Just when the chess idiots were puzzled, Zi Cheliang soon dropped a piece.

ha?This is too fast, we can't keep up!Two masters, you should be slower!

The two masters, He Jiaguang and Zi Cheliang, kept making moves one by one.

The thousand-year-old chess game that the chess idiots have been studying for hundreds or even thousands of years has become a very strange chess game so quickly.

This... this... Chess idiots really don't know what expression to make when they look at this unfamiliar chess game.

Gosh!The millennium chess game has turned into this situation, my dear, we really dare not even dream about it, what is going on?
Just when the Little Immortal Realm of the Chess Academy and even the entire fourth floor of time and space were shaken, He Jiaguang dropped the last white stone.

Huh!The four tenth-dan masters and the three clones of Xiaodao monarchs couldn't help but lose their minds for a moment.

Amazing skills, really amazing skills!

The four tenth-dan masters couldn't help but slammed their thighs fiercely, and exclaimed.

The three little Taoists also let out a long sigh, it turned out to be such a result, it is really wonderful.

(End of this chapter)

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