Chapter 736
Mo Xuan's quiet courtyard.

Zi Cheliang and He Jiaguang are playing a fierce game.

Yu Wenyu, Mai Xia, Zhu Fanrou, Qiu Tai, and Si Junxian are also doing their best to deduce the countless subsequent changes.

Five white stones, five black stones, and only ten stones, exclamations in the small courtyard came and went.

When Yu Wenyu was admitted to the Chess Academy, the main reason was to have a good background and at the same time be protected by the Chess Academy.After Yu Wenyu came to participate in the Four Immortals Sect's Fairy Fate Conference, he won the first place and became Hua'an Da Neng's personal disciple. Since then, he has not been too concerned about Go, and has devoted his energy to cultivation.

Even so, Yu Wenyu is now an eight-dan professional chess player, at the top of the professional chess player pyramid, and his chess skills are beyond doubt.

But watching the game of the two senior brothers right now, Yu Wenyu can't be amazed. The talents of the two senior brothers in Go are really amazing, and they have already far surpassed themselves.

Although Xiaodie only plays a game of Go in her spare time, with her outstanding talent, ordinary players are no match for her at all. The thousand-year-old chess game played by Zi Cheliang and He Jiaguang has already overturned Xiaodie's perception of Go. Understanding of Go.It turns out that Go can be played to such a superb level, and the Dao of Heaven, Earth and Universe is no more than that.

Mai Xia smiled idiotically, relieved and sad at the same time.

I am gratified that the Taoist couple He Jiaguang and Zi Cheliang have finally reached the legendary realm of God's Hand after struggling for thousands of years; I am sad that although I am already a ninth-dan professional, there is still a big gap between the two.

The vast number of chess idiots in the Little Immortal World of the Chess Academy stared wide-eyed and looked forward to the follow-up moves of the two masters. They really wanted to know which master won the final victory in this millennium chess game.

But the chess skills are sufficient, for example, the four tenth-dan masters, the three Xiaodaojun clones, Mai Xia, Yu Wenyu and the others already know the final result in advance.

In the next finale, it is impossible for Zi Cheliang and He Jiaguang to make any mistakes. The result of the numbers will be a draw!

That's right, this once-in-a-lifetime chess game ended in a draw.

You must know that the total number of Go moves is an odd number, no matter how close the chess skills of the two sides are, there will always be a gap of half a move in the end, either more white pieces or more black pieces.

The two masters, Zi Cheliang and He Jiaguang, both performed amazing skills in the final stage, and even miraculously tied.Many Go masters were amazed.

Undoubtedly, this thousand-year-old chess game will surely go down in history and become a super god game admired and worshiped by countless generations.

He Jiaguang let out a breath of foul air, and for the first time in more than 1000 years, he looked away from the chessboard, raised his head and glanced at Zi Cheliang on the opposite side, hey, who is this old man? Bar.

Zi Cheliang felt He Jiaguang's gaze, raised his head to look, and couldn't help grinning, this game was really hearty and hearty, cool!

The two of them took a deep breath at the same time, and the old skin on their bodies was shattered into powder one after another, revealing the tender skin underneath, and the two aging old men suddenly turned back into two handsome and handsome men!
The two revisited the entire thousand-year-old chess game, and it was really a coup, a peak confrontation, and the last moment was even more superb and amazing!

Both He Jiaguang and Zi Cheliang couldn't help grinning, we have been searching for the hand of God for thousands of years, and finally because of the right time, place and people, we have finally achieved it!
Back then, Master's divine hand gave He Jiaguang and Zi Che Liang an extremely shocking effect.

As a result, He Jiaguang broke out of the endgame that had plagued him for thousands of years, and was reborn; Zi Cheliang was also fortunate to have Hua'an Da Neng as his teacher, not only in chess skills, but also in his cultivation.

Today, the two finally got their wish and achieved the hand of God.

Compared with Master's master hand that broke the thousand-year-old chess game, the master hand that the two played at the last moment of the thousand-year chess game is not weak at all in terms of quality and strategy, and even more brilliant.

Zi Cheliang and He Jiaguang are not complacent at all. Maybe our current chess skills are not inferior to Master, but in other aspects, we have too much to learn from Master.

The ultimate goal back then, God's Hand, was just an important transit point in our lives. The road ahead will be long, and we still have to move forward step by step.

Zi Cheliang and He Jiaguang checked the time, alas, it just happened to be in time, what a coincidence.

ah!Only then did the two discover a group of people sitting in the chess room, and hurriedly stood up and saluted.

"Meet the three little Daoists."

"Meet the four deans."

The bosses waved their hands casually, we are the ones bothering you, so there is no need to be polite.

The three avatars of Xiaodao Lord are all regular customers of the Chess Academy, and Zi Cheliang and He Jiaguang also played chess with them. Immediately, Shi Shiran sat back and finished the game quickly, drawing the thousand-year chess game to a new level. Perfect full stop.

The chess idiots who were full of anticipation in the Little Immortal World of the Chess Academy rushed to count, and the result was unavoidably shocking. My God, it turned out to be a draw, which is incredible.

There are also many people who think that Zi Cheliang and He Jiaguang are acting on the spot, deliberately trying to make a draw, so whatever.

Anyone who knows a little bit of Go will ignore these nonsense. The two masters have worked so hard to play this exquisite millennium chess game.There must be a limit to nonsense!

What's more, the Four Immortal Sect's ten thousand-year catastrophe will last for a few years. If the two masters really want to, it is absolutely impossible to finish this thousand-year chess game before then!

This kind of inconspicuous rumor can only be laughed at after all, and it will soon disappear.

After all, He Jiaguang and Zi Cheliang had been sitting for 1000 years, and they were both mentally and physically exhausted. They bowed to the bosses and went back to their respective small courtyards to rest.

The four tenth-dan deans and the three Xiaodao monarchs were not lacking at all, and immediately began to discuss the chess game with relish.

While the discussion was in full swing, the avatars of the three little Taoist monarchs suddenly froze.

The four tenth-dan deans looked at the three in doubt, what's wrong?
The avatars of the three little Taoist monarchs sighed: "Since the deities have come together, we should avoid them." After that, the three avatars just disappeared.

What?The deities of the three Xiaodao Lords actually came to the Chess Academy?
The four deans hurriedly stood up to greet them.

With soft smiles, the three little Taoists appeared together in the chess room.

The same Taoist robe, the same appearance, the same voice, but a completely different coercion!

The four deans are all Jindan powers, but in front of the three Xiaodao Lords, they all feel a little out of breath.

"Excuse me." The three little Taoists were very polite, sat on the futon, and continued the discussion of the thousand-year chess game.

There is an essential difference between the avatar and the deity, and the deity's insights into the thousand-year-old chess game are naturally more profound and transparent.

The four deans listened respectfully from the sidelines, and only expressed their opinions appropriately when the three little Taoists took the initiative to ask questions.

As the discussion deepened, the three little Taoists couldn't help but click their tongues in amazement. It's really amazing skills, and the hand of God is well-deserved!
In a snap of the fingers, the two little guys who were quite jerky back then have grown into top chess players that even we have to admire.

Hei Hong and Zhan Hongbo are really envious of Chinan Xiaodao Lord. No one else knows, but they know that Zi Che Liang is the direct descendant of Chinan Xiaodao Lord.Hey, the successor of the two of us has not been found yet!

Lord Chinan Xiaodao is also smiling all over his face, Zi Cheliang is really right to worship Hua An as his teacher!

After He Jiaguang and Zi Cheliang rested, they burned incense and took a bath. After three days of fasting, the discussion on the thousand-year chess game officially began!

He Jiaguang and Zi Cheliang, two [-]th-dan masters gave the lecture, and three Xiaodaojun deities gave the second lecture, and four [-]th-dan masters, as well as [-]-dan professional chess players and [-] students from the Chess Academy attended the scene!Tens of millions of chess idiots outside the Chess Academy are also listening!

The only regret is that Hua'an tenth-dan master did not come to participate.

But everyone understands very well that the Ten Thousand Years Calamity of the Four Immortals Sect is imminent, and Hua An Da Neng must give priority to resisting the Ten Thousand Years Calamity.

Right now, Hua'an Da Neng and Huo Qingling Da Neng are probably racing against time to hit the Golden Immortal Realm. There is not much time left, and they may not be able to make it in time.

In fact, only a handful of people know that Mo Xuan and the others did not retreat to attack Jinxian at all, but returned to the third level of time and space.

(End of this chapter)

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