Interstellar Miner

Chapter 737 The Land of the Beginning

Chapter 737 The Land of the Beginning
The millennium chess game has been played for a full 1000 years. If we discuss it seriously, it will take at least 80 years.

However, the catastrophe of the Four Immortals is imminent, except for the real chess idiots, most people's attention can't help but diverge.

Although Qingyu, Chinan, Heihong and the four tenth-dan masters are also a little concerned about the catastrophe of the Ten Thousand Years of the Four Immortals, they still want to help delay the time, and discuss and delve into this matter by the way. The wonderful millennium chess game.

Who would have thought that it is completely different from the deliberate delay of time that outsiders guessed. He Jiaguang and Zi Cheliang also rushed to report to the No. [-] Xiaoxianjie of the Four Immortals, so when discussing the chess game, they jumped as much as they could, and specially selected a few of the most exciting passages. The game is explained in detail.

In the end, it was only discussed for three years. He Jiaguang and Zi Cheliang asked the three little Taoists for instructions, and the discussion of this thousand-year chess game ended in a hurry.

He Jiaguang and Zi Cheliang joined Yuwenyu, Xiaodie and the others, and hurried to the No. [-] Xiaoxianjie of the Four Immortals.

Why is this gone?Not fun!
The senior chess fanatics are very unsatisfied, and they still get together to discuss and research in twos and threes. It is really exciting, even if they study for 1 years, they will not get tired of it!

The crowd of onlookers in the Little Immortal Realm of the Chess Academy came back to their senses, and immediately rushed to the No. [-] Little Immortal Realm of the Four Immortals Sect.

As a result, when he rushed there in a hurry, he found that the entire galaxy was already seriously congested, which was much more exaggerated than the Little Immortal Realm of the Chess Academy.Haha, after all, there are far more people who like to watch exciting martial arts competitions than Go lovers.

Yu Wenyu and his party went through a lot of twists and turns, and landed in the No. [-] Xiaoxianjie of the Four Immortals.

On the square in front of the main palace stands a ten-meter-high funnel-shaped instrument, which is the ten thousand-year hourglass. The professional timekeeping instrument launched by the Ministry of Armed Forces can accurately count down 1 years.

Right now, there is not much thin sand left on the upper layer of the hourglass, and it is slipping down sparsely.

Shang Mengyu, Zhang Hailu, Yan Zhengxin, Wen Renjian, Fang Yang, and Zhan Long stood in front of Wannian Hourglass with emotion.

Before I knew it, 1 years had passed.

We still clearly remember that day, when the forces of the seven parties were ready to fight for this newly-born Little Immortal Realm, the warships of Hua An and his party recklessly jumped over this Little Immortal Realm.

At that time, none of us believed that they were just passing by, so we urged them to hurry down and compete.

Who would have thought that Hua An and his party's Four Immortals hadn't been formally registered yet, thanks to our urgency, we finally waited until the last party was in place, but it turned out to be like this, what a waste of our embarrassment!

The tense small forces in the seven parties immediately relaxed. One moment they were still serious and full of gunpowder, and the next moment they were all idle, drinking and eating, chatting, meditating and practicing, and even lying down to sleep. Great sleep.

No one took this little-known Four Immortals School seriously. However, the legend of Four Immortals School started from this moment!
Now that I think about it, it was too violent to bother Hua An, Huo Qingling, and Wu Nianxuan for a small gossip contest!
There was no suspense about the result of the contest, and this small fairy world became the No. [-] small fairy world of the Four Immortals.

Before leaving, Shang Mengyu, Yan Zhengxin and his party saw an extremely unimaginable scene.

This... this... what did we see?Gosh!We are not dreaming!Yan Zhengxin's battleships all stopped their leaping movements, and they stared blankly at the little fairy world that was glowing softly.

God, it's true!It turned out to be true!It's incredible!
Yan Zhengxin believed that they had seen the soft light and the package of luck from the Little Immortal Realm several times, which meant that the Little Immortal Realm had recognized Hua An as the master and was completely controlled by Hua An!
Although this small fairy world is very small, it still belongs to the category of the fairy world. It is not an ordinary fairy world fragment or something. Even if it is a golden fairy, if it wants to communicate with this small fairy world and gain control, it will take several years of polishing and communication. Woolen cloth!And it is not uncommon for Xuanxian to spend 80 or [-] years!
According to the legend, only Lord Qingyu Xiaodao completed the communication with a wood-attributed small fairy world and got the package of luck when he was in Xuanxian, which was really shocking and sung all over the world!Later, Xiaodao Lord Qingyu really achieved a shocking achievement and became the oldest Xiaodao Lord in this layer of time and space!Since then, there have been no such legends!

But this Fang Xiaoxianjie is of the earth attribute, Hua An is obviously of the fire attribute, unexpectedly... Yan Zhengxin and the others couldn't help pinching his thigh, oops, it doesn't seem to hurt very much, pinching again, it finally hurts!

Yan Zhengxin and the others stared blankly at Hua An, who was surrounded by luck, and thought a lot for a while.

At that time, they only guessed that Hua An was likely to achieve something extraordinary, but they never imagined that the entire Four Immortals Sect would be so earth-shattering!

Although sadly becoming the first stepping stone for the rise of the Four Immortals, this has always been Yan Zhengxin's proud talk, and it is even more fortunate to be able to participate in this gossip contest with Hua'an Da Neng and the others. Making friends is really the greatest honor in our life.

Immediately, Shang Mengyu and Yan Zhengxin frowned slightly. The ten-thousand-year catastrophe of the Four Immortals was really difficult to deal with. According to reliable sources, five of the Golden Immortals have already arrived. here.

Although they have great confidence in Hua'an, Huo Qingling and the others, the current situation is really out of control, and it's also because the Four Immortals have been too high-profile in the past 1 years.

Although the Four Immortals are still only the overlord of the middle-level forces on the surface, in fact, counting the many hardcore allies of the Four Immortals, they are not inferior to those super powerful forces. Shake three times.

There are only so many space-time resources in the four layers. If the Four Immortals get more, other forces will naturally get less.

The catastrophe of the Four Immortals Sect is approaching, and those forces that do not want more resources from the Four Immortals Sect will naturally not stand idly by.

Most of the Golden Immortals know very well that when Hua An, Huo Qingling and the others become Golden Immortals, they will not be of the same level at all. If they want to suppress the Four Immortals, now is the best chance!Once missed, never again!
Shang Mengyu and Yan Zhengxin sighed secretly and looked at each other. We really have more than enough energy to help us. We can only hope that Hua'an Da Neng and the others can create miracles again!

The top floor of the main palace.

Duan Jingwu, the governor of the No. [-] Little Immortal World, with his hands behind his back, sighed and sighed overlooking the thriving No. [-] Little Immortal World.

I still remember that I was very hesitant to join the Four Immortals Sect at the beginning, but in the end I had to join the Four Immortals Sect because of the situation. Who would have thought that I really chose the right one!
After taking charge of the No. [-] Xiaoxianjie of the Four Immortals, Duan Jing Wuxuanxian was able to really show his strengths, and the four big bosses of the Four Immortals are purely hands-off shopkeepers, and they are all in charge. They can do whatever they want, happy !

This Fang No. [-] Little Immortal World is like Duan Jingwu's child. Duan Jingwu poured all his enthusiasm and hard work into it, watching and looking forward to growing up day by day, full of happiness.

However...the 1-year lifespan is running out before you know it!
Duan Jingwu gritted his teeth secretly, shouldn't 1 years be an extremely long time, why is it gone so quickly!
Duan Jingwu recalled the mini fairy world back then, and then looked at the present behemoth, isn't it really 1 years old!
Let alone 1 years in the ordinary small fairy world, even 10 years, there is no way to develop and grow like this!

After two beeps, Duan Jingwu received a new piece of news, and after a hasty glance, it turned out that another golden fairy came rushing over.

Duan Jingwu's face turned bitter, what are you all doing? Even if the No. [-] Little Immortal Realm is very tight now, it's the sixteen hexagrams contest, but a group of golden immortals came.

What can I do, Duan Jingwu smiles wryly, in order to keep this little fairy world, he can give up his life to fight, but facing the power of the golden fairy, he is really helpless.

Hey, Duan Jingwu sighed quietly, and he could only place his hopes on the Suzerain and the others, but... this is imminent, and the Suzerain and the others still have no news, what should I do.

Duan Jingwu panicked for a while, the suzerain and the others must not plan to give up this little fairy world directly!Although it is wise to do so, this little fairy world is my lifeline!Sovereign, if you don't pay attention and give in, I... I will quit!
(End of this chapter)

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