Chapter 738
There is a small town at the foot of the famous Four Immortals School of Artifact Refining.

In a remote corner of the town, a slovenly old man lay lazily lying on his side. He just lay on the dirty ground without even a broken straw mat.

The old man's hair was messy with a blue hairpin stuck in it, his beard was messed up around his mouth, and the quaint green robe on his body looked dirty, as if it hadn't been cleaned for many years. No matter how you look at it, Budai looks like a beggar.

The old man squinted his eyes as if he was not awake, supported his head with his left arm, and kept pouring a wine gourd into his mouth with his right hand.

Pedestrians coming and going on the street shook their heads secretly when they saw this vicissitudes, lazy and unkempt old man, and hid away.

Many passers-by were still muttering, didn't the Four Immortals always claim that they never close their doors at night, never pick up lost items on the road, and that every household lives and works in peace and contentment. Isn't such an old beggar just a slap in the face of Chi Guoguo!Or is it that the Four Immortals are so embarrassed that they don't even bother to do image projects?
However, there should be only such a beggar in the entire No. [-] Small Immortal World of the Four Immortals, maybe he just came to watch the fun.There are still many immortals with strange appearance and eccentric temperament.

The old man lazily turned over, squinted his eyes to see the sky, it was time for dinner again.

A fragrant wind blew past, and the passers-by couldn't help being startled, staring at the beautiful female fairy floating by, it was really a hibiscus that came out of clear water, and it was naturally carved.

Which little fairy is this?I don't know if they are married, if not, then...

Just when the pedestrians were thinking about it, the little fairy stopped in front of the old man.

"Grandpa, it's time to eat." Xiao Hua gently placed an exquisite food box in front of the old man.

The old man laughed happily, sat up abruptly, opened the food box, and praised: "It's still a girl, you know how to love the old man."

Xiaohua smiled sweetly and sat beside the old man casually.

The old man didn't care about his dirty hands, he just stuffed the food into his mouth with his hands, whining that it was delicious.

Pedestrians stared blankly at this strange combination of old and young, one ugly and one beautiful, and didn't know what to complain about.

Looking at the manner and dress of that little fairy, she is definitely not an ordinary girl. That old beggar, no, what is the background of that old man?
The old man praised, "Girl, your cooking skills are really getting better and better."

Xiao Hua just smiled slightly, but she still knew that she was not a big deal. After honing her cooking skills for many years, she was almost at the level of a star chef, but compared to Senior Brother Liu Xing and Master, her cooking skills were really not worth mentioning.Grandpa eats delicious food all over the world, and he only praises himself like this if he pampers himself.

After two beeps, Xiao Hua received a message, glanced at it, and couldn't help grinning.

The old man frowned, the girl's reaction was not right, she asked in a deep voice, "Is that the kid?"

Xiao Hua hummed, and replied, "Brother, they just arrived."

The old man curled his lips in displeasure, Yu Wenyu seized the opportunity to get close to my little flower, pretending that I don't exist when the old man!

The old man said earnestly: "Girl, that kid looks like a murderer at first glance, and he is definitely not a good match. You must stay away from him."

Xiao Hua rolled her eyes involuntarily, senior brother Yu Wenyu is not that kind of person, even if she really committed a crime against Tao Hua, as long as the senior brother sticks to his original intention and is single-minded, it will be fine.

Seeing Xiao Hua's reaction, the old man couldn't help screaming in his heart, after all, the girl is no longer the little girl who was easy to fool at the beginning, she has grown into an adult, and she is very graceful.She is as beautiful as a flower, but in the end, that boy Yu Wenyu misses her!

Although I have been by Xiaohua's side for so many years, not giving Yuwenyu a chance, it is not a long-term solution after all.It's going to rain, my mother is going to get married, it can't be stopped!

The old man was secretly anxious, it really can't be done, my flowery little flower can't be cheap for that boy Yu Wenyu.Hmph, there are quite a lot of handsome young people in my Dongfang family, who can overwhelm Kid Yuwenyu... Well, there really aren't any.Yu Wenyu has occupied the top spot for so many years, but the most outstanding little guy in the family is only ninth in the list.

The old man shook his head. Judging people should not only be based on cultivation, but also on character, tutoring, self-cultivation and other aspects.

As the personal disciple of the Hua'an boy, Yu Wenyu is really almost impeccable in all aspects. He is number one in the Tianbang, an eighth-dan professional chess player in the Chess Academy, not arrogant or impetuous, good-natured, anti-violent and peaceful...

The old man kept smiling wryly. Could it be that my little flower is destined to be abducted by Yu Wenyu?No, absolutely not!As long as the old man is still alive, I will definitely not take advantage of that boy Yu Wenyu.

"Grandpa, the dishes are getting cold, let's eat first." Xiaohua urged.

How can the old man still have the mind to eat? It tastes like chewing wax, so he swallowed it whole.The old man sighed secretly and looked at the lovely little flower, thinking that Xiaohua would be abducted by Yu Wenyu, he felt very uncomfortable.

Xiaohua also thought a lot for a while, Yu Wenyu was just a kid back then, but it turned out that the little ghost fell in love with her at first sight.I didn't take it seriously either, but time has witnessed everything.

Senior brother Yu Wenyu really has sincere feelings for her, and senior brother Yu Wenyu is outstanding, needless to say, after so many years of getting along, Xiao Hua also has a lot of affection for Yu Wenyu.It's just that the old man has been lying in the middle.

In the past, I really didn't know the identity of the old man. Later, I gradually realized that the old man is very great and powerful. People will grow up after all. Although I didn't say the identity of the old man, Xiao Hua has already guessed it.

To be honest, Xiao Hua would rather that the old man is just an ordinary old fairy than that high-ranking Taoist who only exists in legends.

So for so many years, Xiaohua has been avoiding this fact, and the old man also chooses to avoid it deliberately.

One old and one young have always maintained the close relationship between grandpa and granddaughter, nothing else.

Master Qingyu hung his head and muttered, but he didn't notice the three Taoists standing in front of him.

Xiao Hua was shocked by the suddenness. When did these three immortals appear, she didn't realize it at all.

Xiao Hua carefully looked at the three Taoist priests, they looked very ordinary, wearing red Taoist robes, black Taoist robes, and purple Taoist robes, it seemed nothing unusual, but after all, Xiao Hua was not a little girl who was ignorant at the time, and she had seen many worlds, big and small. , and keenly realized that these three Taoists were by no means easy.

The three Taoists also slapped Xiaohua in the face strangely, this little girl obviously has a close relationship with the old man, is she a direct descendant of the Dongfang family?

But this little girl has a small face, she must have lived a poor life earlier, and she didn't have much blessings to protect herself. If there is no accident, her life will be very rough, her luck will be better, she will marry and have children, work hard all her life, and become sick from overwork. Aging in suffering; bad luck, premature death, not even a chance to grow up.

But right now, this poor little girl has good luck all over her body, she has obviously encountered an extremely rare and great opportunity, and there are more than one of them!
Xiao Hua felt uncomfortable being watched by the three Taoists, as if she had been seen all over.

"Grandpa." Xiaohua hurriedly called out.

Only then did the old man notice the three of them, he smacked his lips and said, "You guys are here too?"

Qing Yu, Chi Min, and Hei Hong, the three little Taoist lords, respectfully bowed to the old man and responded.

The old man waved his hands carelessly, glanced at Xiao Hua, and said, "Come on, come on, it's really lively here, let's chat."

This is almost an order to chase away guests. Naturally, they don't care what kind of people the three little Taoists are, and they care more about the relationship between Old Master Qingyu and Xiao Hua. Obviously, the old man didn't want Xiao Hua to misunderstand, so he chose to avoid it.

The three little Daoist lords bowed again, just like when they came, they disappeared without a sound.

Xiao Hua was taken aback, she didn't realize how the three Taoists left, it seems that these three Taoists are all super masters, could it be that they also came for this little fairy world?
Xiaohua frowned secretly, although this number of Little Immortal Realm is quite rich, it is not likely to attract so many masters.

"Grandpa, who are the three of them?" Xiao Hua hurriedly inquired about the enemy's situation.

The old man answered irrelevantly: "Don't worry, they are not interested in this little fairy world, they just came here to join in the fun."

Xiaohua said "oh, that's good, since grandpa doesn't want to say more, then don't ask more."

But Xiaohua also vaguely guessed something, could it be those three big brothers?Xiao Hua couldn't help smiling wryly, it's really lively now!
(End of this chapter)

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