Chapter 739
The Small Immortal Realm No. [-] of the Four Immortals Sect was already overcrowded, but more and more people rushed over in battleships.

It's just crowds of onlookers, it doesn't matter how many people come, but the key is that those super big names in the fourth layer of time and space who rarely get out once every ten thousand years also rushed over one by one.

Regardless of the reordering of geniuses on the Xuanbang and Tianbang, there is always a commotion, the real rulers of the fourth-level time and space will always be those middle-to-high-grade golden immortals who guard the base camp.

Even if it is a golden fairy, it is divided into three, six, and nine classes!
Those who need to be dispatched frequently and participate in martial arts competitions to gain benefits are often low-rank golden immortals, and they all want to accumulate a lot of wealth before the new generation has risen, so that they can relax a lot in the future.

And the middle-rank and top-rank Jinxian really stomped their feet, and the entire four-layer space-time trembled three times!Not to mention Mr. Xiaodao!
Among the four little Taoist lords, except old man Qingyu who likes to wander around, the other three little Taoist lords have always been in the base camp, and even if there is something wrong, sending their avatars over there is enough to deal with it.

The last time Xiaodaojun went out in person, it was because of the sudden appearance of the Infinity Tower, the forces of all parties fought in a super scuffle, and the Golden Immortal was beaten to death. Fortunately, the three Xiaodaojuns came together, and they were calmed down. place.

It's not that the Golden Immortal's great ability doesn't take action easily, it's just that his vision is too high, and if he really meets his heart-warming treasure, the top-rank Golden Immortal will beat him to death.

And this time the Ten Thousand Years of the Four Immortals Sect's catastrophe, except for a few golden immortals who are still recovering from their injuries or who have experienced in the Tower of Infinity, all who can come are here!

Although most of them came quietly anonymously, there is no impenetrable wall in the world, and breaking news broke out like this!

"The Golden Immortal Fu Haoqiong and the Taoist couple Qianyuan Yaoxuan from the Red Immortal Realm have just arrived."

"Mystic Qianyuan Yaoxuan hasn't made an official appearance for many years. Hua'an is able to rush to the fourth place in the Xuanbang. Could it be that there will be a ranking battle between the two Xuanbang masters?"

"It's unlikely. Even if he wants to fight, it must be the Golden Immortal Fu Haoqiong who will fight."


"The four deans of the Chess Academy have arrived, are they going to cheer for the Four Immortals?"

"Although the four principals are all golden immortals, they are all low-rank golden immortals after all. I'm afraid they can't stand it."

"That's four golden immortals, united together, even a first-rank golden immortal has to admit it."

"It is."


"Feng Jiana Jinxian from Qingyu Immortal Realm, Gongliao Jinxian from Chiyan Immortal Realm, Wei Zilan Jinxian from Baihuazong, Zhu Zhe Jinxian from Jianyang Temple, Gongcheng Xuekuo Jinxian from Tianwei Pavilion, this group of Go lovers The big brother Jinxian also followed suit."

"The Millennium Chess Game has just ended, and the Chess Academy is not far away. It's normal for these big bosses to come here in a group. They have a good relationship with Hua'an Da Neng, and they shouldn't come here to cause trouble."


"According to reliable sources, Dongfang Qingtian, the first rank Jinxian in Qingyu Immortal Realm, has just entered Qingyun Restaurant."

"Wow! This boss is actually dispatched, and the Four Immortals have lost face too."

"What is this? There is a gossip that Gan Yunhe, the first-rank Jinxian from the Black Hongxian Realm, has also arrived. This boss is the number one combat lunatic among the Jinxians. He will fight when he sees the opportunity."

"The three big bosses of Jinxian from Zhi Academy have all come over, maybe Zhan Hongbo Daoist Lord has come here in person."

"Not at all, Daojun's avatar is almost there, how can Daojun be dispatched so easily."

"It's hard to say, with so many golden immortals gathered together, the Daoist avatar can't cover it."

"It's really true, maybe this time I will be lucky enough to meet the four Daoist deities."


"The goddess of water dancing is here, hurry up and watch."

"Didn't the goddess of water dancing retreat to attack Jinxian, didn't she succeed?"

"It's not so easy to become a golden immortal. It seems that the more outstanding your aptitude is, the more difficult it is to become a golden immortal, but once you achieve it, your combat power is unparalleled, far exceeding ordinary golden immortals."


"There are a lot of Xuanbang masters, not enough Jinxian masters, and it's probably not their turn to appear."

"I don't know if Lei Batian's power is here?"

"Lei Batian is Hua'an Da Neng's virtuous younger brother, he must come."


No. [-] Small Immortal Realm Conference Hall.

Yu Wenyu, Kong Wuming, eldest grandson Ancheng, Zhuge Tianyou, Ji Chengyan, Peng Chengwang, Shi Binyuan, Zhongsun Yao, Tao Wencheng, Mi Yashuang, Zi Cheliang, He Jiaguang, all the disciples of the Four Immortals Sect had serious faces. Not to mention the great powers of the Golden Immortals, even the great powers of the Xuanbang are rarely seen, but now, all of them have come to our No. [-] Little Immortal Realm!

Ten thousand years of catastrophe is really too appropriate!

However, there is still no news of the master and his party. The master and the others also said before that it is really difficult to control the time of their retreat, and it is not impossible to miss this ten thousand year catastrophe.

Moreover, Tie Dan and Er Wazi also retreated with the master, and there is no news at all. Right now, the eyebrows are imminent, hey~
In case Master and the others really can't catch up, then... we can only go up.

Although Yu Wenyu, Kong Wuming and the others have all become Profound Immortals, it is difficult to deal with the ordinary Profound Immortals, but right now they have such a large number of Golden Immortals. problem.

Yu Wenyu and the others knew very well in their hearts that such a group of golden immortals may not all come for the Four Immortals, and the meaning of waiting and watching is more important.

And the No. [-] Xiaoxianjie of the Four Immortal Sect is the first stop of the Ten Thousand Years Calamity of the Four Immortal Sect. The four Immortal Sect's response plan and current capabilities are all factors considered by those big bosses.

It's best, Master and the others show their strength and calm down the situation, so the Ten Thousand Years Calamity won't come so violently.

But if we can't control the scene, then our Four Immortals will really be besieged on all sides.

Yu Wenyu glanced at the entrance of the hall from time to time, it was strange, the news had been sent out for a while, why didn't she come over who was haunted by dreams, don't let the old man make trouble again.

At this moment, a figure flickered at the door, and Yu Wenyu's eyes lit up, but soon dimmed again.

Dalang and King Kong hurried into the hall.

The brothers exchanged simple greetings, but soon they became frowning again, and the hall was shrouded in a gloomy and gloomy atmosphere.

"Why are you all so sad?" Dabao and the mouse entered the hall unhurriedly.

"Master Bao, Master Shu." The disciples immediately had a backbone and rushed forward.

Dabao preached old-fashionedly: "Look at you, the war has not even started yet, and you all look like you have lost. Fortunately, you are still the golden generation of the Four Immortals."

Disciples accept the teaching with an open mind. We are indeed too pessimistic, but we have forgotten the earnest teaching of the master. Success or failure is fleeting, so there is no need to care too much.

How is the prosperity of the Four Immortals?What about decay?It's just the natural law of heaven and earth.

We are still too immature after all, we have to learn from Master and Master Bao.


In a flash, there is only a handful of sand left in the Wannian hourglass, and light may leak at any time.

"Hey, why hasn't your master arrived yet? What time is it? What are they doing? I'm the only one, how can I stand it?" Dabao couldn't help but screamed.

Uh... Yu Wenyu and the others couldn't help but roll their eyes after finally adjusting their mentality. After a long time, you are also panicking, Master Bao.

The mouse is an old god, and it's time for him to contribute to the Four Immortals Sect for so many years.

(End of this chapter)

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