Interstellar Miner

Chapter 740 The Year of Chess

Chapter 740
Originally due to the millennium chess game played by the two masters, Zi Cheliang and He Jiaguang, the Zilin galaxy was already overcrowded, and now it is the turn of the Sixianzong's ten-thousand-year catastrophe. Right now, the surrounding Feiyun galaxy and Rainbow Bridge galaxy are already crowded. be full.

Huge warships crowded the void, and the traffic was seriously jammed. Everyone was anxious to get closer to the Four Immortals No. [-] Little Immortal Realm, but they couldn't make it through.

Many immortals had no choice but to abandon their battleships and rushed over with flying magic weapons. How could they miss such a rare event in thousands of years.

At this moment, a bright silver, small and exquisite, flat and modern warship, only 100 meters long and more than [-] meters wide, dexterously shuttled between the warships, surpassing a large number of immortals who were on their way in a blink of an eye.

"Wow! What kind of battleship is that?"

"Can you walk through such a deadly block? It's so flexible!"

"We are focusing on making big ships, and this small ship is also very powerful."

"Which warship? I'll buy one later."

"You can't buy this, it is the unique battleship of Qingyuan Immortal Realm."

"It turned out to be a battleship from the Qingyuan Immortal Realm. That Qingyuan Jinxian boss is said to be the most promising of the Jinxian powers to advance to the Little Daoist Monarch."

"That is, the Qingyuan Immortal Realm came from the lower level of time and space. Although it has been suppressed by various forces for a long time, but with the strong rise of the Four Immortals Sect, it has attracted most of the firepower, and the life of the Qingyuan Immortal Realm is much better. 3000 years ago, two golden immortals were born one after another, such luck, tsk tsk."

"Shangguan Qingyue is the immortal cultivator and Daoist couple of Qingyuan Dao. It is worth mentioning that he has become a golden immortal, but that Gong Hechang is very powerful. , although I haven't made a move yet, it must be no small matter."

"Besides, there is also the divine beast Qingfeng in Qingyuan Immortal Realm. Although it is not yet an adult, ordinary golden immortals are no match for it."

"Gong Shichang from Qingyuan Immortal Realm has also rushed to the No. 14 Xuanbang, which is even higher than Wu Nianxuan from the Four Immortals."

"If the Four Immortals hadn't been too noisy, all forces would definitely target Qingyuan Immortal Realm everywhere. Now that Qingyuan Immortal Realm has gained power, it will be extremely difficult to suppress it."

"That's right, ordinary forces dare not provoke such a big tiger in Qingyuan Immortal Realm."

The immortals sighed for a while, if the Qingyuan Jinxian master became a small Taoist monarch, there is no doubt that Qingyuan Immortal Realm will soon become a super power, and by that time, it will be even more difficult for us small and medium forces to survive.What the immortals didn't know was that there were quite a few Qingyuan bosses they were talking about, and they were all in that small bright silver battleship.

Gong Shichang curled her lips, there are quite a lot of people with broken mouths, so let's be blunt, if they meet the small-minded Jinxian Da Neng, it will be enough for them to drink a pot.

Gong Shichang turned around and continued to watch the game between grandpa and patriarch Qingyuan. Before he knew it, grandpa's Bai Zi had already fallen into a passive position.

Gong Shichang thought to herself, although grandpa got his wish and became a golden immortal, there was obviously a big gap with Qingyuan ancestor in every aspect, and Qingyuan still had the final say.

Gong Shichang glanced quietly at Shangguan Qingyue who was quietly sitting next to Patriarch Qingyuan. There was no trace of age on her peerless face. Sitting with Patriarch Qingyuan, at first glance, it really looked like a flower stuck in cow dung. on the feeling.

Gong Shichang knows a lot of the secrets of those years, and the old fairy Li Qiyu in the lower space-time has also become a Xuanxian and is marching bravely towards the Golden Immortal.One day in the future, I will go to the fourth layer of time and space, and at that time...

Gong Shichang took another look at Qingfeng, who was not interested in Go at all, and the golden rooster dozed off independently. Although Qingfeng was about the same size as a domestic chicken at the moment, but the blue feathers were more colorful, it looked harmless to humans and animals, but this Her temper is very strong, Gong Shichang really doesn't like to deal with Qingfeng, and usually hides away from her.It is said that the relationship between Qingfeng and the old fairy Li Qiyu was quite good back then, who will Qingfeng help then?
Dozing off, Qingfeng suddenly narrowed her eyes and glanced at Gong Shichang, what are you looking at?

Gong Shichang hastily turned her gaze, and continued to pay attention to the game between the two big brothers Qing Yuan.

Gong Hechang tried his best to hold on for a while longer, shook his head, had no choice but to abandon his son and admit defeat, and sighed: "Run of chess, Gong is really no match for fellow daoist."

Patriarch Qingyuan smiled lightly and said: "Fellow Daoist, you are welcome, I am just studying the thousand-year-old chess game in the history of the fourth layer of time and space, and stealing a few moves from it. "

Gong Hechang clicked his tongue, nodded, and said, "Speaking of this millennium chess game, what do you think of the millennium chess game that Zi Cheliang and He Jiaguang played against recently?"

Patriarch Qingyuan said: "I just scanned the chess record in a hurry, and didn't study it in depth. Why don't we deduce and discuss it while we are free?"


This deduction is very good.

Patriarch Qingyuan couldn't help but gasp in wonder: "I saw this thousand-year-old chess game before, and I was a little bit disapproving of it, so I didn't pay much attention to it. The final fight is really shocking every step of the way, if you make a wrong move, you will lose the whole game. The moves of the two masters are really ingenious, indescribable."

Gong Hechang also clapped his hands in admiration: "There are talented people from generation to generation. These two masters are still so young, and their future achievements will surely be limitless. Such two immortals are not well ranked among the disciples of the Four Immortals Sect." No. [-], during my retreat, the rise of the Four Immortals is truly amazing."

When the Four Immortals were involved, the two bosses stopped talking at the right time, and repeated the thousand-year-old chess game several times. Each time, there would be new discoveries and insights. Unknowingly, the battleship was approaching the No. Fairyland.

The surrounding area of ​​the No. [-] Xiaoxianjie of the Four Immortals was really blocked, and even this petite battleship could not move forward.

When we arrived, Patriarch Qingyuan, Shangguan Qingyue and Gong Hechang got up immediately and looked at the No. [-] Small Immortal Realm of the Four Immortals from a distance.

Even though there are countless battleships in front of him, how can they block the eyes of the three golden immortals?

In terms of size alone, this small fairyland is indeed very small, but the real small fairyland is full of luck above golden yellow.In the center of Xiaoxianjie, there is a large group of purple air hovering endlessly, and the surroundings continue to evolve into shapes such as lotus flowers, fairy swords, orbs, fairy beasts, etc., which are pleasing to the eye!

Hey, the three big golden immortals couldn't help being a little stunned. It's really amazing that such a small fairy world has developed for ten thousand years, and they are all born with purple energy.

The fourth level of time and space is richer and more fortunate than this small fairy world. However, it takes 1 years for the construction and development of a newly born small fairy world to achieve this level of luck. How many people can dare to photograph the entire fourth level of time and space? Make a promise with your chest.

The dozing Qingfeng also narrowed her eyes and looked at the No. [-] Immortal Realm of the Four Immortals Sect for a while, nodded slightly, and continued to doze off.

Patriarch Qingyuan glanced at Gong Shichang indifferently, and said: "It's not a problem for us to get stuck here, Shichang, you have a very close relationship with Hua An and the others, please contact them if it is convenient."

Gong Shichang responded, and immediately sent a message to Kong Ling, but there was no reply.

Gong Shichang then replied: "Grandfather, there is no reply, Hua'an Da Neng and the others are probably still practicing in seclusion."

Patriarch Qingyuan gave a noncommittal oh, stared at the No. [-] Xiaoxianjie of the Four Immortals Sect for a while, and suddenly asked a question that made Gong Shichang's heart tremble: "Shichang, what do you think of the relationship between Hua'an and our Xiaoxianjie? How does Mo Xuan compare?"

This... this... Gong Shichang really didn't know how to answer for a while?

Gong Shichang pondered for a moment, and could only practice Tai Chi: "Hua An and Mo Xuan are definitely dragons among celestial beings, but Hua An is in the fourth layer of time and space, while Mo Xuan is in the third layer of time and space. Good reference for comparison."

Patriarch Qingyuan was silent for a moment, then said: "Once or twice is a coincidence, it's not a coincidence that it happens every time."

What?Gong Shichang looked at Patriarch Qing Yuan in surprise and doubt.

Patriarch Qingyuan said to himself: "When Hua An is in retreat, Mo Xuan will always show up; and when Mo Xuan is in retreat, Hua An will come out again. Compare the two sides for reference, as long as Hua An appears, Mo Xuan will never show up." He will show up; similarly, as long as Mo Xuan shows up, Hua An will definitely go into seclusion. Let’s take it right now, Hua An just went into seclusion, and Mo Xuan will go out to preside over the daily affairs of Tianjianmen."

" such a coincidence?" Gong Shichang yelled inwardly, but she could only pretend to be ignorant.

Patriarch Qingyuan smiled lightly, and said: "Wu Nianxuan from the Four Immortals Sect, her name is nothing special at first glance, but it is worth deliberating if it is related to Mo Xuan. Shi Chang, what do you think?"

Gong Shichang pursed her lips and said, "Grandfather, you mean that Hua An and Mo Xuan are the same person?"

Patriarch Qingyuan glanced at Gong Shichang meaningfully, and said: "About this point, Shichang, you must know better than me. Now that the Four Immortal Sect's catastrophe is imminent, Hua'an's true identity will determine our Qingyuan's fate." Attitude. After all, their base camp is next door to our Qingyuan. It seems that Shi Chang, you have never regarded the Four Immortals as an enemy, and you often visit."

The words have come to this point, and there is no point in sophistry.Gong Shichang pursed her lips, but still got the bottom line: "Back to Grandfather, Shi Chang has indeed been suspicious for a long time, and also came to question Hua An on purpose."

Oh, Patriarch Qingyuan, Shangguan Qingyue, Gong Hechang and Qingfeng all stared at Gong Shichang.

Gong Shichang took a deep breath, and said, "Hua An admitted that he is Mo Xuan. Huo Qingling is Mo Que'er, Wu Nianxuan is Kong Ling, and Shuiyue is that Xiaoyun."

as predicted!

Patriarch Qingyuan, Shangguan Qingyue, Gong Hechang, and Qingfeng immediately made eye contact.

Mo Xuan and the others did not take the initiative to approach Qing Yuan to recognize their relatives, but founded the Four Immortals Sect. Over the years, they have kept a sufficient distance from Qing Yuan. There are too many variables in it, so don't worry.

Gong Shichang sighed secretly, Mo Xuan and the others always appeared at staggered times, it didn't matter once or twice, but it happened every time, and they didn't deliberately cover it up, it would be strange if they didn't wear clothes.

After a while, Patriarch Qingyuan asked Gong Shichang: "Shichang, what is the attitude of Mo Xuan and the others?"

Gong Shichang said bluntly: "The base camp of the Four Immortals is purposely set up near our Qingyuan, what attitude can Mo Xuan and the others have?"

If it is really that attitude, it would be the best, but after all, people's hearts are far away, Mo Xuan and the others may have meant that when they first arrived, but as time goes by, the power of the Four Immortals has already surpassed our Qingyuan Immortal Realm. People's hearts will change.

Looking at the expressions of the big brothers, Gong Shichang rolled her eyes and said, "To be more specific, Grandfather, you just need to ask Mo Xuan face to face."

Patriarch Qingyuan, Shangguan Qingyue, Gong Hechang, and Qingfeng looked at each other. Indeed, it was time to formally meet with Mo Xuan and the others.It's just that they can't get in touch right now, hey, Mo Xuan and the others should stay in the third layer of time and space, this is imminent, it's a good thing they can hold their breath.

(End of this chapter)

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