Interstellar Miner

Chapter 749 First Battle

Chapter 749 First Battle
The Golden Immortals scrutinized the martial arts arena of the Four Immortals Sect carefully. It was so ingenious and impenetrable, but they didn't know if there were any hidden hands under the steps of the Four Immortals Sect. They really couldn't see it for a while.However, with the presence of the four Taoist monarchs, the Four Immortals did not dare to mess around.

The Four Immortals set up a special auditorium.

Tie Dan, Erwazi, Hao Changsheng, Zhang Desheng, Houzi...Yu Wenyu, Kong Wuming, the eldest grandson Ancheng, Zhuge Tianyouzi Che Liang, He Jiaguang... a generation of disciples sat upright, staring at the big players in the arena. Guys.

In this sixteen hexagram contest, the opponent is too strong, we have more than enough energy, we can only act as spectators and cheerleaders.But when this contest is over, we will have a place to use our skills.At that time, if anyone loses the chain, it will discredit our Four Immortals and embarrass the master.

Monkey and the others glanced at Yu Wenyu and the others, remembering that when we first came to this fourth layer of time and space, we competed with Yu Wenyu and his disciples in martial arts. It's getting stronger and stronger, now except for the two big brothers Tie Dan and Er Wazi who can be firmly overwhelmed, it's hard to predict whether we will win against Yu Wenyu and them.

Yu Wenyu and the others also took aim at Tie Dan and the others, and they really admired the master as a disciple, especially when we were more or less proud and complacent, they woke us up in time.It is true that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people.

For so many years, the competition between the disciples of the two sides has been fierce, and it is not really a competition, it is more for the face of both sides, and moreover, having an evenly matched opponent is also a spur to oneself, so this competition It continues to this day.

The Four Immortals Sect's ten-thousand-year catastrophe this time is an excellent competition platform, and the disciples on both sides are all motivated and ready to show their strengths.

In the past, the Four Immortals' sect was very popular, and the disciples kept a low profile as much as possible. Only the eldest brother Tie Dan entered the Xuanbang, but this time, the ten thousand year catastrophe, hehe.

First of all, there must be a lot of participants in Xuanbang Da Neng, Jin Xian Da Neng will not stand idly by, many battles are unavoidable; moreover, all forces in the four layers of time and space, and the general public are waiting to see the good show of our Four Immortal Sect Huh, our Four Immortals are easy to bully.

As the saying goes, when it's time to make a move, we've kept a low profile for so many years, it's time for us to soar!

Cheng Huansi, Yuan Meng and the others sat in the back row with Xiaodie in a proper manner, looking at the star-studded generation of disciples of the Four Immortals Sect, they couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion.At first, I thought the Ten Thousand Years Calamity of the Four Immortals Sect was so terrifying, but now it seems that it is not so terrible.

While speaking, Bei Junxian and Fang Tiancheng from the Martial Arts Department flew to the martial arts arena with a huge sixteen hexagram martial arts disc.

In the first match, Zhishuyuan played against Water Dance.

The audience whispered to each other for a while, if it is possible to use the Golden Immortal power, then there is something else to say, but the first round of martial arts competition can only be dispatched with Xuanxian level combat power. Although Zhishuyuan has two Xuanbang powers, the highest ranking is Bu Zhengping There are only sixteen of them.

Does this still need to be compared?
The Goddess of Water Dance is the overlord of the Xuanbang. She has never lost a single defeat. She is called the Undefeated God of War. Zhishuyuan should admit defeat as soon as possible.

Zhishuyuan, as one of the five super giants, of course cannot abstain without a fight and admit defeat, that would be a loss of face.

However, there is no doubt about Shui Wu's strength, and it is almost impossible to defeat her with Xuan Xian's combat power.It wouldn't be possible for a golden fairy to cut his own foundation and regress into a mysterious fairy to compete with Shui Wu.

After discussing with the Zhi Academy, they did not send the Xuanbang expert, but invited a very senior Xuanxian Zhong Litai.

In terms of seniority, the three golden immortals of Zhi Academy, and even Zhan Hongbo Xiaodao Lord had to call Zhong Litai old man.

The ranking of Xuanbang is still very important for potential. Zhong Litai is so old, so he will naturally miss the Xuanbang, but Zhonglitai's combat power is very good. There is no doubt that he is the No.1 under the Jinxian of Zhishu Academy. .If Mrs. Zhongli can't win Shui Wu, then there is no Xuanxian in Zhi Academy who can win.

Of course, you have to ask the old man first if he is willing to fight. If the old man is not willing, he dare not force him.

Zhong Litai originally just came here to join in the fun when he had nothing to do, who would have thought that he would have the opportunity to participate in person, so he didn't refuse, and happily agreed.

Seeing the old-fashioned Zhongli flying up too leisurely, the auditorium didn't react for a while, and then there was a commotion.

"Hey, who is this old man?"

"Isn't Bu Zhengping playing in Zhi Academy?"

"It's such a big age, okay?"

"Ginger is old and spicy. I'm afraid this old man is not simple."


Zhong Li is too happy to bow to Shui Wu, girl, please advise.

Shui Wu bowed back calmly.

Tie Dan rubbed his chin, this Mr. Zhongli is probably older than Grand Master Li from Qingyuan Little Immortal Realm, this martial arts competition must be interesting.


The first battle officially begins, and everyone is waiting to see.

"Water dancing goddess, come on."

"Water Dancing Girl God of War is invincible!"


Shui Wu saw that Zhongli Taishi was holding his hands behind his back, and didn't intend to strike first, so he took the initiative to attack.

Everyone knows that Water Dance is a water attribute, good at defense, attack is not Water Dance's specialty.However, when Shui Wu attacked seriously, it was also extremely powerful.

After meeting each other, the entire arena was covered in monstrous water vapor, turning it into the home of Water Dance.

Zhongli laughed happily, rolled up his sleeves leisurely, and started to fight back, stunned that he was also a water attribute.

As the saying goes, an expert will know if there is one as soon as he makes a move.

Zhong Litai's strength was really astonishing, he waved his sleeves casually, and the martial arts arena was turned upside down, and it was no longer completely Shui Wu's home field.

Shui Wu glanced at Zhong Litai in amazement, remained calm, and continued to display all kinds of supernatural powers.

The battle situation gradually reached a stalemate.

"Good guy, it turned out to be two water attribute powers, how can we tell the winner?"

"The key is who can take the initiative. There is no doubt about the strength of the Water Dance Goddess. What is the background of that old man, and he can fight the Water Dance Goddess evenly."

"The foundation of Zhi Academy is really deep, and an old Xuanxian with this level of strength can have it."

"If it becomes a protracted battle, the Water Dance Goddess will probably suffer."

"I'm just joking, Goddess of Water Dance and Jinxian Da Neng fought hard to the end and maintained an undefeated record. Even if this match lasts six months, it will definitely still be the victory of Goddess of Water Dance."


"Xuan, what do you think?" Mo Que'er asked Mo Xuan.

Mo Xuan pondered for a moment, shook his head, and said: "It's hard to say, Mr. Zhongli is unpredictable, and there must be a lot of pressure in the bottom of the box. I'm afraid the water dance will be very difficult."

Kong Ling nodded slightly, and said: "Although Shui Wu didn't say it clearly, she must have played for us as an ally, which is very valuable."

Huali pursed her lips, and snorted, "I'm afraid she has other thoughts, but she wants to ask our husband for a private meeting over and over again. If we didn't stop her, maybe it would have happened."

Mo Xuan gave Huali a blank look, don't talk nonsense, if Shui Wu wants to find a partner, it's not like the male immortals in the entire fourth layer of time and space can be chosen by her.However, Shui Wu's impact on the Golden Immortal Realm is obviously lacking in fire attributes, and he just happens to be a fire attribute, so maybe Shui Wu really has that kind of meaning.

Stop, stop, stop quickly, Mo Xuan practiced Tai Chi and said: "It's rare to be able to watch the masters fight on the spot, pay attention to it, and don't say a few words."

Mo Que'er and the others looked at each other a few times, stopped talking, and watched the battle seriously.

Tsk tsk, Shui Wu's strength really isn't something to be overshadowed, no wonder it can dominate the black list all the year round.If we face Shang Shui Wu, what are the chances of winning?
Although the Four Immortals and Water Dance Sect are allies, they don't have many serious contacts. Even though they know that Water Dance is an extremely rare and good opponent, they have never had a formal martial arts competition.

Before you know it, a month has passed, and Shui Wu and Zhong Litai are still fighting inextricably.

Shui Wu smiled lightly, after a month of fierce fighting, the details of both sides have been found out, the old man is really calm, if this is the case, then I will not be polite.

(End of this chapter)

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