Chapter 750
The wind was surging, the steam was steaming, and the fierce battle between Shui Wu and Zhong Litai was in full swing.

The martial arts arena was full of seats, and the outside of the arena was jam-packed, and the martial arts broadcasts were being broadcast everywhere in the four-layer time and space.

Ordinary people also picked up small benches and took their babies to the grain drying field to enjoy the cool and watch the competition after a busy day of farm work.

Every day the picture is the same, the little ones don’t follow, the water mist is hazy, what’s there to look at, but the adults stare round their eyes one by one, for fear of missing something, but no matter how you look at it, it’s like that, boring .The little ones play and play on the sun-drying field by themselves, and when they are tired from playing, they go home to take a shower and sleep.

Adults may not be able to see what it is, but they still feel that the water mist is hazy. I am afraid that the goddess of dancing water is already wet. God, it still didn't work out.

Those above the immortal level can more or less feel the fierce battle between Shuiwu and Zhonglitai from the changes of the water mist, which is really unpredictable.

The battle has been going on for a month without knowing it.

"Water and sky are the same color!" Shui Wu was no longer silent, and took the lead in launching a fierce attack. Although the water was soft, once it became powerful, it would be a huge wave and be unstoppable.

The soft water mist all over the sky suddenly boiled and became violent, making it impossible to tell which is the sky and which is the earth, and there is only water everywhere!

Zhong Litai secretly nodded in admiration, this girl is really extraordinary, if it is Bu Zhengping who is fighting, she may not be able to last for a month, hehe, but the old man has strong capital, so he can handle it.

Before I knew it, another month had passed.

Unable to attack for a long time, Shui Wu couldn't help but tsk, it's really rare to see a strong Xuanxian nowadays, this old man has such a profound immortal power, such a solid basic skill, it's impossible to win a quick battle.I wanted to save more combat power for the next round of Golden Immortal Da Neng, who would have thought that the first round would be so difficult to deal with.

Shui Wu didn't dare to take it lightly, this old Mrs. Zhongli was really unfathomable, maybe he still had a lot of secrets.

Shui Wu no longer attacked fiercely, but turned to both offensive and defensive, and fought a protracted war of attrition with Zhong Litai.

Three months passed in a blink of an eye, and the ordinary sixteen hexagrams competition is only limited to three months. Generally, the Xuanxian fights fiercely for three months, and the immortal energy in the body is almost exhausted. It is unsustainable. To decide the winner.

However, Shui Wu and Zhong Li fought fiercely for three months, and they were still fighting each other without any signs of shortness of breath.

People have to admire that these two Xuanxian great powers are really strong, but they don't know who is stronger.

Most people are optimistic about Shui Wu. After all, the boxing is afraid of being young. Zhong Litai is strong and firm, but after all, he is old, and Shui Wu is in his prime, and he is in a brave state. He has not lost a single defeat for so many years, so he won this competition. It shouldn't be a big problem.

However, Zhong Litai's strength is still beyond everyone's expectations. Another month has passed, and the battle is still stalemate; another month has passed, and the two sides still cannot tell the winner.

Obediently, does this old man need to be so strong?There is only the last month left now, is it possible that this old man can survive till the end?If you can tie with the goddess of water dancing, then you will be really obedient.

However, the few high-spirited immortals present have seen that Zhong Litai is a little weak, while Shui Wu is still full of energy, no accident, it will be Shui Wu who will win this competition.

However, before the final moment of the contest, no one can say the outcome, and there is no guarantee that Zhong Litai still has the ultimate secret to turn the world around.

Mrs. Zhongli also knew very well that she couldn't last long, so she was a little hesitant, should she use it to press the bottom of the box?Even if he used it, I'm afraid it would not be able to do anything to Shuiwu girl.

But well, I have been out of people's sight for many years, it is rare to show my face once, to revive my majesty, Zhong Li hits his thigh too hard, then let's do it!
Zhong Litai no longer kept his hand, and threw out the bottom of the box one after another.

The battlefield full of water suddenly changed rapidly, with soil, wood, and metal mixed in, creating an extremely chaotic situation.

Generally, Xuanxians are partial to one or two attributes of the Five Elements, while senior Xuanxians like Zhong Litai are unable to become Golden Immortals due to their lack of fire attributes, but the Four Elements of Metal, Wood, Water, and Earth are Proficient in everything.

Zhong Litai was supplemented with the ultimate magic weapon to continuously amplify and explode the power of the four-element turnover change, trying to force Shui Wu to head in one go.

Shui Wu smiled indifferently, and also confronted each other with the four elements of gold, wood, water, soil, and took the opportunity to sharpen himself. An opponent like the old man can be called a whetstone, and it is not easy to meet.

Hey, Zhong Li is too dumbfounded, Shui Wu girl's attainments in earth, wood, and metal are not inferior to hers at all. From this point of view, she also lacks in fire attributes, which is why she cannot become a golden fairy.However, I have been lacking for too long, and I am afraid that it will be difficult to complete the fire attribute in this life, and the water dancing girl is in her prime, as long as she has the right opportunity or comprehension, she can achieve the Great Consummation of the Five Elements.

Tsk, Mrs. Zhong Li is really a little envious, she is still old after all.

However, Mrs. Zhong Li did not give up on this contest, she gritted her teeth and fought Shui Wu to the end, and in the end even used the not-so-clever fire attribute.

Although Zhong Litai had already shown his defeat, Shui Wu did not advance at all, and still fought steadily, dragging the time limit of the competition to the end.

Zhongli sighed secretly, he actually still had a little chance of winning, but Shuiwu girl was too steady, she didn't even leave a single chance to herself, what a formidable future.

Nominally, this contest was a tie, and Qingyu Xiaodaojun needed to arbitrate, but Mrs. Zhong Li still bowed to Shui Wu very neatly and took the initiative to admit defeat.

Thanks for the senior's acceptance, Shui Wu bowed back, smiled at Zheng Gen, and won the first martial arts competition.

There was no need for an intermission, and the second match between Qingyuan Immortal Realm and Tianwei Pavilion began.

Qingyuan Immortal Realm naturally sent Gong Shichang, No. 14 on the Profound List, and Tianwei Pavilion also sent Hua Lang, No. [-] on the Profound List.

Both of them are top [-] experts in Xuanbang, this is destined to be another battle between dragons and tigers.

The audience gasped in amazement, usually we would have to wait for many years to see a Xuanbang master, and it is very likely that we will not be able to make it in time, but now that the Four Immortals have been catastrophe for thousands of years, the first round is almost all Xuanbang battles. There is also a more exciting Golden Immortal War, which is enjoyable, so enjoyable!
From the point of view of the ranking alone, Gong Shichang, who ranks higher, has a higher chance of winning.But, the two great powers have no record of formal confrontation before, and there is only a difference of five places.There are still many cases where the last ranked Da Neng defeated the top ranked Da Neng. It is hard to say whether the result will be the same, and only the official comparison can be known.

"Gong Shichang, come on." Kong Ling cheered on her best friend.

Gong Shichang smiled faintly at Kong Ling, then bowed seriously to Hua Lang, asking for advice.

Hua Lang took a deep breath and bowed back. If he could defeat Gong Shichang in this martial arts competition, he would definitely be able to jump several places in the Xuanbang rankings, which would save thousands of years of hard work. , I must go all out.

The competition officially started.

Hua Lang is a well-regulated wood attribute, but Gong Shichang is an extremely rare dark attribute!

The dark attribute is the opposite of the light attribute and belongs to the partial five elements.

Hua Lang had been preparing for the four great masters of the Four Immortals before, but he was caught off guard when he bumped into Gong Shichang, who had a dark attribute.

The dark attribute is mainly outstanding in concealment!Gong Shichang's attacks were all silent, so it was impossible to guard against!
Hua Lang took the initiative to attack several times but returned in vain. On the contrary, he was very embarrassed by Gong Shichang's surprise attack.

Hua Lang was secretly anxious, but there was no good way, he could only wait patiently to find an opportunity.

After half a month of probing, Gong Shichang has almost figured out the details of Hua Lang, and she is not happy to grind on.

The martial arts competition after the second round is the stage of Jinxian's power. Unlike the lonely water dance, Gong Shichang doesn't need to consider the consumption of immortal energy, as long as he wins this round beautifully.

Kong Ling and the others were watching from the sidelines, Gong Shichang snorted coldly, didn't hold back his hands, and fired with full firepower.

Hua Lang's complexion gradually turned pale. Although he gritted his teeth and resisted desperately, he was still unable to resist.

Gong Shichang kept hitting east and west, and finally found an opportunity to rush up to Hua Lang, and put a palm on Hua Lang's shoulder.

Hua Lang staggered, bleeding from the corner of his mouth, but he was seriously injured, and he persisted for half a month. Seeing that he had no chance of winning, he didn't want to get worse, so he had no choice but to admit defeat.

Gong Shichang won the second round cleanly, facing Zhengli, Shi Shiran returned to the small camp of Qingyuan Immortal Realm, and saw Kong Ling gesturing to her with a thumbs up.

Gong Shichang pursed her lips into a smile, and slightly raised her eyebrows.

Wow, the audience didn't expect Gong Shichang to win the competition in just over a month, it's amazing!It seems that there is a difference of five places in the Xuanbang, which is a small grade.

Seeing how brave her best friend is, how dare Kong Ling lag behind, and immediately flew away from the camp of the Four Immortals, and looked squarely at the camp of the Hundred Flowers, who are you coming?

It's really a wave of ups and downs, and the first round of the competition of the Four Immortals is played by Wu Nianxuan Da Neng!

The enthusiasm of the audience became high again.

The Baihuazong was originally a mid-level elder sister, but with the strong rise of the Four Immortals, the Tianxiahui and the Qingyuan Immortal Realm have gradually grown, and they are no longer as brave as they used to be. disgrace.

The Hundred Flowers Sect is dominated by female immortals. Although it has also cultivated a Xuanbang master, there are only 37 of them, obviously not the opponent of the No. 15 Xuanbang Wu Nianxuan.

The three female Jinxians of the Hundred Flowers School had a discussion, learned from Zhi Academy, and sent a senior wood-attribute Xuanxian, who wanted to use wood to overcome earth.

The wood attribute does have a lot of advantages over the earth attribute, but when the wood attribute is against the fire attribute, it is embarrassing.

Kong Ling is not only strong in the earth attribute, but after so many years of dual cultivation with Mo Xuan, the fire attribute is also leveraged, but she just doesn't use it easily.

In just half a month, the wood-attribute Xuanxian of Baihuazong lost his temper at all by Kong Ling's fire. He used other attributes to survive for a full month, and then voluntarily surrendered.

Be good, the first three martial arts competitions were all won by the head of the female Xuanxian!

Women don't let the eyebrows!

Shui Wu, Gong Shichang, Wu Nianxuan, the three female immortals have earned enough face for the female immortals of the fourth layer of time and space.

The female fairies of the fourth layer of time and space are elated.

(End of this chapter)

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