Chapter 751
The huge light and shadow of Lord Qingyu Xiaodao nodded slightly, praising the excellent performance of the three women.

Seeing that the three female immortals are so powerful, the male immortals are naturally not to be outdone, and it's our turn to perform well!

In the fourth match, the Chimian Immortal Realm played against the Thunder Sect.

Naturally, Lei Batian played for the Thunder Sect, and Chimian Immortal Realm was also unambiguous, sending Jin Jingcheng Da Neng.

Lei Batian and Jin Jingcheng once fought against each other, and that was in the battle of Fuyu.

At that time, Lei Batian's condition was declining, and he lost to Gu Su Da Neng from Heihong Xiaoxianjie, and his ranking dropped to No.13 in the Xuanbang; at that time, Jin Jingcheng, who was ranked 11 in the Xuanbang, did not do anything, so he automatically rose one. , and became No.[-], it is inevitable that there will be a lot of gossip.

At that time, many fans of Lei Batian felt that Jin Jingcheng might not be able to beat Lei Batian, and should be ranked behind Lei Batian. It was just right that the two great talents collided in Xiaoxiao Fuyu.

As a result of the battle, Lei Batian won, and his ranking on the Xuanbang went up two places, becoming No.11!Jin Jingcheng became No.13.

After the war, many experts commented that Jin Jingcheng is metallic. From the point of view of attributes, the metallic nature is slightly restrained by the thunder attribute, which is somewhat unfavorable. Moreover, the thunder attribute has one of the biggest characteristics. The longer the battle, the thunder and lightning The more radio waves can paralyze the opponent, the slower and slower the opponent's reaction will be, and they will gradually fall into passiveness.

So Genius Lei Ba narrowly won the contest.

Time flies, and now the two great powers are making great strides forward. Lei Batian is now ranked fifth in the black list, only below Hua An's big power; previous one.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime ultimate duel between the two top ten talents in the black list!
The audience couldn't help being excited and full of expectations, let's start quickly!

Without keeping the audience waiting, Lei Batian and Jin Jingcheng flew to the middle of the arena at the same time.

"Lei Batian can do it!"

"Jin Jingcheng can work hard!"


The two mighty fans shouted vigorously.

Jin Jingcheng took a deep look at Lei Batian, and to be honest, he really didn't know what to do.In the last battle of Fuyu, I was completely suppressed by Lei Batian, relying on the power of the left eye and double pupil to fight against the general, but was still resolved by Lei Batian in time, just a full blow, and I was thrown into the air, spurting blood defeat.

Over the years, I practiced hard and did not dare to slack off for a moment. My basic skills became more and more solid, and I rose steadily to No.7 in the Xuanbang.Judging from the ranking alone, he is only two places lower than Lei Batian, so his strength should be almost the same.

In fact... Hey, even if Lei Batian has not made any progress for so many years, he will not be his opponent in all likelihood.

When a man is alive, he stands upright.Even if he is not Lei Batian's opponent, he still has to show his strength and fight hard.If you lose, you lose, and it is also a comprehensive test of your own cultivation path.

Jin Jingcheng bowed sternly, please advise!
Lei Batian immediately bowed back, please!
The Xuanbang super battle begins!

Jin Jingcheng's fighting spirit that had been brewing for a long time suddenly erupted!Jin Jingcheng had no reservations, fired all his firepower, and fully displayed his peak state.

"Fierce volume devours the sky!" Jin Jingcheng roared and launched his most powerful attack, and the golden light filled the sky rolled into a huge tornado, roaring and shaking the entire galaxy!The sun, the moon and the stars are all overshadowed by it!
The same tactic was obviously much more powerful than that in the battle of Fuyu.

Facing the menacing golden tornado unleashed by Jin Jingcheng, Lei Batian gradually clenched the black and pitted big iron rod nicknamed the mourning stick as if it had been eaten by billions of ants!
"Shocking thunderstorm!" Lei Batian suddenly raised the big iron bar high!
The countless pitted spots on the big iron rod began to flicker, turning into countless jumping arcs, and then linked together, quickly converging into a thick arc, and then gradually spread toward the surrounding space, forming a A small lightning circle, and then converge into a huge lightning circle!

The dense thunder and roar shook the entire galaxy at once!A giant lightning bolt with a diameter of five kilometers rose from the ground. It looked twice as small as it was during the Battle of Fuyu, but its power was actually doubled.

The giant thunder and lightning twisted rapidly, crackling and crackling, and came first, hitting Jin Jingcheng's fierce torrent of heaven.

The two super big moves fought fiercely, the thunderbolt and the golden tornado were tearing at each other, and there was a stalemate!
Endless vibrations spread in all directions!
The defense system of the Four Immortals Sect Tournament Arena was fully activated. Even so, the audience in the auditorium still felt the seats trembling uncontrollably. Watching it live like this is really stylish!Sure enough, you get what you pay for, worth it!

The entire Little Immortal Realm No. [-] of the Four Immortals Sect also trembled slightly. Fortunately, it was only a slight earthquake and it was not serious.

However, after the fluctuations of the two powerful battles left the No. [-] Small Immortal Realm of the Four Immortals, it became more and more chaotic and violent.

The immortals watching the battle in the void could only control the battleship to retreat again and again, but the violent shaking of the battleship did not weaken much!

The shock wave of the war quickly spread throughout the entire small galaxy, and then spread farther away!

The viewers who were far away and could only watch the broadcast felt embarrassed again. This is also the usual practice when watching Lei Batian's martial arts competition. Because of the interference of thunder and lightning, the snowflakes all over the screen, even the sound is rustling. Can't see anything at all.Finally, there are dry goods, and basically the battle is over.

This time was no exception. After a full month of snowflakes on the screen, there was finally a clear picture of Jin Jingcheng with the bloodshot mouth hanging from the corner of his mouth.What is the process of fighting like?

In fact, even the spectators who were watching the battle at the scene didn't know the specific situation of the battle. They only knew that the two great powers fought fiercely for ten days. Lei Batian's Lei Dian obviously had the advantage and dominated the battlefield, but Jin Jingcheng was not good On the other hand, they are still fighting fiercely with Lei Batian's powerful back and forth.

The fierce battle lasted for a month, and the chaotic battlefield finally subsided, and the lightning around the battlefield dissipated, and this scene of Jin Jingcheng taking the initiative to admit defeat was seen.

How do you say this?While enjoyable, it is also very unsatisfactory and tangled.

In the end, Lei Batian's power is even better, and Jin Jingcheng's power is of course super powerful. To be able to support Lei Batian for a month is something that no Xuanxian has been able to do for thousands of years.

Jin Jingcheng took a deep look at Lei Batian, convinced of his defeat. Obviously, Lei Batian hadn't shown his real strength at all, and he couldn't stand it with all his strength.Forget it, go back and continue to work hard.

There is nothing to say about the next fifth match between Chess Academy and Pingfuting.

A Profound Immortal rank chess player from the Chess Academy resolutely entered the battle, thought for a while, and lost cleanly to Yu Kangshun Da Neng, who was ranked 37th in the Profound Ranking in Pingfuting.

This martial arts competition looks even more fake than a fake match, and everyone knows that the two sides are the same group, and they are both cheering for the Four Immortals.There is still a wonderful Xuanbang battle to come, hurry up and leave the stage to make room.

In the sixth game, Qingyu Immortal Realm in the valley played against Hanlifang.

Qingyu Immortal Realm dispatched Dongfang Wenbin, who was ranked tenth in the Xuanbang.

Han Yun, Wally and Feng Gaojun from Hanlifang looked at each other helplessly, and had no choice but to send Jingxi to fight.

Ever since Fuyu lost to Hua'an Daneng in the Battle of Fuyu, Jingxi has been out of shape.

It's no wonder that Jingxi came all the way to Fuyu just to slap the Four Immortals in the face and get back the face lost to Huo Qingling, but in the end he only guessed the beginning correctly, and was once again defeated by the Four Immortals. Zong was slapped fiercely in the face, and he was still in the fifth stage of Hua'an, the little boy whom he looked down upon!
Jingxi couldn't figure it out, why the magic weapon that he had smashed so hard to win at the bottom of the box was not effective against the fire attribute of Hua'an fifth-dan?What exactly is going on?

After having a knot in her heart, Jingxi's cultivation has become bumpy, and her ranking in the Xuanbang has also fluctuated. Now she is No. 20 five, which is only one improvement from the previous year.

One side is the tenth place on the Xuanbang, and the other side is the 25th place on the Xuanbang. Five places apart in the Xuanbang is a small grade, and there is a big gap between ten places, let alone fifteen places.

Although Jingxi tried his best to counterattack and rise up, Dongfang Wenbin's great talents are not only strong, but also numerous.

After struggling for three months, Jingxi couldn't continue, and could only admit defeat with a wry smile.

The seventh game is Splendid League vs. Tianxiahui.

The audience talked a lot. As one of the five super giants, Jinxiu League did not have a little Taoist monarch, but six golden immortals were in charge. This time, five golden immortals came to the Four Immortals. Said to be extremely important.

Gong Zi'an of Jinxiu League ranked 39th in the Xuanbang, which is not a high ranking; but, Pu Chuang from Tianxiahui ranked [-]th, the gap is a bit big.

Sure enough, after discussing with the five golden immortals of Jinxiu League, they dispatched Gongzi An Daneng.

There has been no movement from the Tianxiahui for the time being, and I think it is rather tangled.

Hey, what's the trouble, if you can't beat it, just surrender and admit defeat, don't delay.

At this time, Yu Tianrui, Guo Nan, and Jiao Huai from the Tianxiahui, the three golden immortals, were really conflicted. They knew very well that Pu Chuang would not be able to defeat Gong Zi'an from the Jinxiu League in all likelihood, but the senior Xuanxian , the world will not lack, but there is really no way to find a senior Xuanxian who can defeat Gong Zi'an.

But, the three golden fairies looked at each other and thought of Tu Mo, who was usually very low-key. Maybe you can pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, and take down Gong Zi'an.

It's just that the message has been sent for a while, and there is still no reply from Tu Mo. Maybe the low-key kid is in retreat again, and he didn't come to join the excitement of the Four Immortals.

Time is running out, if there is no reply, then Pu Chuang can only be allowed to participate, to satisfy the preferences of the audience, to have a battle of Xuanbang.Just in this way, the three of us will never have the chance to play again.

Feng Chang pondered and rubbed his chin, do you want to fight?I just came here to watch the fun, who would have thought that the first round of martial arts competitions could only be at the Xuanxian level, and Qingyu Shengjun really took good care of the Four Immortals.

Why don't you just pretend that you haven't received any news from Yu Tianrui and the others, just ignore it?

Feng Chang raised his head and glanced at Gong Zi'an who was standing proudly in the center of the competition arena. No. 20 on the Xuanbang, such an opponent is quite rare.After watching so many Xuanbang battles on the spot, Feng Chang really felt a little itchy in his heart.

What's more troublesome is that Mo Xuan and the others are all present at the moment, and if he rushes out to fight, if he is accidentally recognized... Feng Chang doesn't want to be hunted down by Mo Que'er for thousands of miles in these four layers of time and space, that's definitely not the case. It's a joke, but it's life-threatening.

However, I have learned a lot of new tricks over the years. Without using the original tricks and pressing the bottom of the box, if I can defeat Gong Zi'an, I should be able to enter the Xuanbang, which will also add a lot of confidence. Can stand firmer.

Mo Xuan and the others are all well-known in the Xuanbang, and they are all ranked very high. I have worked so hard for so many years, I can't always shrink back, can't I!

Feng Chang clapped his hands hard, then let's do it!

Feng Chang immediately replied to Yu Tianrui and the others, "OK, I can play."

The three golden immortals, Yu Tianrui, Guo Nan and Jiao Huai, were about to send Pu Chuang to the battle, when they received Feng Chang's news, they couldn't help cheering up, and looked at each other a few times, Tu Mo couldn't hold it anymore after all. , this time is indeed a god-sent opportunity to take the lead, so it's up to you to fight!We are optimistic about you, come on!
(End of this chapter)

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