Chapter 752
Rainbow Bridge Galaxy.

Because of the catastrophe of the Four Immortals for thousands of years, the Rainbow Bridge galaxy is also overcrowded, and the endless void is full of warships, large and small.

Although everyone wants to watch the battle close to the No. [-] Xiaoxianjie of the Four Immortals, but just looking at the congestion of the Rainbow Bridge galaxy, you can know what the Zilin galaxy is like at the moment, so they can only honestly watch the battle nearby.Right now, there are battles of Xuanbang one after another, and this is just an appetizer, and there will be a battle of golden immortals later, just thinking about it makes the blood boil.

How many immortals are afraid that they will never encounter such a grand event in a martial arts competition.

We have already rushed to the field ahead of time, but we are still behind. However, we are not too far away from the Zilin Galaxy. Occasionally, the aftermath of fierce battles will come intermittently, but we can feel a little bit of it.

A miniature battleship printed with the unique logo of the Qingyu Immortal World deftly shuttled through the gaps between large and small battleships.

Seeing that it was a warship from the Qingyu Immortal Realm, the surrounding warships, large and small, took the initiative to make room for it, so I still have to give some face.

It's just that although this mini battleship is fast, it can't make a leap after all. By the time it arrives at the Zilin galaxy, the competition is probably over.It's better to just watch the competition on the spot, isn't it very chic!


"Master, the first round of the competition is almost over, we're afraid it's too late. I really want to watch the Xuanbang battle live." Liu Xing complained bitterly to Bao Qingyun who was driving the mini battleship.

Bao Qingyun smacked his lips in embarrassment, and said: "Well, it was agreed before the dumpling competition, and our master and apprentice, Sun and Sun, just wanted to go back to No. [-] Little Immortal Realm as soon as possible. But we don't remember anything at all. Instead, the fight was exuberant and self-forgetful, and the result was delayed."

Liu Xing scratched his head helplessly, actually, that’s what it meant, even though this battleship was specially built by Mr. Qingyu for Shigong, it was super fast, but the traffic was jammed, so there was no way to make a leap, the speed was not as fast as he wanted stand up.

And if he wanted to rush back to No. [-] Little Immortal Realm as soon as possible, unless the old man Qingyu came to help him in person.This requires the master to send a message to Qingyu old master.However, Shigong saw that old man Qingyu was already serving as a referee at the competition site, and he didn't want to bother old man Qingyu, so he just kept driving the battleship and kept on going.

Liu Xing looked at Liu Meilin at the side begging for help, "Auntie, why don't you open your mouth?"

Liu Meilin just smiled lightly and didn't make a statement.

Liu Xing had no choice but to watch the broadcast patiently.

Bao Qingyun is still not very interested in the competition, rubbing his chin and meditating on this dumpling competition.

Although it is only a small food competition, it also needs real ingredients, and the judging is based on the number of dumplings sold by the chef's booth.

I, Liu Meilin's disciple, and Liu Xing's disciple competed on the same stage, and within two hours, they firmly occupied the top three places.Afterwards, the master, apprentice, and grandson began to compete selflessly.

Originally, the dumpling competition was limited to three days, but because the dumplings were so delicious, no one could remember the time limit, and the competition lasted for half a month.If it wasn't for Liu Xing's reminder, our teacher and student Sun San are still making dumplings.Such a delay would be embarrassing.

Bao Qingyun glanced at Liu Meilin approvingly, the apprentice Xuan Zi recommended to him was really Huizhi Lanxin, and his accomplishments in many aspects of cooking were no longer inferior to his own.

I have been retreating behind the scenes for many years, but I was aroused by this apprentice to be competitive, and resolutely returned to the arena as a puppet.

It just so happens that the boy's dark culinary world is full of troubles and troubles. Master and apprentice Sun San have been fighting wits and courage with the dark culinary world for these years, and they are living a fulfilling life.

As for the other apprentice, Kong Ling, Bao Qingyun couldn't help smacking her lips. After winning three consecutive championships in the Ten Thousand Cooks Competition, Kong Ling's enthusiasm for cooking suddenly diminished. Just the other way around.

Forget it, Bao Qingyun also knew that most of the time when Kong Ling learned to cook was to give money to the Four Immortals, and she created Enlightenment Cuisine by accident, which is considered a breakthrough.

This apprentice, Kong Ling, still looks good to her. Now that Liu Meilin is more dedicated to cooking, Bao Qingyun has nothing to be picky about.

Bao Qingyun actually understands what Liu Xing means, as long as he says a word, Brother Yu will definitely come to pick us up, but he can't always owe Brother Yu's favor, isn't he? It's better not to trouble Brother Yu, this is the basic principle of life.

Tournament arena.

Just when the audience got a little impatient, Feng Chang flew into the arena unhurriedly, bowed to the bow, and asked for advice.

Hey, who is this?
Never seen it before!
There was a commotion among the audience, this unattractive Xuanxian was obviously not the powerful Pu Chuang of the Tianxiahui, and he looked so young, obviously not the kind of old senior Xuanxian, how could the Tianxia send this person to fight?Could it be that he gave up on himself and wanted to lose the contest earlier?Impossible!
Could it be that this humble Xuanxian is more powerful than the 39th-ranked Pu Chuang Da Neng?

Gong Zi'an also looked at Feng Chang with some doubts, and didn't underestimate Feng Chang because of his ugly appearance. Since the world will send him to fight, he must have something extraordinary, and he can't be capsized in the gutter.

Gong Zian bowed back immediately, and asked probingly: "This fellow Taoist has a very strange face, what's his name?"

Feng Chang replied indifferently: "I'm down here silently."

Thumer?Gong Zi'an frowned slightly, but he really didn't have the slightest impression.

The Jinxiu League also launched an intelligence network immediately, searched for all the information about Tu Mo, and then passed it on to Gong Zian.

Gong Zi'an glanced at it, and as expected, this Tu Mo had a remarkable record, but was extremely low-key.Pu Chuang Da Neng from Tianxiahui was on the scene, but it was Tu Mo who played the battle. Gong Zi'an also had to be 12 times careful, and bowed, please.

Mo Que'er blinked, and stared at Feng Chang for a few times, it was strange that this guy was very unfamiliar, but he just felt a little disgusted for no reason.Tu Mo, what a bad name, it looks like a pseudonym, hmph, let's see how much you weigh.

The audience thought that this would be a one-sided contest, and Gong Zi'an would be able to easily win the little-known Tu Mo of the Tianxiahui.

Who ever thought that this was actually a fight between dragons and tigers!
Gongzi Anxuan ranks [-]th on the list, and his strength is beyond doubt.

And the little-known Tu Moduan of the Tianxiahui is extremely powerful, and the soil attribute is not good at attacking, but this Tu Molu and Gong Zi'an are able to attack and attack, and the fight is evenly matched, darling, so fierce?
For a while, the audience really couldn't tell who had the upper hand, but it was very exciting and very watchable!
Come on, both great powers come on!

This Tu Mo still has two brushes, Mo Que'er clicked his tongue.

Kong Ling is an earth attribute, and she is very aware of the weakness of the earth attribute in terms of attack. This Tu Mo can use the earth attribute to attack Taoism to match Gong Zi'an, maybe his strength is still higher than Gong Zi'an!

"Xuan, what do you think of this Tu Mo?" Mo Que'er asked.

Mo Xuan rubbed his chin, and pondered: "This Tu Mo uses some relatively new earth-type Taoism, which is worthy of Ling'er's reference and study. But I think his Taoist combo moves are fierce, but they are clearly connected. It’s not perfect yet, there are some tiny gaps and flaws. I don’t know if he’s not good enough, or he’s deliberately keeping his hand.”

Mo Que'er and Kong Ling looked at each other in amazement after observing carefully, this Tu Mo's strength is really not simple, obviously he kept his hand, even so, he can still be on par with Gong Zi'an, four Layer time and space is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon!
Don't look at Mo Xuan who can easily see the flaws in Feng Chang's tricks, but in the eyes of Gong Zi'an, Feng Chang's attacks are like mountains and tsunami, continuous, and he is already a little out of breath!
Gong Zi'an gritted his teeth secretly, no, I'm afraid he won't be able to last long if this goes on, and he will easily lose the wind.Gong Zi'an immediately changed his strategy, focusing on defense, playing steadily and trying to find Feng Chang's loopholes.

Feng Chang also changed his strategy at the right time and played defense.

The war situation fell into a stalemate for a while, and three months passed in a flash.

Gong Zi'an was secretly anxious, if the time limit for the competition was over, if the winner could not be determined, then it was obvious that he was going to be judged as the loser of the famous Xuanbang, so how can it be done!I participated in the martial arts competition to be proud, how could I lose to such an unknown Tumo!I didn't want to expose my full strength, but now I can't help it.

Gong Zi'an was no longer silent, and immediately erupted, with full firepower, and continued to attack Feng Chang.

Feng Chang didn't panic or flustered, the water came to cover the soldiers, and the soldiers came to block him, seeing the tricks and breaking the tricks.

Oh, Mo Xuan raised his eyebrows slightly, but found some familiar traces from Tumo's Daoism. After all, Mo Xuan fought Feng Chang once in the boundary membrane, and found out a lot of Feng Chang's details.

In this contest, although Feng Chang used a lot of concealment and used new methods, but the old foundation could not be changed too much. Now that Gong Zi went all out, Feng Chang did not cope easily, and was forced out. A lot of ground.

Mo Xuan smiled faintly, no wonder there has been no movement from you in Heiming, so you have also come to the fourth layer of time and space, you must have forcibly crossed the boundary membrane to come here, it is kind.

Mo Que'er frowned suspiciously. Although this Tu Mo is quite powerful, he just doesn't like it!Logically speaking, it shouldn't be.

Mo Que'er gave a startled cry, and muttered, "Tu Mo, isn't Feng Chang that guy named Hei Tu? Hei Tu just happened to be contained in Tu Mo, so it shouldn't be a coincidence. Well, this guy is hiding deep enough. , I even sneaked into the fourth layer of time and space! You dare to show yourself in front of your aunt, you are so courageous!"

Kong Ling and Huali blinked in surprise, could this Tu Mo really be Feng Chang?
Mo Que'er had already confirmed what she was thinking from Mo Xuan's half-smile expression, and now she was grinding her teeth viciously, if Feng Chang wasn't eliminated, she would feel unhappy in her heart!or……

Mo Xuan glanced at Mo Que'er, shook his head slightly, there's no need to always have trouble with Feng Chang, he has already paid back what he owed to Qing Yuan, and as for his entanglement with me, it's the old Huang Li from a long, long time ago, it's all in the past up.To be honest, it was really not easy for Feng Chang to achieve what he is today because of his untold hardships.

Mo Que'er snorted resolutely, Xuan, you have always been magnanimous, but I don't have such a magnanimity, I will definitely get rid of this unsightly cockroach if I get the chance!

But right now the Four Immortals are going through a catastrophe of ten thousand years, Feng Chang is obviously an important figure in the Tianxiahui, so it's better not to cause extra problems for the time being.

Hmph, let's see how long you, a cockroach, can hop!
(End of this chapter)

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