Chapter 753
Seeing that Tu Mo and Gong Zi'an were evenly matched, even gaining the upper hand, the three golden immortals Yu Tianrui, Guo Nan and Jiao Huai of Tianxiahui were quite surprised.

You must know that Gong Zi'an is a powerful player who ranks twenty in the Xuanbang, and he was cultivated by Jinxiu League with Xianshi Mountain. Although Tu Mo has won a lot of games and gained a lot, it is absolutely impossible to compare with Gong Zi'an. Not a grade.

It happened to be such Tu Mo, but he was on par with Gong Zi'an, so it can only be said that Tu Mo is really powerful.

Pu Chuang of the Tianxiahui looked at Tu Mo, who was getting more and more courageous in the war, and he couldn't help sighing secretly. All along, he was the only Xuanbang master of the Tianxiahui, and he was No.1 under the vice president of the Tianxiahui. , said that the scenery is indeed very beautiful, but there is such a Tu Mo.

Tumo usually doesn't show his mountains and dews, and he has never made achievements as a golden fairy seed, but this guy has extremely outstanding combat power. He has participated in hundreds of battles, and he has maintained an extremely amazing record of victory.

Although his own record is good, he can't maintain a complete victory. When he is in a bad state, he will inevitably lose the last game.

The president and the others also considered letting Tu Mo get on the Xuanbang, but Tu Mo seemed to push them away.

Pu Chuang is proud and arrogant, and he once had a match with Tu Mo, but obviously Tu Mo didn't give his best, and it ended in a draw.Pu Chuang was also happy to keep a low profile.

In this crucial competition, Tu Mo finally played, and was exposed to the entire fourth-level time and space.If Tu Mo really defeated Gong Zi'an Da Neng, there is a high probability that he will enter the Xuanbang, and Tu Mo's status in the Tianxiahui will definitely skyrocket, and his position in the Tianxiahui will inevitably lose Discount.

Pu Chuang sighed quietly, after all, this is a world where the strong are respected, if Tu Mo can really defeat Gong Zi'an, it is his ability, and he has nothing to say.

Gong Zi'an erupted for more than half a month, but he still couldn't take down Tu Mo, and couldn't help but secretly anxious.Even if it is a powerful person who is ranked twenty on the Xuanbang, it is extremely laborious to explode like this.

Seeing that the time limit for the six-month competition was getting shorter and shorter, and Tu Mo must not be allowed to run out of time, Gong Zi'an gritted his teeth fiercely, and turned over one ultimate hole card after another.I must win this contest!

Feng Chang raised his eyebrows abruptly, after all, he is the top [-] player in the Xuanbang, but he really has two talents. He wanted to win this competition as soon as possible, but he kept procrastinating.Tsk, maybe, Mo Xuan, Mo Que'er and the others have already seen their own details, so it would be embarrassing.

Forget it, since I have already played and showed a lot of strength, it is not my personality to be slow, so let's win this contest beautifully!

Feng Chang didn't keep his hands anymore either. Compared with Gong Zi'an's ultimate hole cards of super magic weapons, Feng Chang relied on the supernatural powers he had accumulated and comprehended over the years, not those foreign things.

Feng Chang brewed for a moment, then he raised his arms vigorously and suddenly exploded.

The entire incomparably hot contest arena was suddenly frozen in ice.

Gong Zi'an's heart skipped a beat, he seemed to be frozen, unable to move, what kind of supernatural power is this?
The audience couldn't help but widen their eyes, and just flipping their thoughts, Feng Chang already clenched his fists and slammed down fiercely!

"Earth Explosion Flame Star!"

It was obvious that it was extremely powerful, but after Feng Chang's fists slammed down angrily, there was almost no reaction, but the martial arts arena was still frozen.

Gong Zian let out a loud cry, struggling to break free from the shackles that imprisoned his whole body, and immediately retreated alertly, keeping a sufficient distance from Feng Chang.

After a while, there was still no movement in the martial arts arena.

But the more this was the case, the more uneasy Gong Zi'an felt, and looked at Feng Chang with deep fear, what kind of supernatural power did he display?
The audience is also confused, what is this?
Finally, there was a little reaction in the martial arts arena, and there was a little ripple where Feng Chang's fists landed, as if a little raindrop fell on the surface of the mirror-like lake, making tiny invisible ripples.

However, it is just these slight ripples, as they continue to spread and spread, they gradually agitate, and the fluctuations become more and more violent and faster.

This is... Gong Zi'an's complexion changed suddenly, and he hurriedly dispatched several top-quality defensive magic weapons around his body, and arranged dozens of defensive enchantments in Yuyu in one breath.

In a blink of an eye, those ripples have turned into huge waves, or giant peaks, rolling towards Gong Zi'an!

Not only Gong Zi'an, but the entire martial arts arena was affected by the monstrous waves. The violent shock wave kept stirring the entire martial arts arena.

The seats in the auditorium were trembling, and the trembling became more and more intense.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!The audience was amazed.

We must know that in so many Xuanbang battles in the past, our seats would have trembled a little at most, but now they are shaking so much, it is unlikely that the defense system of the martial arts arena is damaged, it is probably because of this Taoism of Immortal Tumo?

Hey, is this little-known Tu Mo so powerful?

Mo Que'er curled her mouth and snorted, Feng Chang really has become a guy, but he has two brushes.

Xiao Yun also let out a cold snort, Feng Chang did it on purpose, this martial arts arena was arranged hastily, mainly reinforced with earth attribute, but Feng Chang used earth attribute supernatural powers to shake it hard, it was shocking The martial arts arena trembled.

Xiaoyun immediately waved his sleeves, reinforced the arena with wood attributes, and melted a lot of the power of Feng Chang's ult by the way.

Feng Chang's big move is called Earth Explosion Flame Star, and it's not just the explosion of the earth attribute, but also the explosion of the fire attribute one after another!
The entire martial arts arena swayed violently, almost being overturned!

The audience was terrified, this martial arts arena must not be able to hold it, if we are exposed to such a terrifying big move, our lives will be in danger!

There are already spectators exiting the stage in a hurry, life first.

Kong Ling squinted her eyes, Feng Chang's move was quite valuable, so she had to study it carefully.

This guy!Xiaoyun gritted his teeth. Although he reacted immediately, he was still a bit slow. The defense system of the martial arts arena was shaken by Feng Chang's sudden explosion, and many cracks were broken.

If the tiger doesn't show its power, you are a sick cat when you are an aunt!
Xiaoyun snorted coldly and shook his hands and fingers rapidly, setting up defensive barriers one after another, forcibly blocking Feng Chang's big move in the competition arena, which is not worthwhile.Xiaoyun viciously recorded this account on Feng Chang's head.

But in the end, there were still some shocking aftermaths that rushed out of the No. [-] small fairy world of the Four Immortals, and moved towards the Zilin galaxy in all directions!
Bearing the brunt, the warships moored around the No. [-] Xiaoxianjie of the Four Immortals seemed to be suddenly sucked into the mountain torrents, stumbling around, and collisions continued one after another.

Xiaoyun raised her brows and didn't deliberately interfere. If you want compensation, go to Feng Chang.

However, with Xiaoyun's interference, the center of the martial arts arena suffered. Feng Chang's Earth Explosion Flame Star was already powerful, but it was squeezed back abruptly, and there were more explosions superimposed on the explosion. That's not a joke For play.

Gong Zi'an played all his cards, and the power of the defensive magic weapon was exhausted, but the explosion continued, so he could only temporarily use the attack magic weapon as a defensive magic weapon. After struggling for a while, he couldn't continue. Law hard resistance.

Even Feng Chang, who was using Earth Explosive Flame Star, was blown into disgrace and extremely embarrassed.

Finally, the series of big explosions gradually subsided.

Feng Chang coughed and waved his sleeves, blowing away the dust in the sky.

The audience exclaimed, but they saw that Gong Zi'an was slumped on the ground, with a big red patch on his chest. Obviously, the damage was serious, so he could only hurry up to repair it.

And that Tu Mo was just in a distressed figure, coughing and patting the dust on his body, and then looked at Gong Zi'an Daneng with burning eyes.

Gong Zi'an smiled bitterly, and bowed to Feng Chang. The fellow Taoist is extremely powerful, and he is willing to bow down.Hey, this can't be regarded as capsized in the gutter, this Tu Mo is the real thing, and he didn't feel wronged when he lost.

Thank you fellow daoist for your acceptance, Feng Chang smiled back and bowed, and then Shi Shiran pointed at Zheng Xun on the sixteen hexagrams competition board, and won the competition for Tianxiahui.

Wow, the audience exclaimed, this little-known Tu Mo really won against Gong Zi'an Daneng!
Yu Tianrui, Guo Nan, and Jiao Huai, the three golden immortals from Tianxiahui, looked at each other in amazement. After all, we still underestimated this Tumo. This kid didn't show his full strength when he was sparring with us. Good boy , can really hide it!
The three golden immortals couldn't help feeling jealous of Tu Mo, and thought to themselves.

Pu Chuang pursed his lips, Tu Mo's strength is far superior to his own, thanks to his ability to endure until now, if he doesn't come out, he will be shocked, if he comes out, he will be shocked, now Tu Mo's entry into the Xuanbang is a nail in the coffin!This is also Tu Mo's own ability, and Pu Chuang has nothing to say.

Pu Chuang thought that Yu Tianrui, Guo Nan, and Jiao Huai, the three golden immortals, were not very powerful, and they would probably squeeze Tu Mo, but he could make friends with Tu Mo, so that they could take care of each other.

In the last match of the first round, Heihong Immortal Realm played against Hongxiu Palace.

Heihong Immortal Realm is naturally played by Gu Su Da Neng, who is ranked ninth in the Xuanbang.

However, Hongxiu Palace did not have the great power of Xuanxian, so it could only send out a senior Xuanxian.

This was a one-sided battle, and the battle was over before people recovered from the shock of Tu Mo's defeat of Gong Zi'an Daneng.

Gu Su can easily win.

The top eight were born: Four Immortals, Qingyu Immortal, Tianxiahui, Qingyuan Immortal, Water Dance Gate, Thunder Sect, Heihong Immortal, and Pingfuting.

People were amazed that among the five super giants, only Qingyu Immortal World and Heihong Immortal World managed to break through the first round, while Chimian Immortal World, Zhishuyuan, and Jinxiu League were all eliminated.

After all, the first round can only be played by Xuanxian's combat power. It is understandable that the three super giants of Chimian Immortal Realm, Zhishuyuan, and Jinxiu League lost. After all, Shui Wu and Lei Batian are synonymous with defying the sky, and that Tu Mo had a huge upset and soared into the sky.

Next, it will be the big competitive stage of Jinxian's power!Everyone is looking forward to it!

Be good, this sixteen hexagram contest will surely be recorded in the annals of time and space on the fourth floor, and it will last forever!
(End of this chapter)

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